Man pages for paradox
Define and Work with Parameter Spaces for Complex Algorithms

assert_param_setAssertions for Params and ParamSets
ConditionDependency Condition
default_valuesExtract Parameter Default Values
DesignDesign of Configurations
DomainDomain: Parameter Range without an Id
domain_checkCheck Value Validity
domain_is_boundedWhether a Given Domain is Bounded
domain_is_categWhether a Given Domain is Categorical
domain_is_numberWhether a Given Domain is Numeric
domain_nlevelsThe Number of Levels of a Given Domain
domain_qunifTransform a Numeric Value to a Sample
domain_sanitizeMap to Acceptable Value
generate_design_gridGenerate a Grid Design
generate_design_lhsGenerate a Space-Filling LHS Design
generate_design_randomGenerate a Random Design
generate_design_sobolGenerate a Space-Filling Sobol Sequence Design
NO_DEFExtra data type for "no default value"
paradox-packageparadox: Define and Work with Parameter Spaces for Complex...
psConstruct a ParamSet using Short Forms
pscCreate a ParamSet Collection
ps_replicateCreate a ParamSet by Repeating a Given ParamSet
ps_unionCreate a ParamSet from a list of ParamSets
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
SamplerSampler Class
Sampler1DSampler1D Class
Sampler1DCategSampler1DCateg Class
Sampler1DNormalSampler1DNormal Class
Sampler1DRfunSampler1DRfun Class
Sampler1DUnifSampler1DUnif Class
SamplerHierarchicalSamplerHierarchical Class
SamplerJointIndepSamplerJointIndep Class
SamplerUnifSamplerUnif Class
to_tuneIndicate that a Parameter Value should be Tuned
paradox documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:37 a.m.