
Defines functions rcpp_segN rcpp_segInbreeding rcpp_segIBDandNVersion2 rcpp_segIBDandN rcpp_segIBD rcpp_segBreedComp rcpp_makeA_lowMem rcpp_makeA rcpp_haplofreq rcpp_genecont rcpp_completeness

# Generated by using Rcpp::compileAttributes() -> do not edit by hand
# Generator token: 10BE3573-1514-4C36-9D1C-5A225CD40393

rcpp_completeness <- function(Indiv, ArmanumSire, ArmanumDam, maxd) {
    .Call(`_optiSel_rcpp_completeness`, Indiv, ArmanumSire, ArmanumDam, maxd)

rcpp_genecont <- function(numSire, numDam, numAnc, numKeep, ainKeep, rNames, cNames, anOff) {
    .Call(`_optiSel_rcpp_genecont`, numSire, numDam, numAnc, numKeep, ainKeep, rNames, cNames, anOff)

rcpp_haplofreq <- function(pathThisBreed, pathRefBreeds, pathFreq, pathOrig, MarkerName, stdBreedSymbol, ArmaIndexC, ArmaIndexR, NFileC, NFileR, NC, ArmaNR, minSNP, minL, ubFreq, ArmaPos, stdsymB, skip, cskip, getFreq, getOrig) {
    .Call(`_optiSel_rcpp_haplofreq`, pathThisBreed, pathRefBreeds, pathFreq, pathOrig, MarkerName, stdBreedSymbol, ArmaIndexC, ArmaIndexR, NFileC, NFileR, NC, ArmaNR, minSNP, minL, ubFreq, ArmaPos, stdsymB, skip, cskip, getFreq, getOrig)

rcpp_makeA <- function(numSire, numDam, AFounder, numFounder, IndivName) {
    .Call(`_optiSel_rcpp_makeA`, numSire, numDam, AFounder, numFounder, IndivName)

rcpp_makeA_lowMem <- function(numSire, numDam, AFounder, numFounder, IndivName, numKeep, ainKeep, anOff) {
    .Call(`_optiSel_rcpp_makeA_lowMem`, numSire, numDam, AFounder, numFounder, IndivName, numKeep, ainKeep, anOff)

rcpp_segBreedComp <- function(pathNative, Nfile, N, ArmaIndexN, MatChr, Armakb) {
    .Call(`_optiSel_rcpp_segBreedComp`, pathNative, Nfile, N, ArmaIndexN, MatChr, Armakb)

rcpp_segIBD <- function(path1, path2, NFile1, NFile2, ArmaIndex1, ArmaIndex2, N1, N2, minSNP, minL, ArmacM, Armakb, a, stdsymB, skip, cskip) {
    .Call(`_optiSel_rcpp_segIBD`, path1, path2, NFile1, NFile2, ArmaIndex1, ArmaIndex2, N1, N2, minSNP, minL, ArmacM, Armakb, a, stdsymB, skip, cskip)

rcpp_segIBDandN <- function(pathThisBreed, pathNative, NFileC, NFileN, ArmaIndexC, ArmaIndexN, NC, minSNP, minL, ArmaPos, Armakb, a, stdsymB, skip, cskip) {
    .Call(`_optiSel_rcpp_segIBDandN`, pathThisBreed, pathNative, NFileC, NFileN, ArmaIndexC, ArmaIndexN, NC, minSNP, minL, ArmaPos, Armakb, a, stdsymB, skip, cskip)

rcpp_segIBDandNVersion2 <- function(pathThisBreed, NFileC, NC, ArmaIndexC, ArmaNat, minSNP, minL, ArmaPos, Armakb, a, stdsymB, skip, cskip) {
    .Call(`_optiSel_rcpp_segIBDandNVersion2`, pathThisBreed, NFileC, NC, ArmaIndexC, ArmaNat, minSNP, minL, ArmaPos, Armakb, a, stdsymB, skip, cskip)

rcpp_segInbreeding <- function(path1, path2, NFile1, NFile2, ArmaIndex1, ArmaIndex2, N1, N2, M, minSNP, minL, ArmacM, Armakb, a, stdsymB, skip, cskip) {
    .Call(`_optiSel_rcpp_segInbreeding`, path1, path2, NFile1, NFile2, ArmaIndex1, ArmaIndex2, N1, N2, M, minSNP, minL, ArmacM, Armakb, a, stdsymB, skip, cskip)

rcpp_segN <- function(pathNative, NFileN, NC, ArmaIndexN, ArmaNkb) {
    .Call(`_optiSel_rcpp_segN`, pathNative, NFileN, NC, ArmaIndexN, ArmaNkb)

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optiSel documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:19 p.m.