
Defines functions update_package_options update_package_option get_package_option

#' Options Used by the 'parallelly' Package
#' Below are the \R options and environment variables that are used by the
#' \pkg{parallelly} package and packages enhancing it.\cr
#' \cr
#' _WARNING: Note that the names and the default values of these options may
#'  change in future versions of the package.  Please use with care until
#'  further notice._
#' @section Backward compatibility with the \pkg{future} package:
#' The functions in the \pkg{parallelly} package originates from the
#' \pkg{future} package.  Because they are widely used within the future
#' ecosystem, we need to keep them backward compatible for quite a long time,
#' in order for all existing packages and R scripts to have time to adjust.
#' This also goes for the \R options and the environment variables used to
#' configure these functions.
#' All options and environment variables used here have prefixes `parallelly.`
#' and `R_PARALLELLY_`, respectively.  Because of the backward compatibility
#' with the \pkg{future} package, the same settings can also be controlled
#' by options and environment variables with prefixes `future.` and
#' `R_FUTURE_` until further notice, e.g. setting option
#' `future.availableCores.fallback=1` is the same as setting option
#' `parallelly.availableCores.fallback=1`, and setting environment
#' variable \env{R_FUTURE_AVAILABLECORES_FALLBACK=1} is the same as setting
#' @section Configuring number of parallel workers:
#' The below \R options and environment variables control the default results of [availableCores()] and [availableWorkers()].
#' \describe{
#'  \item{`parallelly.availableCores.logical`:}{(logical) The default value of argument `logical` as used by `availableCores()`, `availableWorkers()`, and `availableCores()` for querying `parallel::detectCores(logical = logical)`.  The default is `TRUE` just like it is for [parallel::detectCores()].}
#'  \item{`parallelly.availableCores.methods`:}{(character vector) Default lookup methods for [availableCores()]. (Default: `c("system", "cgroups.cpuset", "cgroups.cpuquota", "cgroups2.cpu.max", "nproc", "mc.cores", "BiocParallel", "_R_CHECK_LIMIT_CORES_", "Bioconductor", "LSF", "PJM", "PBS", "SGE", "Slurm", "fallback", "custom")`)}
#'  \item{`parallelly.availableCores.custom`:}{(function) If set and a function, then this function will be called (without arguments) by [availableCores()] where its value, coerced to an integer, is interpreted as a number of cores.}
#'  \item{`parallelly.availableCores.fallback`:}{(integer) Number of cores to use when no core-specifying settings are detected other than `"system"` and `"nproc"`.  This options makes it possible to set the default number of cores returned by `availableCores()` / `availableWorkers()` yet allow users and schedulers to override it.  In multi-tenant environment, such as HPC clusters, it is useful to set environment variable \env{R_PARALLELLY_AVAILABLECORES_FALLBACK} to `1`, which will set this option when the package is loaded.}
#'  \item{`parallelly.availableCores.system`:}{(integer) Number of "system" cores used instead of what is reported by \code{\link{availableCores}(which = "system")}. This option allows you to effectively override what `parallel::detectCores()` reports the system has.}
#'  \item{`parallelly.availableCores.min`:}{(integer) The minimum number of cores [availableCores()] is allowed to return. This can be used to force multiple cores on a single-core environment. If this is limit is applied, the names of the returned value are appended with an asterisk (`*`).  (Default: `1L`)}
#'  \item{`parallelly.availableCores.omit`:}{(integer) Number of cores to set aside, i.e. not to include.}
#'  \item{`parallelly.availableWorkers.methods`:}{(character vector) Default lookup methods for [availableWorkers()]. (Default: `c("mc.cores", "BiocParallel", "_R_CHECK_LIMIT_CORES_", "Bioconductor", "LSF", "PJM", "PBS", "SGE", "Slurm", "custom", "cgroups.cpuset", "cgroups.cpuquota", "cgroups2.cpu.max", "nproc", "system", "fallback")`)}
#'  \item{`parallelly.availableWorkers.custom`:}{(function) If set and a function, then this function will be called (without arguments) by [availableWorkers()] where its value, coerced to a character vector, is interpreted as hostnames of available workers.}
#' }
#' @section Configuring forked parallel processing:
#' The below \R options and environment variables control the default result of [supportsMulticore()].
#' \describe{
#'  \item{`parallelly.fork.enable`:}{(logical) Enable or disable _forked_ processing.  If `FALSE`, multicore futures becomes sequential futures.  If `NA`, or not set (the default), the a set of best-practices rules decide whether should be supported or not.}
#'  \item{`parallelly.supportsMulticore.disableOn`:}{(character vector)
#"    Controls in what environments multicore processing should be disabled,
#'    because the environment in which R runs is considered unstable for
#'    forked processing.
#'    If this vector contains `"rstudio_console"`, it is disabled when
#'    running R in the RStudio Console.
#'    If this vector contains `"rstudio_terminal"`, it is disabled when
#'    running R in the RStudio Terminal.
#'    (Default: `c("rstudio_console", "rstudio_terminal")`)
#'  }
#'  \item{`parallelly.supportsMulticore.unstable`:}{(character) Controls whether a warning should be produced or not whenever multicore processing is automatically disabled per settings in option `parallelly.supportsMulticore.disableOn`.  If `"warn"` (default), then an informative warning is produces the first time 'multicore' futures are used.  If `"quiet"`, no warning is produced.}
#' }
#' @section Configuring setup of parallel PSOCK clusters:
#' The below \R options and environment variables control the default results of [makeClusterPSOCK()] and its helper function [makeNodePSOCK()] that creates the individual cluster nodes.
#' \describe{
#'  \item{`parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.setup_strategy`:}{(character) If `"parallel"` (default), the PSOCK cluster nodes are set up concurrently.  If `"sequential"`, they are set up sequentially.}
#'  \item{`parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.validate`:}{(logical) If TRUE (default), after the nodes have been created, they are all validated that they work by inquiring about their session information, which is saved in attribute `session_info` of each node.}
#'  \item{`parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.connectTimeout`:}{(numeric) The maximum time (in seconds) allowed for each socket connection between the master and a worker to be established (defaults to 2*60 seconds = 2 minutes).}
#'  \item{`parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.timeout`:}{(numeric) The maximum time (in seconds) allowed to pass without the master and a worker communicate with each other (defaults to 30*24*60*60 seconds = 30 days).}
#'  \item{`parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.useXDR`:}{(logical) If FALSE (default), the communication between master and workers, which is binary, will use small-endian (faster), otherwise big-endian ("XDR"; slower).}
#'  \item{`parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.socketOptions`:}{(character string) If set to another value than `"NULL"`, then option `socketOptions` is set to this value on the workers during startup. See [base::socketConnection()] for details. (defaults to `"no-delay"`)}
#'  \item{`parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rshcmd`:}{(character vector) The command to be run on the master to launch a process on another host.}
#'  \item{`parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rshopts`:}{(character vector) Addition command-line options appended to `rshcmd`.  These arguments are only applied when connecting to non-localhost machines.}
#'  \item{`parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.tries`:}{(integer) The maximum number of attempts done to launch each node.  Only used when setting up cluster nodes using the sequential strategy.}
#'  \item{`parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.tries.delay`:}{(numeric) The number of seconds to wait before trying to launch a cluster node that failed to launch previously.  Only used when setting up cluster nodes using the sequential strategy.}
#' }
#' @section Options for debugging:
#' \describe{
#'  \item{`parallelly.debug`:}{(logical) If `TRUE`, extensive debug messages are generated. (Default: `FALSE`)}
#' }
#' @section Environment variables that set R options:
#' All of the above \R `parallelly.*` options can be set by
#' corresponding environment variables \env{R_PARALLELLY_*} _when the
#' \pkg{parallelly} package is loaded_.
#' For example, if `R_PARALLELLY_MAKENODEPSOCK_SETUP_STRATEGY = "sequential"`,
#' then option `parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.setup_strategy` is set to
#' `"sequential"` (character).
#' Similarly, if `R_PARALLELLY_AVAILABLECORES_FALLBACK = "1"`, then option
#' `parallelly.availableCores.fallback` is set to `1` (integer).
#' @examples
#' # Set an R option:
#' options(parallelly.availableCores.fallback = 1L)
#' @seealso
#' To set \R options when \R starts (even before the \pkg{parallelly} package is loaded), see the \link[base]{Startup} help page.  The \href{https://cran.r-project.org/package=startup}{\pkg{startup}} package provides a friendly mechanism for configuring \R's startup process.
#' @aliases
#' parallelly.debug
#' parallelly.availableCores.custom
#' parallelly.availableCores.methods
#' parallelly.availableCores.min
#' parallelly.availableCores.fallback
#' parallelly.availableCores.omit
#' parallelly.availableCores.system
#' parallelly.availableWorkers.methods
#' parallelly.availableWorkers.custom
#' parallelly.fork.enable
#' parallelly.supportsMulticore.disableOn
#' parallelly.supportsMulticore.unstable
#' future.availableCores.custom
#' future.availableCores.methods
#' future.availableCores.fallback
#' future.availableCores.system
#' future.availableWorkers.methods
#' future.availableWorkers.custom
#' future.fork.enable
#' future.supportsMulticore.unstable
#' parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.setup_strategy
#' parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.validate
#' parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.connectTimeout
#' parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.timeout
#' parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.useXDR
#' parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.socketOptions
#' parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rshcmd
#' parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rshopts
#' parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.tries
#' parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.tries.delay
## Internal options and environment variables _not_ documented here:
## parallelly.localhost.hostname
## parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.master.localhost.hostname
## parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.rscript_label
## parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.sessionInfo.pkgs
## parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.autoKill
## parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.port.increment
## parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.tries.port
#' @name parallelly.options

get_package_option <- function(name, default = NULL, package = .packageName) {
  if (!is.null(package)) {
    name <- paste(package, name, sep = ".")
  getOption2(name, default = default)

# Set an R option from an environment variable
update_package_option <- function(name, mode = "character", default = NULL, package = .packageName, split = NULL, trim = TRUE, disallow = c("NA"), force = FALSE, debug = FALSE) {
  if (!is.null(package)) {
    name <- paste(package, name, sep = ".")
  mdebugf("Set package option %s", sQuote(name))

  ## Already set? Nothing to do?
  value <- getOption2(name, NULL)
  if (!force && !is.null(value)) {
    mdebugf("Already set: %s", sQuote(value))

  ## name="Pkg.foo.Bar" => env="R_PKG_FOO_BAR"
  env <- gsub(".", "_", toupper(name), fixed = TRUE)
  env <- paste("R_", env, sep = "")

  env_value <- value <- getEnvVar2(env, default = NA_character_)
  if (is.na(value)) {  
    if (debug) mdebugf("Environment variable %s not set", sQuote(env))
    ## Nothing more to do?
    if (is.null(default)) return(getOption2(name))

    if (debug) mdebugf("Use argument 'default': ", sQuote(default))
    value <- default

  if (debug) mdebugf("%s=%s", env, sQuote(value))

  ## Trim?
  if (trim) value <- trim(value)

  ## Nothing to do?
  if (!nzchar(value)) return(getOption2(name, default = default))

  ## Split?
  if (!is.null(split)) {
    value <- strsplit(value, split = split, fixed = TRUE)
    value <- unlist(value, use.names = FALSE)
    if (trim) value <- trim(value)

  ## Coerce?
  mode0 <- storage.mode(value)
  if (mode0 != mode) {
      storage.mode(value) <- mode
    if (debug) {
      mdebugf("Coercing from %s to %s: %s", mode0, mode, commaq(value))

  if (length(disallow) > 0) {
    if ("NA" %in% disallow) {
      if (anyNA(value)) {
        stopf("Coercing environment variable %s=%s to %s would result in missing values for option %s: %s", sQuote(env), sQuote(env_value), sQuote(mode), sQuote(name), commaq(value))
    if (is.numeric(value)) {
      if ("non-positive" %in% disallow) {
        if (any(value <= 0, na.rm = TRUE)) {
          stopf("Environment variable %s=%s specifies a non-positive value for option %s: %s", sQuote(env), sQuote(env_value), sQuote(name), commaq(value))
      if ("negative" %in% disallow) {
        if (any(value < 0, na.rm = TRUE)) {
          stopf("Environment variable %s=%s specifies a negative value for option %s: %s", sQuote(env), sQuote(env_value), sQuote(name), commaq(value))
  if (debug) {
    mdebugf("=> options(%s = %s) [n=%d, mode=%s]",
            dQuote(name), commaq(value),
            length(value), storage.mode(value))

  do.call(options, args = structure(list(value), names = name))
  getOption2(name, default = default)

## Set package options based on environment variables
update_package_options <- function(debug = FALSE) {
  update_package_option("availableCores.methods", mode = "character", split = ",", debug = debug)
  update_package_option("availableCores.fallback", mode = "integer", disallow = NULL, debug = debug)
  update_package_option("availableCores.min", mode = "integer", disallow = "NA", debug = debug)
  update_package_option("availableCores.system", mode = "integer", disallow = NULL, debug = debug)
  update_package_option("availableCores.logical", mode = "logical", debug = debug)
  update_package_option("availableCores.omit", mode = "integer", debug = debug)

  update_package_option("availableWorkers.methods", mode = "character", split = ",", debug = debug)

  update_package_option("fork.enable", mode = "logical", debug = debug)

  update_package_option("supportsMulticore.disableOn", mode = "character", split = ",", debug = debug)
  update_package_option("supportsMulticore.unstable", mode = "character", debug = debug)

  update_package_option("makeNodePSOCK.setup_strategy", mode = "character", debug = debug)
  update_package_option("makeNodePSOCK.validate", mode = "logical", debug = debug)
  update_package_option("makeNodePSOCK.connectTimeout", mode = "numeric", debug = debug)
  update_package_option("makeNodePSOCK.timeout", mode = "numeric", debug = debug)
  update_package_option("makeNodePSOCK.useXDR", mode = "logical", debug = debug)
  update_package_option("makeNodePSOCK.socketOptions", mode = "character", debug = debug)
  update_package_option("makeNodePSOCK.rshcmd", mode = "character", split = ",", debug = debug)
  update_package_option("makeNodePSOCK.rshopts", mode = "character", split = ",", debug = debug)
  update_package_option("makeNodePSOCK.tries", mode = "integer", debug = debug)
  update_package_option("makeNodePSOCK.tries.delay", mode = "numeric", debug = debug)
  update_package_option("makeNodePSOCK.rscript_label", mode = "character", debug = debug)
  update_package_option("makeNodePSOCK.sessionInfo.pkgs", mode = "character", split = ",", debug = debug)
  update_package_option("makeNodePSOCK.autoKill", mode = "logical", debug = debug)
  update_package_option("makeNodePSOCK.master.localhost.hostname", mode = "character", debug = debug)
  update_package_option("makeNodePSOCK.port.increment", mode = "logical", debug = debug)

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parallelly documentation built on May 31, 2023, 5:46 p.m.