Man pages for orientlib
Support for Orientation Data

boat3dDraw boat glyphs for orientation data
coerce-methodsMethods for Function coerce in Package 'orientlib'
eulerzxzCreate an orientation using Euler angles
eulerzyxCreate an orientation using Euler angles
index-methodsMethods for indexing orientations
length-methodsLength of orientation object
matrix-classesMatrix orientation classes
matrix-methodsMethods for matrix operations in 'orientlib'
mean-methodsMethods for calculating the mean
nearestFind nearest SO(3) or orthogonal matrix.
orientation-classClass "orientation"
orientlibOrientation Library
orientlmLinear models for orientation data
quaternionCreate an orientation using quaternions
rotation.distanceRotation angle or distance
rotmatrixCreate an orientation using Euler angles
rotvectorCreate an orientation using vectorized 3x3 matrices
skewmatrixCreate an orientation using the entries in a skew-symmetric...
skewvectorCreate an orientation using the entries in a skew-symmetric...
vector-classesOrientation classes
weighted.mean-methodsWeighted mean method
orientlib documentation built on Jan. 10, 2023, 5:14 p.m.