ps_replicate: Create a ParamSet by Repeating a Given ParamSet

View source: R/ps_replicate.R

ps_replicateR Documentation

Create a ParamSet by Repeating a Given ParamSet


Repeat a ParamSet a given number of times and thus create a larger ParamSet. By default, the resulting parameters are prefixed with the string ⁠"repX.", where ⁠X⁠counts up from 1. It is also possible to tag parameters by their original name and by their prefix, making grouped retrieval e.g. using⁠$get_values()' easier.


  times = length(prefixes),
  prefixes = sprintf("rep%s", seq_len(times)),
  tag_sets = FALSE,
  tag_params = FALSE



ParamSet to use as template.


Number of times to repeat set. Should not be given if prefixes is provided.


A character vector indicating the prefixes to use for each repetition of set. If this is given, times is inferred from length(prefixes) and should not be given separately. If times is given, this defaults to "repX", with X counting up from 1.


Whether to add a tag of the form "set_<prefixes[[i]]>" to each parameter in the result, indicating the repetition each parameter belongs to.


Whether to add a tag of the form "param_<id>" to each parameter in the result, indicating the original parameter ID inside set.


pset = ps(
  i = p_int(),
  z = p_lgl()

ps_replicate(pset, 3)

ps_replicate(pset, prefixes = c("first", "last"))

pset$values = list(i = 1, z = FALSE)

psr = ps_replicate(pset, 2, tag_sets = TRUE, tag_params = TRUE)

# observe the effect of tag_sets, tag_params:

# note that values are repeated as well

psr$set_values(rep1.i = 10, rep2.z = TRUE)

# use `any_tags` to get subset of values.
# `any_tags = ` is preferable to `tags = `, since parameters
# could also have other tags. `tags = ` would require the
# selected params to have the given tags exclusively.

# get all values associated with the original parameter `i`
psr$get_values(any_tags = "param_i")

# get all values associated with the first repetition "rep1"
psr$get_values(any_tags = "set_rep1")

paradox documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:37 a.m.