fsx_describe_snapshots: Returns the description of specific Amazon FSx for OpenZFS...

View source: R/fsx_operations.R

fsx_describe_snapshotsR Documentation

Returns the description of specific Amazon FSx for OpenZFS snapshots, if a SnapshotIds value is provided


Returns the description of specific Amazon FSx for OpenZFS snapshots, if a SnapshotIds value is provided. Otherwise, this operation returns all snapshots owned by your Amazon Web Services account in the Amazon Web Services Region of the endpoint that you're calling.

See https://www.paws-r-sdk.com/docs/fsx_describe_snapshots/ for full documentation.


  SnapshotIds = NULL,
  Filters = NULL,
  MaxResults = NULL,
  NextToken = NULL,
  IncludeShared = NULL



The IDs of the snapshots that you want to retrieve. This parameter value overrides any filters. If any IDs aren't found, a SnapshotNotFound error occurs.


The filters structure. The supported names are file-system-id or volume-id.


Set to false (default) if you want to only see the snapshots owned by your Amazon Web Services account. Set to true if you want to see the snapshots in your account and the ones shared with you from another account.

paws.storage documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:03 a.m.