
Defines functions transpose default_parse_scalar xml_scalar_default default_parse_list default_parse_map default_parse_structure default_parse_xml xml_parse_scalar xml_parse_list xml_parse_map_entry xml_parse_map xml_parse_structure parse_xml_elt xml_parse xml_unmarshal_error xml_unmarshal xml_build_scalar xml_build_list xml_build_structure xml_build xml_build_body add_xmlns list_to_xml xml_to_list decode_xml

#' @include util.R
#' @include tags.R

# Decode raw bytes XML into an R list object.
decode_xml <- function(raw) {
  obj <- xml_to_list(raw)

# Convert an XML string to an R list.
xml_to_list <- function(value) {
  if (is_empty(value)) {
  result <- xml2::as_list(xml2::read_xml(value, encoding = "utf8"))

# Convert list to XML text
list_to_xml <- function(value) {
  value_xml <- xml2::as_xml_document(x = value)
  value_character <- as.character(value_xml, options = "no_declaration")
  value_character <- gsub("\\n$", "", value_character) # Delete trailing newline.
  value_character <- gsub("\\n", "&#xA;", value_character) # Keep other newlines.

# Add xmlns (XML namespace) attributes to all nested elements in a list.
add_xmlns <- function(xml_list, xmlns = "") {
  result <- xml_list
  attr(result, "xmlns") <- xmlns
  if (!is.list(result)) {
  for (i in seq_along(result)) {
    result[[i]] <- add_xmlns(result[[i]], xmlns)


xml_build_body <- function(request) {
  params <- request$params

  if (is_empty(params)) {
    body_xml <- ""
    request$body <- body_xml
    request$http_request$body <- body_xml

  location_name <- tag_get(params, "locationName")
  xmlns <- tag_get(params, "xmlURI")
  if (location_name != "") {
    params <- Structure(
      init = params,
      .tags = list(locationName = location_name, xmlns = xmlns)

  body_list <- xml_build(params)

  if (length(body_list)) {
    if (xmlns != "") body_list <- add_xmlns(body_list, xmlns)
    body_xml <- list_to_xml(body_list)
  } else {
    body_xml <- ""

  request$body <- body_xml
  request$http_request$body <- body_xml

xml_build <- function(params) {
  location <- tag_get(params, "location")
  if (location != "") {

  t <- type(params)

  build_fn <- switch(t,
    structure = xml_build_structure,
    list = xml_build_list,

  result <- build_fn(params)


xml_build_structure <- function(params) {
  result <- list()
  parsed_result <- list()
  for (name in names(params)) {
    child <- params[[name]]
    if (tag_get(child, "locationName") == "") {
      child <- tag_add(child, list(locationName = name))

    parsed <- xml_build(child)
    parsed_result[[name]] <- parsed

    if (!is_empty_xml(parsed)) {
      location_name <- tag_get(child, "locationName")
      if (location_name == "") location_name <- name

      flattened <- tag_get(child, "flattened") != ""

      if (flattened) {
        result <- c(result, parsed)
      } else {
        result[[location_name]] <- parsed
  # Check cache list for default elements
  if (all(vapply(parsed_result, is_empty_xml, FUN.VALUE = logical(1)))) {

xml_build_list <- function(params) {
  if (length(params) == 0) {
  children <- lapply(params, function(x) xml_build(x))

  location_name <- tag_get(params, "locationName")

  flattened <- tag_get(params, "flattened") != ""
  if (flattened) {
    result <- children
    names(result) <- rep(location_name, length(children))
  } else {
    location_name_list <- tag_get(params, "locationNameList")
    if (location_name_list == "") location_name_list <- "member"
    result <- children
    names(result) <- rep(location_name_list, length(children))


xml_build_scalar <- function(params) {
  # Use `unlist` to avoid embedded lists in scalar nodes; `xml2::as_list`
  # converts <foo>abc</foo> to `list(foo = list("abc"))`, when we want
  # `list(foo = "abc")`.
  data <- unlist(params)
  if (length(data) == 0) {
  t <- tag_get(params, "type")
  convert <- switch(t,
    blob = raw_to_base64,
    boolean = convert_boolean,
    double = as.numeric,
    float = as.numeric,
    integer = as.numeric,
    long = as.numeric,
    timestamp = function(x) as_timestamp(x, format = "iso8601"),
  result <- as.list(convert(data))


# Unmarshal `data` provided as a list into the shape in `interface`.
xml_unmarshal <- function(raw_data, interface = NULL, result_name = NULL) {
  if (is_empty(raw_data)) {

  data <- xml2::read_xml(raw_data, encoding = "utf8")
  xml_nms <- xml2::xml_name(data)

  # drop a level if result_name is known in data
  # https://github.com/paws-r/paws/issues/501
  if (!is.null(result_name) && result_name %in% xml_nms) {
    if (inherits(data, "xml_document")) {
      data <- xml2::xml_contents(data)
      xml_nms <- xml2::xml_name(data)
    if (result_name %in% names(interface)) {
      result <- list(xml_parse(data, interface[[result_name]], xml_nms))
      names(result) <- result_name
    } else {
      result <- xml_parse(data, interface, xml_nms)

  root <- xml2::xml_contents(data)
  xml_nms <- xml2::xml_name(root)

  if (!is.null(result_name) && result_name %in% xml_nms) {
    root <- xml2::xml_contents(root)
    xml_nms <- xml2::xml_name(root)

  return(xml_parse(root, interface, xml_nms))

# Unmarshal errors in `data` provided as a list.
xml_unmarshal_error <- function(data, status_code) {
  root <- data[[1]]
  error_response <- lapply(root$Error, unlist)
  code <- error_response$Code
  message <- error_response$Message

  if (is.null(message) && is.null(code)) {

  error <- Error(code, message, status_code, error_response)

# Convert an API response in `node` to the shape given in `interface`.
# e.g. convert EC2 API response
#   `list(reservationSet = "foo", nextToken = "bar")`
# to output shape
#   `list(Reservations = foo, NextToken = bar)`.
xml_parse <- function(data, interface, data_nms, flattened = NULL) {
  nms <- names(interface)
  if (length(interface) == 0) {
    interface <- list(interface)

  result <- vector("list", length = length(interface))
  for (i in seq_along(interface)) {
    interface_i <- interface[[i]]
    tags_i <- attr(interface_i, "tags")
    flat <- tags_i[["flattened"]]

    if (isTRUE(flat) && !is.null(tags_i[["locationNameList"]])) {
      key <- tags_i[["locationNameList"]]
    } else if (!is.null(tags_i[["locationName"]])) {
      key <- tags_i[["locationName"]]
    } else {
      key <- nms[[i]]

    if (is.null(key)) {
      found <- TRUE
    } else {
      # Check if element exists in response
      found <- (key == data_nms)
    result[[i]] <- (
      if (any(found)) {
        xml_elts <- data[found]
        parse_xml_elt(xml_elts, interface_i, tags_i, flattened)
      } else {
        default_parse_xml(interface_i, tags_i)
  names(result) <- nms

parse_xml_elt <- function(xml_elts, interface_i, tags_i, flattened = NULL) {
  tag_type <- tags_i[["type"]]
  flattened <- flattened %||% tags_i[["flattened"]]
  t <- type(interface_i)
  parse_fn <- switch(t,
    structure = xml_parse_structure,
    map = xml_parse_map,
    list = xml_parse_list,

  result <- parse_fn(xml_elts, interface_i, tags_i, tag_type, flattened)


xml_parse_structure <- function(xml_elts, interface_i, tags_i, tag_type = NULL, flattened = NULL) {
  xml_elt <- xml2::xml_contents(xml_elts)
  result <- xml_parse(xml_elt, interface_i, xml2::xml_name(xml_elt), flattened)

  # the `is.list()` check is necessary because e.g. `CheckSumAlgorithm` has
  # a list interface though it isn't a list?!
  if (isTRUE(flattened) && is.list(result)) {
    result <- transpose(result)
  } else {
    result <- as.list(result)

xml_parse_map <- function(xml_elts, interface_i, tags_i, tag_type = NULL, flattened = NULL) {
  if (length(xml_elts) == 0) {

  key_name <- tags_i[["locationNameKey"]] %||% "key"
  value_name <- tags_i[["locationNameValue"]] %||% "value"

  result <- list()
  if (isTRUE(flattened)) {
    for (i in seq_along(xml_elts)) {
      result[[i]] <- xml_parse_map_entry(
        xml_elts[[i]], interface_i, key_name, value_name, flattened
  } else {
    contents <- xml2::xml_contents(xml_elts)
    for (i in seq_along(contents)) {
      result[[i]] <- xml_parse_map_entry(
        contents[[i]], interface_i, key_name, value_name, flattened
  result <- unlist(result, recursive = FALSE)

xml_parse_map_entry <- function(xml_elts_i, interface_i, key_name, value_name, flattened) {
  contents <- xml2::xml_contents(xml_elts_i)
  contents_nms <- xml2::xml_name(contents)

  key <- xml2::xml_text(contents[(key_name == contents_nms)])
  value <- contents[(value_name == contents_nms)]
  xml_value <- xml2::xml_contents(value)
  result <- xml_parse(xml_value, interface_i[[1]], xml2::xml_name(xml_value))
  if (!isTRUE(flattened)) {
    result <- list(result)
  names(result) <- key

xml_parse_list <- function(xml_elts, interface_i, tags_i, tag_type = NULL, flattened = NULL) {
  contents <- xml2::xml_contents(xml_elts)
  xml_nms <- xml2::xml_name(contents)
  nms <- names(interface_i[[1]])
  if (is.null(nms) || any(xml_nms %in% nms)) {
    result <- xml_parse(contents, interface_i[[1]], xml_nms, flattened)
  } else {
    result <- lapply(contents, function(x) {
      xml_elt <- xml2::xml_contents(x)
      xml_parse(xml_elt, interface_i[[1]], xml2::xml_name(xml_elt), flattened)

  if (type(interface_i[[1]]) == "scalar") {
    result <- unlist(result)

  # the `is.list()` check is necessary because e.g. `CheckSumAlgorithm` has
  # a list interface though it isn't a list?!
  if (isTRUE(flattened) && is.list(result)) {
    result <- transpose(result)


xml_parse_scalar <- function(xml_elts, interface_i, tags_i, tag_type = NULL, flattened = NULL) {
  results <- xml2::xml_text(xml_elts)

  convert <- switch(tag_type,
    blob = base64_to_raw,
    boolean = as.logical,
    double = as.numeric,
    float = as.numeric,
    integer = as.numeric,
    long = as.numeric,
    timestamp = function(x) as_timestamp(x, format = "iso8601"),
    function(x) {
      if (identical(x, "")) x <- NULL
  result <- convert(results)
  names(result) <- names(interface_i)

default_parse_xml <- function(interface_i, tags_i) {
  tag_type <- tags_i[["type"]]

  t <- type(interface_i)
  parse_fn <- switch(t,
    structure = default_parse_structure,
    map = default_parse_map,
    list = default_parse_list,
  return(parse_fn(interface_i, tag_type))

default_parse_structure <- function(interface_i, tag_type = NULL) {
  len_interface_i <- length(interface_i)
  if (len_interface_i == 0) {
  nms <- names(interface_i)
  result <- vector("list", len_interface_i)
  for (i in seq_along(interface_i)) {
    tags_i <- attr(interface_i[[i]], "tags")
    result[[i]] <- default_parse_xml(interface_i[[i]], tags_i)
  names(result) <- nms


default_parse_map <- function(interface_i, tag_type = NULL) {
  len_interface_i <- length(interface_i)
  if (len_interface_i == 0) {
  nms <- names(interface_i)
  result <- vector("list", len_interface_i)
  for (i in seq_along(interface_i)) {
    tags_i <- attr(interface_i[[i]], "tags")
    result[[i]] <- default_parse_xml(interface_i[[i]], tags_i)
  names(result) <- nms

default_parse_list <- function(interface_i, tag_type = NULL) {
  interface_i <- interface_i[[1]]
  len_interface_i <- length(interface_i)
  if (len_interface_i == 0) {


xml_scalar_default <- function(interface, default) {
  if (length(interface) > 0) {
    attr(interface, "tags") <- NULL
  } else {

default_parse_scalar <- function(interface_i, tag_type = NULL) {
  result <- switch(tag_type,
    integer = xml_scalar_default(interface_i, numeric()),
    double = xml_scalar_default(interface_i, numeric()),
    long = xml_scalar_default(interface_i, numeric()),
    float = xml_scalar_default(interface_i, numeric()),
    timestamp = xml_scalar_default(interface_i, .POSIXct(numeric())),
    boolean = xml_scalar_default(interface_i, logical()),
    xml_scalar_default(interface_i, character())

transpose <- function(x) {
  lens <- lengths(x)
  if (any(found <- lens == 0)) {
    x[found] <- list(rep(list(), length.out = max(lens)))
  .mapply(list, x, NULL)

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paws.common documentation built on Oct. 4, 2024, 1:08 a.m.