#' Typeset Numerical Values for Printing and Reporting
#' Converts numerical values to character strings for printing and reporting.
#' @param x Can be either a single value, vector, `matrix`, `data.frame`.
#' @param gt1 Logical. Indicates if the statistic can, in principle, have an
#' absolute value greater than 1. If `FALSE`, leading zeros are
#' omitted.
#' @param zero Logical. Indicates if the statistic can, in principle, be 0. If
#' `FALSE`, a string of the form `< 0.001` is returned instead of 0.
#' @param margin Integer. If `x` is a `matrix` or `data.frame`, the function
#' is applied either across rows (`margin = 1`) or columns (`margin = 2`).
#' See [apply()].
#' @param na_string Character. String to print if any element of `x` is `NA`.
#' @param use_math Logical. Indicates whether to use `$` in the output so that
#' `Inf` or scientific notation is rendered correctly.
#' @param add_equals Logical. Indicates if the output string should be
#' prepended with an `=`.
#' @param numerals Logical. Indicates if integers should be converted to words.
#' @param capitalize Logical. Indicates if first letter should be capitalized.
#' Ignored if `numerals = TRUE`.
#' @param zero_string Character. Word to print if `x` is a zero integer.
#' @inheritDotParams base::formatC -x
#' @details
#' If `x` is a vector, all arguments can be vectors according to which each
#' element of the vector is formatted. Parameters are recycled if length of
#' `x` exceeds the length of the parameter vectors. If `x` is a `matrix` or
#' `data.frame`, the vectors specify the formatting of either rows or columns
#' according to the value of `margin`.
#' We recommend to use `apa_num()`, rather than `printnum()` or `print_num()`,
#' which are aliases kept only for backward compatibility.
#' @return An object of the same class as `x` with all numeric values converted
#' to character.
#' @seealso [apa_p()], [apa_df()]
#' @examples
#' apa_num(1/3)
#' apa_num(1/3, gt1 = FALSE)
#' apa_num(1/3, digits = 5)
#' apa_num(0)
#' apa_num(0, zero = FALSE)
#' @rdname apa_num
#' @export
apa_num <- function(x, ...) {
UseMethod("apa_num", x)
#' @rdname apa_num
#' @export
printnum <- apa_num
#' @rdname apa_num
#' @export
print_num <- apa_num
#' @rdname apa_num
#' @export
apa_num.default <- function(x, na_string = getOption("papaja.na_string"), ...) {
if(is.null(x)) stop("The parameter 'x' is NULL. Please provide a value for 'x'")
x <- as.character(x)
if(anyNA(x)) {
x[] <- na_string
#' @rdname apa_num
#' @export
apa_num.list <- function(x, ...) {
lapply(x, apa_num, ...)
#' @rdname apa_num
#' @export
apa_num.integer <- function(x, numerals = TRUE, capitalize = FALSE, zero_string = "no", na_string = getOption("papaja.na_string"), ...) {
validate(x, check_integer = TRUE, check_NA = FALSE)
validate(numerals, check_class = "logical", check_length = 1)
validate(capitalize, check_class = "logical", check_length = 1)
validate(na_string, check_class = "character", check_length = 1)
# Prevent partial matching through
system_call <-
if(!is.null(system_call[["zero"]]) && is.null(system_call[["zero_string"]])) zero_string <- "no"
validate(zero_string, check_class = "character", check_length = 1)
if(numerals) return(as.character(x))
if(anyNA(x)) return(rep(na_string, length(x)))
zero_string <- tolower(zero_string)
# Based on a function that John Fox posted on the R mailing list
number_to_words <- function(x) {
if(x == 0) return(zero_string)
single_digits <- c("", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine")
names(single_digits) <- 0:9
teens <- c("ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", " seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen")
names(teens) <- 0:9
tens <- c("twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety")
names(tens) <- 2:9
number_names <- c("thousand", "million", "billion", "trillion", "quadrillion", "quintillion", "sextillion", "septillion", "octillion", "nonillion", "decillion")
collapse0 <- function(...) as.numeric(paste(..., collapse = ""))
digits <- rev(strsplit(as.character(x), "")[[1]])
n_digits <- length(digits)
if(n_digits == 1) {
number <- as.vector(single_digits[digits])
} else if (n_digits == 2) {
if (x <= 19) {
number <- as.vector(teens[digits[1]])
} else {
number <- paste(
, Recall(as.numeric(digits[1]))
, sep = "-"
} else if(n_digits == 3) {
number <- paste(
, "hundred and"
, Recall(collapse0(digits[2:1]))
} else {
required_number_word <- ((n_digits + 2) %/% 3) - 1
if (required_number_word > length(number_names)) {
stop("Number is too large.")
number <- paste(
Recall(collapse0(digits[n_digits:(3*required_number_word + 1)]))
, number_names[required_number_word]
, ","
, Recall(collapse0(digits[(3*required_number_word):1])))
clean_number <- function(x) {
x <- gsub("^\ +|\ +$", "", x)
x <- gsub("\ +,", ",", x)
x <- gsub(paste0("( and ", zero_string, "|-", zero_string, "|, ", zero_string, ")"), "", x)
x <- gsub("(\ *,|-|\ +and)$", "", x)
if(!grepl(" and ", x)) x <- gsub(", ", " and ", x)
if(length(x) > 1) {
, function(y) {
y_number <- clean_number(number_to_words(y))
if(capitalize) x_number <- capitalize(y_number)
, FUN.VALUE = "a"
x_number <- clean_number(number_to_words(x))
if(capitalize) x_number <- capitalize(x_number)
#' @rdname apa_num
#' @export
apa_num.numeric <- function(
, gt1 = TRUE
, zero = TRUE
, na_string = getOption("papaja.na_string")
, use_math = TRUE
, add_equals = FALSE
, ...
) {
if(is.null(x)) stop("The parameter 'x' is NULL. Please provide a value for 'x'")
validate(gt1, check_class = "logical")
validate(zero, check_class = "logical")
validate(na_string, check_class = "character")
validate(use_math, check_class = "logical")
validate(add_equals, check_class = "logical")
ellipsis <- defaults(
, set.if.null = list(
digits = 2L
, format = "f"
, big.mark = ","
ellipsis$margin <- NULL # for backwards compatibility
digits <- ellipsis$digits
validate(digits, check_infinite = TRUE, check_class = "numeric", check_integer = TRUE)
length_x <- length(x)
digits <- rep(as.integer(ellipsis$digits), length.out = length_x)
not_gt1 <- rep(!gt1, length.out = length_x)
not_zero <- rep(!zero, length.out = length_x)
is_NA <-
add_equals <- rep(as.integer(add_equals) + 1L, length.out = length_x)
prepend <- c("", "= ")[add_equals]
# unrounded for correct sign if zero = FALSE
is_negative <- (x < 0)
# round with vector-valued digits argument:
is_scientific <- rep(tolower(ellipsis$format), length.out = length_x) %in% c("e", "g", "fg")
ten_power_digits <- 10^digits
if(any(not_zero)) {
limit <- 1 / ten_power_digits
abs_too_small <- !is_NA & not_zero & (abs(x) < limit)
x[abs_too_small & !is_negative] <- limit[abs_too_small & !is_negative] # x >= 0
x[abs_too_small & is_negative] <- -limit[abs_too_small & is_negative] # x < 0
prepend[abs_too_small] <- ifelse(is_negative[abs_too_small], "> ", "< ")
x[!is_scientific] <- 0 + round(x[!is_scientific] * ten_power_digits[!is_scientific]) / ten_power_digits[!is_scientific]
if(any(not_gt1)) {
if(any(not_gt1 & abs(x) > 1, na.rm = TRUE)) warning("You specified gt1 = FALSE, but passed absolute value(s) that exceed 1.")
limit <- 1 - 1/ten_power_digits
too_large <- !is_NA & not_gt1 & (x == 1)
x[too_large] <- limit[too_large]
prepend[too_large] <- "> "
too_small <- !is_NA & not_gt1 & (x == -1)
x[too_small] <- - limit[too_small]
prepend[too_small] <- "< "
lengths <- sapply(ellipsis, length)
if(all(lengths == 1)) {
ellipsis$x <- x
y <-"formatC", ellipsis)
} else {
ellipsis <- lapply(
X = ellipsis
, FUN = rep
, length.out = length_x
ellipsis$x <- x
ellipsis$FUN = formatC
y <-"mapply", ellipsis)
y[not_gt1] <- sub(y[not_gt1], pattern = "0.", replacement = ".", fixed = TRUE)
y <- paste0(prepend, y)
# Handle infinity
use_math <- rep(use_math, length.out = length_x)
is_infinite <- is.infinite(x)
if(any(is_infinite)) {
y[is_infinite] <- sub(y[is_infinite], pattern = "Inf| Inf", replacement = "\\\\infty")
y[is_infinite & use_math] <- paste0("$", y[is_infinite & use_math], "$")
# Typeset scientific
if(any(is_scientific)) {
y[is_scientific] <- print_scientific(y[is_scientific])
y[is_scientific & use_math] <- paste0("$", y[is_scientific & use_math], "$")
y[is_NA] <- rep(na_string, length.out = length_x)[is_NA]
#' @rdname apa_num
#' @export <- function(
, margin = 2
, ... # cleverly recycle (column-wise) over all possible parameters
) {
if(margin == 1) {
ellipsis <- list(...)
ellipsis$x <- x
ellipsis$margin <- margin
x_out <-"apa_num.matrix", ellipsis)
} else {
x_out <- mapply(
FUN = apa_num
, x = x
, ...
x_out <-
, stringsAsFactors = FALSE
, check.names = FALSE
, fix.empty.names = FALSE
rownames(x_out) <- rownames(x)
#' @rdname apa_num
#' @export
apa_num.matrix <- function(
, margin = 2
, ...
) {
ellipsis <- list(...)
x_out <- apply(
X = x
, MARGIN = (3 - margin) # Parameters are applied according to margin
, FUN = function(x) {
ellipsis$x <- x"apa_num", ellipsis)
# Inception!
if(margin == 2 || nrow(x) == 1) {
x_out <- t(x_out) # Reverse transposition caused by apply
dimnames(x_out) <- dimnames(x)
if(!is.matrix(x_out)) x_out <- matrix(x_out, ncol = ncol(x))
#' @rdname apa_num
#' @export
apa_num.tiny_labelled <-function(x, ...){
x_out <- NextMethod("apa_num")
variable_label(x_out) <- variable_label(x)
#' Prepare Numeric Values for Printing as p value
#' Convenience wrapper for \code{\link{apa_num}} to print \emph{p} values.
#' @param x Numeric. The \emph{p} value(s) to report.
#' @param digits Integer. The desired number of digits after the decimal point, passed on to \code{\link{formatC}}.
#' @inheritParams apa_num.numeric
#' @inherit apa_num return
#' @seealso [apa_num()], [apa_df()]
#' @examples
#' apa_p(0.05)
#' apa_p(0.0005)
#' apa_p(0.99999999)
#' apa_p(c(.001, 0), add_equals = TRUE)
#' @export
apa_p <- function(x, digits = 3L, na_string = "", add_equals = FALSE) {
validate(x, check_class = "numeric", check_range = c(0, 1), check_NA = FALSE)
validate(digits, check_class = "numeric")
, digits = digits
, gt1 = FALSE
, zero = FALSE
, na_string = na_string
, add_equals = add_equals
#' @rdname apa_p
#' @export
printp <- apa_p
#' @rdname apa_p
#' @export
print_p <- apa_p
#' Typeset Degrees of Freedom
#' This is a function for processing degrees of freedom. It takes care
#' that trailing digits are only printed if non-integer values are given.
#' @param x Numeric. The degrees of freedom to report.
#' @param digits Integer. The desired number of digits after the decimal point to
#' be used if `x` contains non-integer values.
#' @param elementwise Logical. Determines whether the number of trailing digits
#' should be determined for each element of `x` separately (the default),
#' or for the complete vector `x`.
#' @inherit apa_num return
#' @inheritParams base::formatC
#' @seealso [apa_num()], [apa_p()]
#' @examples
#' apa_df(c(1, 1.23151))
#' @export
apa_df <- function(x, digits = 2L, big.mark = "", elementwise = TRUE) {
if(is.null(x)) return(NULL)
if(is.integer(x)) return(apa_num(x))
elementwise <- isTRUE(elementwise)
digits <- as.integer(digits)
validate(digits, check_class = "numeric", check_NA = TRUE)
if(length(digits) != 1L && length(x) != length(digits)) {
stop("The parameter `digits` must be of length 1 or equal to length of `x`.")
if(elementwise) {
digits <- as.integer(round(x, digits = 0L) != round(x, digits = digits + 2L)) * digits
} else if( all(round(x, digits = 0L) == round(x, digits = digits + 2L)) ) {
digits <- 0L
apa_num(x, digits = digits, big.mark = big.mark)
#' @rdname apa_df
#' @export
print_df <- apa_df
#' Typeset scientific notation
#' Typesets scientific notation of numbers into properly typeset math strings.
#' @param x Character.
#' @keywords internal
# #' @examples
# #' papaja:::print_scientific("1.25e+04")
print_scientific <- function(x) {
x <- gsub("e\\+00$", "", x)
x <- gsub("e\\+0?(\\d+)$", " \\\\times 10\\^\\{\\1\\}", x)
x <- gsub("e\\-0?(\\d+)$", " \\\\times 10\\^\\{-\\1\\}", x)
# print_bf <- function(
# x
# , ratio_subscript = "10"
# , auto_invert = FALSE
# , escape = TRUE
# , scientific = TRUE
# , nonscientific_range = c(min = 1/1000, max = 1000)
# , log = FALSE
# , use_math = FALSE
# , ...
# ) {
# validate(x, check_class = "numeric", check_NA = TRUE, check_infinite = FALSE)
# validate(ratio_subscript, check_class = "character", check_length = 1)
# validate(auto_invert, check_class = "logical", check_length = 1)
# validate(scientific, check_class = "logical", check_length = 1)
# validate(nonscientific_range, check_class = "numeric", check_length = 2)
# validate(log, check_class = "logical", check_length = 1)
# ellipsis <- list(...)
# ellipsis$x <- x
# ellipsis$use_math <- use_math
# if(auto_invert) {
# to_invert <- ellipsis$x < 1
# ellipsis$x[to_invert] <- 1 / ellipsis$x[to_invert]
# ratio_subscript <- rep(ratio_subscript, length(x))
# ratio_subscript[to_invert] <- invert_subscript(ratio_subscript)
# }
# if(escape) {
# ratio_subscript <- paste0("\\textrm{", escape_latex(ratio_subscript), "}")
# }
# if(scientific & (ellipsis$x > nonscientific_range["max"] - 1 | ellipsis$x < nonscientific_range["min"])) {
# ellipsis$format <- "e"
# if(is.null(ellipsis$digits)) ellipsis$digits <- 2
# bf <-"apa_num", ellipsis)
# bf <- print_scientific(bf)
# } else {
# if(is.null(ellipsis$zero)) ellipsis$zero <- FALSE
# bf <-"apa_num", ellipsis)
# }
# bf_name <- if(!log) "BF" else "\\log BF"
# bf <- paste0("$\\mathrm{", bf_name, "}_{", ratio_subscript, "} ", add_equals(bf), "$")
# bf
# }
# invert_subscript <- function(x) {
# seperator <- if(nchar(x) == 2) "" else "/"
# paste0(rev(unlist(strsplit(x, seperator))), collapse = seperator)
# }
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