
Defines functions get_cif.default get_cif add_cif.default add_cif get_sim_ci_surv get_sim_ci_cumu get_sim_ci add_delta_ci_surv add_delta_ci_cumu add_delta_ci add_ci get_surv_prob add_surv_prob get_cumu_hazard add_cumu_hazard get_hazard.default get_hazard add_hazard.default add_hazard preproc_reference prep_X make_X.gam make_X.default make_X add_term

Documented in add_cif add_cif.default add_cumu_hazard add_hazard add_hazard.default add_surv_prob add_term get_cif get_cif.default get_cumu_hazard get_hazard get_hazard.default get_sim_ci get_surv_prob

#' Embeds the data set with the specified (relative) term contribution
#' Adds the contribution of a specific term to the
#' linear predictor to the data specified by \code{newdata}.
#' Essentially a wrapper to \code{\link[mgcv]{predict.gam}}, with \code{type="terms"}.
#' Thus most arguments and their documentation below is from \code{\link[mgcv]{predict.gam}}.
#' @inheritParams mgcv::predict.gam
#' @param term A character (vector) or regular expression indicating for
#' which term(s) information should be extracted and added to data set.
#' @param ci \code{logical}. Indicates if confidence intervals should be
#' calculated. Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param se_mult The factor by which standard errors are multiplied to form
#' confidence intervals.
#' @param reference A data frame with number of rows equal to \code{nrow(newdata)} or
#' one, or a named list with (partial) covariate specifications. See examples.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to \code{\link[mgcv]{predict.gam}}
#' @import checkmate dplyr mgcv
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @importFrom purrr map
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix vcov
#' @examples
#' library(ggplot2)
#' ped <- as_ped(tumor, Surv(days, status)~ age, cut = seq(0, 2000, by = 100))
#' pam <- mgcv::gam(ped_status ~ s(tend) + s(age), family = poisson(),
#'   offset = offset, data = ped)
#' #term contribution for sequence of ages
#' s_age <- ped %>% make_newdata(age = seq_range(age, 50)) %>%
#'   add_term(pam, term = "age")
#' ggplot(s_age, aes(x = age, y = fit)) + geom_line() +
#'   geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = ci_lower, ymax = ci_upper), alpha = .3)
#' # term contribution relative to mean age
#' s_age2 <- ped %>% make_newdata(age = seq_range(age, 50)) %>%
#'   add_term(pam, term = "age", reference = list(age = mean(.$age)))
#' ggplot(s_age2, aes(x = age, y = fit)) + geom_line() +
#'   geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = ci_lower, ymax = ci_upper), alpha = .3)
#' @export
add_term <- function(
  reference = NULL,
  ci        = TRUE,
  se_mult   = 2,
  ...) {

  assert_data_frame(newdata, all.missing = FALSE)
  assert_character(term, min.chars = 1, any.missing = FALSE, min.len = 1)

  col_ind <- map(term, grep, x = names(object$coefficients)) %>%
    unlist() %>% unique() %>% sort()
  is_gam <- inherits(object, "gam")

  X <- prep_X(object, newdata, reference, ...)[, col_ind, drop = FALSE]

  newdata[["fit"]] <- unname(drop(X %*% object$coefficients[col_ind]))
  if (ci) {
    cov.coefs <- if (is_gam) {
      object$Vp[col_ind, col_ind]
    } else {
      vcov(object)[col_ind, col_ind]
    se <- unname(sqrt(rowSums( (X %*% cov.coefs) * X )))
    newdata <- newdata %>%
        ci_lower = .data[["fit"]] - se_mult * se,
        ci_upper = .data[["fit"]] + se_mult * se)



make_X <- function(object, ...) {

  UseMethod("make_X", object)


make_X.default <- function(object, newdata, ...) {

  X <- model.matrix(object$formula[-2], data = newdata, ...)


make_X.gam <- function(object, newdata, ...) {

  X <- predict.gam(object, newdata = newdata, type = "lpmatrix", ...)


prep_X <- function(object, newdata, reference = NULL, ...) {

  X <- make_X(object, newdata, ...)

  if (!is.null(reference)) {
    reference <- preproc_reference(reference, colnames(newdata), nrow(newdata))
    reference <- newdata %>% mutate(!!!reference)
    X_ref <- make_X(object, reference, ...)
    X <- X - X_ref


preproc_reference <- function(reference, cnames, n_rows) {

  # check that provided variables contained in newdata
  names_ref <- names(reference)
  if (!check_subset(names_ref, cnames)) {
    stop(paste0("Columns in 'reference' but not in 'newdata':",
      paste0(setdiff(names_ref, cnames), collapse = ",")))
  # transform to list if inherits from data frame, so it can be processed
  # in mutate via !!!
  if (inherits(reference, "data.frame")) {
    if (!(nrow(reference) == n_rows | nrow(reference) == 1)) {
      stop("If reference is provided as data frame, number of rows must be
        either 1 or the number of rows in newdata.")
    reference <- as.list(reference)



#' Add predicted (cumulative) hazard to data set
#' Add (cumulative) hazard based on the provided data set and model.
#' If \code{ci=TRUE} confidence intervals (CI) are also added. Their width can
#' be controlled via the \code{se_mult} argument. The method by which the
#' CI are calculated can be specified by \code{ci_type}.
#' This is a wrapper around
#' \code{\link[mgcv]{predict.gam}}. When \code{reference} is specified, the
#' (log-)hazard ratio is calculated.
#' @rdname add_hazard
#' @inheritParams mgcv::predict.gam
#' @inheritParams add_term
#' @param type Either \code{"response"} or \code{"link"}. The former calculates
#' hazard, the latter the log-hazard.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to \code{\link[mgcv]{predict.gam}} and
#'   \code{\link{get_hazard}}
#' @param ci_type The method by which standard errors/confidence intervals
#' will be calculated. Default transforms the linear predictor at
#' respective intervals. \code{"delta"} calculates CIs based on the standard
#' error calculated by the Delta method. \code{"sim"} draws the
#' property of interest from its posterior based on the normal distribution of
#' the estimated coefficients. See \href{https://adibender.github.io/simpamm/confidence-intervals.html}{here}
#' for details and empirical evaluation.
#' @param se_mult Factor by which standard errors are multiplied for calculating
#' the confidence intervals.
#' @param overwrite Should hazard columns be overwritten if already present in
#' the data set? Defaults to \code{FALSE}. If \code{TRUE}, columns with names
#' \code{c("hazard", "se", "lower", "upper")} will be overwritten.
#' @param time_var Name of the variable used for the baseline hazard. If
#'   not given, defaults to \code{"tend"} for \code{\link[mgcv]{gam}} fits, else
#'   \code{"interval"}. The latter is assumed to be a factor, the former
#'   numeric.
#' @import checkmate dplyr mgcv
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @examples
#' ped <- tumor[1:50,] %>% as_ped(Surv(days, status)~ age)
#' pam <- mgcv::gam(ped_status ~ s(tend)+age, data = ped, family=poisson(), offset=offset)
#' ped_info(ped) %>% add_hazard(pam, type="link")
#' ped_info(ped) %>% add_hazard(pam, type = "response")
#' ped_info(ped) %>% add_cumu_hazard(pam)
#' @export
add_hazard <- function(newdata, object, ...) {
  UseMethod("add_hazard", object)

#' @rdname add_hazard
#' @export
add_hazard.default <- function(
  reference = NULL,
  type      = c("response", "link"),
  ci        = TRUE,
  se_mult   = 2,
  ci_type   = c("default", "delta", "sim"),
  overwrite = FALSE,
  time_var  = NULL,
  ...)  {

  if (!overwrite) {
    if ("hazard" %in% names(newdata)) {
      stop("Data set already contains 'hazard' column.
        Set `overwrite=TRUE` to overwrite")
  } else {
      rm.vars <- intersect(
        c("hazard", "se", "ci_lower", "ci_upper"),
      newdata <- newdata %>% select(-one_of(rm.vars))

  get_hazard(object, newdata, reference = reference,
    ci = ci, type = type, se_mult = se_mult, ci_type = ci_type,
    time_var = time_var, ...)


#' Calculate predicted hazard
#' @inheritParams add_hazard
#' @importFrom stats model.frame
#' @importFrom mgcv predict.gam predict.bam
#' @keywords internal
get_hazard <- function(object, newdata, ...) {
  UseMethod("get_hazard", object)

#' @rdname get_hazard
get_hazard.default <- function(
  reference = NULL,
  ci        = TRUE,
  type      = c("response", "link"),
  ci_type   = c("default", "delta", "sim"),
  time_var  = NULL,
  se_mult   = 2,
  ...)  {

  assert_data_frame(newdata, all.missing = FALSE)
  assert_class(object, classes = "glm")
  type    <- match.arg(type)
  ci_type <- match.arg(ci_type)

  is_gam <- inherits(object, "gam")
  if (is.null(time_var)) {
    time_var <- ifelse(is_gam, "tend", "interval")
  } else {
    assert_choice(time_var, colnames(newdata))

  # throw warning or error if evaluation time points/intervals do not correspond
  # to evaluation time-points/intervals do not correspond to the ones used for
  # estimation
  warn_about_new_time_points(object, newdata, time_var)

  X <- prep_X(object, newdata, reference, ...)
  coefs <- coef(object)
  newdata$hazard <- unname(drop(X %*% coefs))
  if (ci) {
    newdata <- newdata %>%
      add_ci(object, X, type = type, ci_type = ci_type, se_mult = se_mult, ...)
  if (type == "response") {
    newdata <- newdata %>% mutate(hazard = exp(.data[["hazard"]]))

  newdata %>% arrange(.data[[time_var]], .by_group = TRUE)


#' @rdname add_hazard
#' @inheritParams add_hazard
#' @param interval_length The variable in newdata containing the interval lengths.
#' Can be either bare unquoted variable name or character. Defaults to \code{"intlen"}.
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_cols
#' @seealso \code{\link[mgcv]{predict.gam}},
#' \code{\link[pammtools]{add_surv_prob}}
#' @export
add_cumu_hazard <- function(
  ci              = TRUE,
  se_mult         = 2,
  overwrite       = FALSE,
  time_var   = NULL,
  interval_length = "intlen",
  ...)  {

  interval_length <- quo_name(enquo(interval_length))

  if (!overwrite) {
    if ("cumu_hazard" %in% names(newdata)) {
        "Data set already contains 'hazard' column.
        Set `overwrite=TRUE` to overwrite")
  } else {
      rm.vars <- intersect(c("cumu_hazard", "cumu_lower", "cumu_upper"),
      newdata <- newdata %>% select(-one_of(rm.vars))

  get_cumu_hazard(newdata, object, ci = ci, se_mult = se_mult,
    time_var = time_var, interval_length = interval_length, ...)


#' Calculate cumulative hazard
#' @inheritParams add_cumu_hazard
#' @import checkmate dplyr
#' @importFrom rlang UQ sym quo_name .data
#' @importFrom purrr map_lgl
#' @keywords internal
get_cumu_hazard <- function(
  ci              = TRUE,
  ci_type         = c("default", "delta", "sim"),
  time_var   = NULL,
  se_mult         = 2,
  interval_length = "intlen",
  nsim            = 100L, ...)  {

  assert_subset(interval_length, colnames(newdata))
  assert_data_frame(newdata, all.missing = FALSE)
  assert_class(object, classes = "glm")

  ci_type <- match.arg(ci_type)

  interval_length <- sym(interval_length)

  mutate_args  <- list(cumu_hazard = quo(cumsum(.data[["hazard"]] *
  haz_vars_in_data <- map(c("hazard", "se", "ci_lower", "ci_upper"),
    ~ grep(.x, colnames(newdata), value = TRUE, fixed = TRUE)) %>% flatten_chr()
  vars_exclude <- c("hazard")

  if (ci) {
    if (ci_type == "default" | ci_type == "delta") {
      vars_exclude <- c(vars_exclude, "se", "ci_lower", "ci_upper")
      newdata <- get_hazard(object, newdata, type = "response", ci = ci,
        ci_type = ci_type, time_var = time_var, se_mult = se_mult, ...)
      if (ci_type == "default") {
        mutate_args <- mutate_args %>%
            cumu_lower = quo(cumsum(.data[["ci_lower"]] * (!!interval_length))),
            cumu_upper = quo(cumsum(.data[["ci_upper"]] * (!!interval_length)))))
      } else {
        # ci delta rule
        newdata <- split(newdata, group_indices(newdata)) %>%
            map_dfr(add_delta_ci_cumu, object = object, se_mult = se_mult, ...)
    } else {
      if (ci_type == "sim") {
        newdata <- get_hazard(object, newdata, type = "response", ci = FALSE,
          time_var = time_var, ...)
        newdata <- split(newdata, group_indices(newdata)) %>%
          map_dfr(get_sim_ci_cumu, object = object, nsim = nsim, ...)
  } else {
    newdata <-
      get_hazard(object, newdata, type = "response", ci = ci,
        ci_type = ci_type, time_var = time_var, se_mult = se_mult, ...)
  newdata <- newdata %>%

  vars_exclude <- setdiff(vars_exclude, haz_vars_in_data)
  if (length(vars_exclude) != 0 ) {
    newdata <- newdata %>% select(-one_of(vars_exclude))



#' Add survival probability estimates
#' Given suitable data (i.e. data with all columns used for estimation of the model),
#' this functions adds a column \code{surv_prob} containing survival probabilities
#' for the specified covariate and follow-up information (and CIs
#' \code{surv_lower}, \code{surv_upper} if \code{ci=TRUE}).
#' @inherit add_cumu_hazard
#' @examples
#' ped <- tumor[1:50,] %>% as_ped(Surv(days, status)~ age)
#' pam <- mgcv::gam(ped_status ~ s(tend)+age, data=ped, family=poisson(), offset=offset)
#' ped_info(ped) %>% add_surv_prob(pam, ci=TRUE)
#' @export
add_surv_prob <- function(
  ci              = TRUE,
  se_mult         = 2,
  overwrite       = FALSE,
  time_var   = NULL,
  interval_length = "intlen",
  ...)  {

  interval_length <- quo_name(enquo(interval_length))

  if (!overwrite) {
    if ("surv_prob" %in% names(newdata)) {
      stop("Data set already contains 'surv_prob' column.
        Set `overwrite=TRUE` to overwrite")
  } else {
      rm.vars <- intersect(
        c("surv_prob", "surv_lower", "surv_upper"),
      newdata <- newdata %>% select(-one_of(rm.vars))

  get_surv_prob(newdata, object, ci = ci, se_mult = se_mult,
    time_var = time_var, interval_length = interval_length, ...)


#' Calculate survival probabilities
#' @inheritParams add_surv_prob
#' @keywords internal
get_surv_prob <- function(
  ci              = TRUE,
  ci_type         = c("default", "delta", "sim"),
  se_mult         = 2L,
  time_var   = NULL,
  interval_length = "intlen",
  nsim            = 100L,
  ...) {

  assert_subset(interval_length, colnames(newdata))
  assert_data_frame(newdata, all.missing = FALSE)
  assert_class(object, classes = "glm")

  ci_type <- match.arg(ci_type)

  interval_length <- sym(interval_length)

  mutate_args  <- list(surv_prob = quo(exp(-cumsum(.data[["hazard"]] *
  haz_vars_in_data <- map(c("hazard", "se", "ci_lower", "ci_upper"),
    ~grep(.x, colnames(newdata), value = TRUE, fixed = TRUE)) %>% flatten_chr()
  vars_exclude <- c("hazard")

  if (ci) {
    if (ci_type == "default" | ci_type == "delta") {
      vars_exclude <- c(vars_exclude, "se", "ci_lower", "ci_upper")
      newdata <- get_hazard(object, newdata, type = "response", ci = ci,
        ci_type = ci_type, time_var = time_var,  se_mult = se_mult, ...)
      if (ci_type == "default") {
        mutate_args <- mutate_args %>%
            surv_upper = quo(exp(-cumsum(.data[["ci_lower"]] * (!!interval_length)))),
            surv_lower = quo(exp(-cumsum(.data[["ci_upper"]] * (!!interval_length))))))
      } else {
        # ci delta rule
        newdata <- split(newdata, group_indices(newdata)) %>%
          map_dfr(add_delta_ci_surv, object = object, se_mult = se_mult, ...)
    } else {
      if (ci_type == "sim") {
        newdata <- get_hazard(object, newdata, type = "response", ci = FALSE,
          time_var = time_var, ...)
        newdata <- split(newdata, group_indices(newdata)) %>%
          map_dfr(get_sim_ci_surv, object = object, nsim = nsim, ...)
  } else {
    newdata <-
      get_hazard(object = object, newdata, type = "response", ci = FALSE,
        time_var = time_var, ...)

  newdata <- newdata %>%

  vars_exclude <- setdiff(vars_exclude, haz_vars_in_data)
  if (length(vars_exclude) != 0 ) {
    newdata <- newdata %>% select(-one_of(vars_exclude))



add_ci <- function(
  type    = c("response", "link"),
  se_mult = 2,
  ci_type = c("default", "delta", "sim"),
  nsim = 100, ...) {

  ci_type <- match.arg(ci_type)

  is_gam <- inherits(object, "gam")
  if (is_gam) {
    V <- object$Vp
  } else {
    V <- vcov(object)
  se <- unname(sqrt(rowSums( (X %*% V) * X) ))
  newdata$se <- se
  if (type == "link") {
    newdata <- newdata %>%
        ci_lower = .data[["hazard"]] - se_mult * .data[["se"]],
        ci_upper = .data[["hazard"]] + se_mult * .data[["se"]])

  if (type != "link") {
    if (ci_type == "default") {
      newdata <- newdata %>%
          ci_lower = exp(.data[["hazard"]] - se_mult * .data[["se"]]),
          ci_upper = exp(.data[["hazard"]] + se_mult * .data[["se"]]))
    } else {
      if (ci_type == "delta") {
        newdata <- split(newdata, group_indices(newdata)) %>%
            map_dfr(add_delta_ci, object = object, se_mult = se_mult, ...)
      } else {
        if (ci_type == "sim") {
          newdata <- split(newdata, group_indices(newdata)) %>%
            map_dfr(get_sim_ci, object = object, nsim = nsim, ...)

add_delta_ci <- function(newdata, object, se_mult = 2, ...) {
  X     <- predict.gam(object, newdata = newdata, type = "lpmatrix", ...)
  V     <- object$Vp

  Jacobi <- diag(exp(newdata$hazard)) %*% X
  newdata %>%
      se       = sqrt(rowSums( (Jacobi %*% V) * Jacobi )),
      ci_lower = exp(.data[["hazard"]]) - .data[["se"]] * se_mult,
      ci_upper = exp(.data[["hazard"]]) + .data[["se"]] * se_mult)


add_delta_ci_cumu <- function(newdata, object, se_mult = 2, ...) {
  X     <- predict.gam(object, newdata = newdata, type = "lpmatrix", ...)
  V     <- object$Vp

  Delta  <- lower.tri(diag(nrow(X)), diag = TRUE) %*% diag(newdata$intlen)
  Jacobi <- diag(newdata$hazard) %*% X
  LHS <- Delta %*% Jacobi
  newdata %>%
      se       = sqrt(rowSums( (LHS %*% V) * LHS )),
      cumu_lower = cumsum(.data[["intlen"]] * .data[["hazard"]]) - .data[["se"]] * se_mult,
      cumu_upper = cumsum(.data[["intlen"]] * .data[["hazard"]]) + .data[["se"]] * se_mult)


add_delta_ci_surv <- function(newdata, object, se_mult = 2, ...) {
  X     <- predict.gam(object, newdata = newdata, type = "lpmatrix", ...)
  V     <- object$Vp

  Delta  <- lower.tri(diag(nrow(X)), diag = TRUE) %*% diag(newdata$intlen)
  Jacobi <- diag(newdata$hazard) %*% X
  LHS <- -diag(exp(-rowSums(Delta %*% diag(newdata$hazard)))) %*%
    (Delta %*% Jacobi)
  newdata %>%
      se       = sqrt(rowSums( (LHS %*% V) * LHS)),
      surv_lower = exp(-cumsum(.data[["hazard"]] * .data[["intlen"]])) - .data[["se"]] * se_mult,
      surv_upper = exp(-cumsum(.data[["hazard"]] * .data[["intlen"]])) + .data[["se"]] * se_mult)


#' Calculate simulation based confidence intervals
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom mvtnorm rmvnorm
#' @importFrom stats coef
get_sim_ci <- function(newdata, object, alpha = 0.05, nsim = 100L, ...) {
  X     <- predict.gam(object, newdata = newdata, type = "lpmatrix", ...)
  V     <- object$Vp
  coefs <- coef(object)

  sim_coef_mat <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(nsim, mean = coefs, sigma = V)
  sim_fit_mat <- apply(sim_coef_mat, 1, function(z) exp(X %*% z))

  newdata$ci_lower <- apply(sim_fit_mat, 1, quantile, probs = alpha / 2)
  newdata$ci_upper <- apply(sim_fit_mat, 1, quantile, probs = 1 - alpha / 2)



get_sim_ci_cumu <- function(newdata, object, alpha = 0.05, nsim = 100L, ...) {

  X     <- predict.gam(object, newdata = newdata, type = "lpmatrix", ...)
  V     <- object$Vp
  coefs <- coef(object)

  sim_coef_mat <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(nsim, mean = coefs, sigma = V)
  sim_fit_mat <- apply(sim_coef_mat, 1, function(z)
    cumsum(newdata$intlen * exp(X %*% z)))

  newdata$cumu_lower <- apply(sim_fit_mat, 1, quantile, probs = alpha / 2)
  newdata$cumu_upper <- apply(sim_fit_mat, 1, quantile, probs = 1 - alpha / 2)



get_sim_ci_surv <- function(newdata, object, alpha = 0.05, nsim = 100L, ...) {

  X     <- predict.gam(object, newdata = newdata, type = "lpmatrix", ...)
  V     <- object$Vp
  coefs <- coef(object)

  sim_coef_mat <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(nsim, mean = coefs, sigma = V)
  sim_fit_mat <- apply(sim_coef_mat, 1, function(z)
    exp(-cumsum(newdata$intlen * exp(X %*% z))))

  newdata$surv_lower <- apply(sim_fit_mat, 1, quantile, probs = alpha / 2)
  newdata$surv_upper <- apply(sim_fit_mat, 1, quantile, probs = 1 - alpha / 2)



## Cumulative Incidence Function (CIF) for competing risks data

#' Add cumulative incidence function to data
#' @inheritParams add_hazard
#' @param alpha The alpha level for confidence/credible intervals.
#' @param n_sim Number of simulations (draws from posterior of estimated coefficients)
#' on which estimation of CIFs and their confidence/credible intervals will be
#' based on.
#' @param cause_var Character. Column name of the 'cause' variable.
#' @export
add_cif <- function(
  ...) {

  UseMethod("add_cif", object)


#' @rdname add_cif
#' @export
add_cif.default <- function(
  ci        = TRUE,
  overwrite = FALSE,
  alpha     = 0.05,
  n_sim     = 500L,
  cause_var = "cause",
  time_var = NULL,
  ...) {

  coefs        <- coef(object)
  V            <- object$Vp
  sim_coef_mat <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n_sim, mean = coefs, sigma = V)

    split(newdata, group_indices(newdata)),
      newdata = .x, object = object, ci = ci, alpha = alpha, n_sim = n_sim,
      cause_var = cause_var, coefs = coefs, V = V, sim_coef_mat = sim_coef_mat,
      time_var = time_var, ...)


#' Calculate CIF for one cause
#' @keywords internal
get_cif <- function(newdata, object, ...) {

  UseMethod("get_cif", object)


#' @rdname get_cif
#' @keywords internal
get_cif.default <- function(
  ...) {

  is_gam <- inherits(object, "gam")
  if (is.null(time_var)) {
    time_var <- ifelse(is_gam, "tend", "interval")
  } else {
    assert_choice(time_var, colnames(newdata))

  causes_model <- as.factor(object$attr_ped$risks)
  cause_data   <- unique(newdata[[cause_var]])

  if(length(cause_data) > 1) {
    stop("Did you forget to group by cause?")

  hazards <- map(
    ~ {
        .df <- mutate(newdata, cause = .x) %>%
          arrange(.data[[time_var]], .by_group = TRUE)
        X <- predict(object, .df, type = "lpmatrix")
        apply(sim_coef_mat, 1, function(z) exp(X %*% z))
  overall_survivals <- apply(
    Reduce("+", hazards),
    function(z) exp(-cumsum(z * newdata[["intlen"]])))
  names(hazards) <- causes_model
  # calculate cif
  hazard           <- hazards[[cause_data]]
  # Value of survival just prior to time-point
  survival         <- overall_survivals - 1e-20
  hps              <- hazard * survival
  cifs             <- apply(hps, 2, function(z) cumsum(z * newdata[["intlen"]]))
  newdata[["cif"]] <- rowMeans(cifs)
 if(ci) {
    newdata[["cif_lower"]] <- apply(cifs, 1, quantile, alpha/2)
    newdata[["cif_upper"]] <- apply(cifs, 1, quantile, 1-alpha/2)



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pammtools documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:12 a.m.