s3control_list_access_grants_instances: Returns a list of S3 Access Grants instances

View source: R/s3control_operations.R

s3control_list_access_grants_instancesR Documentation

Returns a list of S3 Access Grants instances


Returns a list of S3 Access Grants instances. An S3 Access Grants instance serves as a logical grouping for your individual access grants. You can only have one S3 Access Grants instance per Region per account.

See https://www.paws-r-sdk.com/docs/s3control_list_access_grants_instances/ for full documentation.


  NextToken = NULL,
  MaxResults = NULL



[required] The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that is making this request.


A pagination token to request the next page of results. Pass this value into a subsequent ⁠List Access Grants Instances⁠ request in order to retrieve the next page of results.


The maximum number of access grants that you would like returned in the ⁠List Access Grants⁠ response. If the results include the pagination token NextToken, make another call using the NextToken to determine if there are more results.

paws.storage documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:03 a.m.