Man pages for peacesciencer
Tools and Data for Quantitative Peace Science Research

add_archigosAdd Archigos political leader information to dyad-year and...
add_atop_allianceAdd Alliance Treaty Obligations and Provisions (ATOP)...
add_capital_distanceAdd capital-to-capital distance to a data frame
add_ccode_to_gwAdd Correlates of War state system codes to your data with...
add_contiguityAdd Correlates of War direct contiguity information to a data...
add_cow_allianceAdd Correlates of War alliance data to a data frame
add_cow_majorsAdd Correlates of War major power information to a data frame
add_cow_midsAdd Correlates of War (CoW) Militarized Interstate Dispute...
add_cow_tradeAdd Correlates of War trade data to a data frame
add_cow_warsAdd Correlates of War war data to dyad-year or state-year...
add_creg_fractionalizationAdd fractionalization/polarization estimates from CREG to a...
add_democracyAdd democracy information to a data frame
add_fpsimAdd dyadic foreign policy similarity measures to your data
add_gml_midsAdd Gibler-Miller-Little (GML) Militarized Interstate Dispute...
add_gwcode_to_cowAdd Gleditsch-Ward state system codes to your data with...
add_igosAdd Correlates of War international governmental...
add_leadAdd (Select) Leader Experience and Attribute Descriptions...
add_lwufAdd Estimates of Leader Willingness to Use Force to...
add_minimum_distanceAdd minimum distance data to your data frame
add_nmcAdd Correlates of War National Military Capabilities Data
add_peace_yearsAdd Peace Years to Your Conflict Data
add_rugged_terrainAdd rugged terrain information to a data frame
add_sdp_gdpAdd (Surplus and Gross) Domestic Product Data
add_spellsAdd "Spells" to Data
add_strategic_rivalriesAdd Thompson and Dreyer's (2012) strategic rivalry data to...
add_ucdp_acdAdd UCDP Armed Conflict Data to state-year data frame
add_ucdp_onsetsAdd UCDP onsets to state-year data
archigosArchigos: A (Subset of a) Dataset on Political Leaders
atop_allianceAlliance Treaty Obligations and Provisions (ATOP) Project...
ccode_democracyDemocracy data for all Correlates of War states
cow_allianceCorrelates of War directed dyad-year alliance data
cow_capitalsA complete list of capitals and capital transitions for...
cow_contdirCorrelates of War Direct Contiguity Data (v. 3.2)
cow_ddyA directed dyad-year data frame of Correlates of War state...
cow_gw_yearsCorrelates of War and Gleditsch-Ward states, by year
cow_igo_ndyCorrelates of War Non-Directed Dyad-Year International...
cow_igo_syCorrelates of War State-Year International Governmental...
cow_majorsCorrelates of War Major Powers Data (1816-2016)
cow_mid_ddydispsDirected Dyadic Dispute-Year Data with No Duplicate...
cow_mid_dirdispsDirected Dyadic Dispute-Year Data (CoW-MID, v. 5.0)
cow_mid_dispsAbbreviated CoW-MID Dispute-level Data (v. 5.0)
cow_mindistThe Minimum Distance Between States in the Correlates of War...
cow_nmcCorrelates of War National Military Capabilities Data
cow_sdp_gdp(Surplus and Gross) Domestic Product for Correlates of War...
cow_statesCorrelates of War State System Membership Data (1816-2016)
cow_trade_syCorrelates of War National Trade Data Set (v. 4.0)
cow_war_interCorrelates of War Inter-State War Data (v. 4.0)
cow_war_intraCorrelates of War Intra-State War Data (v. 4.1)
create_dyadyearsCreate dyad-years from state system membership data
create_leaderdaysCreate leader-days from leader data
create_leaderdyadyearsCreate leader-dyad-years from the Archigos data
create_leaderyearsCreate leader-years from leader data
create_statedaysCreate state-days from state system membership data
create_stateyearsCreate state-years from state system membership data
cregComposition of Religious and Ethnic Groups (CREG)...
declare_attributesDeclare 'peacesciencer'-specific attributes to data
download_extdataDownload Some Extra Data for Peace Science Research
false_cow_dyadsFalse Correlates of War Directed Dyad-Years
false_gw_dyadsFalse Gleditsch-Ward Directed Dyad-Years
filter_prdFilter dyad-year data to include just politically relevant...
gml_dirdispDirected dispute-year data (Gibler, Miller, and Little, 2016)
gml_mid_ddlydispsDirected Leader-Dyadic Dispute-Year Data with No Duplicate...
gml_mid_ddydispsDirected Dyadic Dispute-Year Data with No Duplicate...
gml_mid_dirleaderdispsDirected Leader-Dyadic Dispute-Year Data (GML, v. 2.2.1,...
gml_mid_dispsAbbreviated GML MID Dispute-level Data (v. 2.2.1)
gml_partParticipant Summaries of the GML-MID Data
grh_arms_racesConventional Arms Races During Periods of Rivalry
gw_capitalsA complete list of capitals and capital transitions for...
gwcode_democracyDemocracy data for all Gleditsch-Ward states
gw_cow_yearsGleditsch-Ward states and Correlates of War, by year
gw_ddyA directed dyad-year data frame of Gleditsch-Ward state...
gw_mindistThe Minimum Distance Between States in the Gleditsch-Ward...
gw_sdp_gdp(Surplus and Gross) Domestic Product for Gleditsch-Ward...
gw_statesGleditsch-Ward (Independent States) System Membership Data...
hiefHistorical Index of Ethnic Fractionalization data
LEAD(An Abbreviation of) The LEAD Data Set
leader_codesA Data Set of Leader Codes Across Archigos 4.1, Archigos 2.9,...
lwufLeader Willingness to Use Force
maoz_powersZeev Maoz' Regional/Global Power Data
ps_bibA 'BibTeX' Data Frame of Citations
ps_citeGet 'BibTeX' Entries Associated with 'peacesciencer' Data and...
ps_data_versionThe Version Numbers for Data Included in 'peacesciencer'
ps_versionGet Version Information About Data Included in...
ruggedRugged/Mountainous Terrain Data
show_duplicatesShow Duplicate Observations in Your Dyad-Year or State-Year...
td_rivalriesThompson and Dreyer's (2012) Strategic Rivalries, 1494-2010
tss_rivalriesThompson et al. (2021) Strategic Rivalries, 1494-2020
ucdp_acdUCDP Armed Conflict Data (ACD) (v. 20.1)
ucdp_onsetsUCDP Onset Data (v. 19.1)
whittle_conflicts_durationWhittle Duplicate Conflict-Years by Conflict Duration
whittle_conflicts_fatalityWhittle Duplicate Conflict-Years by Highest Fatality
whittle_conflicts_hostilityWhittle Duplicate Conflict-Years by Conflict Hostility
whittle_conflicts_jdsWhittle Duplicate Conflict-Years by Just Dropping Something...
whittle_conflicts_onsetsWhittle Unique Conflict Onset-Years from Conflict-Year Data
whittle_conflicts_reciprocationWhittle Duplicate Conflict-Years by Conflict Reciprocation
whittle_conflicts_startmonthWhittle Duplicate Conflict-Years by Lowest Start Month
peacesciencer documentation built on March 31, 2023, 8:37 p.m.