
Defines functions bin_cal3TimePaleoPhy cal3TimePaleoPhy

Documented in bin_cal3TimePaleoPhy cal3TimePaleoPhy

#' Three Rate Calibrated \emph{a posteriori} Dating of Paleontological Phylogenies
#' Time-scales an undated cladogram of fossil taxa, using information on their
#' ranges and estimates of the instantaneous rates of branching, extinction and
#' sampling. The output is a sample of \emph{a posteriori} time-scaled trees, as resulting from a
#' stochastic algorithm which samples observed gaps in the fossil record with
#' weights calculated based on the input rate estimates. This function also
#' uses the three-rate calibrated dating algorithm to stochastically
#' resolve polytomies and infer potential ancestor-descendant relationships,
#' simultaneous with the time-scaling treatment.
#' @details 
#' The three-rate calibrated ("cal3") algorithm time-scales trees
#' \emph{a posteriori} by stochastically picking node divergence times
#' relative to a probability distribution of expected waiting times between speciation and first
#' appearance in the fossil record. This algorithm is extended to apply to
#' resolving polytomies and designating possible ancestor-descendant
#' relationships. The full details of this method are provided in Bapst (2013, MEE).
#' Briefly, cal3 time-scaling is done by examining each node separately, moving
#' from the root upwards. Ages of branching nodes are constrained below by the
#' ages of the nodes below them (except the root; hence the need for the
#' root.max argument) and constrained above by the first appearance dates
#' (FADs) of the daughter lineages. The position of the branching event within
#' this constrained range implies different amounts of unobserved evolutionary
#' history. cal3 considers a large number of potential positions for the
#' branching node (the notation in the code uses the analogy of viewing the
#' branching event as a 'zipper') and calculates the summed unobserved
#' evolutionary history implied by each branching time. The probability density
#' of each position is then calculated under a gamma distribution with a shape
#' parameter of 2 (implying that it is roughly the sum of two normal waiting
#' times under an exponential) and a rate parameter which takes into account
#' both the probability of not observing a lineage of a certain duration and
#' the 'twiginess' of the branch, i.e. the probability of having short-lived
#' descendants which went extinct and never were sampled (similar to Friedman and
#' Brazeau, 2011). These densities calculated under the gamma distribution are
#' then used as weights to stochastically sample the possible positions for the
#' branching node. This basic framework is extended to polytomies by allowing a
#' branching event to fall across multiple potential lineages, adding each
#' lineage one by one, from earliest appearing to latest appearing (the code
#' notation refers to this as a 'parallel zipper').
#' As with many functions in the paleotree library, absolute time is always
#' decreasing, i.e. the present day is zero.
#' These functions will intuitively drop taxa from the tree with NA for range
#' or that are missing from \code{timeData}.
#' The sampling rate used by cal3 methods is the instantaneous sampling rate,
#' as estimated by various other function in the paleotree package. See
#' \code{\link{make_durationFreqCont}} for more details.
#' If you have the per-time unit sampling
#' probability ('R' as opposed to 'r') look at the sampling parameter
#' conversion functions also included in this package
#' (e.g. \code{\link{sProb2sRate}}). Most datasets will probably use
#' \code{\link{make_durationFreqDisc}} and \code{sProb2sRate}
#' prior to using this function, as shown in an example below.
#' The branching and extinction rate are the 'per-capita' instantaneous
#' origination/extinction rates for the taxic level of the tips of the tree
#' being time-scaled. Any user of the cal3 time-scaling method has multiple
#' options for estimating these rates. One is to separately calculate the
#' per-capita rates (following the equations in Foote, 2001) across multiple
#' intervals and take the mean for each rate. A second, less preferred option,
#' would be to use the extinction rate calculated from the sampling rate above
#' (under ideal conditions, this should be very close to the mean 'per-capita'
#' rate calculated from by-interval FADs and LADs). The branching rate in this
#' case could be assumed to be very close to the extinction rate, given the
#' tight relationship observed in general between these two (Stanley, 1976; see
#' Foote et al., 1999, for a defense of this approach), and thus the extinction
#' rate estimate could be used also for the branching rate estimate. (This is
#' what is done for the examples below.) A third option for calculating all
#' three rates simultaneously would be to apply likelihood methods developed by
#' Foote (2002) to forward and reverse survivorship curves. Note that only one
#' of these three suggested methods is implemented in \code{paleotree}: estimating the
#' sampling and extinction rates from the distribution of taxon durations via
#' \code{make_durationFreqCont} and \code{make_durationFreqDisc}.
#' By default, the cal3 functions will consider that ancestor-descendant
#' relationships may exist among the given taxa, under a budding cladogenetic
#' or anagenetic modes. Which tips are designated as which is given by two
#' additional elements added to the output tree, 
#' \code{$budd.tips} (taxa designated as ancestors via budding cladogenesis) and 
#' \code{$anag.tips} (taxa designated as ancestors via anagenesis). 
#' This can be turned off by setting \code{anc.wt = 0}. As
#' this function may infer anagenetic relationships during time-scaling, this
#' can create zero-length terminal branches in the output. Use
#' \code{\link{dropZLB}} to get rid of these before doing analyses of lineage
#' diversification.
#' Unlike \code{timePaleoPhy}, cal3 methods will always resolve polytomies. In
#' general, this is done using the rate calibrated algorithm, although if
#' argument \code{randres = TRUE}, polytomies will be randomly resolved with uniform
#' probability, similar to \code{multi2di} from ape. Also, cal3 will always add the terminal
#' ranges of taxa. However, because of the ability to infer potential
#' ancestor-descendant relationships, the length of terminal branches may be
#' shorter than taxon ranges themselves, as budding may have occurred during
#' the range of a morphologically static taxon. By resolving polytomies with
#' the cal3 method, this function allows for taxa to be ancestral to more than
#' one descendant taxon. Thus, users who believe their dataset may contain
#' indirect ancestors are encouraged by the package author to try cal3 methods
#' with their consensus trees, as opposed to using the set of most parsimonious
#' trees. Comparing the results of these two approaches may be very revealing.
#' Like \code{timePaleoPhy}, \code{cal3TimePaleoPhy} is designed for direct application to datasets 
#' where taxon first and last appearances are precisely known in continuous time, with 
#' no stratigraphic uncertainty. This is an uncommon form of data to have from the fossil record, 
#' although not an impossible form (micropaleontologists often have very precise 
#' range charts, for example). This means that most users \emph{should not} use \code{cal3TimePaleoPhy} directly, 
#' unless they have written their own code to deal with stratigraphic uncertainty. For
#' some groups, the more typical 'first' and 'last' dates represent the minimum
#' and maximum absolute ages for the fossil collections that a taxon is known
#' is known from. Presumably, the first and last appearances of that taxon in
#' the fossil record is at unknown dates within these bounds. These should not
#' be mistaken as the FADs and LADs desired by \code{cal3TimePaleoPhy}, as \code{cal3TimePaleoPhy} 
#' will use the earliest dates provided to calibrate node ages, which is either
#' an overly conservative approach to time-scaling or fairly nonsensical.
#' If you have time-data in discrete intervals, consider using 
#' \code{bin_cal3TimePaleoPhy} as an alternative to \code{cal3TimePaleoPhy}.
#' \code{bin_cal3TimePaleoPhy} is a wrapper of 
#' \code{cal3TimePaleoPhy} which produces time-scaled trees for datasets which only have 
#' interval data available. For each output tree, taxon first and last appearance 
#' dates are placed within their listed intervals under a uniform distribution. 
#' Thus, a large sample of time-scaled trees will approximate the uncertainty in 
#' the actual timing of the FADs and LADs. 
#' The input \code{timeList} object can have overlapping (i.e. non-sequential) intervals,
#' and intervals of uneven size. Taxa alive in the modern should be listed as last 
#' occurring in a time interval that begins at time 0 and ends at time 0. If taxa 
#' occur only in single collections (i.e. their first and last appearance in the 
#' fossil record is synchronous, the argument \code{point.occur} will force all taxa
#' to have instantaneous durations in the fossil record. Otherwise, by default,
#' taxa are assumed to first and last appear in the fossil record at different points
#' in time, with some positive duration. The \code{sites} matrix can be used to force
#' only a portion of taxa to have simultaneous first and last appearances.
#' If \code{timeData} or the elements of \code{timeList} are actually data frames (as output
#' by \code{read.csv} or \code{read.table}), these will be coerced to a matrix.
#' A tutorial for applying the time-scaling functions in paleotree,
#' particularly the cal3 method, along with an example using real (graptolite)
#' data, can be found at the following link:
#' \url{https://nemagraptus.blogspot.com/2013/06/a-tutorial-to-cal3-time-scaling-using.html}
#' @rdname cal3TimePaleoPhy
#' @aliases cal3TimePaleoPhy bin_cal3TimePaleoPhy cal3

#' @inheritParams timePaleoPhy

#' @param brRate Either a single estimate of the instantaneous rate of branching
#' (also known as the 'per-capita' origination rate, or speciation rate if
#' taxonomic level of interest is species) or a vector of per-taxon estimates
#' @param extRate Either a single estimate of the instantaneous extinction rate
#' (also known as the 'per-capita' extinction rate) or a vector of per-taxon
#' estimates
#' @param sampRate Either a single estimate of the instantaneous sampling rate or
#' a vector of per-taxon estimates

#' @param ntrees Number of dated trees to output.

#' @param anc.wt Weighting against inferring ancestor-descendant relationships.
#' The argument \code{anc.wt} allows users to alter the default consideration of
#' ancestor-descendant relationships. This value is used as a multiplier applied to the
#' probability of choosing any node position which would infer an
#' ancestor-descendant relationship. By default, \code{anc.wt = 1}, and thus these
#' probabilities are unaltered. if \code{anc.wt} is less than 1, the probabilities
#' decrease and at \code{anc.wt = 0}, no ancestor-descendant relationships are inferred
#' at all. Can be a single value or a vector of per-taxon values, such as if a
#' user wants to only allow plesiomorphic taxa to be ancestors.

#' @param dateTreatment This argument controls the interpretation of \code{timeData}.
#' The default setting \code{dateTreatment = "firstLast"} treats the dates
#' in \code{timeData} as a column of precise first and last appearances.
#' A second option is \code{dateTreatment = "minMax"}, which
#' treats these dates as minimum and maximum bounds on single point dates. Under this option,
#' all taxa in the analysis will be treated as being point dates, such that the first appearance
#' is also the last. These dates will be pulled under a uniform distribution.
#' Note that use of \code{dateTreatment = "minMax"} was bugged in versions paleotree <3.2.5,
#' as the generating time-tree used for cal3 inference was generated using the  
#' input \code{timeData} as fixed first and last dates, such that the effect of 
#' \code{dateTreatment = "minMax"} was nearly identical to using \code{dateTreatment = "firstLast"}
#' regardless of the arguments chosen by a user, with tips always being placed at the
#' upper date constraint as if the time of observation was a fixed LAD.
#' This is now fixed as v3.2.6, such that a new basic-time-scaled tree is
#' generated from a randomly selected set of point occurrence times on each
#' iteration, so that the resulting tip dates are always different.
#' A third option is \code{dateTreatment = "randObs"}, which assumes
#' that the dates in the matrix are first and last appearance times,
#' but that the desired time of observation is unknown.
#' Thus, this is much like \code{dateTreatment = "firstLast"} except
#' the effective time of observation (the taxon's LAD under
#' \code{dateTreatment = "firstLast"}) is treated as an uncertain date, and
#' is randomly sampled between the first and last appearance times.
#' The FAD still is treated as a fixed number, used
#' for dating the nodes. In previous versions of paleotree, this
#' was called in \code{cal3timePaleoPhy} using the argument \code{rand.obs}, which has been removed
#' for clarity. This temporal uncertainty in times of observation might be useful if
#' a user is interested in applying phylogeny-based approaches to studying trait evolution, but have
#' per-taxon measurements of traits that come from museum
#' specimens with uncertain temporal placement.
#' With both arguments \code{dateTreatment = "minMax"} and
#' \code{dateTreatment = "randObs"}, the time of observation of taxa is a point-occurrence
#' with a free-floating random variable as the precise age. Thus, the option
#' \code{FAD.only = TRUE} is incoherent with these other options for \code{dateTreatment},
#' and thus their use together will return an error message.
#' Furthermore, the sampling of dates from random distributions in these approaches should
#' compel users to produce many time-scaled trees for any given analytical purpose.
#' Note that  \code{dateTreatment = "minMax"} returns an error
#' in '\code{bin_}' time-scaling functions; please use \code{points.occur} instead.

# @param rand.obs Should the tips represent observation times uniform
# distributed within taxon ranges? This only impacts the location of tip-dates, 
# i.e. the 'times of observation' for taxa, and does not impact the dates used to 
# determine node ages. Thus, this is an alternative to using only the LADs or only the FADs
# as the per-taxon times of observation. If rand.obs is TRUE, then it is assumed
# that users wish the tips to represent observations made with some temporal
# uncertainty, such that they might have come from any point within a taxon's
# known range.  This might be the case, for example, if a user is interested in
# applying phylogeny-based approaches to studying trait evolution, but have
# per-taxon measurements of traits that come from museum specimens with
# uncertain temporal placement. When rand.obs is TRUE, the tips are placed randomly
# within taxon ranges, as if uniformly distributed, and thus multiple trees should be 
# created and analysed.

#' @param node.mins The minimum dates of internal nodes (clades) on a phylogeny can be set
#' using \code{node.mins}. This argument takes a vector of the same length as the number of nodes,
#' with dates given in the same order as nodes are ordered in the \code{tree$edge} matrix.
#' Note that in \code{tree$edge}, terminal tips are given the first set of numbers
#' (\code{1:Ntip(tree)}), so the first element of \code{node.mins} is the first internal node
#' (the node numbered \code{Ntip(tree)+1}, which is generally the root for most \code{phylo}
#' objects read by \code{read.tree}). Not all nodes need be given minimum dates. Nodes without
#' minimum dates can be given as NA in \code{node.mins}, but the vector must be the same length
#' as the number of internal nodes in \code{tree}. These are minimum date constraints, such that
#' a node will be 'frozen' by the cal3 algorithm so that constrained nodes will always be
#' \emph{at least as old as this date}, but the final date may be even older depending on the
#' taxon dates used, the parameters input for the cal3 algorithm and any other minimum node dates
#' given (e.g. if a clade is given a very old minimum date, this will (of course) over-ride any
#' minimum dates given for clades that that node is nested within). if the constrained nodes include
#' a polytomy, this polytomy will still be resolved with respect to the cal3 algorithm, but the first
#' divergence will be 'frozen' so that it is at least as old as the minimum age, while any additional
#' divergences will be allowed to occur after this minimum age.

#' @param FAD.only Should the tips represent observation times at the start of
#' the taxon ranges? \code{FAD.only = TRUE}, the resulting output
#' is similar to when terminal ranges are no
#' added on with \code{timePaleoPhy}. If \code{FAD.only = TRUE}
#' and \code{dateTreatment = "minMax"} or \code{dateTreatment = "randObs"}, the
#' function will stop and a warning will be produced, as these combinations imply
#' contradictory sets of times of observation.

#' @param adj.obs.wt 
#' If the time of observation of a taxon is before the last appearance of that taxon,
#' should the weight of the time of observation be adjusted to account for the
#' known observed history of the taxon which occurs \emph{after} the time of observation? 
#' If so, then set \code{adj.obs.wt = TRUE}.
#' This argument should only have an effect if time of observation \emph{IS NOT} the LAD, 
#' if the times of observation for for a potential ancestor are earlier than 
#' the first appearance of their potential descendants, \emph{and} 
#' if the ancestral weights for taxa are not set to zero (so there can be potential ancestors).

#' @param root.max Maximum time before the first FAD that the root can be
#' pushed back to.

#' @param step.size Step size of increments used in zipper algorithm to assign
#' node ages.

#' @param randres Should polytomies be randomly resolved using \code{multi2di} in ape
#' rather than using the cal3 algorithm to weight the resolution of polytomies 
#' relative to sampling in the fossil record?

#' @param plot If true, plots the input, "basic" time-scaled phylogeny (an
#' intermediary step in the algorithm) and the output
#' cal3 time-scaled phylogeny.

#' @param tolerance Acceptable amount of shift in tip dates from dates listed
#' in \code{timeData}. Shifts outside of the range of \code{tolerance} will
#' cause a warning message to be issued that terminal tips appear to be
#' improperly aligned.

#' @param diagnosticMode If \code{TRUE}, \code{cal3timePaleoPhy} will return to the
#' console and to graphic devices an enormous number of messages, plots and
#' ancillary information that may be useful or entirely useless to figuring
#' out what is going wrong.

#' @param verboseWarnings if \code{TRUE} (the default), then various warnings and messages
#' regarding best practices will be issued to the console about the analysis. 
#' If \code{FALSE},the function will run as quietly as possible.

#' @return The output of these functions is a time-scaled tree or set of
#' time-scaled trees, of either class \code{phylo} or \code{multiPhylo}, depending on the
#' argument \code{ntrees}. All trees are output with an element \code{$root.time}. This is
#' the time of the root on the tree and is important for comparing patterns
#' across trees.
#' Additional elements are \code{sampledLogLike} and \code{$sumLogLike} which respectively
#' record a vector containing
#' the 'log-densities' of the various node-ages selected for each tree by the 'zipper'
#' algorithm, and the sum of those log-densities. Although they are very similar to
#' log-likelihood values, they are not true likelihoods, as node ages are conditional on the other
#' ages selected by other nodes. However, these values may give an indication about the relative
#' optimality of a set of trees output by the cal3 functions.
#' Trees created with \code{bin_cal3TimePaleoPhy} will output with some additional
#' elements, in particular \code{$ranges.used}, a matrix which records the
#' continuous-time ranges generated for time-scaling each tree (essentially a
#' pseudo-\code{timeData} matrix.)

#' @note Most importantly, please note the stochastic element of the three
#' rate-calibrated time-scaling methods. These do not use traditional
#' optimization methods, but instead draw divergence times from a distribution
#' defined by the probability of intervals of unobserved evolutionary history.
#' This means analyses MUST be done over many cal3 time-scaled trees for
#' analytical rigor! No one tree is correct.
#' Similarly, please account for stratigraphic uncertainty in your analysis.
#' Unless you have exceptionally resolved data, use a wrapper with the cal3
#' function, either the provided \code{bin_cal3TimePaleoPhy} or code a wrapper
#' function of your own that accounts for stratigraphic uncertainty in 
#' your dataset. Remember that the FADs (earliest dates) given to \code{timePaleoPhy}
#'  will *always* be used to calibrate node ages!

#' @author David W. Bapst

#' @seealso \code{\link{timePaleoPhy}}, 
#' \code{\link{make_durationFreqCont}},
#' \code{\link{pqr2Ps}},
#' \code{\link{sProb2sRate}},
#' \code{\link{multi2di}}

#' @references 
#' Bapst, D. W. 2013. A stochastic rate-calibrated method for time-scaling
#' phylogenies of fossil taxa. \emph{Methods in Ecology and Evolution}.
#' 4(8):724-733.
#' Foote, M. 2000. Origination and extinction components of taxonomic
#' diversity: general problems. Pp. 74-102. In D. H. Erwin, and S. L. Wing,
#' eds. \emph{Deep Time: Paleobiology's Perspective.} The Paleontological Society,
#' Lawrence, Kansas.
#' Foote, M. 2001. Inferring temporal patterns of preservation, origination,
#' and extinction from taxonomic survivorship analysis. \emph{Paleobiology}
#' 27(4):602-630.
#' Friedman, M., and M. D. Brazeau. 2011. Sequences, stratigraphy and
#' scenarios: what can we say about the fossil record of the earliest
#' tetrapods? \emph{Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences}
#' 278(1704):432-439.
#' Stanley, S. M. 1979. Macroevolution: Patterns and Process. W. H. Freeman,
#' Co., San Francisco.

#' @examples
#' # Simulate some fossil ranges with simFossilRecord
#' set.seed(444)
#' record <- simFossilRecord(p = 0.1,
#'                           q = 0.1,
#'                           nruns = 1,
#' 	                         nTotalTaxa = c(30,40),
#'                           nExtant = 0)
#' taxa <- fossilRecord2fossilTaxa(record)
#' # simulate a fossil record with imperfect sampling with sampleRanges
#' rangesCont <- sampleRanges(taxa,
#'       r = 0.5)
#' # let's use taxa2cladogram to get the 'ideal' cladogram of the taxa
#' cladogram <- taxa2cladogram(taxa,
#'       plot = TRUE)
#' # this package allows one to use
#'	  # rate calibrated type time-scaling methods (Bapst, 2014)
#' # to use these, we need an estimate of the sampling rate 
#'      # (we set it to 0.5 above)
#' likFun <- make_durationFreqCont(rangesCont)
#' srRes <- optim(
#'     parInit(likFun),
#'     likFun,
#'     lower = parLower(likFun),
#'     upper = parUpper(likFun),
#'     method = "L-BFGS-B",
#'     control = list(maxit = 1000000))
#' sRate <- srRes[[1]][2]
#' # we also need extinction rate and branching rate
#'    # we can get extRate from getSampRateCont too
#' # we'll assume extRate = brRate (ala Foote et al., 1999)
#'     # this may not always be a good assumption!
#' divRate <- srRes[[1]][1]
#' # now let's try cal3TimePaleoPhy
#'	   # which time-scales using a sampling rate to calibrate
#' # This can also resolve polytomies based on
#'     # sampling rates, with some stochastic decisions
#' ttree <- cal3TimePaleoPhy(
#'     cladogram,
#'      rangesCont,
#'     brRate = divRate,
#'     extRate = divRate,
#'     sampRate = sRate,
#'     ntrees = 1,
#'     plot = TRUE)
#' # notice the warning it gives!
#' phyloDiv(ttree)
#' # by default, cal3TimePaleoPhy may predict indirect ancestor-descendant relationships
#'      # can turn this off by setting anc.wt = 0
#' ttree <- cal3TimePaleoPhy(
#'     cladogram,
#'      rangesCont,
#'     brRate = divRate,
#'     extRate = divRate,
#'     sampRate = sRate,
#'     ntrees = 1,
#'     anc.wt = 0,
#'     plot = TRUE)
#' \donttest{
#' # let's look at how three trees generated
#'     # with very different time of obs. look
#' ttreeFAD <- cal3TimePaleoPhy(
#'     cladogram, 
#'     rangesCont,
#'     brRate = divRate,
#'     extRate = divRate,
#'     FAD.only = TRUE,
#'     dateTreatment = "firstLast",
#'     sampRate = sRate,
#'     ntrees = 1,
#'     plot = TRUE)
#' ttreeRand <- cal3TimePaleoPhy(
#'     cladogram, 
#'     rangesCont,
#'     brRate = divRate,
#'     extRate = divRate,
#'     FAD.only = FALSE,
#'     dateTreatment = "randObs",
#'     sampRate = sRate,
#'     ntrees = 1,plot = TRUE)
#' # by default the time of observations are the LADs
#' ttreeLAD <- cal3TimePaleoPhy(
#'     cladogram, 
#'     rangesCont,
#'     brRate = divRate,
#'     extRate = divRate,
#'     FAD.only = FALSE,
#'     dateTreatment = "randObs",
#'     sampRate = sRate,
#'     ntrees = 1,
#'     plot = TRUE)
#' # and let's plot
#' layout(1:3)
#' parOrig <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
#' par(mar = c(0,0,0,0))
#' plot(ladderize(ttreeFAD));text(5,5,
#'     "time.obs = FAD",
#'     cex = 1.5, pos = 4)
#' plot(ladderize(ttreeRand));text(5,5,
#'     "time.obs = Random",
#'     cex = 1.5, pos = 4)
#' plot(ladderize(ttreeLAD));text(5,5,
#'     "time.obs = LAD",
#'     cex = 1.5, pos = 4)
#' layout(1)
#' par(parOrig)
#' # to get a fair sample of trees
#'     # let's increase ntrees
#' ttrees <- cal3TimePaleoPhy(
#'     cladogram,
#'     rangesCont,
#'     brRate = divRate,
#'     extRate = divRate,
#'     sampRate = sRate,
#'     ntrees = 9,
#'     plot = FALSE)
#' # let's compare nine of them at once in a plot
#' layout(matrix(1:9,3,3))
#' parOrig <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
#' par(mar = c(0,0,0,0))
#' for(i in 1:9){
#'     plot(ladderize(ttrees[[i]]),
#'          show.tip.label = FALSE)
#'     }
#' layout(1)
#' par(parOrig)
#' # they are all a bit different!
#' # can plot the median diversity curve with multiDiv
#' multiDiv(ttrees)
#' # using node.mins
#' # let's say we have (molecular??) evidence that
#'     # node (5) is at least 1200 time-units ago
#' # to use node.mins, first need to drop any unshared taxa
#' droppers <- cladogram$tip.label[is.na(
#'     match(cladogram$tip.label,
#'            names(which(!is.na(rangesCont[,1])))
#'            )
#'     )
#'     ]
#' # and then drop those taxa
#' cladoDrop <- drop.tip(cladogram, droppers)
#' # now make vector same length as number of nodes
#' nodeDates <- rep(NA, Nnode(cladoDrop))
#' nodeDates[5] <- 1200
#' ttree <- cal3TimePaleoPhy(cladoDrop,
#'     rangesCont,
#'     brRate = divRate,
#'     extRate = divRate,
#'     sampRate = sRate,
#'     ntrees = 1,
#'     node.mins = nodeDates,
#'     plot = TRUE)
#' # example with time in discrete intervals
#' set.seed(444)
#' record <- simFossilRecord(p = 0.1,
#'      q = 0.1,
#'      nruns = 1,
#'      nTotalTaxa = c(30,40),
#'      nExtant = 0)
#' taxa <- fossilRecord2fossilTaxa(record)
#' # simulate a fossil record
#'     # with imperfect sampling with sampleRanges
#' rangesCont <- sampleRanges(taxa,r = 0.5)
#' # let's use taxa2cladogram to get the 'ideal' cladogram of the taxa
#' cladogram <- taxa2cladogram(taxa,plot = TRUE)
#' # Now let's use binTimeData to bin in intervals of 1 time unit
#' rangesDisc <- binTimeData(rangesCont,int.length = 1)
#' # we can do something very similar for
#'     # the discrete time data (can be a bit slow)
#' likFun <- make_durationFreqDisc(rangesDisc)
#' spRes <- optim(
#'     parInit(likFun),
#'     likFun,
#'     lower = parLower(likFun),
#'     upper = parUpper(likFun),
#'     method = "L-BFGS-B",
#'     control = list(maxit = 1000000))
#' sProb <- spRes[[1]][2]
#' # but that's the sampling PROBABILITY per bin
#'     # NOT the instantaneous rate of change
#' # we can use sProb2sRate() to get the rate
#'     # We'll need to also tell it the int.length
#' sRate1 <- sProb2sRate(sProb,int.length = 1)
#' # we also need extinction rate and branching rate (see above)
#'     # need to divide by int.length...
#' divRate <- spRes[[1]][1]/1
#' # estimates that r = 0.3... 
#'     # that's kind of low (simulated sampling rate is 0.5)
#' # Note: for real data, you may need to use an average int.length 
#'     # (i.e. if intervals aren't all the same duration)
#' ttree <- bin_cal3TimePaleoPhy(cladogram,
#'     rangesDisc,
#'     brRate = divRate,
#'     extRate = divRate,
#'     sampRate = sRate1,
#'     ntrees = 1,
#'     plot = TRUE)
#' phyloDiv(ttree)
#' # can also force the appearance timings
#'     # not to be chosen stochastically
#' ttree1 <- bin_cal3TimePaleoPhy(cladogram,
#'     rangesDisc,
#'     brRate = divRate,
#'     extRate = divRate,
#'     sampRate = sRate1,
#'     ntrees = 1,
#'     nonstoch.bin = TRUE,
#'     plot = TRUE)
#' phyloDiv(ttree1)
#' # testing node.mins in bin_cal3TimePaleoPhy
#' ttree <- bin_cal3TimePaleoPhy(cladoDrop,
#'     rangesDisc,
#'     brRate = divRate,
#'     extRate = divRate,
#'     sampRate = sRate1,
#'     ntrees = 1,
#'     node.mins = nodeDates,
#'     plot = TRUE)
#' # with randres = TRUE
#' ttree <- bin_cal3TimePaleoPhy(cladoDrop,
#'     rangesDisc,
#'     brRate = divRate,
#'     extRate = divRate,
#'     sampRate = sRate1,
#'     ntrees = 1,
#'     randres = TRUE,
#'     node.mins = nodeDates,
#'     plot = TRUE)
#' # example with multiple values of anc.wt
#' ancWt <- sample(0:1,
#'     nrow(rangesDisc[[2]]),
#'     replace = TRUE)
#' names(ancWt) <- rownames(rangesDisc[[2]])
#' ttree1 <- bin_cal3TimePaleoPhy(cladogram,
#'     rangesDisc,
#'     brRate = divRate, 
#'     extRate = divRate,
#'     sampRate = sRate1, 
#'     ntrees = 1,
#'     anc.wt = ancWt, 
#'     plot = TRUE)
#' }

# @rdname cal3Timescaling

#' @export
cal3TimePaleoPhy <- function(
		brRate, extRate, sampRate,
		ntrees = 1, anc.wt = 1, 
		node.mins = NULL, 
		dateTreatment = "firstLast",
		FAD.only = FALSE, 
		adj.obs.wt = TRUE, 
		root.max = 200, 
		step.size = 0.1,
		randres = FALSE, 
		noisyDrop = TRUE, 
		verboseWarnings = TRUE, 
		diagnosticMode = FALSE, 
		tolerance = 0.0001, 
		plot = FALSE
	# function for Ps - use pqr2Ps
		# example data
	# tree <- rtree(10);tree$edge.length <- sample(0:1,Nedge(tree),replace = TRUE);tree <- di2multi(tree)
	# sampRate = rep(0.1,Ntip(tree));names(sampRate) <- tree$tip.label
	# brRate <- extRate <- sampRate
	# timeData <- runif(Ntip(tree),200,400); timeData <- cbind(timeData, timeData-runif(Ntip(tree),1,80))
	# rownames(timeData) <- tree$tip.label
	# ntrees = 1; anc.wt = 1; node.mins = NULL; dateTreatment = "firstLast";
	# FAD.only = FALSE; adj.obs.wt = TRUE; root.max = 200; step.size = 0.1;
	# randres = FALSE; noisyDrop = TRUE; plot = FALSE
	# record <- simFossilRecord(p = 0.1, q = 0.1, nruns = 1,
	#	nTotalTaxa = c(50,100), nExtant = 0)
	# taxa <- fossilRecord2fossilTaxa(record)
	# cladogram <- taxa2cladogram(taxa); timeData <- sampleRanges(taxa,r = 0.1)
	###trying to see if adj.wts works
	# tree <- rtree(2);anc.wt = 1;node.mins = NULL;brRate <- extRate <- sampRate <- 0.1
		# timeData <- cbind(c(100,95),c(90,85));adj.obs.wt = TRUE
	# rownames(timeData) <- tree$tip.label;root.max = 200;plot = TRUE
	# rand.obs = FALSE;FAD.only = TRUE;ntrees = 1;randres = FALSE;step.size = 0.1
	# add.zombie = FALSE
	# node.mins <- c(-sort(-runif(1,600,900)),rep(NA,Nnode(tree)-1))	#assume two very deep divergences
	# require(ape)#;require(phangorn)
	if(!inherits(tree, "phylo")){
		stop("tree is not of class phylo")
			timeData <- as.matrix(timeData)
			stop("timeData not of matrix or data.frame format")
	# ntrees must be more than 0
		stop("ntrees cannot be less than 1")
	# warn if ntrees is only 1
	if(ntrees == 1 & verboseWarnings){
		warning("Do not interpret a single cal3 time-scaled tree, regardless of other arguments!")
	# dateTreatment checks
	if(!any(dateTreatment == c("firstLast","minMax","randObs"))){
		stop("dateTreatment must be one of 'firstLast', 'minMax' or 'randObs'!")
	if(dateTreatment == "randObs" & FAD.only){
			"FAD.only = TRUE is inapplicable with dateTreatment = 'minMax' or 'randObs'\n",
			"'randObs' assumes dates of observation unknown point occurrences within a taxon's range\n",
			"   And thus there is no sensible reason for restricting dating to FADs if you chose"
	if(dateTreatment == "minMax" & FAD.only){
			"FAD.only = TRUE is inapplicable with dateTreatment = 'minMax' or 'randObs'\n",
			"'minMax' assumes dates of observation of tips are point occurrences\n",
			"   And thus taxa are not considered to have ranges that have FADs"
	#originalInputTree <- tree
	# identify and remove dropped taxa
	droppers <- tree$tip.label[
		if(length(droppers) == Ntip(tree)){
			stop("Absolutely NO valid taxa shared between the tree and temporal data!")
				"Warning: Following taxa dropped from tree:\n",
				paste0(droppers,collapse = ", ")
		tree <- drop.tip(tree,droppers)
			stop("Less than two valid taxa shared between the tree and temporal data!")
		# find dropped taxa in timeData and make them NA (for later dropping)
		whichDropperRows <- which(!sapply(rownames(timeData),function(x) any(x == tree$tip.label)))
		timeData[whichDropperRows,1] <- NA
			# then... the tree has changed unpredictably, node.mins unusable
				"node.mins not compatible with datasets where some taxa are dropped\n",
				"Please drop taxa and check node.mins before analysis instead"
		if(Nnode(tree) != length(node.mins)){
			stop("node.mins must be same length as number of nodes in the input tree!")}
	# first clean out all taxa which are NA or missing in timeData	
		# this will also drop the taxa not found in the input tree
	timeData <- timeData[!is.na(timeData[,1]),]
	# check timeData
		stop("Weird NAs in Data??")
		stop("timeData is not in time relative to modern (decreasing to present)")
	if(length(unique(rownames(timeData))) != length(rownames(timeData))){
		stop("Duplicate taxa in timeList[[2]]")
	if(length(unique(tree$tip.label)) != length(tree$tip.label)){
		stop("Duplicate tip taxon names in tree$tip.label")
	if(length(rownames(timeData)) != length(tree$tip.label)){
		stop("Odd irreconcilable mismatch between timeList[[2]] and tree$tip.labels")
	# make sure all taxa have a sampRate, brRate, exRate and anc.wt
		# if a single value is given, expand for all OTUs
	if(length(sampRate) == 1){
		sampRate <- rep(sampRate,Ntip(tree))
		names(sampRate) <- tree$tip.label
		#if it is a species-named vector, all the species better be there!
			stop("Sampling Rates Not Given For All Taxa on Tree!")
	if(length(brRate) == 1){
		brRate <- rep(brRate, Ntip(tree))
		names(brRate) <- tree$tip.label
		#if it is a species-named vector, all the species better be there!
			stop("Branching Rates Not Given For All Taxa on Tree!")
	if(length(extRate) == 1){
		extRate <- rep(extRate,Ntip(tree))
		names(extRate) <- tree$tip.label
		#if it is a species-named vector, all the species better be there!
			stop("Extinction Rates Not Given For All Taxa on Tree!")
	#allow per-taxon anc.wt values
	if(length(anc.wt) == 1){
		anc.wt <- rep(anc.wt,Ntip(tree))
		names(anc.wt) <- tree$tip.label
		#if it is a species-named vector, all the species better be there!
			stop("Ancestral Weights Not Given For All Taxa on Tree!")
	# get Ps for each species
	Ps <- sapply(tree$tip.label,function(x) 
	names(Ps) <- tree$tip.label
	#identify which nodes are min-locked; make sure to update when resolving polytomies
		locked_nodesOrig <- which(!is.na(node.mins)) + Ntip(tree)
		locked_nodesOrig <- NA
	if(dateTreatment != "minMax"){
		#timescale with timePaleoPhy to get "basic" timetree
			# we can do this BEFORE the big loop if not 'minMax'
		# for minMax, we will need to repeat this many times as FAD changes
		ttree1 <- timePaleoPhy(
			tree = tree, 
			timeData = timeData,
			type = "basic", 
			dateTreatment = "firstLast",
			node.mins = node.mins, 
			add.term = FALSE, 
			inc.term.adj = FALSE)
		ttree1 <- collapse.singles(ttree1)
	ttrees <- rmtree(ntrees,3)
	sampledLogLike <- numeric()
	for(ntr in 1:ntrees){
		#10/30/12: get FAD and LAD (default time of observation)
				# also calculate difference between t.obs and LAD
		if(dateTreatment == "minMax" | dateTreatment == "randObs" | FAD.only){
				# repeat FAD
				timeData1 <- cbind(timeData[,1],timeData[,1],
					# calculate difference between t.obs and LAD
				rownames(timeData1) <- rownames(timeData)
			if(dateTreatment == "randObs"){
				timeData1 <- cbind(
						function(x) runif(1,x[2],x[1])
				# calculate difference between t.obs and LAD
				timeData1 <- cbind(timeData1, timeData1[,2]-timeData[,2])
				rownames(timeData1) <- rownames(timeData)
			if(dateTreatment == "minMax"){
				# sample a new date from a uniform distribution
				timeData1 <- apply(
					timeData, 1,
					function(x) runif(1,x[2],x[1])
				# calculate difference between t.obs and LAD
					# which should be 0 here
				timeData1 <- cbind(timeData1, timeData1, 0)
				rownames(timeData1) <- rownames(timeData)
				# need to regenerate basic time tree
					# will need to repeat for every iteration
				ttree1 <- timePaleoPhy(
					tree = tree, 
					timeData = timeData1,
					type = "basic", 
					dateTreatment = "firstLast",
					node.mins = node.mins, 
					add.term = FALSE, 
					inc.term.adj = FALSE
				ttree1 <- collapse.singles(ttree1)						
			# calculate difference between t.obs and LAD
				# which should be 0 as its the default situation
			timeData1 <- cbind(timeData,0)
			rownames(timeData1) <- rownames(timeData)
		# now randomly resolve if randres
		if(randres & (!ape::is.binary.phylo(ttree1) | !is.rooted(ttree1))){
			ktree <- multi2di(ttree1)
			# need to updated node locks if any node.mins given
				origDesc <- lapply(prop.part(ttree1),
					function(x) sort(ttree1$tip.label[x]))
				treeDesc <- lapply(prop.part(ktree),
					function(x) sort(ktree$tip.label[x]))
				node_changes <- match(origDesc,treeDesc)
				locked_nodes <- node_changes[locked_nodesOrig]
				locked_nodes <- locked_nodesOrig
			ktree <- ttree1
			locked_nodes <- locked_nodesOrig
		#get a vector of all internal nodes	
		nodes <- (1:Nnode(ktree))+Ntip(ktree)		
		#order by depth
		nodes <- nodes[order(-node.depth(ktree)[-(1:Ntip(ktree))])]	
		anags <- character()
		budds <- character()
		nAdjZip <- 0
			#can't use a for() because # of nodes may change
				save_tree <- ktree
			node <- nodes[1]
			tipl <- ktree$tip.label
			#put together tip data
			tipd <- cbind(
				ID = (1:Ntip(ttree1)),
				FAD = (timeData1[tipl,1]),
				time.obs = (timeData1[tipl,2]),
				SR = sampRate[tipl],
				BR = brRate[tipl],
				ER = extRate[tipl],
				Ps = Ps[tipl],
				ancWt = anc.wt[tipl],
				# diffLAD is the difference between the time of observation and the true LAD
				diffLAD = (timeData1[tipl,3])
			if(node == (Ntip(ktree)+1)){
				#if root, allow to be push back up to root.max
				min_zip <- (-root.max)	
				stem_len <- root.max
				#root_push <- -seq(min_zip,0,by = step.size)
				#if not root, push down to lower node
				min_zip <- (-ktree$edge.length[ktree$edge[,2] == node])
				stem_len <- ktree$edge.length[ktree$edge[,2] == node]
			#find the daughter nodes
			dnodes <- ktree$edge[ktree$edge[,1] == node,2]	
			#find the dedges lengths
			dlen <- ktree$edge.length[match(dnodes,ktree$edge[,2])]	
			#is this node min-locked?
			minlocked <- ifelse(!all(is.na(locked_nodes)),any(node == locked_nodes),FALSE)	
			#if(any(dnodes == which(ktree$tip.label == "t10"))){break()}
			if(length(dnodes)>2){		#if node is a polytomy, use PARALLEL ZIPPER
				#pick a starting lineage
				dSR <- drng <- dBR <- dER <- dPs <- danc.wt <- ddfLAD <- numeric()
				#for each desc, get vector of SR for earliest and range if desc is a tip
				for(i in dnodes){		
					dtips <- match(unlist(Descendants(ktree,i)),tipd[,1])
					dearly <- which(tipd[dtips,2] == max(tipd[dtips,2]))[1]
					dSR[length(dSR)+1] <- tipd[dearly,4]
					dBR[length(dBR)+1] <- tipd[dearly,5]
					dER[length(dER)+1] <- tipd[dearly,6]
					dPs[length(dPs)+1] <- tipd[dearly,7]
					danc.wt[length(danc.wt)+1] <- tipd[dearly,8]
					#10-30-12: diff between t.obs and LAD
					ddfLAD[length(ddfLAD)+1] <- tipd[dearly,9]		
					drng[length(drng)+1] <- ifelse(
				#08-01-12: choice of starting lineage doesn't matter (see SRC method)
					#just pick first appearing
				dnode1 <- dnodes[which(dlen == min(dlen))[1]]		
				#make sure to include stem length in calculations!
				#08-03-12: as with new SRC above, the stem length will JUST be the -min_zip: max root.push!
				#if(node == (Ntip(ktree)+1)){
				#	#07-29-12: this treats the stem length as a single gap
				#		#given that this should be a single gap and not gamma distributed
				#	root_density <- dexp(root_push,rate = dSR[dnode1 == dnodes]+(dBR[dnode1 == dnodes]*dPs[dnode1 == dnodes]))
				#	stem_len <- sample(root_push,1,prob = root_density)
				#	}
				#make data structure for placed lineages
					# anc =  row of anc lineage, events in time-from-stem 
				plin <- c(
					(dlen[dnode1 == dnodes]+stem_len),
					drng[dnode1 == dnodes],
					dlen[dnode1 == dnodes]+stem_len,
					dlen[dnode1 == dnodes]+drng[dnode1 == dnodes]+stem_len,
					danc.wt[dnode1 == dnodes],
					ddfLAD[dnode1 == dnodes]
				plin <- matrix(plin,1,)
				colnames(plin) <- c(
				# place additional lineages, in order of max zip
					 # using parallel zippers along placed lineages
				#add_nodes will hold necessary information on dlen, rng, SR for unplaced nodes
				add_nodes <- cbind(
					drng, dSR, dBR, dER,dPs,
					danc.wt, ddfLAD
				add_nodes <- add_nodes[-which(dnodes == dnode1),]
				add_nodes <- add_nodes[order(dlen[-which(dnodes == dnode1)]),]
				#dstem is distance from stem to FAD
				colnames(add_nodes) <- c(
				for(i in 1:nrow(add_nodes)){
					#identify each currently placed lineage
						# produce zipper for each relative to stem point
					zips <- matrix(,1,3)
					for(j in 1:nrow(plin)){
						#time of speciation (stem time for each placed lineage)
						min_zip <- plin[j,5]	
						#max zip is complicated, dependent on anc.wt
						max_zip <- ifelse(plin[j,8]>0 & !is.na(plin[j,7]),	
							# min of LAD of the placed lineage or FAD of the lineage to be placed
							# min of FAD of the placed lineage or FAD of the lineage to be placed
							#if minlocked, node must be not earlier than original node time
							max_zip <- stem_len
						#and on a stemTime = 0 scale as used for the parallel zipper
							# stem_len is the original node time, unlike single zipper below
						poss_zip <- seq(min_zip,max_zip,by = step.size)
						#08-01-12: getting the density via the Cal3 algorithm
						# FIRST, waiting time from FAD1 to zip
						gap1 <- plin[j,6]-poss_zip		
						# Waiting time from branching point to FAD1
						gap1 <- ifelse(gap1>0,gap1,0)		
						# waiting time from branching point to FAD2
						gap2 <- add_nodes[i,2]-poss_zip			
						# gapStem2zip = waiting time from stem to FAD1 OR br node
						gapStem2zip <- ifelse(plin[j,6]>poss_zip,poss_zip,plin[j,6])	
						totalgap <- gap1+gap2+gapStem2zip
						#07-31-12: Given a lack of other options, 
							# gamma(shape = 2,rate = r+p*Ps) distribution SEEMS best fit
							# under different combinations with p = q = r,p = q>r and p = q<r
						# admittedly not a perfect fit, though!
							# use rates from the lineages being added
						linDense <- dgamma(totalgap,
									shape = 2,
									rate = add_nodes[i,4]+(add_nodes[i,5]*add_nodes[i,7])
						linDense <- ifelse(poss_zip>plin[j,6],
							#with anc.wt (of the PLACED LINEAGE)
							#without anc.wt, but with gap1 probability
						#10-30-12 need to correct linDense value for time of observation
							# IF difference from LAD  = / =  0
							#if adj.obs.wt, if anc.wt>0 & diffLAD>0 & plin's LAD is before the add_nodes's FAD...
							& adj.obs.wt 
							& plin[j,8]>0 
							& plin[j,9]>0
							adj_max <- max(add_nodes[i,2],
								plin[j,9] + plin[j,7])
							#the zips we ain't looking at
							adj_zips <- seq(plin[j,7] + step.size,
								by = step.size) 	
							#08-01-12: getting the density via the Cal3 algorithm
							#waiting time from FAD1 to zip
							gap1 <- plin[j,6] - adj_zips		
							#waiting time from branching point to FAD1
							gap1 <- ifelse(gap1>0, gap1,0)		
							#waiting time from branching point to FAD2
							gap2 <- add_nodes[i,2] - adj_zips			
							#waiting time from stem to FAD1 OR br node
							gapStem2zip <- ifelse(plin[j,6]>adj_zips, adj_zips,plin[j,6])	
							adj_totalgap <- gap1 + gap2 + gapStem2zip
							#07-31-12: Given a lack of other options
								# gamma(shape = 2,rate = r+p*Ps) distribution best fit
								# under different combinations with p = q = r,p = q>r and p = q<r
								# admittedly not a perfect fit, though!
							adj_linDense <- dgamma(adj_totalgap,
										shape = 2,
										rate = add_nodes[i,4]+(add_nodes[i,5]*add_nodes[i,7])
							linDense[length(linDense)] <- linDense[length(linDense)]+sum(adj_linDense*plin[j,8])
							nAdjZip <- nAdjZip+1
						new_zip <- cbind(linDense,plin[j,1],poss_zip)
						zips <- rbind(zips,new_zip)
						zips <- matrix(zips[-1,],1,3)
						zips <- zips[-1,]
					colnames(zips) <- c("linDensity","anc","tzip")
					#new as of 08-21-12
					zip_prob <- zips[,1]
					zip_prob[is.na(zip_prob)] <- 0
					if(sum(zip_prob) == 0){zip_prob <- rep(1,length(zip_prob))}
					zip_prob <- zip_prob/sum(zip_prob)
					ch_zip <- sample(1:nrow(zips),1,prob = zip_prob)	#sample zips
					#record sampled zip_prob
					sampledLogLike <- c(sampledLogLike,log(zip_prob[ch_zip]))
					ch_anc <- zips[ch_zip,2]
					ch_tzip <- zips[ch_zip,3]
					#if anagenesis, add to anags; if budding, add to budds
					if(!is.na(plin[ch_anc == plin[,1],7])){	
						#if the anc is terminal
						if(plin[ch_anc == plin[,1],7] == ch_tzip){
							#if anagenetic
							anags <- c(anags,ktree$tip.label[ch_anc])
						if(plin[ch_anc == plin[,1],6]<ch_tzip){
							#if budding
							budds <- c(budds,ktree$tip.label[ch_anc])
					new_lin <- c(add_nodes[i,1],
					#put in plin
					plin <- rbind(plin,new_lin)	
				#turn into a subtree using taxa2phylo()
				taxad_o <- t(apply(plin,1,
					function(x) c(
				new_anc <- sapply(taxad_o[,2],function(x)
						which(taxad_o[,1] == x)
				taxad_n <- cbind(1:nrow(taxad_o), new_anc,taxad_o[,3:4])
				taxad_n[,3:4] <- max(taxad_n[,3:4])-taxad_n[,3:4]
				rownames(taxad_n) <- paste("t", 1:nrow(taxad_o), sep = "")
				subtree <- taxa2phylo(taxad_n)
				matchSubTreeTaxaLab <- match(
					subtree$tip.label, paste("t",1:nrow(taxad_o),sep = "")
				subtree$tip.label <- taxad_o[matchSubTreeTaxaLab,1]
				#time to stem (branch length for stem)
				new_stem <- diff(sort(plin[,5]))[1]	
				#stick desc tips onto the subtree
				for(i in dnodes){
					dtip <- which(subtree$tip.label == i)
						#if its a clade
						subclade <- extract.clade(ktree,i)
						subtree <- bind.tree(subtree,subclade,where = dtip)
						subtree <- collapse.singles(subtree)
						#if its a tip
						subtree$tip.label[dtip] <- ktree$tip.label[i]
				#replace original node with new, resolved, scaled node
				if(node != (Ntip(ktree)+1)){	
					#if it isn't the node
					drtips <- prop.part(ktree)[[node-Ntip(ktree)]]
					#I need to cut out all but one tip
						# for the sole purpose of putting it all back later)
					tip_lab <- ktree$tip.label[drtips[1]]	
					droptree <- collapse.singles(drop.tip(ktree,drtips[-1]))
					#reset edge length leading to remaining tip to new_stem
					edgeLeadNew <- droptree$edge[,2] == which(droptree$tip.label == tip_lab)
					droptree$edge.length[edgeLeadNew] <- new_stem	
					#put in subtree at tip
					droptree <- bind.tree(droptree,subtree,
						where = which(droptree$tip.label == tip_lab))	
					ktree1 <- droptree
					#if it is the node
					ktree1 <- subtree
				#once you've changed the structure of the tree
					# find original nodes in new tree 
					# (surprisingly frustating to code!)
					d_o <- lapply(Descendants(ktree,nodes[-1]),
						function(x) ktree$tip.label[x]
					d_n <- lapply(Descendants(ktree1)[-(1:Ntip(ktree1))],
						function(x) ktree1$tip.label[x]
					nodes1 <- sapply(d_o,function(x) which(sapply(d_n,function(y) 
						ifelse(length(y) == length(x),all(sort(y) == sort(x)),FALSE))))
					nodes1 <- Ntip(ktree1)+nodes1
					nodes1 <- nodes1[order(-node.depth(ktree1)[nodes1])]	#order by depth
						#update locked_nodes, can re-use d_n
						d_ol <- lapply(Descendants(ktree,locked_nodes),
							function(x) ktree$tip.label[x]
						locked_nodes <- sapply(d_ol,function(x) 
								ifelse(length(y) == length(x), all(sort(y) == sort(x)),FALSE))
						locked_nodes <- Ntip(ktree1) + locked_nodes
					#don't bother if no more nodes left...
					nodes1 <- numeric()
				#update tipd and nodes (tree str will have changed)
				ktree1 <- collapse.singles(ktree1)
				ktree <- ktree1
				nodes <- nodes1
				#if node is NOT a polytomy, then use regular zipper
				#get the shortest branch (nothing can be done about this one)
				dlen1 <- min(dlen)				
				#get the longest branch
				dlen2 <- max(dlen)				
				dnode1 <- dnodes[which(dlen == dlen1)[1]]
				dnode2 <- dnodes[dnodes != dnode1]
				#get the SR of earliest tip of d2
					#need the NODE for prop.part, idiot!
				d2FADs <- tipd[match(unlist(Descendants(ktree,dnode2)),tipd[,1]),2]	
				d2early <- which(d2FADs == max(d2FADs))	
				#if more than one of same FAD, just randomly choose one
				d2early <- ifelse(length(d2early)>1,sample(d2early,1),d2early)	
				d2SR <- (tipd[match(unlist(Descendants(ktree,dnode2)),
				d2BR <- (tipd[match(unlist(Descendants(ktree,dnode2)),
				d2Ps <- (tipd[match(unlist(Descendants(ktree,dnode2)),
				d1rng <- ifelse(dnode1 <= Ntip(ktree),
					#if clade, range = NA
				d2rng <- ifelse(dnode2 <= Ntip(ktree),
				d1ancWt <- ifelse(dnode1 <= Ntip(ktree),
				d1diffLAD <- ifelse(dnode1 <= Ntip(ktree),
				#ZIPPPER: first create a list of scenarios
					# treat the position of the node like a zipper
					# which can be moved up or down
				max_zip <- ifelse(d1ancWt>0 & !is.na(d1rng),
					#if d1 isn't a clade and there can be ancestors	
					#in single zipper, unlike parallel zipper, 0 is original node time
					max_zip <- 0
				poss_zip <- seq(min_zip,max_zip,by = step.size)
				#waiting time from zip (branching point) to FAD1
					#restrict to be dlen1 if longer than dlen1
					# (FAD1-time, prob 0 anyway!)
				gap1 <- ifelse(poss_zip>dlen1,
					0, dlen1-poss_zip)		 
				#waiting time from branching point to FAD2
				gap2 <- dlen2-poss_zip			
				#waiting time from stem to FAD1 OR branch node (zip)
				gapStem2zip <- ifelse((stem_len+dlen1)>(stem_len+poss_zip),
				totalgap <- gap1+gap2+gapStem2zip
				#07-31-12: Given a lack of other options
					# gamma(shape = 2,rate = r+p*Ps) distribution best fit
					# under different combinations with p = q = r,p = q>r and p = q<r
						# admittedly not a perfect fit, though!
				linDense <- dgamma(totalgap,shape = 2,rate = d2SR+(d2BR*d2Ps))
				linDensity <- ifelse((stem_len+dlen1)<(stem_len+poss_zip),
					d1ancWt*linDense,	#with anc.wt (of first taxon)
					 	  linDense)	#without anc.wt, but with gap1 probability
				# 10-30-12 need to correct linDense value for 
					# time of observation if difference from LAD  = / =  0
					# use the diffLAD of the potential ancestor
					# if adj.obs.wt, if anc.wt>0 & diffLAD>0 & d1's LAD is before d2's FAD...
				if(adj.obs.wt & d1ancWt>0 & d1diffLAD>0 & (dlen1+d1rng+step.size)<dlen2){
					adj_max <- max(dlen2,d1diffLAD+(dlen1+d1rng))
					# get the zips we *ain't* looking at
					adj_zips <- seq((dlen1+d1rng)+step.size,adj_max,by = step.size) 	
					#08-01-12: getting the density via the Cal3 algorithm
					#waiting time from zip (branching point) to FAD1
						#restrict to be dlen1 if longer than dlen1 
						# (FAD1-time, prob 0 anyway!)
					gap1 <- ifelse(adj_zips>dlen1,0,dlen1-adj_zips)		
					#gap 2 is waiting time from branching point to FAD2
					gap2 <- dlen2-adj_zips			
					#waiting time from stem to FAD1 OR branch node (zip)
					gapStem2zip <- ifelse(
					adj_totalgap <- gap1+gap2+gapStem2zip
					#07-31-12: Given a lack of other options, 
						# gamma(shape = 2,rate = r+p*Ps) distribution best fit
						# under different combinations
							# with p = q = r,p = q>r and p = q<r
						# admittedly not a perfect fit, though!
					adj_linDense <- dgamma(totalgap,
						shape = 2,
						rate = d2SR+(d2BR*d2Ps)
					linDensity[length(linDensity)] <- (
						linDensity[length(linDensity)] + sum(adj_linDense*d1ancWt)
					nAdjZip <- nAdjZip+1
				#new as of 08-21-12
				linDensity[is.na(linDensity)] <- 0
				if(sum(linDensity) == 0){
					linDensity[length(linDensity)] <- 1
				linDensity1 <- linDensity / sum(linDensity)
				#pick zipper location
				ch_zip <- sample(poss_zip,1,prob = linDensity1)	
				#record sampled zip_prob
				sampledLogLike <- c(sampledLogLike, log(linDensity1[ch_zip]))
				#calculate new branch lengths, adding terminal ranges to tips
				#If not budding or anagenesis...
				new_dlen1 <- ifelse(ch_zip>dlen1, NA, dlen1-ch_zip)			
				new_dlen2 <- dlen2-ch_zip		
				#but if budding or anagensis
					#if anagensis
					if(ch_zip == max_zip & dlen1+d1rng<dlen2){ 			
						anags <- c(anags,ktree$tip.label[dnode1])
						new_dlen1 <- 0
						#if budding
						budds <- c(budds,ktree$tip.label[dnode1])
						new_dlen1 <- d1rng+dlen1-ch_zip
					#if tip, add term range
					new_dlen1 <- ifelse(!is.na(d1rng),
				#if tip, add rng to new dlen
				new_dlen2 <- ifelse(
				#rescale branches according to their new lengths
				if(node != (Ntip(ktree)+1)){	
					#if not root, change stem length
					ktree$edge.length[ktree$edge[,2] == node] <- ch_zip-min_zip	
				ktree$edge.length[match(dnode1,ktree$edge[,2])] <- new_dlen1
				ktree$edge.length[match(dnode2,ktree$edge[,2])] <- new_dlen2
				#update nodes
				nodes <- nodes[-1]			
		ktree <- reorder(collapse.singles(ktree),"cladewise")
		# remove names from stuff
		names(ktree$edge.length) <- NULL
		names(ktree$tip.label) <- NULL
		names(ktree$budd.tips) <- NULL
		names(ktree$anag.tips) <- NULL
		#record the number of anagenetic ancestors
		ktree$anag.tips <- anags
		#record the number of budding ancestors	
		ktree$budd.tips <- budds	
		ktree$nAdjZip <- nAdjZip
		#record sampled log-likelihoods
		ktree$sampledLogLike <- sampledLogLike
		ktree$sumLogLike <- sum(sampledLogLike)
		#now add root.time
			# because NO TIPS ARE DROPPED (due to anagenesis) can calculate this now
			#must be calculated on LADs because the terminal ranges are added to the TREE!!!
			#should be time of earliest LAD + distance of root from earliest tip
		ktree$root.time <- (
			  + min(node.depth.edgelength(ktree)[1:Ntip(ktree)])
		# reorder timeData1 so it matches ktree$tip.label
		timeData1 <- timeData1[ktree$tip.label,]
		# save that too
		ktree$timeDataUsed <- timeData1
		# stuff for checking if things are correct
			# calculate differences between tips
		tipdiffs <- cbind(	
			diff(sort(-timeData1[,2])) - diff(
		# first test - are time differences between tips greater than expected?
		test1 <- all(tipdiffs[,3]<tolerance)
		# second test - is order of tips appearing different than expected?
		test2 <- identical(
		#test 2 does not work if any LADS are same
		if(length(unique(timeData1[,2])) < Ntip(tree)){
			test2 <- TRUE
		## evaluate tests
			ktree$test <- "passed"
			ktree_test_messsage <- paste0("Tip age tests failed: \n",
					"Tip dates returned are different from expected, beyond specified tolerance.\n"
					"Order of tip dates disagrees with expected order."
			ktree$test <- ktree_test_messsage
				"Warning: Terminal tips improperly aligned,",
				" cause unknown. Use output with care.\n",
			parOrig <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
			par(mar = c(2.5,2.5,1,2.5))
				show.tip.label = TRUE,
				use.edge.length = FALSE)
				show.tip.label = TRUE)
				show.tip.label = TRUE)
		names(ktree$edge.length) <- NULL
		ttrees[[ntr]] <- ktree
	if(ntrees == 1){
		ttrees <- ttrees[[1]]

#' @rdname cal3TimePaleoPhy
#' @export
bin_cal3TimePaleoPhy <- function(tree,timeList,
		ntrees = 1, anc.wt = 1, node.mins = NULL,
		dateTreatment = "firstLast", FAD.only = FALSE,
		sites = NULL,point.occur = FALSE,nonstoch.bin = FALSE,
		adj.obs.wt = TRUE, root.max = 200, step.size = 0.1,
		randres = FALSE, noisyDrop = TRUE, verboseWarnings = TRUE,
		tolerance = 0.0001, diagnosticMode = FALSE, plot = FALSE){
	#see the bin_cal3 function for more notation...
	if(!inherits(tree, "phylo")){
		stop("tree is not of class phylo")
			timeList[[1]] <- as.matrix(timeList[[1]])
			stop("timeList[[1]] not of matrix or data.frame format")
			timeList[[2]] <- as.matrix(timeList[[2]])
			stop("timeList[[2]] not of matrix or data.frame format")
	if(dateTreatment == "minMax"){
			"Instead of dateTreatment = 'minMax'\n Please use",
			" argument point.occur instead in bin_ functions or use sites argument"))
	if(!any(dateTreatment == c("firstLast","randObs"))){
		stop("dateTreatment must be one of 'firstLast' or 'randObs'!")
	if(dateTreatment == "randObs" & FAD.only){
		stop("FAD.only = TRUE and dateTreatment = 'randObs' are conflicting arguments")
	if(dateTreatment == "minMax" & FAD.only){
		stop(paste0("FAD.only = TRUE and dateTreatment = 'minMax'",
			" are conflicting, as there are no FADs,",
			" as dates are simply point occurrences"))
	if(!is.null(sites) & point.occur){
			"Inconsistent arguments, point.occur = TRUE would replace input 'sites' matrix",
			"\n Why not just make site assignments for first",
			" and last appearance the same in your input site matrix?"))
	# warning messages
	if(ntrees == 1 & verboseWarnings){
		warning("Do not interpret a single cal3 time-scaled tree")
	if(ntrees == 1 & !nonstoch.bin & verboseWarnings){
		warning(paste0("Do not interpret a single tree; dates",
			" are stochastically pulled from uniform distributions"))
	#clean out all taxa which are NA or missing for timeList
	droppers <- tree$tip.label[is.na(match(tree$tip.label,
		if(length(droppers) == Ntip(tree)){
			stop("Absolutely NO valid taxa shared between the tree and temporal data!")
				"Warning: Following taxa dropped from tree:",
				paste0(droppers,collapse = ", ")
		tree <- drop.tip(tree,droppers)
			stop("Absolutely NO valid taxa shared between the tree and temporal data!")
			stop("Less than two valid taxa shared between the tree and temporal data!")
		whichNoMatch <- which(!sapply(rownames(timeList[[2]]),function(x)any(x == tree$tip.label)))
		timeList[[2]][whichNoMatch,1] <- NA
		if(length(droppers)>0){	#then... the tree has changed unpredictably, node.mins unusable
			stop(paste0("node.mins not compatible with datasets where some",
				" taxa are dropped; drop before analysis instead"))
		if(Nnode(tree) != length(node.mins)){
			stop("node.mins must be same length as number of nodes in the input tree!")}
	#best to drop taxa from timeList that aren't represented on the tree
	notTree <- rownames(timeList[[2]])[
					"Following taxa dropped from timeList:",
					paste0(notTree,collapse = ", "))
			timeList[[2]] <- timeList[[2]][
			stop(paste0("Some taxa in timeList not included on tree:",
			" no automatic taxon drop if 'sites' are given.",
			" Please remove from both sites and timeList and try again."))
	timeList[[2]] <- timeList[[2]][!is.na(timeList[[2]][,1]),]
	if(ncol(timeList[[1]]) != 2 | ncol(timeList[[2]]) != 2){
		stop("Both timeList[[1]] and timeList[[2]] should have only two columns")
	if(any(is.na(timeList[[1]])) | any(is.na(timeList[[2]]))){
		stop("Unexpected NAs in timeList")}
	if(any(is.character(timeList[[1]])) | any(is.character(timeList[[2]]))){
		stop("Unexpected character-type data in timeList")
		stop("timeList[[1]] not in intervals in time relative to modern")
		stop("Some dates in timeList[[1]] <0 ?")
		stop("timeList[[2]] not in intervals numbered from first to last (1 to infinity)")
		stop("Some dates in timeList[[2]] <0 ?")
	if(length(unique(rownames(timeList[[2]]))) != length(rownames(timeList[[2]]))){
		stop("Duplicate taxa in timeList[[2]]")
	if(length(unique(tree$tip.label)) != length(tree$tip.label)){
		stop("Duplicate tip taxon names in tree$tip.label")
	if(length(rownames(timeList[[2]])) != length(tree$tip.label)){
		stop("Odd irreconcilable mismatch between timeList[[2]] and tree$tip.labels")
			if(any(timeList[[2]][,1] != timeList[[2]][,2])){
				stop(paste0("point.occur = TRUE but some taxa have FADs",
					" and LADs listed in different intervals?!"))
			sites <- matrix(c(1:Ntip(tree),1:Ntip(tree)),Ntip(tree),2)
			sites <- matrix(1:(nrow(timeList[[2]])*2),,2)
		#make sites a bunch of nicely behaved sorted integers
		sites[,1] <- sapply(sites[,1],function(x)
			which(x == sort(unique(as.vector(sites)))))
		sites[,2] <- sapply(sites[,2],function(x)
			which(x == sort(unique(as.vector(sites)))))
	ttrees <- rmtree(ntrees,3)
	siteTime <- matrix(,max(sites),2)
	#build two-col matrix of site's FADs and LADs
	for (i in unique(as.vector(sites))){		
		#find an interval for this site
		go <- timeList[[2]][which(sites == i)[1]]	
		siteTime[i,] <- timeList[[1]][go,]
	for(ntrb in 1:ntrees){
			bad_sites <- unique(as.vector(sites))
			siteDates <- apply(siteTime,1,function(x) runif(1,x[2],x[1]))
				siteDates[bad_sites] <- apply(siteTime[bad_sites,],
					1,function(x) runif(1,x[2],x[1]))
				bad_sites <- unique(as.vector(
			timeDataSampled <- cbind(siteDates[sites[,1]],siteDates[sites[,2]])
			timeDataSampled <- cbind(siteTime[sites[,1],1],siteTime[sites[,2],2])
		rownames(timeDataSampled) <- rownames(timeList[[2]])
		#if(rand.obs){timeDataSampled[,2] <- apply(timeDataSampled,1,function(x) runif(1,x[2],x[1]))}
		#if(FAD.only){timeDataSampled[,2] <- timeDataSampled[,1]}
		tree2 <- suppressWarnings(
				brRate = brRate,
				extRate = extRate,
				sampRate = sampRate,
				ntrees = 1,
				anc.wt = anc.wt,
				node.mins = node.mins,
				adj.obs.wt = adj.obs.wt,
				root.max = root.max,
				step.size = step.size,
				FAD.only = FAD.only,
				dateTreatment = dateTreatment,
				randres = randres, 
				tolerance = tolerance,
				diagnosticMode = diagnosticMode,
				verboseWarnings = verboseWarnings,
				plot = plot
		colnames(timeDataSampled) <- c("FAD","LAD")
		tree2$ranges.used <- timeDataSampled
		names(tree2$edge.length) <- NULL
		ttrees[[ntrb]] <- tree2
	if(ntrees == 1){ttrees <- ttrees[[1]]}

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paleotree documentation built on Aug. 22, 2022, 9:09 a.m.