
Defines functions .aclsToDataFrame .is.verbose .verbose .getSessions .rmRSession .rmOpalSession .newSession .getRSessionId .opal.login .isContentEmpty .extractOpalSessionId .getContent .handleContent .handleAttachment .handleResponseLocation .handleError .handleResponse .handleResponseOrCallback .tokenHeader .authorizationHeader .url opal.delete opal.put opal.post opal.get opal.version_compare opal.profiles print.opal opal.logout opal.login

Documented in .aclsToDataFrame .authorizationHeader .extractOpalSessionId .getContent .getRSessionId .getSessions .handleError .handleResponse .handleResponseLocation .handleResponseOrCallback .isContentEmpty .is.verbose .newSession opal.delete opal.get .opal.login opal.login opal.logout opal.post opal.profiles opal.put opal.version_compare .rmOpalSession .rmRSession .tokenHeader .url .verbose

# Copyright (c) 2021 OBiBa. All rights reserved.
# This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the GNU Public License v3.0.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#' Log in Opal(s). Different login strategies are possible: (1) by providing username/password, or (2) by providing
#' username/password and a one-time password code (TOPT) when user has activated two-factor authentication, 
#' or (3) by providing a personal access token (PAT), or (4) by providing a key pair in PEM format.
#' @title Opal login
#' @family connection functions
#' @return A opal object or a list of opal objects.
#' @param username User name in opal(s). Can be provided by "opal.username" option. 
#' @param password User password in opal(s). Can be provided by "opal.password" option.
#' @param token Personal access token (since opal 2.15). Only effective if the username or the password is NULL or empty. 
#'  Can be provided by "opal.token" option.
#' @param url Opal url or list of opal urls. Can be provided by "opal.url" option. Secure http (https) connection is required.
#' @param opts Curl options as described by httr (call httr::httr_options() for details). Can be provided by "opal.opts" option.
#' @param restore Workspace ID to be restored (see also opal.logout)
#' @param profile R server profile name. This will drive the R server in which a R session will be created. If no remote R session
#' is needed (because Opal specific operations are done), this parameter does not need to be provided. Otherwise, if missing, the default 
#' R server profile will be applied ('default'). See also \link{opal.profiles}.
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' #### The below examples illustrate the different ways to login in opal ####
#' # explicite username/password login
#' o <- opal.login(username = 'administrator', password = 'password', 
#'                 url = 'https://opal-demo.obiba.org')
#' opal.logout(o)
#'  # explicite personal access token login
#' o <- opal.login(token = 'HYG16LO0VaX4O0UardNbiqmr2ByBpRke', 
#'                 url = 'https://opal-demo.obiba.org')
#' opal.logout(o)
#' # login using options and user credentials
#' options(opal.username = 'administrator',
#'  opal.password = 'password',
#'  opal.url = 'https://opal-demo.obiba.org')
#' o <- opal.login()
#' opal.logout(o)
#' # login using options and personal access token
#' options(opal.token = 'HYG16LO0VaX4O0UardNbiqmr2ByBpRke',
#'         opal.url = 'https://opal-demo.obiba.org')
#' o <- opal.login()
#' opal.logout(o)
#' # login using ssl key pair
#' options(opal.opts = list(
#'           sslcert = 'my-publickey.pem',
#'           sslkey = 'my-privatekey.pem'))
#' o <- opal.login(url = 'https://opal-demo.obiba.org')
#' opal.logout(o)
#' # login with a R server profile
#' o <- opal.login(username = 'administrator', password = 'password', 
#'                 url = 'https://opal-demo.obiba.org', profile = 'default')
#' opal.logout(o)
opal.login <- function(username = getOption("opal.username"), password = getOption("opal.password"), token = getOption("opal.token"), url = getOption("opal.url"), 
                       opts = getOption("opal.opts", list()), profile = getOption("opal.profile"), restore = NULL) {
  if (is.null(url)) stop("opal url is required", call. = FALSE)
    lapply(url, function(u){opal.login(username, password, token, u, opts = opts, restore = restore)})
  } else {
    .opal.login(username, password, token, url, opts = opts, profile = profile, restore = restore)

#' Clear the R sessions and logout from Opal(s).
#' @title Logout from Opal(s)
#' @family connection functions
#' @param opal Opal object or a list of opals.
#' @param save Save the workspace with given identifier (default value is FALSE, current session ID if TRUE).
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' o <- opal.login('administrator','password', url = 'https://opal-demo.obiba.org')
#' opal.logout(o)
#' }
#' @export
opal.logout <- function(opal, save = FALSE) {
  res <- NULL
  if (is.list(opal)) {
    res <- lapply(opal, function(o){opal.logout(o, save)})  
  } else {
    if ((is.logical(save) && save) || is.character(save)) {
      if (!is.na(opal$version) && opal.version_compare(opal,"2.6")<0) {
        warning("Workspaces are not available for opal ", opal$version, " (2.6.0 or higher is required)")
    res <- try(.rmRSession(opal, save), silent = TRUE)
    opal$rid <- NULL
    res <- try(.rmOpalSession(opal), silent = TRUE)
    opal$sid <- NULL
  if (!is.null(res) && length(res) > 0 && .is.verbose()) {

#' @export
print.opal <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("url:", x$url, "\n")
  cat("name:", x$name, "\n")
  cat("version:", x$version, "\n")
  cat("username:", x$username, "\n")
  if (!is.null(x$rid)) {
    cat("rid:", x$rid, "\n")  
  if (!is.null(x$profile)) {
    cat("profile:", x$profile, "\n")  
  if (!is.null(x$restore)) {
    cat("restore:", x$restore, "\n")  

#' List R profiles
#' Each R profile corresponds one R servers cluster name. These profiles names can be provided
#' when login (see \link{opal.login}) and on some package administration operations.
#' @family connection functions
#' @param opal Opal object.
#' @param df Return a data.frame (default is TRUE)
#' @return The R profiles as a data.frame or a list
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' o <- opal.login('administrator','password', url = 'https://opal-demo.obiba.org')
#' opal.profiles(o)
#' opal.logout(o)
#' }
#' @export
opal.profiles <- function(opal, df = TRUE) {
  if (opal.version_compare(opal,"4.2")<0) {
    warning("R profiles require Opal 4.2 or higher.")
    # emulated response
    if (df) {
      data.frame(name="default", enabled=TRUE, restrictedAccess=FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    } else {
      list(name="default", enabled=TRUE, restrictedAccess=FALSE)
  } else {
    dtos <- opal.get(opal, "r", "profiles")
    if (df) {
      n <- length(dtos)
      name <- rep(NA, n)
      enabled <- rep(NA, n)
      restrictedAccess <- rep(NA, n)
      if (n>0) {
        for (i in 1:n) {
          name[i] <- dtos[[i]]$name
          enabled[i] <- dtos[[i]]$enabled
          restrictedAccess[i] <- dtos[[i]]$restrictedAccess
      data.frame(name=name, enabled = enabled, restrictedAccess = restrictedAccess, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    } else {

#' Compare Opal version with the provided one. Note that a request must have been done 
#' in order to have a non-null Opal version.
#' @title Compare 
#' @return >0 if Opal version is more recent, 0 if equals, <0 otherwise.
#' @param opal Opal object.
#' @param version The semantic version string to be compared.
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' o <- opal.login('administrator','password', url = 'https://opal-demo.obiba.org')
#' opal.version_compare(o, "2.6.0")
#' opal.logout(o)
#' }
#' @export
opal.version_compare <- function(opal, version) {
  if (is.null(opal$version) || is.na(opal$version)) {
    stop("opal version is not set", call. = FALSE)
  ov <- strsplit(opal$version, "-")[[1]][1]
  if (ov ==  version) return(0)
  # semver: major.minor.patch
  osv <- as.numeric(strsplit(ov, "\\.")[[1]])
  sv <- as.numeric(strsplit(version, "\\.")[[1]])
  if (length(sv) == 2) sv[3] <- 0
  # compare major
  if (osv[1] > sv[1]) return(1)
  if (osv[1] < sv[1]) return(-1)
  # compare minor
  if (osv[2] > sv[2]) return(1)
  if (osv[2] < sv[2]) return(-1)
  # compare patch
  if (osv[3] > sv[3]) return(1)
  if (osv[3] < sv[3]) return(-1)
  # same versions

#' Generic REST resource getter.
#' @family REST functions
#' @param opal Opal object.
#' @param ... Resource path segments.
#' @param query Named list of query parameters.
#' @param acceptType The type of the body content. Default is 'application/json', i.e. a serialized R object or an error message.
#' @param outFile Write response body to file. Ignored if NULL (default).
#' @param callback A callback function to handle the response object.
#' @import httr
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' o <- opal.login('administrator','password', url = 'https://opal-demo.obiba.org')
#' opal.get(o, 'project', 'CNSIM')
#' opal.logout(o)
#' }
#' @export
opal.get <- function(opal, ..., query = list(), acceptType = 'application/json', outFile = NULL, callback = NULL) {
  r <- NULL
  if (is.null(outFile))
    r <- GET(.url(opal, ...), query = query, accept(acceptType), config = opal$config, handle = opal$handle, .verbose())
    r <- GET(.url(opal, ...), query = query, accept(acceptType), write_disk(outFile, overwrite = TRUE), config = opal$config, handle = opal$handle, .verbose())
  .handleResponseOrCallback(opal, r, callback)

#' Generic REST resource creation.
#' @family REST functions
#' @param opal Opal object.
#' @param ... Resource path segments.
#' @param query Named list of query parameters.
#' @param body The body of the request.
#' @param contentType The type of the body content. Default is 'application/x-rscript'.
#' @param acceptType The type of the body content. Default is 'application/json', i.e. a serialized R object or an error message.
#' @param outFile Write response body to file. Ignored if NULL (default).
#' @param callback A callback function to handle the response object.
#' @import httr
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' o <- opal.login('administrator','password', url = 'https://opal-demo.obiba.org')
#' opal.post(o, 'some', 'resources', body = '{"some":"value"}')
#' opal.logout(o)
#' }
#' @export
opal.post <- function(opal, ..., query = list(), body = '', contentType = 'application/x-rscript', acceptType = 'application/json', outFile = NULL, callback = NULL) {
  r <- NULL
  if (is.null(outFile))
    r <- POST(.url(opal, ...), query = query, body = body, content_type(contentType), accept(acceptType), config = opal$config, handle = opal$handle, .verbose())
    r <- POST(.url(opal, ...), query = query, body = body, content_type(contentType), accept(acceptType), write_disk(outFile, overwrite = TRUE), config = opal$config, handle = opal$handle, .verbose())
  .handleResponseOrCallback(opal, r, callback)

#' Generic REST resource update.
#' @family REST functions
#' @param opal Opal object.
#' @param ... Resource path segments.
#' @param query Named list of query parameters.
#' @param body The body of the request.
#' @param contentType The type of the body content.
#' @param callback A callback function to handle the response object.
#' @import httr
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' o <- opal.login('administrator','password', url = 'https://opal-demo.obiba.org')
#' opal.put(o, 'some', 'resource', 'toupdate', body = '{"some":"value"}')
#' opal.logout(o)
#' }
#' @export
opal.put <- function(opal, ..., query = list(), body = '', contentType = 'application/x-rscript', callback = NULL) {
  r <- PUT(.url(opal, ...), query = query, body = body, content_type(contentType), config = opal$config, handle = opal$handle, .verbose())
  .handleResponseOrCallback(opal, r, callback)

#' Generic REST resource deletion.
#' @family REST functions
#' @param opal Opal object.
#' @param ... Resource path segments.
#' @param query Named list of query parameters.
#' @param callback A callback function to handle the response object.
#' @import httr
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' o <- opal.login('administrator','password', url = 'https://opal-demo.obiba.org')
#' opal.delete(o, 'some', 'resource')
#' opal.logout(o)
#' }
#' @export
opal.delete <- function(opal, ..., query = list(), callback = NULL) {
  r <- DELETE(.url(opal, ...), query = query, config = opal$config, handle = opal$handle, .verbose())
  .handleResponseOrCallback(opal, r, callback)

#' Utility method to build urls. Concatenates all arguments and adds a '/' separator between each element
#' @import utils
#' @keywords internal
.url <- function(opal, ...) {
  utils::URLencode(paste(opal$url, "ws", paste(c(...), collapse = "/"), sep = "/"))

#' Constructs the value for the Authorization header
#' @import jsonlite
#' @keywords internal
.authorizationHeader <- function(username, password) {
  paste("X-Opal-Auth", jsonlite::base64_enc(paste(username, password, sep = ":")))

#' Constructs the value for the X-Opal-Auth header
#' @import jsonlite
#' @keywords internal
.tokenHeader <- function(token) {

#' Process response with default handler or the provided one
#' @keywords internal
.handleResponseOrCallback <- function(opal, response, callback = NULL) {
  if (is.null(callback)) {
    .handleResponse(opal, response)  
  } else {
    handler <- match.fun(callback)
    handler(opal, response)

#' Default request response handler.
#' @keywords internal
.handleResponse <- function(opal, response) {
  headers <- httr::headers(response)
  # Extract some headers
  if (is.null(opal$version) || is.na(opal$version)) {
    opal$version <- as.character(headers[tolower('X-Opal-Version')])
  if (is.null(opal$sid)) {
    opal$sid <- .extractOpalSessionId(httr::cookies(response)) 
  if (response$status >= 300) {
    .handleError(opal, response)
  disposition <- headers['Content-Disposition']
  if(!is.na(disposition) && length(grep("attachment", disposition))) {
    .handleAttachment(opal, response, as.character(disposition))
  } else {
    .handleContent(opal, response)

#' Handle error response
#' @keywords internal
.handleError <- function(opal, response) {
  headers <- httr::headers(response)
  content <- .getContent(opal, response)
  if (.is.verbose()) {
    warning(httr::content(response, as = "text", encoding = opal$encoding), call. = FALSE)
  msg <- paste0("[", http_status(response)$message, "]")
  if (is.null(content)) {
    stop(msg, call. = FALSE)
  if ("status" %in% names(content)) {
    if ("arguments" %in% names(content)) {
      msg <- paste0(msg, " ", paste(content$arguments, collapse = ", "))
    } else {
      msg <- paste0(msg, " ", content$status)
    stop(msg, call. = FALSE)
  if ("error" %in% names(content)) {
    if ("message" %in% names(content)) {
      stop(content$message, call. = FALSE)
    } else {
      stop(content$error, call. = FALSE)  
  stop(msg, call. = FALSE)

#' Default request response Location handler.
#' @keywords internal
.handleResponseLocation <- function(opal, response) {
  if (is.null(opal$version) || is.na(opal$version)) {
    opal$version <- as.character(response$headers['X-Opal-Version'])
  if (is.null(opal$sid)) {
    opal$sid <- .extractOpalSessionId(httr::cookies(response))  

  if (response$status >= 300) {
    .handleError(opal, response)
  headers <- httr::headers(response)
  location <- headers[['location']]
  if(!is.na(location)) {
    substring(location, regexpr(pattern = "/ws/", location) + 3)
  } else {

#' @import mime
#' @keywords internal
.handleAttachment <- function(opal, response, disposition) {
  headers <- httr::headers(response)
  content <- .getContent(opal, response)
  filename <- strsplit(disposition,"\"")[[1]][2]
  filetype <- mime::guess_type(filename)
  if(is.raw(content)) {
    if (grepl("text/", headers$`content-type`) || (grepl("application/", headers$`content-type`) && grepl("text/", filetype))){
      as.character(readChar(content, length(content)))
    } else {
      readBin(content,what = raw(),length(content))
  } else if (length(grep("text/", headers$`content-type`))) {
  } else {

#' @import httr
#' @keywords internal
.handleContent <- function(opal, response) {
  headers <- httr::headers(response)
  content <- .getContent(opal, response)
  if(length(grep("octet-stream", headers$`content-type`))) {
  } else if (length(grep("text", headers$`content-type`))) {
  } else {

#' Wrapper of httr::content()
#' @import httr
#' @keywords internal
.getContent <- function(opal, response) {
  headers <- httr::headers(response)
  if (is.null(headers$`content-type`)) {
  } else if (headers$`content-type` ==  "application/x-protobuf+json") {
    jsonlite::fromJSON(httr::content(response, as = "text", encoding = opal$encoding))
  } else if (startsWith(headers$`content-type`, "text/")) {
    httr::content(response, as = "text", encoding = opal$encoding)
  } else if (startsWith(headers$`content-type`, "image/")) {
    httr::content(response, as = "raw", encoding = opal$encoding)
  } else {
    httr::content(response, encoding = opal$encoding)

#' Extract opalsid from cookie data frame.
#' @keywords internal
.extractOpalSessionId <- function(cookies) {
  if (nrow(cookies[cookies$name == "opalsid",])>0) {
    sid <- cookies[cookies$name == "opalsid",]$value
    if (!is.na(sid)) {

#' Check if response content is empty.
#' @keywords internal
.isContentEmpty <- function(content) {
  || (is.raw(content) && nchar(rawToChar(content)) == 0)
  || (is.character(content) && nchar(content) == 0))

#' Create the opal object
#' @import httr
#' @keywords internal
.opal.login <- function(username, password, token, url, opts = list(), profile = profile, restore = NULL) {
  if (is.null(url)) stop("opal url is required", call. = FALSE)
  opalUrl <- url
  if (startsWith(url, "http://localhost:8080")) {
    opalUrl <- gsub("http://localhost:8080", "https://localhost:8443", url)
    warning("Deprecation: connecting through secure http is required. Replacing http://localhost:8080 by https://localhost:8443.")
  } else if (startsWith(url, "http://")) {
    stop("Deprecation: connecting through secure http is required.")
  urlObj <- httr::parse_url(opalUrl)
  opal <- new.env(parent = globalenv())
  # Username
  opal$username <- username
  # Strip trailing slash
  opal$url <- sub("/$", "", opalUrl)
  # Domain name
  opal$name <- gsub("[:/].*", "", gsub("http[s]*://", "", opal$url))
  # Version default value
  opal$version <- NA
  # Server response encoding
  opal$encoding <- "UTF-8"
  if (!is.null(opts$encoding)) {
    opal$encoding <- opts$encoding
    opts$encoding <- NULL # not a httr/curl option
  # httr/curl options
  protocol <- strsplit(url, split = "://")[[1]][1]
  options <- opts
  # legacy RCurl options to httr
  if (!is.null(options$ssl.verifyhost)) {
    options$ssl_verifyhost = options$ssl.verifyhost
    options$ssl.verifyhost <- NULL
  if (!is.null(options$ssl.verifypeer)) {
    options$ssl_verifypeer = options$ssl.verifypeer
    options$ssl.verifypeer <- NULL
  if (urlObj$hostname == "localhost") {
    if (is.null(options$ssl_verifyhost)) {
      options$ssl_verifyhost <- FALSE
    if (is.null(options$ssl_verifypeer)) {
      options$ssl_verifypeer <- FALSE
  # authentication strategies
  if(!is.na(username) && !is.null(username) && nchar(username) > 0 
     && !is.na(password) && !is.null(password) && nchar(password) > 0) {
    # Authorization header
    opal$authorization <- .authorizationHeader(username, password)
  } else if (!is.na(token) && !is.null(token) && nchar(token) > 0) {
    # Token header
    opal$token <- .tokenHeader(token)
  } else if (!is.null(options$sslcert) && !is.null(options$sslkey)) {
    # Two-way SSL authentication
    if (!is.null(options$cainfo)) {
      options$cainfo <- .getPEMFilePath(options$cainfo)
    options$sslcert <- .getPEMFilePath(options$sslcert)
    options$sslkey <- .getPEMFilePath(options$sslkey)
  } else {
    stop("opal authentication strategy not identified: either provide username/password or API access token or SSL certificate/private keys", call. = FALSE)
  opal$config <- config()
  opal$config$options <- options
  opal$handle <- handle(paste0(opal$url, "/", sample(1000:9999, 1))) # append a random number to ensure urls are different
  opal$rid <- NULL
  opal$restore <- restore
  opal$profile <- profile
  class(opal) <- "opal"
  # get user profile to test sign-in
  profileUrl <- .url(opal, "system", "subject-profile", "_current")
  r <- GET(profileUrl, config = opal$config, httr::add_headers(Authorization = opal$authorization, 'X-Opal-Auth' = opal$token), handle = opal$handle, .verbose())
  if (httr::status_code(r) == 401) {
    headers <- httr::headers(r)
    optHeader <- headers[tolower('WWW-Authenticate')]
    if (optHeader == 'X-Opal-TOTP' || optHeader == 'X-Obiba-TOTP') {
      # TOTP code is required
      code <- readline(prompt = 'Enter 6-digits code: ')
      if (optHeader == 'X-Opal-TOTP')
        r <- GET(profileUrl, config = opal$config, httr::add_headers(Authorization = opal$authorization, 'X-Opal-Auth' = opal$token, 'X-Opal-TOTP' = code), handle = opal$handle, .verbose())
        r <- GET(profileUrl, config = opal$config, httr::add_headers(Authorization = opal$authorization, 'X-Opal-Auth' = opal$token, 'X-Obiba-TOTP' = code), handle = opal$handle, .verbose())
  opal$uprofile <- .handleResponse(opal, r)
  opal$username <- opal$uprofile$principal

#' Extract R session Id from opal object, create a new R session if not found.
#' @keywords internal
.getRSessionId <- function(opal) {
  if(is.null(opal$rid)) {
    opal$rid <- .newSession(opal, restore = opal$restore, profile = opal$profile)
  if(is.null(opal$rid)) {
    stop("Remote R session not available")

#' Create a new R session in Opal.
#' @keywords internal
.newSession <- function(opal, restore = NULL, profile = NULL) {
  query <- list()
  if (!is.null(restore))
    query$restore <- restore
  if (!is.null(profile))
    query$profile <- profile
  res <- .extractJsonField(opal.post(opal, "r", "sessions", query = query), c("id"), isArray = FALSE)

#' Remove a Opal session (logout)
#' @keywords internal
.rmOpalSession <- function(opal) {
  if (!is.null(opal$sid)) {
    opal.delete(opal, "auth", "session", opal$sid)

#' Remove a R session from Opal.
#' @keywords internal
.rmRSession <- function(opal, save = FALSE) {
  if (!is.null(opal$rid)) {
    if ((is.logical(save) && save) || is.character(save)) {
      saveId <- save
      if(is.logical(save) && save) {
        saveId <- opal$rid
      opal.delete(opal, "r", "session", opal$rid, query = list(save = saveId))
      if(saveId !=  save) {
    } else {
      opal.delete(opal, "r", "session", opal$rid)

#' Get all R session in Opal.
#' @keywords internal
.getSessions <- function(opal) {
  .extractJsonField(opal.get(opal, "r", "sessions"))

#' Verbose flag
#' @import httr
#' @keywords internal
.verbose <- function() {
  verbose <- NULL
  if (.is.verbose()) {
    verbose <- httr::verbose()

#' Verbose option
#' @keywords internal
.is.verbose <- function() {
  getOption("verbose", FALSE)

#' Permsissions (ACLs) into a data frame.
#' @keywords internal
.aclsToDataFrame <- function(perms, acls) {
  subject <- c()
  type <- c()
  permission <- c()
  if (!is.null(acls) && length(acls)>0) {
    for (i in 1:length(acls)) {
      acl <- acls[[i]]
      subject <- append(subject, acl$subject$principal)
      type <- append(type, tolower(acl$subject$type))
      permission <- append(permission, perms[[acl$actions[[1]]]])
  data.frame(subject, type, permission, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

Try the opalr package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

opalr documentation built on Oct. 6, 2023, 5:08 p.m.