
Defines functions run_exp get_attention calc_output_sum updt_winner_weights init_weight_mtrx create_pres_matrix run_sim

Documented in run_exp run_sim

#' Run simulations
#' Runs several simulations and returns output activation for each
#' simulation and each input pattern
#' @param patterns matrix with input patterns, one row is one pattern
#' @param frequency presentation frequency for each pattern in the
#'   matrix
#' @param duration presentation duration for each pattern in the
#'   matrix
#' @param lrate_onset learning rate at the onset of a stimulus
#' @param lrate_drop_time point at which the learning rate drops, must
#'   be lower than duration
#' @param lrate_drop_perc how much the learning rate drops at
#'   lrate_drop_time
#' @param n_runs number of simulations to be run, default is 100
#' @param n_output_units number of output units, defaults to number of
#'   input units
#' @param pulses_per_second how many time steps should be simulated
#'   per second
#' @return list with following elements
#' \itemize{
#'   \item output: the sum of the activation strengths of the
#'     output units for each input pattern
#'   \item weight_matrix: final weight_matrix
#'   \item pres_matrix: presentation matrix
#' }
#' @examples
#' run_sim(diag(10), 1:10, 10:1, 0.05, 2, 0.2)
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{run_exp}}
run_sim <- function(patterns, frequency, duration, lrate_onset,
                    lrate_drop_time, lrate_drop_perc, n_runs = 100,
                    n_output_units = ncol(patterns),
                    pulses_per_second = 1){
  output_activation_sum <- NULL
  for (j in 1:n_runs) {
    n_input_units <- ncol(patterns)
    weight_matrix <- init_weight_mtrx(n_input_units, n_output_units)
    pres <- create_pres_matrix(patterns, frequency, duration,
                               lrate_onset, lrate_drop_time,
                               pulses_per_second = pulses_per_second)
    # present input i and update weights
    for (i in 1:nrow(pres$input)) {
      weight_matrix <- updt_winner_weights(pres$input[i, ],
    # output for simulation j
    output_activation_sum <- rbind(output_activation_sum,
  final_list <- list("output" = output_activation_sum,
                    "weight_matrix" = weight_matrix,
                    "pres_matrix" = pres)

#' Create presentation matrix
#' Taking into account the exposure frequency and exposure duration of
#' the stimuli, this function creates a randomized presentation matrix
#' of all stimuli.
#' @inheritParams run_sim
#' @return list with two lists: the presentation matrix and the
#'   learning weights (both in one random order)
#' @noRd
create_pres_matrix <- function(patterns, frequency, duration,
                               lrate_onset, lrate_drop_time,
                               lrate_drop_perc, pulses_per_second){
  attention <-  get_attention(duration, lrate_onset, lrate_drop_time,
                              lrate_drop_perc, pulses_per_second)
  pres_list <- list()
  final_result <- list()
  # produce list (stimuli) of lists (presentation time) of smallest
  # entity
  for (i in 1:nrow(patterns)) {
    duration_pulse <- duration[i] * pulses_per_second
    pres_list[[i]] <- list(cbind(matrix(rep(patterns[i, ],
                                        nrow = duration_pulse,
                                        byrow = TRUE),
    pres_list[[i]] <- lapply(pres_list[i], rep, frequency[i])

  # unlist so that all presentations remain lists, apply unlist two
  # times
  pres_list <- unlist(pres_list, recursive = F)
  pres_list <- unlist(pres_list, recursive = F)

  # randomize presentations
  random_index <- sample(1:length(pres_list), length(pres_list))

  pres_list <- pres_list[random_index]

  # create df
  pres_df <- do.call(rbind, pres_list)

  # split into two lists
  final_result[["input"]] <- pres_df[, 1:(ncol(pres_df) - 1)]
  final_result[["lrate"]] <- pres_df[, ncol(pres_df)]

#' Initialize weight matrix for competitive learning network
#' Draws weights from a normal distribution and then normalizes these
#' weights, such that the sum of weights going to one output unit is
#' 1.
#' @param n_input_units number of input units
#' @param n_output_units number of output units
#' @param mean mean of normal distribution
#' @param sd standard deviation of normal distribution
#' @return matrix with n_input_units rows and n_output_units columns,
#'   the sum of every column is 1
#' @noRd
init_weight_mtrx <- function(n_input_units, n_output_units,
                             mean = 0.5, sd = 0.005){
  n_weights <- n_output_units * n_input_units
  # initialize random weight mtrx
  weight_mtrx <- matrix(rnorm(n_weights, mean, sd), n_output_units,
                        byrow = TRUE)
  # weights for every output unit (row sum) must equal 1
  weight_mtrx <- prop.table(weight_mtrx, margin = 1)

#' Updates weights for competitive learning network algorithm
#' Depending on the input and learning rate, this function takes the
#' weight matrix at step t and returns the weight matrix at step t+1
#' @param input input vector
#' @param weight_matrix weight matrix of network
#' @param lrate learning rate
#' @return new weight matrix for step t + 1
#' @noRd
updt_winner_weights <- function(input, weight_matrix, lrate){
  output <- weight_matrix %*% input
  winner <- which(output == max(output))
  if (length(winner) > 1) {
    warning("more than one winner, random selection")
    winner <- sample(winner, 1)
  delta_w <- lrate * (input / sum(input) - weight_matrix[winner, ])
  weight_matrix[winner, ] <- weight_matrix[winner, ] + delta_w

#' Calculates sum of activation in output units for input patterns
#' Produces output activations for input patterns, without learning.
#' This is usually used after the learning procedure is completed and
#' one wants to know the reaction of the network to specific input
#' patterns.
#' @param inputs matrix of inputs for which to calculate output
#'   activation
#' @inheritParams updt_winner_weights
#' @return sum of activations of output units for input patterns
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom methods is
calc_output_sum <- function(inputs, weight_matrix){
  if (methods::is(inputs, "matrix")) {
    return(colSums(apply(inputs, 1, function(x) weight_matrix %*% x)))
  if (is.vector(inputs) == TRUE) {
    return(sum(weight_matrix %*% inputs))

#' Calculates attention (learning rate) development over time
#' Depending on differnt learning parameters, this function creates
#' the development of the learning rate over time. In the framework of
#' PASS-T, the learning rate can also be seen as the "attention" of
#' the network.
#' @inheritParams run_sim
#' @return list of attention values (learning rate) for every time
#'   pulse for every stimulus
#' @noRd
get_attention <- function(duration, lrate_onset, lrate_drop_time,
                          lrate_drop_perc, pulses_per_second = 1){
  duration_pulses <- duration * pulses_per_second
  lrate_drop_pulse <- lrate_drop_time * pulses_per_second
  low_value <- lrate_onset * lrate_drop_perc
  y <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(duration_pulses)) {
    high <- rep(lrate_onset, lrate_drop_pulse - 1)
    n_low_pulses <- duration_pulses[i] - lrate_drop_pulse + 1
    if (n_low_pulses > 0) {
      low <- rep(low_value, n_low_pulses)
    } else {
      low <- NULL
    y[[i]] <- c(high, low)

#' Run simulations and analyze data
#' Runs several simulations and returns correlative effect sizes
#' between the frequency/total duration/single duration of each
#' pattern and the output activation of the network for each pattern,
#' respectively. Comparable to running an empirical experiment in
#' judgments of frequency and duration and analyzing the data.
#' @inheritParams run_sim
#' @param number_of_participants corresponds with number of
#'   simulations run
#' @param cor_noise_sd the amount of noise added to the final
#'   activations of the network, set to 0 if you do not want any noise
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr arrange mutate summarize
#' @importFrom tidyr gather
#' @importFrom stats cor rnorm
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @examples
#' run_exp(10:1, 1:10, 0.05, 2, 0.2)
#' @seealso  \code{\link{run_sim}}
#' @return data frame with three columns: f_dv, td_dv, t_dv which are
#'   the correlations between the frequency/total duration/single
#'   duration of each pattern and the activation of the network for
#'   each pattern, respectively.
run_exp <- function(frequency, duration, lrate_onset, lrate_drop_time,
                   lrate_drop_perc, patterns = diag(length(duration)),
                   number_of_participants = 100,
                   cor_noise_sd = 0){
  inputs <- diag(length(duration))

  sim_low_a <- run_sim(patterns = patterns, lrate_onset = lrate_onset,
                       lrate_drop_time = 2, frequency = frequency,
                       duration = duration,
                       n_runs = number_of_participants,
                       lrate_drop_perc = lrate_drop_perc,
                       n_output_units = length(duration))

  strength <- as.data.frame(sim_low_a$output)
  # create useful data structure
  d <- cbind(id = 1:nrow(strength), strength)
  # with factor_key = TRUE we can leave the ordering of the columns
  d <- tidyr::gather(d, key = "condition", value = "dv_activation",
                     -.data$id, factor_key = TRUE)
  d <- dplyr::arrange(d, .data$id, .data$condition)
  d <- cbind(d, iv_f = frequency, iv_d = duration,
             iv_total_d = duration * frequency)

  # add noise to dv
  d <- dplyr::mutate(d,
                     dv_activation = .data$dv_activation +
                                    mean = 0,
                                    sd = cor_noise_sd))
  # calculate effect sizes
  r_contrast <- d %>%
    dplyr::summarize(f_dv = stats::cor(.data$iv_f,
                     td_dv = stats::cor(.data$iv_total_d,
                     d_dv = stats::cor(.data$iv_d,

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