
Defines functions resolveTreeCharMechanism resolveTreeChar

Documented in resolveTreeChar

#' Resolve Polytomies Using Parsimony-Based Reconstruction of a Discrete Character
#' This function resolves a set of given topology with less than fully-binary phylogenetic resolution so that
#' lineages are shifted and internal nodes added that minimize the number of independent character transitions needed to explain
#' an observed distribution of discrete character states for the taxa on such a tree, under various maximum-parsimony algorithms of 
#' ancestral character reconstruction, powered ultimately by function \code{ancestral.pars} in library \code{phangorn}.
#' This function is mainly designed for use with poorly resolved trees which are being assessed with the function
#' \code{\link{minCharChange}}.

#' @details
#' As shown in the example code below, this function offers a wide variety of options for manipulating the
#' maximum-parsimony algorithm used (i.e. MPR versus ACCTRAN), the ordering (or not) of character states,
#' and potential biasing of uncertainty character state reconstructions (when ordered characters are
#' assessed). This allows for a wide variety of possible resolutions for a given tree with polytomies
#' and a discrete character. In general, the author expects that use of this function will be optimal
#' when applied to ordered characters using one of the \code{stateBias} options, perhaps
#' \code{stateBias = "primitive"} (based on theoretical expectations for slow evolving characters). However,
#' anecdotal use of this function with various simulation datasets suggests that the results are quite
#' variable, and so the best option needs to be assessed based on the prior assumptions regarding the
#' data and the performance of the dataset with the various arguments of this function.

#' @inheritParams minCharChange

#' @param orderedChar Is the character of interest given for \code{trait} ordered or not?
#' If FALSE (the default), then for each polytomy, all child nodes that appear to have the
#' same state as the ancestor node will remain in the polytomy, and any additional states held by child nodes will
#' each be grouped into their own unique polytomy that forms from a descendant node of the original polytomy.
#' If TRUE, then the character will be reconstructed with a cost (step)
#' matrix of a linear, ordered character, and polytomies will be resolved so that lineages with different
#' states will be placed into a nested ladder that reflects the ordered character. As with the unordered option,
#' child nodes with a state equivalent to the ancestral node will remain in the polytomy, while more primitive
#' or more derived states will be sorted into their own separate ladders composed of paraphyletic groups, ordered
#' so to move 'away' state-by-state from the ancestral node's inferred character state.
# This option is not applicable if \code{type = "ACCTRAN"}, as cost matrices cannot
# be used with ACCTRAN in \code{ancestral.pars}, and an error will be returned if \code{orderedChar = TRUE} but
# a cost matrix is given manually.

#' @param stateBias This argument controls how \code{resolveTreeChar} handles ancestral node reconstructions that have
#' multiple states competing for the maximum weight of any state (i.e. if states 0 and 1 both have 0.4 of the weight). The
#' default, where \code{stateBias = NULL} causes uncertainty at nodes among states to be treated as a single 'group' identical
#' to any states within it. Essentially, this means that for the example polytomy where the ancestor has maximum weight for both 0 and 1, 
#' any child nodes with 0, 1 or both of these states will be considered to have an identical state for the purpose of grouping nodes
#' for the purpose of further resolving polytomies. If and only if \code{orderedChar = TRUE}, then additional options of
#' \code{stateBias = 'primitive'} and \code{stateBias = 'derived'} become available, which instead force uncertain node
#' assignments to either be the most primitive (i.e. the minimum) or the most derived (i.e. the maximum) among the
#' maximum-weight states. In particular, \code{stateBias = 'primitive'} should favor gains and bias any analysis of
#' character transitions against finding reversals.
#' @param iterative A logical argument which, if TRUE (the default), causes the function to repeat the polytomy-resolving
#' functionality across the entire tree until the number of nodes stabilizes. If FALSE, polytomies are only passed a single
#' time.

#' @return
#' Returns the resulting tree, which may be fully resolved, partly more resolved or not more resolved at all
#' (i.e. have less polytomies) depending on what was possible, as constrained by ambiguities in character
#' reconstructions. Applying \code{\link{multi2di}} is suggested as a post-step to obtain a fully-resolved
#' cladogram, if one is desired.

#' @seealso 
#' \code{\link{ancPropStateMat}} which is used internally by this function. This function was
#' intentionally designed for use with \code{\link{minCharChange}}.

#' @author David W. Bapst

#' @references
#' Hanazawa, M., H. Narushima, and N. Minaka. 1995. Generating most parsimonious reconstructions on
#' a tree: A generalization of the Farris-Swofford-Maddison method. Discrete Applied Mathematics
#' 56(2-3):245-265.
#' Narushima, H., and M. Hanazawa. 1997. A more efficient algorithm for MPR problems in phylogeny.
#' Discrete Applied Mathematics 80(2-3):231-238.
#' Schliep, K. P. 2011. phangorn: phylogenetic analysis in R. \emph{Bioinformatics} 27(4):592-593.
#' Swofford, D. L., and W. P. Maddison. 1987. Reconstructing ancestral character states under
#' Wagner parsimony. Mathematical Biosciences 87(2):199-229.

#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # let's write a quick&dirty ancestral trait plotting function
#' quickAncPlot <- function(tree, trait, cex, orderedChar = FALSE, type = "MPR", cost = NULL){
#' 	 ancData <- ancPropStateMat(tree = tree, trait = trait, orderedChar = orderedChar)
#' 	 ancCol <- (1:ncol(ancData))+1
#'  	plot(tree,show.tip.label = FALSE,no.margin = TRUE,direction = "upwards")
#'  	tiplabels(pch = 16,pie = ancData[(1:Ntip(tree)),],cex = cex,piecol = ancCol,
#' 		col = 0)
#'  	nodelabels(pie = ancData[-(1:Ntip(tree)),],cex = cex,piecol = ancCol)	
#'  	}
#' ##########
#' # examples with simulated data
#' set.seed(2)
#' tree <- rtree(50)
#' #simulate under a likelihood model
#' trait <- rTraitDisc(tree,k = 3,rate = 0.7)
#' tree <- degradeTree(tree,prop_collapse = 0.6)
#' tree <- ladderize(tree,right = FALSE)
#' #a bunch of type = MPR (default) examples
#' treeUnord <- resolveTreeChar(tree,trait,orderedChar = FALSE)
#' treeOrd <- resolveTreeChar(tree,trait,orderedChar = TRUE,stateBias = NULL)
#' treeOrdPrim <- resolveTreeChar(tree,trait,orderedChar = TRUE,stateBias = "primitive")
#' treeOrdDer <- resolveTreeChar(tree,trait,orderedChar = TRUE,stateBias = "derived")
#' #compare number of nodes
#' Nnode(tree)			#original
#' Nnode(treeUnord)		#unordered, biasStates = NULL, MPR
#' Nnode(treeOrd)		#ordered, biasStates = NULL
#' Nnode(treeOrdPrim)	#ordered, biasStates = 'primitive'
#' Nnode(treeOrdDer)	#ordered, biasStates = 'derived'
#' #let's compare original tree with unordered-resolved tree
#' layout(1:2)
#' quickAncPlot(tree,trait,orderedChar = FALSE,cex = 0.3)
#' text(x = 43,y = 10,"Original",cex = 1.5)
#' quickAncPlot(treeUnord,trait,orderedChar = FALSE,cex = 0.3)
#' text(x = 43,y = 10,"orderedChar = FALSE",cex = 1.5)
#' #some resolution gained
#' #now let's compare the original and ordered, both biasStates = NULL
#' layout(1:2)
#' quickAncPlot(tree,trait,orderedChar = FALSE,cex = 0.3)
#' text(x = 43,y = 10,"Original",cex = 1.5)
#' quickAncPlot(treeOrd,trait,orderedChar = TRUE,cex = 0.3)
#' text(x = 43,y = 10,"orderedChar = TRUE",cex = 1.5)
#' #now let's compare the three ordered trees
#' layout(1:3)
#' quickAncPlot(treeOrd,trait,orderedChar = TRUE,cex = 0.3)
#' text(x = 41,y = 8,"ordered, biasStates = NULL",cex = 1.5)
#' quickAncPlot(treeOrdPrim,trait,orderedChar = TRUE,cex = 0.3)
#' text(x = 41.5,y = 8,"ordered, biasStates = 'primitive'",cex = 1.5)
#' quickAncPlot(treeOrdDer,trait,orderedChar = TRUE,cex = 0.3)
#' text(x = 42,y = 8,"ordered, biasStates = 'derived'",cex = 1.5)
#' #let's compare unordered with ordered, biasStates = 'primitive'
#' layout(1:2)
#' quickAncPlot(treeUnord,trait,orderedChar = FALSE,cex = 0.3)
#' text(x = 41,y = 8,"orderedChar = FALSE",cex = 1.5)
#' quickAncPlot(treeOrdPrim,trait,orderedChar = TRUE,cex = 0.3)
#' text(x = 40,y = 11,"orderedChar = TRUE",cex = 1.5)
#' text(x = 40,y = 4,"biasStates = 'primitive'",cex = 1.5)
#' #these comparisons will differ greatly between datasets
#' 	# need to try them on your own
#' layout(1)
#' }

#' @name resolveTreeChar
#' @rdname resolveTreeChar
#' @export
resolveTreeChar <- function(tree, trait, orderedChar = FALSE, stateBias = NULL, iterative = TRUE, cost = NULL,
			ambiguity =  c(NA, "?"), dropAmbiguity = FALSE, polySymbol = "&", contrast = NULL){
		#	orderedChar = TRUE; type = "MPR"; cost = NULL; stateBias = "primitive"
		#	orderedChar = FALSE; type = "MPR"; cost = NULL; stateBias = NULL
	#orderedChar = TRUE : put clades together relative to character being ordered, 0 is most primitive state
		# nested paraphyletic grades
	#if FALSE, clades within a polytomy are formed for all groups which the ancestor has 0 prob of being
	if(Nnode(tree) == (Ntip(tree)-1)){stop("Input tree is fully resolved??")}
	#tests of orderedChar and stateBias
			if(!any(stateBias == c("primitive","derived"))){
				stop("For 'orderedChar' analyses, stateBias must be set to NULL, 'primitive' or 'derived'")}
			stop("stateBias cannot be used in analyses for unordered characters")
	#check iterative
		stop("iterative must be a logical class element")
	if(length(iterative) != 1){
		stop("iterative must be a single logical element")
	#now run the resolution mechanism function, possibly in a loop
		tree2 <- tree
		continueRes <- TRUE
			tree1 <- resolveTreeCharMechanism(tree2, trait, orderedChar = orderedChar, stateBias = stateBias, type = "MPR", cost = cost)
			if(ape::is.binary.phylo(tree1) & is.rooted(tree1)){continueRes <- FALSE}
			if(Nnode(tree1) == Nnode(tree2)){continueRes <- FALSE}
			tree2 <- tree1
		treeFinal <- tree2
		#only do it once
		treeFinal <- resolveTreeCharMechanism(tree, trait, orderedChar = orderedChar, stateBias = stateBias, type = "MPR", cost = cost)

# internal function called by resolveTreeChar
resolveTreeCharMechanism <- function(tree, trait, orderedChar, stateBias, type = "MPR", cost){
	nodeParts <- c(1:Ntip(tree),prop.part(tree))
	#pick nodes based on being a polytomy
	whichPoly <- sapply(1:max(tree$edge),function(x) sum(x == tree$edge[,1])>2)
	#polytomy parts
	polyParts <- nodeParts[whichPoly & node.depth(tree)>1]
	#sort polyParts by depth
	polyParts <- polyParts[order(node.depth(tree)[whichPoly & node.depth(tree)>1])]	
		#depthPoly <- cbind(1:max(tree$edge),node.depth(tree))[whichPoly & node.depth(tree)>1,]
		#chosen <- (depthPoly[order(depthPoly[,2]),]
	#replace polyParts number IDs with taxon labels
	polyParts <- lapply(polyParts,function(x) sort(tree$tip.label[x]))
	tree1 <- tree
	for(i in 1:length(polyParts)){	
		#check to make sure taxon lists are still the same
			stop("taxa mysteriously lost/added?")}
		#chosen is the polytomy to be resolved
		labelClades <- lapply(prop.part(tree1),function(x) sort(tree1$tip.label[x]))
		chosen <- Ntip(tree1)+which(sapply(labelClades,function(x) identical(x,polyParts[[i]])))
		if(length(chosen) == 0){stop("Cannot find a polytomy on the input tree??")}
		if(length(chosen)>1){stop("Selected more than one polytomy based on descendants??")}
		ancMat <- ancPropStateMat(trait, tree1, orderedChar = orderedChar, type = type, cost = cost)
		#convert state/node matrix table from state weights to T/F, where T = max weight per node for a state
		maxWt <- t(apply(ancMat,1,function(x) x == max(x)))
		if(any(apply(maxWt,1,sum) == 0)){stop("Error in ancestral state reconstruction, some have no state possible?")}
		#now get the chosen's children
		descChosen <- tree1$edge[tree1$edge[,1] == chosen,2]
		#now decide what state each desc and ancestor has
			nodeChar <- apply(maxWt[sapply(rownames(maxWt),function(y) any(y == descChosen)),],1,function(x) which(x))
			ancChar <- which(maxWt[rownames(maxWt) == chosen,])				
			if(orderedChar & (stateBias == "derived" | stateBias == "primitive")){
				#given max wt uncertainty for states, choose highest or lowest state if an ordered character
					#the lower would weight against reversals
				if(stateBias == "derived"){				
					nodeChar <- apply(maxWt[sapply(rownames(maxWt),function(y) any(y == descChosen)),],1,function(x) max(which(x)))
					ancChar <- max(which(maxWt[rownames(maxWt) == chosen,]))
				if(stateBias == "primitive"){				
					nodeChar <- apply(maxWt[sapply(rownames(maxWt),function(y) any(y == descChosen)),],1,function(x) min(which(x)))
					ancChar <- min(which(maxWt[rownames(maxWt) == chosen,]))
				stop("Inconsistent orderedChar and stateBias arguments")
		#combine above into a single list
		foundStates <- c(nodeChar,list(ancChar))
		#find unique character groupings
			#if uncertainty, merge states into single state
		groupings <- unique(foundStates)
		#need to remove groupings that are short subsets of longer groupings
			#order by length first
		groupings <- groupings[order(-sapply(groupings,length))]
		k <- 1
		#use while loop to go through groupings
		while(k <= length(groupings)){
			drop <- sapply(groupings,function(x) all(sapply(x,function(y) any(y == groupings[[k]]))))
			drop[k] <- FALSE
			#edit foundStates
			dropFS <- sapply(foundStates,function(x) any(sapply(groupings[drop],identical,x)))
			for(m in which(dropFS)){foundStates[[m]] <- groupings[[k]]}
			groupings <- groupings[!drop]
			k <- k+1
			#if only one group, just move on
			#order groupings by average state
			groupings <- groupings[order(sapply(groupings,mean))]
			#assign groups, now in order
			groupAssign <- sapply(foundStates,function(x) which(sapply(groupings,identical,x)))
			#replace groupings with ranked grouping by taking unique of groupAssign
			groupings <- sort(unique(groupAssign))
			#now we have a nodeChar vector with names = desc node IDs, values = ranked groupings
			nodeChar <- groupAssign[-length(groupAssign)]
			#and the ranked grouping for the ancestor
			ancChar <- groupAssign[length(groupAssign)]
			#what if anc grouping isn't in nodeChar, add an artificial one
			if(!any(nodeChar == ancChar)){
				nodeChar <- c(nodeChar,'NaN' = ancChar)
			#now is time to build a tree
			#build a new edgeMat
			edgeMat <- matrix(,1,2)
			#for adding each level
			bottom <- chosen	#the ancestral node
			newsie <- max(tree1$edge)+1	#the new descendant node
			# split algorithm into ordered and not ordered now
				#build a ladder tree with nested paraphyletic grades
				#first build anc to upwards ladder
				chainUp <- groupings[groupings >= ancChar]			
				#then down from anc ladder; reverse so going away from anc state
				chainDown <- rev(groupings[groupings<ancChar])
				#okay, chainUp
				for(j in 1:length(chainUp)){
					#which char is this 'level' of nodes going to use
					leveler <- chainUp[j]
					#let's make a polytomy for each unique level of nodeChar
					edgar <- cbind(bottom,as.numeric(names(nodeChar[nodeChar == leveler])))
					#add a new edge for chainDown (if such exists)
					if(length(chainDown)>0 & j == 1){
						edgar <- rbind(edgar,c(bottom,newsie))
						savedBottom <- newsie	#this will be the new bottom
						if(j != length(chainUp)){newsie <- newsie+1}
					if(j != length(chainUp)){
						#Need to add the edge for the polytomy of the next level: bottom,newsie
						edgar <- rbind(edgar,c(bottom,newsie))
						#need to update bottom and newsie
						bottom <- newsie   #the old newsie becomes the new ancestor (bottom)
						newsie <- newsie+1 #need to define a new descendant from that ancestor for attaching next level
					edgeMat <- rbind(edgeMat,edgar)
					bottom <- savedBottom
					newsie <- newsie+1
					for(j in 1:length(chainDown)){
						#which char is this 'level' of nodes going to use
						leveler <- chainDown[j]
						#let's make a polytomy for each unique level of nodeChar
						edgar <- cbind(bottom,as.numeric(names(nodeChar[nodeChar == leveler])))
						if(j != length(chainDown)){
							#Need to add the edge for the polytomy of the next level: bottom,newsie
							edgar <- rbind(edgar,c(bottom,newsie))
							#need to update bottom and newsie
							bottom <- newsie   #the old newsie becomes the new ancestor (bottom)
							newsie <- newsie+1 #need to define a new descendant from that ancestor for attaching next level
						edgeMat <- rbind(edgeMat,edgar)
				edgeMat <- edgeMat[-1,]
				if(nrow(edgeMat) != (length(nodeChar)+length(unique(nodeChar))-1)){
					stop(paste("edgeMat is not the right size for polyParts = ",i))}
			}else{	#if unordered
				#make every grouping but the ancestor a monophyletic cluster
					#old lolz: # stop("haven't done this yet")
				edgar <- cbind(bottom,as.numeric(names(nodeChar[nodeChar == ancChar])))
				#add to edgeMat
				edgeMat <- rbind(edgeMat,edgar)
				grouping <- groupings[groupings != ancChar]
				for(j in 1:length(grouping)){
					#Need to add the edge for the polytomy of the next group: bottom,newsie
						#add directly to edgemat
					edgeMat <- rbind(edgeMat,c(bottom,newsie))	#bottom never changes
					#need to update bottom and newsie
					bottomG <- newsie   #the old newsie becomes the new ancestor (bottom)
					#which char is this 'level' of nodes going to use
					leveler <- grouping[j]
					#let's make a polytomy for each unique level of nodeChar
					edgar <- cbind(bottomG,as.numeric(names(nodeChar[nodeChar == leveler])))
					newsie <- newsie+1 #need to define a new descendant from that ancestor for attaching next level
					edgeMat <- rbind(edgeMat,edgar)
				edgeMat <- edgeMat[-1,]
			#drop any artificial ancestral taxa added to nodeChar
			edgeMat <- edgeMat[!is.nan(edgeMat[,2]),]
			#now need to clean old edge matrix, remove all with chosen as edge[,1], combine with edgeMat
			tree2 <- tree1
			tree2$edge <- rbind(tree2$edge[tree2$edge[,1] != chosen,],edgeMat)
			tree2$Nnode <- tree2$Nnode+length(unique(nodeChar))-1
			#tree2 <- collapse.singles(reorder(tree2))
			#if(!testEdgeMat(tree2)){stop("Produced edge matrix has inconsistencies")}
			#tree3 <- read.tree(text = write.tree(tree2))
			tree3 <- cleanNewPhylo(tree2)
			if(Ntip(tree1) != Ntip(tree3)){
				if(Ntip(tree1) != Ntip(tree2)){
					stop("Taxa loss/added somehow in fixing polytomies?")
					stop("Taxa loss/added somehow in fixing tree structure?")
			tree1 <- tree3							
	#randRes remaining unresolved areas: yes, no?
		#no, leave this alone, can be a second line of code, for god sakes
	treeFinal <- ladderize(tree1,right = FALSE)

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