
Defines functions evaluate export peek clear stop_backend start_backend configure_bar set_option get_option set_default_options

Documented in clear configure_bar evaluate export get_option peek set_default_options set_option start_backend stop_backend

#' @include Options.R Helper.R Specification.R BackendFactory.R ContextFactory.R Exception.R BarFactory.R

#' @template set-default-options
#' @order 3
#' @export
set_default_options <- function() {
    # Set `Options` instance.
    options(parabar = Options$new())

    # Remain silent.

#' @template get-option
#' @order 1
#' @export
get_option <- function(option) {
    # Invoke the helper.

#' @template set-option
#' @order 2
#' @export
set_option <- function(option, value) {
    # Invoke the helper.
    Helper$set_option(option, value)

    # Remain silent.

#' @template configure-bar
#' @export
configure_bar <- function(type = "modern", ...) {
    # If the type is not known.
    if (!type %in% c("modern", "basic")) {
        # Throw an error.

    # Update the bar type in options.
    set_option("progress_bar_type", type)

    # Capture the bar configuration requested by the user.
    user_bar_config <- list(...)

    # If the configuration is not empty.
    if (length(user_bar_config)) {
        # Get the default config options.
        bar_config <- get_option("progress_bar_config")

        # Combine the configurations.
        bar_config[[type]] <- utils::modifyList(bar_config[[type]], user_bar_config)

        # Set the bar config in options.
        set_option("progress_bar_config", bar_config)

    # Remain silent.

#' @template start-backend
#' @export
start_backend <- function(cores, cluster_type = "psock", backend_type = "async") {
    # Create specification object.
    specification <- Specification$new()

    # Set specification cores.

    # Set the specification cluster type.

    # Initialize a backend factory.
    backend_factory <- BackendFactory$new()

    # Get a backend instance of the desired type.
    backend <- backend_factory$get(backend_type)

    # Start the backend.

    # Return the backend.

#' @template stop-backend
#' @export
stop_backend <- function(backend) {
    # Check the type.
    Helper$check_object_type(backend, "Backend")

    # Stop the backend

    # Remain silent.

#' @template clear
#' @export
clear <- function(backend) {
    # Check the type.
    Helper$check_object_type(backend, "Backend")

    # Peek the backend.

#' @template peek
#' @export
peek <- function(backend) {
    # Check the type.
    Helper$check_object_type(backend, "Backend")

    # Peek the backend..

#' @template export
#' @export
export <- function(backend, variables, environment) {
    # Check the type.
    Helper$check_object_type(backend, "Backend")

    # Export variables.
    backend$export(variables, environment)

#' @template evaluate
#' @export
evaluate <- function(backend, expression) {
    # Check the type.
    Helper$check_object_type(backend, "Backend")

    # Capture the expression.
    capture <- substitute(expression)

    # Prepare the call.
    capture_call <- bquote(backend$evaluate(.(capture)))

    # Perform the call.

#' @template par-sapply
#' @export
par_sapply <- function(backend = NULL, x, fun, ...) {
    # Create an user API consumer.
    consumer <- UserApiConsumer$new()

    # Execute the task using the `sapply` parallel operation.
    consumer$sapply(backend = backend, x = x, fun = fun, ...)

#' @template par-lapply
#' @export
par_lapply <- function(backend = NULL, x, fun, ...) {
    # Create an user API consumer.
    consumer <- UserApiConsumer$new()

    # Execute the task using the `lapply` parallel operation.
    consumer$lapply(backend = backend, x = x, fun = fun, ...)

#' @template par-apply
#' @export
par_apply <- function(backend = NULL, x, margin, fun, ...) {
    # Create an user API consumer.
    consumer <- UserApiConsumer$new()

    # Execute the task using the `apply` parallel operation.
    consumer$apply(backend = backend, x = x, margin = margin, fun = fun, ...)

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parabar documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:42 a.m.