
Defines functions assign_binIDs calc_binary export_ssn

Documented in assign_binIDs calc_binary export_ssn

#' Export 'SSN' object
#' This function exports the calculated sites, edges and binary IDs
#' to a folder which then can be read using the 'SSN' package.
#' @import rgrass7
#' @importFrom utils write.table
#' @param path character; path to write .ssn object to.
#' @param predictions name(s) of prediction map(s) (optional).
#' @param delete_directory boolean; shall the ssn directory and all files be
#' deleted before export in case it already exists? See details.
#' @return Nothing. Files are written to the specified folder
#' @details First it is checked if one of the column names is longer than 10
#' characters (which cannot be exported to ESRI shape files as required by 'SSN').
#' \code{delete_directory = TRUE} is useful if the same directory name has been
#' used before and the existing data shall be overwritten.
#' @author Mira Kattwinkel,\email{mira.kattwinkel@gmx.net}, 
#'   Eduard Szoecs, \email{eduardszoecs@@gmail.com}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' dem_path <- system.file("extdata", "nc", "elev_ned_30m.tif", package = "openSTARS")
#' if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows"){
#'   grass_program_path = "c:/Program Files/GRASS GIS 7.6"
#'   } else {
#'   grass_program_path = "/usr/lib/grass78/"
#'   }
#' setup_grass_environment(dem = dem_path, 
#'                         gisBase = grass_program_path,      
#'                         remove_GISRC = TRUE,
#'                         override = TRUE
#'                         )
#' gmeta()
#' # Load files into GRASS
#' dem_path <- system.file("extdata", "nc", "elev_ned_30m.tif", package = "openSTARS")
#' sites_path <- system.file("extdata", "nc", "sites_nc.shp", package = "openSTARS")
#' import_data(dem = dem_path, sites = sites_path)
#' # Derive streams from DEM
#' derive_streams(burn = 0, accum_threshold = 700, condition = TRUE, clean = TRUE)
#' # Check and correct complex confluences (there are no complex confluences in this
#' # example date set; set accum_threshold in derive_streams to a smaller value
#' # to create complex confluences)
#' cj <- check_compl_confluences()
#' if(cj){
#'   correct_compl_confluences()
#' }
#' # Prepare edges
#' calc_edges()
#' # Prepare site
#' calc_sites()
#' # Write data to SSN Folder
#' ssn_dir <- file.path(tempdir(), 'nc.ssn')
#' export_ssn(ssn_dir, delete_directory = TRUE)
#' list.files(ssn_dir)
#' }
export_ssn <- function(path, predictions = NULL, delete_directory = FALSE){
  if(file.exists(path) & delete_directory == FALSE)
    stop(paste(path, "already exists. To delete it use 'delete_directory = TRUE'."))
  if(file.exists(path) & delete_directory == TRUE)
    unlink(path, recursive = T)
                    parameters = list(
                      table = "edges"
                    ), intern = TRUE)

                    parameters = list(
                      table = "sites"
                    ), intern = TRUE))

    cnames <- NULL
    for(i in 1:length(predictions)){
                               parameters = list(
                                 table = predictions[i]
                               ), intern = TRUE)))

  if(any(unlist(lapply(cnames,nchar)) > 10))
    stop(paste("Some column names are longer than 10 characters and cannot be exported
         to shape files; please correct. Nothing exported.\n",
               paste(cnames[unlist(lapply(cnames,nchar)) > 10], collapse = ", ")))

  message("Exporting to ", path)
  # write edges
  # MiKatt first copy edges and drop attributes not needed for ssn
            flags = c("overwrite", "quiet"),
            parameters = list(
              vector = "edges,edges2"))
            flags = "quiet",
            parameters = list(
              map = "edges2",
              columns = "next_str,prev_str01,prev_str02"
  # 20180219: ESRI_Shapefile is no longer the default format
  a <- execGRASS("v.out.ogr",
            flags = c("overwrite", "quiet"),
            parameters = list(
              input = "edges2",
              type = "line",
              output = path,
              format = "ESRI_Shapefile",
              output_layer = "edges"
              #dsco = "RESIZE=YES" does not help to prevent warning
            ), intern = TRUE, ignore.stderr = TRUE)
            flags = c("quiet", "f"),
            parameters = list(
              type = "vector",
              name = "edges2"

  # write sites
  a <- execGRASS("v.out.ogr",
            c("overwrite", "quiet"),
            parameters = list(
              input = "sites",
              type = "point",
              output = path,
              format = "ESRI_Shapefile",
              output_layer = "sites"
            ), intern = TRUE, ignore.stderr = TRUE)

  # write preds
    for(i in seq_along(predictions))
     a <- execGRASS("v.out.ogr",
                c("overwrite", "quiet"),
                parameters = list(
                  input = predictions[i],
                  type = "point",
                  output = path,
                  format = "ESRI_Shapefile",
                  output_layer = predictions[i]
                ), intern = TRUE, ignore.stderr = TRUE)

  # create binary
  binary <- calc_binary()

  # write binary files
  # temporarly turn off scientific notation
  old_scipen <-  options("scipen")$scipen
  options(scipen = 999)
  # write files
         function(y) {
                       file.path(path, paste0("netID", y, ".dat")),
                       sep = ",",
                       row.names = FALSE)
  # restore
  options(scipen = old_scipen)

#' Calculate binary IDs for stream networks.
#' Calculate binary IDs for each stream network built up by '0' and '1'.
#' This function is called by \code{\link{export_ssn}} and there is no need for it
#' be called by the users.
#' @import data.table
#' @return A list with one slot for each network id containing a data frame
#' with 'rid' and 'binaryID' for each segment belonging to this network.
#' @note \code{\link{import_data}}, \code{\link{derive_streams}},
#'   \code{\link{calc_edges}} and \code{\link{calc_sites}} must be run before.
#' @author Eduard Szoecs, \email{eduardszoecs@@gmail.com}; Mira Kattwinkel, \email{mira.kattwinkel@@gmx.net}
#'  @export
calc_binary <- function(){
  vect <- execGRASS("g.list",
                    parameters = list(
                      type = "vect"
                    intern = TRUE)
  #if (!"sites_o" %in% vect)
  #  stop("Sites not found. Did you run import_data()?")
  if (!"edges" %in% vect)
    stop("edges not found. Did you run calc_edges()?")
  if (!"sites" %in% vect)
    stop("sites not found. Did you run calc_sites()?")

                        flags = "c",
                        parameters = list(
                          sql = "select rid,stream,next_str,prev_str01,prev_str02,netID from edges",
                          separator = ","
                        ), intern = TRUE)

  dt.streams <- data.frame(dt.streams)
  dt.streams[, binaryID := "0"]
  outlets <- dt.streams[next_str == -1, stream]

  for(i in outlets){
    assign_binIDs(dt = dt.streams, id=i, 1, NULL)

  bins<-lapply(outlets, function(x) dt.streams[netID == dt.streams[stream == x, netID], list(rid,binaryID)])
  names(bins)<-  dt.streams[stream %in% outlets, netID]

#' Recursive function to assign binary id to stream segments.
#' This function is run for all outlets in the network ( = most downstream segments)
#' and fills the binID for all segments. It is called by \code{calc_binary} in
#' \code{export_ssn} and should not be called by the user.
#' @param id: stream segment
#' @param binID: binary ID
#' @param lastbit: last char to be added (0 or 1)
#' @keywords internal
assign_binIDs <- function(dt, id, binID, lastbit){
  if(dt[stream == id, prev_str01 ] == 0){  # check only one of prev01 and prev02 because they are always both 0
    dt[stream == id, binaryID := paste0(binID, lastbit)]
  } else {
    dt[stream == id, binaryID := paste0(binID,lastbit)]
    assign_binIDs(dt, dt[stream == id, prev_str01], dt[stream == id, binaryID], 0)
    assign_binIDs(dt, dt[stream == id, prev_str02], dt[stream == id, binaryID], 1)

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openSTARS documentation built on Feb. 4, 2022, 5:08 p.m.