pathmapping-package: Compute Deviation and Correspondence Between Spatial Paths

Description Details Author(s) References


Functions to compute and display the area-based deviation between spatial paths and to compute a mapping based on minimizing area and distance-based cost. For details, see: "Mueller, S. T., Perelman, B. S., & Veinott, E. S. (2016). An optimization approach for mapping and measuring the divergence and correspondence between paths. Behavior research methods, 48(1), 53-71."


Package: pathmapping
Type: Package
Version: 1.0.1
Date: 2016-03-15
License: GPL 2.0

Computing the least-area mapping between paths.


Shane T. Mueller and Brandon Perelman

Maintainer: Shane T. Mueller <>


See Mueller et al., (2016).

pathmapping documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:20 a.m.