
Defines functions getPredationData getSpeciesData getReproductionData .getConfig.list .getConfig.osmose.config .getConfig.character .getConfig .createParameterList addAttr .getValues .getKey .guessSeparator .readOsmoseConfiguration viewDataList .createCalibrationList .listTree .makeTree

.makeTree = function(xList, value, i=1) {
  n = length(xList) + 1
  if(i==n) return(value)
  out = setNames(list(.makeTree(xList, value, i=i+1)), xList[i])

.listTree = function(xList, value) {
  do.call(list.merge, mapply(FUN=.makeTree, xList=xList, value=value, SIMPLIFY = FALSE))

.createCalibrationList = function(input1, input2, xString, inv){
  outputList  = grep(xString, input1, invert=inv)
  outputNames =list()
  outputValue =list()
  for(i in seq(length(outputList))) {
  outputNames = unlist(outputNames)
  outputNames = gsub(paste(xString,".",sep=""),".",outputNames)
  outputNames = lapply(outputNames, function(x) gsub("."," ", x, fixed = TRUE))
  outputNames = str_split(outputNames," ")
  calList = .listTree(outputNames, outputValue)

# .strsplit = function(string, pattern) strsplit(unlist(string), pattern)

viewDataList = function(input, path=NULL) {
  L0 = .readOsmoseConfiguration(input)
  namelist = names(L0)
  valuelist = unlist(lapply(unname(L0),toString))
  L0 = data.frame(namelist, valuelist)

##Funciones internas

.readOsmoseConfiguration = function(input, path = NULL, absolute = TRUE) {
      path  = normalizePath(dirname(input))
      input = basename(input)
    path = if(is.null(path)) {
    } else {
      normalizePath(file.path(path, dirname(input))) 
    input = basename(input)    
  Lines = readLines(file.path(path, input))
  Lines_trim = lapply(Lines, stringr::str_trim)
  Lines_trim[grep("^[[:punct:]]", Lines_trim)] = NULL
  Lines_trim = Lines_trim[nchar(Lines_trim)!=0]
  KeySeparator  = sapply(Lines_trim, .guessSeparator)
  Key           = mapply(.getKey, Lines_trim, KeySeparator)
  Values        = mapply(.getValues, Lines_trim, KeySeparator)
  names(Values) = tolower(Key)
  ValuesDef     = Values
  ValuesDef = lapply(ValuesDef, addAttr, which="path", value=path)
  if(length(grep("osmose.configuration", Key))>0) {
    for(i in grep("osmose.configuration", Key)) {
      ValuesRec = .readOsmoseConfiguration(input=Values[[i]], path=path, absolute=absolute)
      ValuesDef = c(ValuesDef, ValuesRec)
  isDuplicated = duplicated(names(ValuesDef))
  ValuesDef = ValuesDef[!isDuplicated]

.guessSeparator = function(Line){
  SEPARATORS = c(equal = "=", semicolon = ";", 
                 coma = ",", colon = ":", tab = "\t")
  guess = which.min(nchar(lapply(str_split(Line,SEPARATORS), "[", i = 1)))
  separator = SEPARATORS[guess]

.getKey = function(Line, KeySeparator) {
  Key = str_split(Line, KeySeparator)[[1]][1]

.getValues = function(Line,KeySeparator){
  Values = stringr::str_sub(Line, gregexpr(KeySeparator, Line)[[1]][1]+1,nchar(Line))
  ValueSeparator = .guessSeparator(Values)
  Value = stringr::str_trim(str_split(Values, ValueSeparator)[[1]])
  Value = Value[nchar(Value)!=0]

addAttr = function(x, which, value) { 
  attr(x=x, which=which)=value

.createParameterList = function(L0) {
  nameLines    = names(L0)
  nameLines    = str_split(nameLines, "\\.")
  valueList    = lapply(unname(L0), toString)
  paths        = unname(unlist(lapply(L0, attr, which="path")))
  valueList    = mapply(addAttr, x=valueList, value=paths, which="path", SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
  L1 = .listTree(nameLines, valueList)  

# getConfig ---------------------------------------------------------------

.getConfig = function(config, ...) {

.getConfig.character = function(config, ...) {
  return(.readOsmoseConfiguration(input=config, ...))

.getConfig.osmose.config = function(config, ...) {

.getConfig.list = function(config, ...) {

# GetData functions -------------------------------------------------------

getReproductionData = function(x, var = "season.file", ...){
  # index on the list using the var
  listIndex = paste0("x = x",
                            file        = "[['file']]",
                            season.file = "[['season']][['file']]"))
  eval(parse(text = listIndex))
  speciesNames = names(x)
  reproData    = as.vector(unlist(lapply(x, FUN = "[[", 1)))
  reproPaths   = as.vector(unlist(lapply(x, attr, "path")))
  reproData    = paste(reproPaths, reproData, sep = "/")
  dataBase = list()
  for(i in seq_along(speciesNames)){
    dataBase[[i]] = read.csv(file = reproData[i], sep = ";")
  names(dataBase) = speciesNames

getSpeciesData = function(x, ...){
  # species name in configuration file
  speciesCode = names(x$name)
  # growth variables
  names               = lapply(x$name, FUN = "[[", 1)
  linf                = lapply(lapply(x$linf, FUN = "[[", 1), as.numeric, 1)
  k                   = lapply(lapply(x$k, FUN = "[[", 1), as.numeric, 1)
  t0                  = lapply(lapply(x$t0, FUN = "[[", 1), as.numeric, 1)
  thr                 = lapply(lapply(x$vonbertalanffy$threshold$age, FUN = "[[", 1), as.numeric, 1)
  conditionFactor     = lapply(lapply(x$length2weight$condition$factor, FUN = "[[", 1), as.numeric, 1)
  allometricPower     = lapply(lapply(x$length2weight$allometric$power, FUN = "[[", 1), as.numeric, 1)
  relativityFecundity = lapply(lapply(x$relativefecundity, FUN = "[[", 1), as.numeric, 1)
  eggSize             = lapply(lapply(x$egg$size, FUN = "[[", 1), as.numeric, 1)
  eggWeight           = lapply(lapply(x$egg$weight, FUN = "[[", 1), as.numeric, 1)
  sexRatio            = lapply(lapply(x$sexratio, FUN = "[[", 1), as.numeric, 1)
  maturitySize        = lapply(lapply(x$maturity$size, FUN = "[[", 1), as.numeric, 1)
  lifespan            = lapply(lapply(x$lifespan, FUN = "[[", 1), as.numeric, 1)
  # Data base 
  dataBase = list(names               = names,
                  linf                = linf,
                  k                   = k,
                  t0                  = t0, 
                  thr                 = thr,
                  conditionFactor     = conditionFactor,
                  allometricPower     = allometricPower,
                  relativityFecundity = relativityFecundity,
                  eggSize             = eggSize,
                  eggWeight           = eggWeight,
                  sexRatio            = sexRatio,
                  maturitySize        = maturitySize,
                  lifespan            = lifespan,
                  speciesCode         = speciesCode)

getPredationData = function(x, object, ...) {
  # Accessibility
  accesibilityFile = file.path(attr(x = x$accessibility$file, which = "path"), 
  sep = .guessSeparator(readLines(accesibilityFile, n = 1))
  accessibility = read.csv(file = accesibilityFile, header = TRUE, sep = sep, 
                           quote = "\"", dec = ".", fill = TRUE, comment.char = "")
  accessibility = list(data = accessibility,
                       stageStructure = as.character(x$accessibility$stage$structure),
                       stageThreshold = unlist(x$accessibility$stage$threshold))
  # Efficiency
  efficiency   = list(critical = as.numeric(unlist(x$efficiency$critical)))
  # Ingestion
  ingestion    = list(rateMax = as.numeric(unlist(x$ingestion$rate$max)))
  # Pred-Prey
  sizeRatioMax   = sapply(sapply(x$predprey$sizeratio$max, strsplit, split = ","), as.numeric)
  sizeRatioMin   = sapply(sapply(x$predprey$sizeratio$min, strsplit, split = ","), as.numeric)
  stageThreshold = sapply(x$predprey$stage$threshold, strsplit, split = ",")
  predPrey       = list(sizeRatioMax   = sizeRatioMax,
                        sizeRatioMin   = sizeRatioMin,
                        stageStructure = accessibility$stageStructure,
                        stageThreshold = suppressWarnings(sapply(stageThreshold, as.numeric)))
  # Data base
  dataBase = list(accessibility = accessibility,
                  efficiency    = efficiency,
                  ingestion     = ingestion,
                  predPrey      = predPrey,
                  linf          = sapply(object$species$linf, as.numeric),
                  speciesNames  = unlist(object$species$name))

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osmose documentation built on April 28, 2020, 5:06 p.m.