
Defines functions super_partition

Documented in super_partition

#' super_partition
#' @description `super_partition` implements the agglomerative, data reduction method Partition for datasets with large numbers of features by first 'super-partitioning' the data into smaller clusters to Partition.
#' @param full_data sample by feature data frame or matrix
#' @param threshold information loss criterion between 0 and 1; default is 0.5
#' @param cluster_size maximum size of any single cluster; default is 4000
#' @param threshold the minimum proportion of information explained by a reduced variable; `threshold` sets a boundary for information loss because each reduced variable must explain at least as much as `threshold` as measured by the metric.
#' @param partitioner a `partitioner`. See the `part_*()` functions and [`as_partitioner()`].
#' @param tolerance a small tolerance within the threshold; if a reduction is within the threshold plus/minus the tolerance, it will reduce.
#' @param niter the number of iterations. By default, it is calculated as 20% of the number of variables or 10, whichever is larger.
#' @param x the prefix of the new variable names; must not be contained in any existing data names
#' @param .sep a character vector that separates `x` from the number (e.g. "reduced_var_1").
#' @param verbose logical for whether or not to display information about super partition step; default is TRUE
#' @param progress_bar logical for whether or not to show progress bar; default is TRUE
#' @return Partition object
#' @details `super_partition` scales up partition with an approximation, using Genie, a fast, hierarchical clustering algorithm with similar qualities of those to Partition, to first super-partition the data into ceiling(N/c) clusters, where N is the number of features in the full dataset and c is the user-defined maximum cluster size (default value = 4,000). Then, if any cluster from the super-partition has a size greater than c, use Genie again on that cluster until all cluster sizes are less than c. Finally, apply the Partition algorithm to each of the super-partitions.
#' It may be the case that large super-partitions cannot be easily broken with Genie due to high similarity between features. In this case, we use k-means to break the cluster.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(123)
#' df <- simulate_block_data(c(15, 20, 10), lower_corr = .4, upper_corr = .6, n = 100)
#' #  don't accept reductions where information < .6
#' prt <- super_partition(df, threshold = .6, cluster_size = 30)
#' prt
#' @references
#' Barrett, Malcolm and Joshua Millstein (2020). partition: A fast and flexible framework for data reduction in R. Journal of Open Source Software, 5(47), 1991, https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.01991Millstein J, Battaglin F, Barrett M, Cao S, Zhang W, Stintzing S, et al. Partition: a surjective mapping approach for dimensionality reduction. *Bioinformatics* **36** (2019) 676–681. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btz661.
#' Gagolewski, Marek, Maciej Bartoszuk, and Anna Cena. "Genie: A new, fast, and outlier-resistant hierarchical clustering algorithm." Information Sciences 363 (2016): 8-23.
#' Millstein, Joshua, Francesca Battaglin, Malcolm Barrett, Shu Cao, Wu Zhang, Sebastian Stintzing, Volker Heinemann, and Heinz-Josef Lenz. 2020. “Partition: A Surjective Mapping Approach for Dimensionality Reduction.” *Bioinformatics* 36 (3): https://doi.org/676–81.10.1093/bioinformatics/btz661.
#' @seealso [partition()]
#' @author Katelyn Queen, \email{kjqueen@@usc.edu}
#' @export
super_partition <- function(full_data,
                            threshold = 0.5,
                            cluster_size = 4000,
                            partitioner = part_icc(),
                            tolerance = .0001,
                            niter = NULL,
                            x = "reduced_var",
                            .sep = "_",
                            verbose = TRUE,
                            progress_bar = TRUE) {
    c("genieclust", "gtools"),
    "Required for `super_partition()`"
  if (isTRUE(progress_bar)) {
      "Required for `progress_bar = TRUE`"

  # ensure 0 < threshold < 1
  if (0 > threshold | 1 < threshold) stop("Threshold must be between 0 and 1.")

  # ensure no column names contain x
  if (any(grepl(x, colnames(full_data)))) stop(paste0("The prefix for new variable names, ", x, ", is contained within existing data column names. Please choose a different prefix to avoid errors."))

  # ensure data frame structure
  full_data <- as.data.frame(full_data)

  # if < cluster_size features, call regular partition
  if (ncol(full_data) < cluster_size) {
    message(paste0("Using `partition()` since there are < ", cluster_size, "features."))
    return(partition(full_data, threshold = threshold))

  # iteration counters
  i <- j <- k <- l <- 0

  # Function to go from cluster-specific column numbers to full data column numbers
  ## full_data  - sample by probe expression data for all probes
  ## small_data - sample by probe expression data for probes in specific cluster
  ## modules    - indices from partition mapping key
  ## return - indices from partition mapping key for full data
  full_data_col_numbers <- function(full_data, small_data, modules) {
    # vector of lists to return
    return_mods <- numeric(length(modules))

    for (i in seq_along(modules)) {
      # create vector for full data indices
      col_full <- numeric(length(unlist(modules[i])))

      # get column names
      col_small <- colnames(small_data)[unlist(modules[i])]

      # get column indices in full data
      for (j in seq_along(col_small)) {
        col_full[j] <- which(colnames(full_data) == col_small[j])

      # add list of indices to return vector
      return_mods[i] <- list(col_full)
    # to return

  # tracking variables
  master_cluster <- data.frame(col_name = colnames(full_data), cluster = 1)
  num_modules <- 0

  # use genie (fast agglomerative hierarchical clustering) to cluster data into cluster_size chunks
  ## transpose data since genie clusters on rows
  clust <- genieclust::genie(t(full_data),
    k = ceiling(ncol(full_data) / cluster_size),
    gini_threshold = 0.05
  master_cluster$cluster <- clust
  clust_size <- table(clust)

  # Function to continually reduce clusters until largest cluster has less than 4,000 features
  # cs - clust_size, numeric vector of cluster sizes
  # fd - full_data, sample x feature
  reduce_clust <- function(cs, fd) {
    # bookkeeping
    largest_clust <- max(master_cluster$cluster)
    unique_vals <- unique(master_cluster$cluster)
    clusters <- master_cluster$cluster

    # keep looping until all clusters are under max cluster size
    while (max(cs) > cluster_size) {
      for (l in seq_along(cs)) {
        # if cluster size is over max cluster size...
        if (cs[l] > cluster_size) {
          # cluster again
          new_clust <- genieclust::genie(t(fd[, which(clusters == unique_vals[l])]),
            k = ceiling(cs[l] / cluster_size),
            gini_threshold = 0.05

          # if genie doesn't do anything, use kmeans
          if (length(unique(new_clust)) == 1 | min(table(new_clust)) < 50) {
            new_clust <- kmeans(t(fd[, which(clusters == unique_vals[l])]),
              centers = ceiling(cs[l] / cluster_size)

          # reassign cluster numbers; use <<- to rewrite data from dataframe defined outside function
          master_cluster$cluster[which(clusters == unique_vals[l])] <<- new_clust + largest_clust

          # update largest cluster number
          largest_clust <- max(master_cluster$cluster)

      # update bookkeeping variables
      cs <- table(master_cluster$cluster)
      unique_vals <- sort(unique(master_cluster$cluster))
      clusters <- master_cluster$cluster

  reduce_clust(cs = clust_size, fd = full_data)
  if (verbose) {
    message(paste0(length(unique(master_cluster$cluster)), " super clusters identified. Beginning Partition."))
    message(paste0("Maximum cluster size: ", max(table(master_cluster$cluster))))

  # set up progress bar
  n_iter <- length(unique(master_cluster$cluster))
  if (progress_bar) {
    pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
      format =
        "(:spin) [:bar] :percent [Elapsed time: :elapsedfull || Estimated time remaining: :eta]",
      total = n_iter,
      complete = "=", # Completion bar character
      incomplete = "-", # Incomplete bar character
      current = ">", # Current bar character
      clear = FALSE, # If TRUE, clears the bar when finish
      width = 100

  ## first cluster
  # get initial partition to build off
  part_master <- partition(
    full_data[, which(master_cluster$cluster == unique(master_cluster$cluster)[1])],
    threshold, partitioner, tolerance, niter, x, .sep

  # update indices for each module
  mod_rows <- grep(x, part_master$mapping_key$variable)
  part_master$mapping_key$indices <- full_data_col_numbers(
    full_data = full_data,
    small_data = full_data[, which(master_cluster$cluster == unique(master_cluster$cluster)[1])],
    modules = part_master$mapping_key$indices

  # update number of modules
  num_modules <- num_modules + length(grep(x, part_master$mapping_key$variable))

  # create super_partition column in mapping key
  part_master$mapping_key$super_partition <- 1

  # progress bar updates
  if (progress_bar) pb$tick()

  # for each cluster...
  for (i in 2:n_iter) {
    # what to do if cluster is of size one
    if (sum(master_cluster$cluster == unique(master_cluster$cluster)[i]) == 1) {
      # cbind data to master partition reduced data
      part_master$reduced_data <- cbind(
        full_data[, which(master_cluster$cluster == unique(master_cluster$cluster)[i])]

      # add data to master partition mapping key
      name <- master_cluster$col_name[which(master_cluster$cluster == unique(master_cluster$cluster)[i])]
      part_master$mapping_key <- rbind(
        c(name, name, list(1), colnames(full_data)[which(colnames(full_data) == name)], i)

      # fix reduced_data column name
      colnames(part_master$reduced_data)[length(colnames(part_master$reduced_data))] <- name

      # end iteration
      if (progress_bar) pb$tick()

    ## partition
    part_clust <- partition(
      full_data[, which(master_cluster$cluster == unique(master_cluster$cluster)[i])],
      threshold, partitioner, tolerance, niter, x, .sep

    ## reduced data
    # get column indices of reduced vars
    mod_cols <- grep(x, colnames(part_clust$reduced_data))

    # update module numbers
    for (j in 1:length(mod_cols)) {
      colnames(part_clust$reduced_data)[mod_cols[j]] <- paste0(x, "_", num_modules + j)

    # add to master partition
    part_master$reduced_data <- cbind(part_master$reduced_data, part_clust$reduced_data)

    ## mapping key
    # get row indices of reduced vars
    mod_rows <- grep(x, part_clust$mapping_key$variable)

    # update module numbers
    for (k in seq_along(mod_rows)) {
      part_clust$mapping_key$variable[mod_rows[k]] <- paste0(x, "_", num_modules + k)

    # update indices
    part_clust$mapping_key$indices <- full_data_col_numbers(
      full_data = full_data,
      small_data = full_data[, which(master_cluster$cluster == unique(master_cluster$cluster)[i])],
      modules = part_clust$mapping_key$indices

    # add super_partition column
    part_clust$mapping_key$super_partition <- i

    # add to master partition
    part_master$mapping_key <- rbind(part_master$mapping_key, part_clust$mapping_key)

    # add new modules to overall count
    num_modules <- num_modules + length(mod_cols)

    # progress bar updates
    if (progress_bar) pb$tick()

  # fix data type
  part_master$mapping_key$information <- as.numeric(part_master$mapping_key$information)

  ## sort feature names
  # move all reduced data to bottom
  part_master$mapping_key <- part_master$mapping_key[order(lengths(part_master$mapping_key$indices), part_master$mapping_key$variable), ]

  # sort single feature rows
  single_feat_rows <- lengths(part_master$mapping_key$indices) == 1
  part_master$mapping_key[which(single_feat_rows), ] <-
    part_master$mapping_key[gtools::mixedorder(part_master$mapping_key$variable[single_feat_rows]), ]

  # sort reduced var rows
  reduced_var_rows <- grep(x, part_master$mapping_key$variable)
  new_order        <- gtools::mixedsort(part_master$mapping_key$variable[reduced_var_rows])
  small            <- part_master$mapping_key[reduced_var_rows, ]
  small            <- small[match(new_order, small$variable), ]
  part_master$mapping_key[reduced_var_rows, ] <- small

  # match names between mapping_key and reduced_data
  part_master$reduced_data <- part_master$reduced_data[, match(part_master$mapping_key$variable, colnames(part_master$reduced_data))]
  part_master$reduced_data <- tibble::tibble(part_master$reduced_data)

  # to return

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partition documentation built on Oct. 9, 2024, 5:10 p.m.