
Defines functions cleanNewPhylo getRootID testEdgeMat

Documented in cleanNewPhylo testEdgeMat

#' Test the Edge Matrix of a '\code{phylo}' Phylogeny Object for Inconsistencies
#' \code{testEdgeMat} is a small simple function which tests
#' the \code{$edge} matrix of \code{phylo} objects for
#' inconsistencies that can cause downstream analytical problems.
#' The associated function, \code{cleanNewPhylo} puts an input
#' \code{phylo} object, presumably freshly created or
#' reconstituted by some function, through a series
#' of post-processing, This includes having singles collapsed,
#' nodes reordered and being written out as a Newick string and read back in,
#' to ensure functionality with ape functions
#' and \code{ape}-derived functions.

#' @aliases cleanNewPhylo cleanTree

#' @details
#' Useful when doing complex manipulations of \code{phylo} objects (or reconstituting them, or their
#' \emph{de novo} construction), and thus is used by a number of \code{paleotree} functions.

#' @param tree A phylogeny object of type \code{phylo}.

# @param reorderTree A logical indicating whether a step of 
# \code{reorder.phylo} from \code{ape} will be applied.
# Reordering may cause more problems than it is worth.

#' @return
#' For \code{testEdgeMat}, if all the checks in the function pass correctly, 
#' the logical \code{TRUE} is returned.
#' For \code{cleanNewPhylo}, an object of class \code{phylo} is returned.

#' @author
#' David W. Bapst, with a large number of tests incorporated from 
#' Emmanuel Paradis's \code{checkValidPhylo} function in package \code{ape},
#' (released under the GPL v>2).

# formerly could be found at:
# \url{https://github.com/emmanuelparadis/checkValidPhylo}
# which no longer seems to exist...

#' @examples
#' set.seed(444)
#' tree <- rtree(10)
#' # should return TRUE
#' testEdgeMat(tree)
#' # should also work on star trees
#' testEdgeMat(stree(10))
#' # should also work on trees with two taxa
#' testEdgeMat(rtree(2))
#' # should also work on trees with one taxon
#' testEdgeMat(stree(1))
#' #running cleanNewPhylo on this tree should have little effect
#' 		#beyond ladderizing it...
#' tree1 <- cleanNewPhylo(tree)
#' #compare outputs
#' layout(1:2)
#' plot(tree)
#' plot(tree1)
#' layout(1)

#' @name testEdgeMat
#' @rdname testEdgeMat
#' @export testEdgeMat
testEdgeMat <- function(tree){
		stop("tree is not of type 'phylo'")
		stop("Missing key required elements of a 'phylo' object")
	#MASSIVE SET OF TESTS FROM PARADIS'S checkValidPhylo, added 06-15-15
	#check that there are no NAs in $edge
		stop("NA values in $edge table")
	#check that there is a $tip.label and its a vector of type character with length>0
		stop("$tip.label must be a vector")
		stop("$tip.label must be of type character")
		stop("$tip.label must be of length greater than 0")
	# check than Nnode exists, 
    # and is a vector of length 1, of type number, stored as an integer
		stop("$Nnode must be a vector")
		stop("$Nnode must be of type numeric")
	if(length(tree$Nnode) != 1){
		stop("$Nnode must be of length 1")
		stop("$Nnode must be at least 1")
	#test edge matrix has two columns, is numeric
		stop("$edge must be of type matrix")
	if(ncol(tree$edge) != 2){
		stop("$edge must have two columns")
		stop("$edge must be of type numeric")
		stop("NAs found in $edge matrix")
	#test that edge and Nnode is stored as integers
	if(storage.mode(tree$Nnode) != "integer"){
		stop("$Nnode is not stored as an integer")
		stop("$edge is not stored as an integer")
	#check values in $edge for bad values
		stop("NAs found in $edge matrix")
		stop("All elements of $edge must be integers of 1 or greater")
	#check that root node and Nnode defined correctly
	rootID <- getRootID(tree)
	if(rootID != (Ntip(tree)+1)){
		stop(paste0("The root node is numbered ",rootID,
			" in $edge, should be Ntip(tree)+1 (",Ntip(tree)+1,")"))
	#expected number of tips and nodes is Nnode+length($tip.label)
	expNodeNumber <- tree$Nnode+length(tree$tip.label)
			paste0("Some elements of edge are numbered greater than ",
				expNodeNumber,"\n calculated from Nnode+length(tree$tip.label)",
				"\n Check these: ", paste(unique(tree$edge[tree$edge>expNodeNumber]),
				collapse = " "))
	#test if Nnode agrees with number of nodes in $edge
	if(Nnode(tree) != (max(tree$edge[,1])-Ntip(tree))){
		stop("Nnode is lower than number implied by edge[,1]?")
	#now switch to tabulate based checking of node IDs in $edge (stolen from Paradis)
	tabEdge <- tabulate(tree$edge)
	#are all expected node IDs found in tabEdge?
		stop("Fewer node IDs found in $edge than expected from Nnode+length(tree$tip.label)")
	#do all tips only appear once?
		stop("Some tip IDs appear more than once in $edge")
		stop("Some tip IDs appear less than once in $edge")
	#All internal nodes should appear at least once (even if singleton nodes)
		if(any(tabEdge[length(tree$tip.label) + 2:tree$Nnode]<2)){
			stop("Some internal node IDs appear less than twice in $edge: ")
		if(any(tabEdge[length(tree$tip.label) + 2:tree$Nnode]<2)){
			stop(paste0("Some internal node IDs appear less than twice in $edge: ",
				which(tabEdge[length(tree$tip.label) + 1:tree$Nnode]<2),
				collapse = " "))
	#check that tips do not appear in tree$edge[,1]
	if(any(tree$edge[,1]<(length(tree$tip.label) + 1))){
		stop(paste0("Apparent tip IDs appear in column 1 of $edge: \n",
		tree$edge[tree$edge[,1]<(length(tree$tip.label) + 1),1],collapse = " "))}
	#test edge matrix
	if(!testParentChild(parentChild = tree$edge)){
		stop("Edge matrix has inconsistencies")
	#more tests of edge matrix
		if(Nnode(tree) != (max(tree$edge)-Ntip(tree))){
			stop("Number of nodes is incorrect based on edge numbering?")
			#is every internal node listed as a descendant and ancestor, in edge[,2] and edge[,1]?
			if(!all(sapply((1:Nnode(tree))+Ntip(tree),function(x) any(x == tree$edge[,1])))){
				stop("Not all internal nodes (including root) listed in edge[,1]?")
			if(sum(!sapply((1:Nnode(tree))+Ntip(tree),function(x) any(x == tree$edge[,2])))>1){
				stop("Not all internal nodes (except root) listed in edge[,2]?")
	#if(identical(sort(unique(tree$edge[,2])),c(1L,2L))){stop("Number of nodes is incorrect based on edge[,2]?")}

#hidden function
getRootID <- function(tree){
	uniqueNode <- unique(tree$edge[,1])
	whichRoot <- sapply(uniqueNode,function(x)
		(sum(x == tree$edge[,2]) == 0)
		stop("More than one apparent root in $edge matrix")
	rootID <- uniqueNode[whichRoot]

#' @rdname testEdgeMat
#' @export 
cleanNewPhylo <- function(tree){ 		#,reorderTree = TRUE
		renumberRootID <- function(tree){
			rootID <- getRootID(tree)
			expRootID <- length(tree$tip.label)+1
			if(rootID != expRootID){
				tree$edge[tree$edge == rootID] <- 0
				tree$edge[tree$edge == expRootID] <- rootID
				tree$edge[tree$edge == 0] <- expRootID
				storage.mode(tree$edge) <- "integer"
			stop("tree must be of class 'phylo'")
			stop("Missing key required elements of a 'phylo' object")
		oldNtip <- length(tree$tip.label)
		#make it a good tree
		#coerce edge and Nnode to storage mode for integers
		if(storage.mode(tree$edge) != "integer"){
			storage.mode(tree$edge) <- "integer"
		if(storage.mode(tree$Nnode) != "integer"){
			storage.mode(tree$Nnode) <- "integer"
		#check it
		if(!testEdgeMat(tree)){stop("Edge matrix has inconsistencies")}
		#collapse singles
			#count number of single nodes
		Nsingle <- sum(sapply(unique(tree$edge[,1]),function(x)
			sum(x == tree$edge[,1]) == 1))
			treePrev <- tree
				tree1 <- collapse.singles(treePrev)
				#renumber root if numbered incorrectly
				tree1 <- renumberRootID(tree1)
					stop("Edge matrix has inconsistencies")
					stop("collapse.singles dropped too many nodes")
				Nsingle <- sum(sapply(unique(tree1$edge[,1]),function(x) 
					sum(x == tree1$edge[,1]) == 1)
				treePrev <- tree1
				#print("for counting how many times singles need to be dropped")
			tree1 <- tree
		#reorder	#if(reorderTree){
        attr(tree1, "order") <- NULL		
		tree1 <- reorder.phylo(tree1,"cladewise") 	
			stop("Edge matrix has inconsistencies")
		tree1 <- read.tree(text = write.tree(tree1))
			stop("Edge matrix has inconsistencies")
		tree1 <- ladderize(tree1)
		#test tip numbers
		if(oldNtip != Ntip(tree1)){
			stop("Final tip taxon number different from original number of tip taxon names")

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paleotree documentation built on Aug. 22, 2022, 9:09 a.m.