
docs_file_html <- function() {

rd_file_html <- function() {

assets_dir <- function() {
rd_files_dir <- function() {
docs_files_dir <- function() {
lazy_widgets_dir <- function() {

#' Initialize a new packagedocs project
#' @param code_path location of R package (defaults to current directory)
# ' @param docs_path location of code directory (defaults to a directory "docs" inside \code{code_path})
# ' @param package_name the name of the package, e.g. "packagedocs" (will search in DESCRIPTION if NULL)
#' @param title title of main page (will search in DESCRIPTION if NULL - can be changed later)
#' @param subtitle subtitle of main page (can be changed later)
#' @param author author (can be changed later)
# ' @param github_ref the "user/repo" part of a link to github - if NULL or "", the github link will not be displayed
# ' @param docs_file_rmd name of docs file to be created
# ' @param rd_file_rmd name of rd file to be created
# ' @param build_file boolean to determine if the build file should be produced
#' @export
init_vignettes <- function(
  code_path = ".",
  title = NULL,
  subtitle = NULL,
  author = NULL
) {

  docs_path <- file.path(code_path, "vignettes")
  docs_file_rmd <- "docs.Rmd"
  rd_file_rmd <- "rd.Rmd"
  rd_index_file_yaml <- "rd_index.yaml"

  if (file.exists(file.path(docs_path, docs_file_rmd))) {
    ans <- readline(paste0("It appears that '", docs_path, "' has already been initialized.  Overwrite ", docs_file_rmd, ", ", rd_file_rmd, ", and rd_index.yaml? (y = yes) ", sep = "")) # nolint
    if (!tolower(substr(ans, 1, 1)) == "y") {
      stop("Backing out...", call. = FALSE)

  devtools_add_desc_package <- getFromNamespace("add_desc_package", "devtools")
  devtools_use_directory <- getFromNamespace("use_directory", "devtools")
  devtools_use_git_ignore <- getFromNamespace("use_git_ignore", "devtools")
  # Taken directly from devtools::use_vignette
  # altered for packagedocs specific use
  pkg <- devtools::as.package(code_path)
  devtools_add_desc_package(pkg, "Suggests", "packagedocs")
  devtools_add_desc_package(pkg, "VignetteBuilder", "packagedocs")
  devtools_use_directory("vignettes", pkg = pkg)
  devtools_use_git_ignore("inst/doc", pkg = pkg)
  devtools_use_git_ignore("_gh-pages", pkg = pkg)
  devtools::use_build_ignore("_gh-pages", pkg = pkg)

  rd_info <- as_sd_package(code_path)

  redirect_url <- parse_github_redirect_url(rd_info)

  package_name <- if_null(rd_info$package, "mypackage")
  title <- if_null(title, paste(package_name, " Documentation", sep = ""))
  subtitle <- if_null(subtitle, rd_info$title)
  author <- parse_author_info(rd_info, author)
  github_ref <- parse_github_ref(rd_info, NULL)

  if (!file.exists(docs_path)) {
    dir.create(docs_path, recursive = TRUE)

  ## docs.Rmd
  docs_template <- init_skeleton("skeleton.Rmd")
  args <- list(
    title = title,
    subtitle = subtitle,
    author = author,
    github_ref = github_ref,
    redirect_url = redirect_url,
    vig_text = paste(
      "  %\\VignetteIndexEntry{", package_name, " Documentation}\n",
      "  %\\VignetteEngine{packagedocs::redirect}",
      sep = ""
  cat(whisker::whisker.render(docs_template, args),
    file = file.path(docs_path, docs_file_rmd))

  ## rd_skeleton.Rmd
  rd_template <- init_skeleton("rd_skeleton.Rmd")
  args <- list(
    title = title,
    subtitle = subtitle,
    author = author,
    github_ref = github_ref,
    redirect_url = paste(redirect_url, "rd.html", sep = "/"),
    vig_text = paste(
      "  %\\VignetteIndexEntry{", package_name, " Package Reference}\n",
      "  %\\VignetteEngine{packagedocs::redirect}",
      sep = ""
  cat(whisker::whisker.render(rd_template, args),
    file = file.path(docs_path, rd_file_rmd))
  cat("\n", file = file.path(docs_path, rd_file_rmd), append = TRUE)

  ### do not include the yaml file to be copied over
  # ## install extras for devtools
  # install_extras <- file.path(docs_path, ".install_extras")
  # if (file.exists(install_extras)) {
  #   if (! "rd_index.yaml" %in% readLines(install_extras)) {
  #     cat("rd_index.yaml\n", file = install_extras, append = TRUE)
  #   }
  # } else {
  #   cat("rd_index.yaml\n", file = install_extras)
  # }

  # ## build.R
  # ##---------------------------------------------------------
  # if (identical(build_file, TRUE)) {
  #   build_template <- init_skeleton("build.R")
  #   args <- list(
  #     package_name = package_name,
  #     code_path = code_path,
  #     docs_path = docs_path
  #   )
  #   cat(whisker::whisker.render(build_template, args),
  #     file = file.path(docs_path, "build.R"))
  # }

  ## rd_index.yaml
  yaml_template <- init_skeleton("rd_index.yaml")

  code_path %>%
    as_sd_package() %>%
    group_fn_by_keyword("Package Functions") ->

  args <- list(
    package_name = package_name,
    has_man_info = !is.null(man_info),
    man_info = man_info,
    has_keywords = length(man_info) > 1

  cat(whisker::whisker.render(yaml_template, args),
    file = file.path(docs_path, rd_index_file_yaml))

  docs <- c(docs_file_rmd, rd_file_rmd, rd_index_file_yaml)
  # if (build_file) {
  #   docs <- append(docs, "build.R")
  # }

  message("* packagedocs initialized in ", docs_path)
  message(paste0("* take a look at newly created vignette documents: ", paste(docs, collapse = ", "))) # nolint

parse_author_info <- function(rd_info, given_value) {
  author <- given_value
  if (is.null(author)) {
    if (! is.null(rd_info[["authors@r"]])) {
      # parse the authors @ r section for the creator
      author_info <- eval(parse(text = rd_info[["authors@r"]]))
      is_creator <- unlist(lapply(author_info$role, function(roles) {
        "cre" %in% roles
      author <- author_info[[is_creator]]
    } else {
      # maintainer is a mandatory field if authors@R is not there
      author <- rd_info$maintainer[1]
    author <- gsub(" <[^<]*$", "", author)
  author <- if_null(author, "author")
  if (length(author) == 0) {
    author <- "author"

parse_github_ref_val <- function(rd_info, default_value = NULL) {
  if (is.null(default_value)) {
    if (! is.null(rd_info$urls)) {
      has_github_url <- grepl("github\\.com\\/([^\\/]*\\/[^\\/]*)", rd_info$urls)
      if (any(has_github_url)) {
        ans <- gsub(
parse_github_ref <- function(rd_info, github_ref) {
  # retrieve the github url if nothing else has been specified

  github_val <- parse_github_ref_val(rd_info, github_ref)
  github_val <- if_null(github_val, "")

  if (nchar(github_val) > 0) {
    github_val <- sprintf("\n  <li><a href='https://github.com/%s'>Github <i class='fa fa-github'></i></a></li>", github_val) # nolint


init_skeleton <- function(filename) {
      system.file(package = "packagedocs"),
  ), collapse = "\n")

parse_github_redirect_url <- function(rd_info) {
  git_url <- rd_info$urls
  if (any(grepl("github.io", git_url))) {
    git_url <- git_url[grepl("github.io", git_url)]
    if (length(git_url) > 1) {
      git_url <- git_url[1]
      message("Using first github.io url as redirect")
  } else {
    git_url <- git_url[grepl("github.com", git_url)]
    if (length(git_url) > 1) {
      git_url <- unique(gsub("/issues$", "", git_url)) # nolint
    if (length(git_url) > 1) {
      git_url <- git_url[1]
      message("Using first github url as source: ", git_url[1])
    } else if (length(git_url) == 0) {
      git_url <- tryCatch(gsub(
        system("git config --get remote.origin.url", intern = TRUE)
      ), error = function(e){
        warning("Please fix the redirect urls in each file")
      if (!grepl("git", git_url)) {
    git_user <- gsub(".*\\.com/([^/]*)/.*", "\\1", git_url)
    git_project <- gsub(".*\\.com/[^/]*/(.*)", "\\1", git_url)
    git_url <- paste("http://", git_user, ".github.io/", git_project, sep = "")


Try the packagedocs package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

packagedocs documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:18 a.m.