
#' Principal Component of Explained Variance
#' \code{computePCEV} computes the first PCEV and tests its significance.
#' This is the main function. It computes the PCEV using either the classical method, block approach
#' or singular. A p-value is also computed, testing the significance of the PCEV.
#' The p-value is computed using either a permutation approach or an exact test. The implemented 
#' exact tests use Wilks' Lambda (only for a single covariate) or Roy's Largest Root. The latter 
#' uses Johnstone's approximation to the null distribution. Note that for the block approach, only 
#' p-values obtained from a permutation procedure are available.
#' When \code{estimation = "singular"}, the p-value is computed using a heuristic: using the method 
#' of moments and a small number of permutations (i.e. 25), a location-scale family of the 
#' Tracy-Widom distribution of order 1 is fitted to the null distribution. This fitted distribution 
#' is then used to compute p-values.
#' When \code{estimation = "block"}, there are three different ways of specifying the blocks: 1) if 
#' \code{index} is a vector of the same length as the number of columns in \code{response}, then it 
#' is used to match each response to a block. 2) If \code{index} is a single positive integer, it is
#' understood as the number of blocks, and each response is matched to a block randomly. 3) If 
#' \code{index = "adaptive"} (the default), the number of blocks is chosen so that there are about 
#' n/2 responses per block, and each response is match to a block randomly. All other values of 
#' \code{index} should result in an error.
#' @seealso \code{\link{estimatePcev}}
#' @param response A matrix of response variables.
#' @param covariate An array or a data frame of covariates.
#' @param confounder An array or data frame of confounders.
#' @param estimation Character string specifying which estimation method to use: \code{"all"}, 
#'   \code{"block"} or \code{"singular"}. Default value is \code{"all"}.
#' @param inference Character string specifying which inference method to use: \code{"exact"} or 
#'   \code{"permutation"}. Default value is \code{"exact"}.
#' @param index Only used if \code{estimation = "block"}. Default value is \code{"adapative"}. See 
#'   details.
#' @param shrink Should we use a shrinkage estimate of the residual variance? Default value is 
#'   \code{FALSE}.
#' @param nperm The number of permutations to perform if \code{inference = "permutation"} or for the
#'   Tracy-Widom empirical estimate (if \code{estimation = "singular"}).
#' @param Wilks Should we use a Wilks test instead of Roy's largest test? This is only implemented 
#'   for a single covariate and with \code{estimation = "all"}.
#' @return An object of class \code{Pcev} containing the first PCEV, the p-value, the estimate of 
#'   the shrinkage factor, etc.
#' @examples 
#' set.seed(12345)
#' Y <- matrix(rnorm(100*20), nrow=100)
#' X <- rnorm(100)
#' pcev_out <- computePCEV(Y, X)
#' pcev_out2 <- computePCEV(Y, X, shrink = TRUE)
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats coefficients cor lm.fit model.matrix optim pf
computePCEV <- function(response, covariate, confounder, 
                        estimation = c("all", "block", "singular"), 
                        inference = c("exact", "permutation"), 
                        index = "adaptive", shrink = FALSE, nperm = 1000, 
                        Wilks = FALSE) {
  # Check input
  estimation <- tryCatch(match.arg(estimation),
                         error = function(c) {
                           stop("Estimation method should be \"all\", \"block\" or \"singular\"", 
                                call. = FALSE)
  inference <- tryCatch(match.arg(inference),
                        error = function(c) {
                          stop("Inference method should be \"exact\" or \"permutation\"", 
                               call. = FALSE)
  if (!is.matrix(response)) {
    stop("The response variables should be passed as a matrix.", call. = FALSE)
  if (missing(confounder)) confounder <- NULL
  # We don't allow for missing values
  if (anyNA(response) || anyNA(covariate) || anyNA(confounder)) {
    stop("Missing values are not allowed", call. = FALSE)
  # If user gives index, we should do block estimation
  if (!identical(index, "adaptive")) {
    estimation <- "block"
    message("Selecting estimation by block.")
  # Adapative selection of blocks
  if (estimation == "block") {
    if (identical(index, "adaptive")) {
      b <- round(2*ncol(response)/nrow(response))
    if (is.numeric(index) && length(index) == 1) {
      b <- index
      if (b < 0 || b > ncol(response)) {
        stop("Invalid number of blocks", call. = FALSE)
    if (!is.numeric(index) || length(index) == 1) {
      index <- sample(1:b, ncol(response), replace = TRUE)
  if (!is.logical(shrink)) shrink <- FALSE
  if (!is.logical(Wilks)) Wilks <- FALSE
  # Create pcev objects
  if (estimation == "all") {
    pcevObj <- PcevClassical(response,
  if (estimation == "block") {
    pcevObj <- PcevBlock(response, 
  if (estimation == "singular") {
    pcevObj <- PcevSingular(response,
  if (Wilks && ncol(pcevObj$X) != 2) {
    warning("Wilks can only be applied with a single covariate.")
    Wilks <- FALSE
  # Perform estimation and inference
  if (inference == "permutation") {
    pcevRes <- permutePval(pcevObj, shrink, index, nperm)
  } else {
    if (Wilks) {
      pcevRes <- wilksPval(pcevObj, shrink, index)
    } else {
      pcevRes <- roysPval(pcevObj, shrink, index, nperm)
  # Compute PCEV
  pcevRes$PCEV <- pcevObj$Y %*% pcevRes$weights
  # Compute variable importance
  pcevRes$VIMP <- computeVIMP(pcevObj, pcevRes)
  pcevRes$pcevObj <- pcevObj 
  pcevRes$methods <- c(estimation, inference)
  names(pcevRes$methods) <- c("Estimation", "Inference")
  pcevRes$nperm <- nperm 
  pcevRes$Wilks <- Wilks
  pcevRes$shrink <- shrink
  class(pcevRes) <- "Pcev"
  # return results

# Utility functions for estimation----
computeVIMP <- function(pcevObj, list, signed=FALSE) {
  VIMP <- cor(pcevObj$Y, list$PCEV)[,1]
  if (!signed) {
    VIMP <- abs(VIMP)

shrink_est <- function(Vr, res){
  # port of matlab code from http://www.econ.uzh.ch/faculty/wolf/publications.html#9
  # Ledoit, O. and Wolf, M. (2004).
  # Honey, I shrunk the sample covariance matrix.
  # Journal of Portfolio Management 30, Volume 4, 110-119.
  p <- ncol(res); n <- nrow(res)
  # Compute sample covariance matrix using the de-meaned returns
  sample <- Vr/n
  # Compute prior
  var <- matrix(diag(sample), ncol = 1)
  sqrtvar <- sqrt(var)
  tmpMat <- matrix(rep(sqrtvar, p), nrow = p)
  rBar <- (sum(sum(sample / (tmpMat * t(tmpMat)))) - p) / (p * (p - 1))
  prior <- rBar * tmpMat * t(tmpMat)
  diag(prior) <- var
  # What is called pi-hat
  y <- res^2
  phiMat <- crossprod(y) / n - 2 * crossprod(res) * sample / n + sample^2
  phi <- sum(phiMat)
  # What is called rho-hat
  term1 <- crossprod(res^3, res) / n
  help <- crossprod(res)/n
  helpDiag <- matrix(diag(help), ncol = 1)
  term2 <- matrix(rep(helpDiag, p), ncol = p, byrow = FALSE) * sample
  term3 <- help * matrix(rep(var, p), ncol = p, byrow = FALSE)
  term4 <- matrix(rep(var, p), ncol = p, byrow = FALSE) * sample
  thetaMat <- term1 - term2 - term3 + term4
  diag(thetaMat) <- 0
  rho <- sum(diag(phiMat)) + rBar * sum(sum(tcrossprod(1 / sqrtvar, sqrtvar) * thetaMat))
  # What is called gamma-hat
  gamma <- norm(sample - prior, "F")^2
  # Compute shrinkage constant
  kappa <- (phi - rho) / gamma
  shrinkage <- max(0, min(1, kappa / n))
  # Compute the estimator
  sigma <- shrinkage * prior + (1 - shrinkage) * sample
  sigma <- n * sigma
  out <- list(cov = sigma, 
              rho = shrinkage)

# Constructor functions----

#' Constructor functions for the different pcev objects
#' \code{PcevClassical}, \code{PcevBlock} and \code{PcevSingular} create the pcev objects from the 
#' provided data that are necessary to compute the PCEV according to the user's 
#' parameters.
#' @seealso \code{\link{estimatePcev}}, \code{\link{computePCEV}}
#' @param response A matrix of response variables.
#' @param covariate A matrix or a data frame of covariates.
#' @param confounder A matrix or data frame of confounders
#' @return A pcev object, of the class that corresponds to the estimation 
#'   method. These objects are lists that contain the data necessary for
#'   computation.
#' @name PcevObj

#' @rdname PcevObj
#' @export
PcevClassical <- function(response, covariate, confounder) {
  if (is.null(confounder)) {
    structure(list(Y = response, 
                   X = model.matrix(~., as.data.frame(covariate)),
                   Z = c()), 
              class = "PcevClassical")
  } else {
    structure(list(Y = response, 
                   X = model.matrix(~., as.data.frame(covariate)), 
                   Z = model.matrix(~., as.data.frame(confounder))[,-1]), 
              class = "PcevClassical")

#' @rdname PcevObj
#' @export 
PcevBlock <- function(response, covariate, confounder) {
  if (is.null(confounder)) {
    structure(list(Y = response, 
                   X = model.matrix(~., as.data.frame(covariate)), 
                   Z = c()), 
              class = "PcevBlock")
  } else {
    structure(list(Y = response, 
                   X = model.matrix(~., as.data.frame(covariate)), 
                   Z = model.matrix(~., as.data.frame(confounder))[,-1]), 
              class = "PcevBlock")

#' @rdname PcevObj
#' @export
PcevSingular <- function(response, covariate, confounder) {
  if (is.null(confounder)) {
    structure(list(Y = response, 
                   X = model.matrix(~., as.data.frame(covariate)),
                   Z = c()), 
              class = "PcevSingular")
  } else {
    structure(list(Y = response, 
                   X = model.matrix(~., as.data.frame(covariate)), 
                   Z = model.matrix(~., as.data.frame(confounder))[,-1]), 
              class = "PcevSingular")

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pcev documentation built on May 2, 2019, 12:45 p.m.