
context("Test movements")

## test various movements  ##
test_that("Movements preserve param structure", {
    ## skip on CRAN

    ## generate inputs
    data <- with(fake_outbreak,
                 outbreaker_data(dates = onset,
                                 w_dens = w,
                                 dna = dna))
    config <- create_config(data = data)

    config_no_move <- create_config(
      move_alpha = FALSE,
      move_t_inf = FALSE,
      move_mu = FALSE, move_pi = FALSE,
      move_eps = FALSE, move_lambda = FALSE,
      move_kappa = FALSE,
      move_swap_cases = FALSE, data = data)

    data <- add_convolutions(data = data, config = config)
    param <- create_param(data = data, config = config)$current
    ll <- custom_likelihoods()
    priors <- custom_priors()

    moves <- bind_moves(config = config, data = data,
                          likelihoods = ll, priors = priors)
    moves_no_move <- bind_moves(config = config_no_move,
                                  likelihoods = ll, priors = priors)

    ## test moves lists ##
    expect_equal(length(moves_no_move), 0L)
    expect_equal(length(moves), 6L)
    expect_true(all(vapply(moves, is.function, logical(1))))

    ## test moves ##
    for (i in seq_along(moves)) {

        ## chech closure: data
        expect_identical(environment(moves[[i]])$data, data)

        ## make moves
        res <- moves[[i]](param = param)

        ## check that content in param after movements has identical shape
        expect_equal(length(param), length(res))
        expect_equal(length(unlist(param)), length(unlist(res)))
        expect_equal(names(param), names(res))



test_that("Binding of moves works", {
    ## skip on CRAN

    ## generate inputs
    data <- with(fake_outbreak,
                 outbreaker_data(dates = onset,
                                 w_dens = w,
                                 dna = dna))
    config <- create_config(data = data)
    data <- add_convolutions(data = data, config = config)
    param <- create_param(data = data, config = config)$current
    ll <- custom_likelihoods()
    priors <- custom_priors()

    ## check re-input consistency

    ## check custom_moves defaults
    moves <- custom_moves()

    expect_length(moves, 8L)
    expect_true(all(vapply(moves, is.function, FALSE)))
    expected_names <- c("mu", "pi", "eps", "lambda", "alpha", "swap_cases", "t_inf", "kappa")
    expect_true(all(expected_names %in% names(moves)))

    ## check binding
    moves <- bind_moves(moves, config = config, data = data,
                          likelihoods = ll, priors = priors)

    exp_names <- c("custom_prior", "custom_ll", "config", "data")
    expect_true(all(exp_names %in% names(environment(moves$mu))))

    exp_names <- c("custom_prior", "custom_ll", "config", "data")
    expect_true(all(exp_names %in% names(environment(moves$pi))))

    exp_names <- c("list_custom_ll", "data")
    expect_true(all(exp_names %in% names(environment(moves$alpha))))

    exp_names <- c("list_custom_ll", "data")
    expect_true(all(exp_names %in% names(environment(moves$swap_cases))))

    exp_names <- c("list_custom_ll", "data")
    expect_true(all(exp_names %in% names(environment(moves$t_inf))))

    exp_names <- c("list_custom_ll", "config", "data")
    expect_true(all(exp_names %in% names(environment(moves$kappa))))


test_that("Customisation of moves works", {
    ## skip on CRAN

    ## generate inputs
    data <- with(fake_outbreak,
                 outbreaker_data(dates = onset,
                                 w_dens = w,
                                 dna = dna))
    config <- create_config(data = data, n_iter = 1000,
                            find_import = FALSE,
                            sample_every = 10)
    data <- add_convolutions(data = data, config = config)
    param <- create_param(data = data, config = config)$current
    ll <- custom_likelihoods()
    priors <- custom_priors()

    ## check custom movement for mu - outside outbreaker
    f <- function(param, data, config = NULL) {

    moves <- bind_moves(list(mu = f), config = config, data = data,
                          likelihoods = ll, priors = priors)

    expect_identical(body(moves$mu), body(f))
    expect_identical(names(formals(moves$mu)), "param")
    expect_identical(data, environment(moves$mu)$data)
    expect_identical(config, environment(moves$mu)$config)
    expect_identical(moves$mu(param), param)

    ## same check, run within outbreaker
    out <- outbreaker(data, config, moves = list(mu = f))
    expect_true(all(out$mu == 1e-4))


## test swapping and temporal ordering  ##
test_that("Swap equally likely index cases", {
    ## skip on CRAN

    ## generate inputs
    data <- outbreaker_data(dates = c(50, 51, 110),
                            w_dens = rep(1, 100))
    config <- create_config(init_kappa = 1,
                            move_kappa = FALSE,
                            find_import = FALSE,
                            data = data)

    res <- outbreaker(data, config)


## test kappa estimates
test_that("Kappa estimates are correct", {
    ## skip on CRAN

    ## sequence and onset data that supports kappa = c(3, 1, 1)
    dna <- matrix(c("t", "t", "t", "t", "t", "t", "t", "t", "t", "t", "t", "t", "t", "t", "t", "t", "t", "t",
                    "g", "g", "g", "g", "g", "g", "t", "t", "t", "t", "t", "t", "t", "t", "t", "t", "t", "t",
                    "g", "g", "g", "g", "g", "g", "c", "c", "t", "t", "t", "t", "t", "t", "t", "t", "t", "t",
                    "g", "g", "g", "g", "g", "g", "c", "c", "a", "a", "t", "t", "t", "t", "t", "t", "t", "t"),
                  byrow = TRUE, nrow = 4)
    dna <- ape::as.DNAbin(dna)

    dates <- c(10, 40, 50, 60)

    ## strong suport for generation time = 10 days
    w <- dgamma(1:20, shape = 25, scale = 0.4)

    data <- outbreaker_data(dates = dates, dna = dna, w_dens = w)
    config <- create_config(prior_pi = c(1, 1), prior_mu = c(0.1),
                            init_mu = 2/18, sd_mu = 0.1, n_iter = 5e4)

    res <- outbreaker(data, config)

    ## function to get most frequent item
    get_mode <- function(x) {
      as.integer(names(sort(table(x, exclude = NULL), decreasing = TRUE)[1]))

    kappa <- as.matrix(res[,grep("kappa", names(res))])
    kappa <- as.vector(apply(kappa, 2, get_mode))
    expect_equal(c(NA, 3, 1, 1), kappa)


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outbreaker2 documentation built on May 23, 2022, 5:06 p.m.