logLik.constparty <- function(object, newdata, weights, perm = NULL, ...) {
y <- object$fitted[["(response)"]]
if (missing(newdata)) {
fitted <- if (is.null(perm)) {
} else {
### no need to watch vmatch because newdata is always mf
if (!is.null(perm)) {
vnames <- names(object$data)
if (is.character(perm)) {
stopifnot(all(perm %in% vnames))
perm <- match(perm, vnames)
} else {
### perm is a named list of factors coding strata
### (for varimp(..., conditional = TRUE)
stopifnot(all(names(perm) %in% vnames))
stopifnot(all(sapply(perm, is.factor)))
tmp <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(vnames))
tmp[match(names(perm), vnames)] <- perm
perm <- tmp
fitted_node(node_party(object), data = object$data, perm = perm)
pr <- predict_party(object, id = fitted, newdata = object$data,
type = ifelse(inherits(y, "factor"), "prob", "response"), ...)
} else {
pr <- predict(object, newdata = newdata,
type = ifelse(inherits(y, "factor"), "prob", "response"), ...)
ll <- switch(.response_class(y),
"integer" = {
-(y - pr)^2
"numeric" = {
-(y - pr)^2
"factor" = {
log(pmax(pr[cbind(1:length(y), unclass(y))],
"ordered" = {
log(pmax(pr[cbind(1:length(y), unclass(y))],
"Surv" = stop("not yet implemented"),
stop("not yet implemented")
if (missing(weights)) weights <- data_party(object)[["(weights)"]]
if (is.null(weights)) return(sum(ll) / length(y))
return(sum(weights * ll) / sum(weights))
miscls <- function(object, newdata, weights, perm = NULL, ...) {
y <- object$fitted[["(response)"]]
if (missing(newdata)) {
fitted <- if (is.null(perm)) {
} else {
### no need to watch vmatch because newdata is always mf
if (!is.null(perm)) {
vnames <- names(object$data)
if (is.character(perm)) {
stopifnot(all(perm %in% vnames))
perm <- match(perm, vnames)
} else {
### perm is a named list of factors coding strata
### (for varimp(..., conditional = TRUE)
stopifnot(all(names(perm) %in% vnames))
stopifnot(all(sapply(perm, is.factor)))
tmp <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(vnames))
tmp[match(names(perm), vnames)] <- perm
perm <- tmp
fitted_node(node_party(object), data = object$data, perm = perm)
pr <- predict_party(object, id = fitted, newdata = object$data,
type = "response", ...)
} else {
pr <- predict(object, newdata = newdata, type = "response", ...)
ll <- unclass(y) != unclass(pr)
if (missing(weights)) weights <- data_party(object)[["(weights)"]]
if (is.null(weights)) return(sum(ll) / length(y))
return(sum(weights * ll) / sum(weights))
varimp <- function(object, nperm = 1L, ...)
varimp.constparty <- function(object, nperm = 1L, risk = c("loglik", "misclassification"),
conditions = NULL, mincriterion = 0, ...) {
if (!is.function(risk)) {
risk <- match.arg(risk)
### risk is _NEGATIVE_ log-likelihood
risk <- switch(risk, "loglik" = function(...) -logLik(...),
"misclassification" = miscls)
if (mincriterion > 0)
stop("mincriterion not yet implemented") ### use nodeprune
psplitids <- unique("c",
ids = nodeids(node_party(object)),
FUN = function(x) split_node(x)$varid)))
vnames <- names(object$data)
psplitvars <- vnames[psplitids]
ret <- numeric(length(psplitvars))
names(ret) <- psplitvars
for (vn in psplitvars) {
cvn <- conditions[[vn]]
if (is.null(cvn)) {
perm <- vn
} else {
blocks <- .get_psplits(object, cvn)
if (length(blocks) == 0) blocks <- factor(rep(1, nrow(object$data)))
perm <- vector(mode = "list", length = 1)
names(perm) <- vn
perm[[vn]] <- blocks
for (p in 1:nperm)
ret[vn] <- ret[vn] + risk(object, perm = perm, ...)
ret <- ret / nperm - risk(object, ...)
gettree <- function(object, tree = 1L, ...)
gettree.cforest <- function(object, tree = 1L, ...) {
ft <- object$fitted
ft[["(weights)"]] <- object$weights[[tree]]
ret <- party(object$nodes[[tree]], data = object$data, fitted = ft)
ret$terms <- object$terms
class(ret) <- c("constparty", class(ret))
.create_cond_list <- function(object, threshold) {
d <- object$data
response <- names(d)[attr(object$terms, "response")]
xnames <- all.vars(object$terms)
xnames <- xnames[xnames != response]
ret <- lapply(xnames, function(x) {
tmp <- ctree(as.formula(paste(x, "~", paste(xnames[xnames != x], collapse = "+"))),
data = d, control = ctree_control(teststat = "quad", testtype = "Univariate",
stump = TRUE))
pval <- info_node(node_party(tmp))$criterion["p.value",]
pval[] <- 1
### make the meaning of threshold equal to partykit
ret <- names(pval)[(1 - pval) > threshold]
if (length(ret) == 0) return(NULL)
names(ret) <- xnames
.get_psplits <- function(object, xnames) {
d <- object$data
ret <- lapply(xnames, function(xn) {
id <- which(colnames(d) == xn)
psplits <- nodeapply(node_party(object),
ids = nodeids(node_party(object)),
FUN = function(x) {
if (is.null(x)) return(NULL)
if (is.terminal(x)) return(NULL)
if (split_node(x)$varid == id)
psplits <- psplits[!sapply(psplits, is.null)]
if (length(psplits) > 0)
lapply(lapply(psplits, kidids_split, data = d),
factor, exclude = NULL))[, drop = TRUE])
ret <- ret[!sapply(ret, is.null)]
if (length(ret) > 0) {
if (length(ret) == 1) return(factor(ret[[1]], exclude = NULL))
### get rid of empty levels quickly;"interaction", ret)
### explodes
for (i in 2:length(ret))
ret[[1]] <- factor(interaction(ret[[1]], ret[[i]])[, drop = TRUE], exclude = NULL)
varimp.cforest <- function(object, nperm = 1L, OOB = TRUE, risk = c("loglik", "misclassification"),
conditional = FALSE, threshold = .2,
applyfun = NULL, cores = NULL, ...) {
ret <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(object$nodes), ncol = ncol(object$data))
colnames(ret) <- names(object$data)
if (conditional) {
conditions <- .create_cond_list(object, threshold)
} else {
conditions <- NULL
## apply infrastructure
if (is.null(applyfun)) {
applyfun <- if(is.null(cores)) {
} else {
function(X, FUN, ...)
parallel::mclapply(X, FUN, ..., mc.set.seed = TRUE, mc.cores = cores)
vi <- applyfun(1:length(object$nodes), function(b) {
tree <- gettree(object, b)
if (OOB) {
oobw <- as.integer(object$weights[[b]] == 0)
vi <- varimp(tree, nperm = nperm, risk = risk, conditions = conditions,
weights = oobw, ...)
} else {
vi <- varimp(tree, nperm = nperm, risk = risk, conditions = conditions,
for (b in 1:length(object$nodes))
ret[b, match(names(vi[[b]]), colnames(ret))] <- vi[[b]]
ret <- colMeans(ret, na.rm = TRUE)
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