
Defines functions filesort makemysortedchunk getbounds getsample getmypart readnscramble readmypart filesplit filesplitrand fileshuffle getinfiles linecount filesave fileread getnumdigs fileagg dfileagg filegetrows dfilegetrows

Documented in dfileagg dfilegetrows fileagg filegetrows fileread filesave fileshuffle filesort filesplit filesplitrand getnumdigs linecount readnscramble

# dealing with Snowdoop distributed files

# suppose we have a file basenm, stored in chunks, say basenm.001,
# basenm.002 etc.; this function determine the file name for the chunk
# to be handled by node nodenum; the latter is the ID for the executing
# node, partoolsenv$myid, set by setclsinfo()
filechunkname <- function (basenm, ndigs,nodenum=NULL) 
    tmp <- basenm
    if (is.null(nodenum)) {
       pte <- getpte()
       nodenum <- pte$myid
    n0s <- ndigs - nchar(as.character(nodenum))
    zerostring <- paste(rep("0", n0s),sep="",collapse="")
    paste(basenm, ".", zerostring, nodenum, sep = "") 

# filesort():
#    distributed file sort; sorts an input file, whether distributed or
#    ordinary, writing output to a distributed data frame 

# approach: bucket sort, with bins determined by a preliminary pass of
# the first nsamp records in the input file

# arguments:

#    cls: a 'parallel' cluster
#    infilenm: name of input file (without suffix, if distributed)
#    colnum: index of the column to be sorted
#    outdfnm: name of output distributed data frame 
#    infiledst: if TRUE, infilenm is distributed
#    ndigs: number of digits in suffix of distributed files
#    nsamp: bins formed by sampling the first nsamp records of infilenm
#    header: infilenm has a header
#    sep: sep character between fields in infilenm
#    usefread: use fread()

filesort <- function(cls,infilenm,colnum,outdfnm,
   infiledst=FALSE,ndigs=0,nsamp=1000,header=FALSE,sep=" ",usefread=FALSE) 
{  clusterExport(cls,
   # find the bins
   bds <- getbounds(cls,infilenm,infiledst,colnum,ndigs,header,sep,nsamp) 
   # at each node, cull out the records in infilenm for that node's bin,
   # and sort them at the node

# does most of the work for filesort(), for the given node; reads in
# data from disk, flagging records for this node's bin; finally writes
# the assembled data frame to global space of this node
makemysortedchunk <- function(mybds,infilenm,ndigs,colnum,outdfnm,
                    infiledst,header,sep,usefread) {
   pte <- getpte()
   me <- pte$myid
   ncls <- pte$ncls
   mylo <- mybds[1]
   myhi <- mybds[2]
   if (usefread) {
      myfread <- data.table::fread
   } else myfread <- read.table
   if (!infiledst) {
      # this node reads the ordinary file, and grabs the records 
      # belonging to its bin
      tmp <- myfread(infilenm,header=header,sep=sep) 
      mychunk <- getmypart(tmp,colnum,myhi,mylo)
   } else {
      # this node reads all chunks of`the distributed file, 
      # and grabs the records belonging to its bin
      for (i in 1:ncls) {
         tmp <- myfread(filechunkname(infilenm,ndigs,i),header=header,sep=sep) 
         tmp <- getmypart(tmp,colnum,myhi,mylo)
         mychunk <- if (i == 1) tmp else rbind(mychunk,tmp)
   sortedmchunk <- mychunk[order(mychunk[,colnum]),]
   eval(parse(text = paste(outdfnm,' <<- sortedmchunk')))

# find the bins
getbounds <- function(cls,infilenm,infiledst,colnum,ndigs,header,sep,nsamp) {
   numnodes <- length(cls)
   if (infiledst) {  
       # sample from each node's chunk of the distributed file
      nsamp <- ceiling(nsamp/numnodes)
      samps <- clusterCall(cls,getsample,infilenm,ndigs,colnum,
      samp <- Reduce(c,samps)
   } else  # sample from the ordinary file
      samp <- 
   bds <- list()
   q <- quantile(samp,((2:numnodes) - 1) / numnodes)
   samp <- sort(samp)
   for (i in 1:numnodes) {
      mylo <- if (i > 1) q[i-1] else NA
      myhi <- if (i < numnodes) q[i] else NA
      bds[[i]] <- c(mylo,myhi)

# read the distributed file
getsample <- function(basenm,ndigs,colnum,nsamp,
   fname <- filechunkname(basenm,ndigs)

# grab for this node's bin from this chunk of the file (the whole file,
# in in the non-distributed case)
getmypart <- function(chunk,colnum,myhi,mylo) {
   pte <- getpte()
   me <- pte$myid
   ncls <- pte$ncls
   tmpcol <- chunk[,colnum,drop=FALSE]
   if (me == 1) {
      tmp <- chunk[tmpcol <= myhi,] 
   } else if (me == ncls) {
       tmp <- chunk[tmpcol > mylo,]
   } else {
      tmp <- chunk[tmpcol > mylo & tmpcol <= myhi,] 

# useful if need data in random order but the distributed file is not in
# random order
# read distributed file, producing scrambled, distributed chunks in
# memory at the cluster nodes, i.e. line i of the original distributed
# file bhas probability 1/nch of ending up at any of the in-memory
# chunks;  chunk sizes may not exactly equal across nodes, even if nch
# evenly divides the total number of lines in the distributed file; sep
# is the file field delineator, e.g. space of comma
readnscramble <- function(cls,basenm,header=FALSE,sep= " ") {
   nch <- length(cls)
   ndigs <- getnumdigs(nch)
   linecounts <- vector(length=nch)
   # get file names
   fns <- sapply(1:nch,function(i) 
   linecounts <- sapply(1:nch,
      function(i) linecount(fns[i],header=header))
   cums <- cumsum(linecounts)
#    clusterExport(cls,
#       c("basenm","linecounts","cums","fns","nch","header","sep"),
#       envir=environment())
   totrecs <- cums[nch]
   # give the nodes their index assignments
   tmp <- sample(1:totrecs,totrecs,replace=FALSE)
   idxs <- clusterSplit(cls,tmp)
   # invisible(clusterApply(cls,idxs,readmypart))

# readmypart <- function(myidxs) {
readmypart <- function(myidxs,
      basenm,linecounts,cums,fns,nch,header,sep) {
   mydf <- NULL
   for (i in 1:nch) {
      filechunk <- read.table(fns[i],header=header,sep=sep)
      # filechunk <- freadfns[i],header=header,sep=sep)
      # which ones are mine?
      tmp <- myidxs
      if (i > 1) tmp <- myidxs - cums[i-1]
      tmp <- tmp[tmp >= 1]
      tmp <- tmp[tmp <= linecounts[i]]
      mydf <- rbind(mydf,filechunk[tmp,])
   ### assign(basenm,mydf,envir=.GlobalEnv)  # write to global at worker
   eval(parse(text = 

# split a file basenm into nch approximately equal-sized chunks, with
# suffix being chunk number; e.g. if nch = 16, then basenm.01,
# basenm.02,..., basenm.16; header, if any, is retained in the
# chunks; optionally, each output line can be preceded by a sequence
# number, in order to preserve the original ordering

filesplit <- function(nch,basenm,header=FALSE,seqnums=FALSE) {
   nlines <- linecount(basenm,header=header)  # not incl. header line
   con <- file(basenm,open="r")
   if (header) hdr <- readLines(con,1)
   ndigs <- getnumdigs(nch)
   chunks <- splitIndices(nlines,nch)
   chunksizes <- sapply(chunks,length)
   if (seqnums) cumulsizes <- cumsum(chunksizes)
   for (i in 1:nch) {
      chunk <- readLines(con,chunksizes[i])
      fn <- filechunkname(basenm,ndigs,i)
      conout <- file(fn,open="w")
      if (header) writeLines(hdr,conout)
      if (seqnums) {
         if (i == 1) {
            seqrange <- 1:chunksizes[1]
         } else 
            seqrange <- (cumulsizes[i-1]+1):cumulsizes[i]
         chunk <- paste(seqrange,chunk)

# like filesplit(), but randomizing the records
filesplitrand <- function(cls,fname,newbasename,ndigs,header=FALSE,sep) {
   tmpdf <- read.table(fname,header=header,sep=sep)
   # tmpdf <- freadfname,header=header,sep=sep)

# same aim as filesplitrand(), but without ever reading more than one
# record at a time into memory 
# assumes that filesplit() has been run first
# if one has a file f and wishes to divide it into chunks with random
# order of records, one might call filesplit() first, then fileshuffle()
# several times in succession
# the number of output files need not be the same as the number inputs
# thus enabling adaptation to expansion or contraction of the
# computation cluster

# arguments:

#    inbasename: basename of the input files, e.g. x for x.1, x.2, ...
#    nout: number of output files
#    outbasename: basename of the output files
#    header: if TRUE, it is assumed (but not checked) that 
#            all input files have the same header

fileshuffle <- function(inbasename,nout,outbasename,header=FALSE) {
   infiles <- getinfiles(inbasename)
   nin <- length(infiles)
   incons <- list(length=nin)
   # set up connections for the input files
   for (i in 1:nin) {
      con <- file(infiles[i],open='r')
      incons[[i]] <- con
   # get header, if any
   if (header) for (i in 1:nin) hdr <- readLines(incons[[i]],1)
   # set up connections for the output files
   ndigs <- getnumdigs(nout)
   outcons <- list(length=nout)
   for (j in 1:nout) {
      fn <- filechunkname(outbasename,ndigs,j)
      conout <- file(fn,open='w')
      if (header) writeLines(hdr,conout)
      outcons[[j]] <- conout
   nrecs <- rep(0,nout)  # number of records in each file
   # start shuffle
   repeat {
      # read a record from a random input file
      if (length(incons) > 0) {
         i <- sample(1:length(incons),1)
         rec <- readLines(incons[[i]],1)
         if (length(rec) == 0)  {  # end of file
            incons[[i]] <- NULL
         } else {
            # write to a random output file
            j <- sample(1:nout,1)
            nrecs[j] <- nrecs[j] + 1
      } else {
         for (j in 1:nout) close(outcons[[j]])

# gather the names of all the files with names starting with bn + '.'
getinfiles <- function(bn) {
   d <- dir()
   bnpoint <- paste(bn,'.',sep='')
   lbn1 <- nchar(bnpoint)
   startswith <- function(di) 
      substr(di,1,lbn1) == bnpoint
   tmp <- startswith(d)

# get the number of lines in the file 
# arguments:
# infile: quoted file namee
# chunksize: number of lines to read in one chunk; if -1, then read the
#            file in one fell swoop
# the file is read in one chunk at a time, in order to avoid
# overwhelming memory
linecount <- function(infile,header=FALSE,chunksize=100000) {
   # could check for Unix first (Mac, Linux, cygwin), running the more
   # efficient 'wc -l' in that case
   con <- file(infile,"r")
   nlines <- 0 - as.integer(header)
   repeat {
      tmp <- readLines(con,chunksize)
      nread <- length(tmp)
      if (nread == 0) return(nlines)
      nlines <- nlines + nread

filecat <- function (cls, basenm, header = FALSE)  {
    lcls <- length(cls)
    # ndigs <- ceiling(log10(lcls))
    ndigs <- getnumdigs(lcls)
    if (file.exists(basenm)) file.remove(basenm)
    conout <- file(basenm, open = "w")
    for (i in 1:lcls) {
       # read in the entire file chunk
       fn <- filechunkname(basenm, ndigs, i)
       conin <- file(fn, open = "r")
       lines <- readLines(conin,-1)
       if (header && i > 1) {
          lines <- lines[-1]
       writeLines(lines, conout)

# saves the distributed data frame/matrix d to a distributed file of the
# specified basename; the suffix has ndigs digits, and the field 
# separator will be sep; d must have column names
filesave <- function(cls,dname,newbasename,ndigs,sep) {
   # what will the new file be called at each node?
   tmp <- paste('"',newbasename,'",',ndigs,sep='')
   cmd <- paste('myfilename <- filechunkname(',tmp,')',sep='')
   # start building the write.table() call
   tmp <- paste(dname,'myfilename',sep=',')
   # what will the column names be for the new files?
   cncmd <- paste('colnames(',dname,')',sep='')
   clusterEvalQ(cls,cnames <- eval(parse(text=cncmd)))[[1]]
   # now finish pasting the write.table() command, and run it
   writecmd <- paste('write.table(',tmp,

# reads in a distributed file with prefix fname, producing a distributed
# data frame dname
fileread <- function(cls,fname,dname,ndigs,
               header=FALSE,sep=" ",usefread=FALSE) {
   if (usefread) {
     clusterEvalQ(cls,myfread <- data.table::fread)
   } else {clusterEvalQ(cls,myfread <- read.table)}
   fnameq <- paste("'",fname,"'",sep="")
   tmp <- paste(fnameq,ndigs,sep=',')
   cmd <- paste("mychunk <- filechunkname(",tmp,")")
   tmp <- paste(dname,"<- myfread(mychunk,header=",header,",sep='")
   cmd <- paste(tmp,sep,"')",sep="")

# find the number of digits needed for suffixes for nch chunks
getnumdigs <- function(nch) {
   # floor(log10(nch)) + 1

# like aggregate(), but a single R process reading in and processing
# one file at a time; it is presumed that each file can be fit in memory
# arguments: 
#    ynames: a character vector stating the variables to be tabulated
#    xnames: a character vector stating the variables to be used to form
#            cells
#    fnames: a character vector stating the files to be tabulated
#    FUN, FUN2: functions to be applied at the first and second levels
#               of aggregation
fileagg <- function(fnames,ynames,xnames,
      header=FALSE,sep=" ",FUN,FUN1=FUN) {
   nby <- length(xnames) # number in the "by" arg to aggregate()
   # set up aggregate() command to be run on the cluster nodes
   ypart <- paste("cbind(",paste(ynames,collapse=","),")",sep="")
   xpart <- paste(xnames,collapse="+")
   forla <- paste(ypart,"~",paste(xnames,collapse="+"))
   forla <- as.formula(forla)
   agg <- NULL
   for (fn in fnames) {
       tmpdata <- read.table(fn,header=header,sep=sep)
       tmpagg <- aggregate(forla,data=tmpdata,FUN=FUN)
       agg <- rbind(agg,tmpagg)
   # run the command, and combine the returned data frames into one big
   # data frame
   # typically a given cell will found at more than one cluster node;
   # they must be combined, using FUN1
   FUN1 <- get(FUN1)

# distributed wrapper for fileagg(); assigns each cluster node to handle
# a set of files, call fileagg() on them; then combines the results
dfileagg <- function(cls,fnames,ynames,xnames,
      header=FALSE,sep=" ",FUN,FUN1=FUN) {
   idxs <- splitIndices(length(fnames),length(cls))
   fnchunks <- Map(function(idxchunk) fnames[idxchunk],idxs)
   aggs <- clusterApply(cls,fnchunks,fileagg,ynames,xnames,
   nby <- length(xnames)
   agg <- Reduce(rbind, aggs)
      FUN1 <- get(FUN1)
      aggregate(x = agg[, -(1:nby)], by = agg[, 1:nby, drop = FALSE], 

# reads in the files in fnames, one at a time, naming the data tmpdata,
# and applying
#    tmprows <- tmpdataexpr
# where tmpdataexpr is an expression involving tmpdata; rbind() combines
# all the results for the final output
filegetrows <- function(fnames,tmpdataexpr,header=FALSE,sep=" ") {
   rows <- NULL
   for (fn in fnames) {
      tmpdata <- read.table(fn,header=header,sep=sep)
      cmd <- paste('tmprows <- ',tmpdataexpr,sep='')
      tmprows <- eval(parse(text=cmd))
      rows <- rbind(rows,tmprows)

# distributed wrapper for fileagg(); assigns each cluster node to handle
# a set of files, call fileagg() on them; then combines the results
dfilegetrows <- function(cls,fnames,tmpdataexpr,
      header=FALSE,sep=" ") {
   idxs <- splitIndices(length(fnames),length(cls))
   fnchunks <- Map(function(idxchunk) fnames[idxchunk],idxs)
   rowslist <- clusterApply(cls,fnchunks,filegetrows,tmpdataexpr,

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partools documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:14 a.m.