# Build pedigrees between a set of individuals and a specified number of "extras".
# Missing parents are added in a minimal way.
# Note: knownPO, notPO, noChildren must be internal numerics
#' @importFrom ribd inbreeding
buildPedsExtra = function(labs, sex, extra = 0, ageMat = NULL, knownPO = NULL, allKnown = FALSE,
notPO = NULL, noChildren = NULL, connected = TRUE, maxInbreeding = 1,
maxLinearInb = Inf, sexSymmetry = TRUE, verbose = FALSE) {
st = Sys.time()
N = length(labs)
Ntot = N + extra
sex = c(sex, rep(0L, extra))
# Convert to list with known/imp relations *with lesser ID* for each
knownPO_long = lapply(1:Ntot, function(i)
unlist(lapply(knownPO, function(p) if(max(p) == i) min(p))))
notPO_long = lapply(1:Ntot, function(i)
unlist(lapply(notPO, function(p) if(max(p) == i) min(p))))
# Convert age matrix to list format (works with NULL)
y = unname(ageMat[, "younger"])
o = unname(ageMat[, "older"])
ageList = lapply(1:Ntot, function(i) list(younger = y[o == i], older = o[y == i]))
if(verbose) cat("\nBuilding pedigree list:\n")
# Initial step: Create adjacency matrix for the first indiv.
a1 = adjMatrix(sex = sex[1], connected = TRUE)
attr(a1, "anc") = list(1L) # list of ancestors (inclusive) for each indiv
Mlist = list(a1)
# Wrapper for adding an individual
addFUN = function(a, k) {
addIndividual(a, addedSex = sex[k], origN = N, final = k == Ntot,
connected = connected, knownPO = knownPO_long[[k]], notPO = notPO_long[[k]],
ageList = ageList[1:k], noChildren = noChildren, maxLinearInb = maxLinearInb)
# Add main individuals one by one
for(k in 1 + seq_len(N-1)) { # safer than 2:N
Mlist = unlist(lapply(Mlist, function(a) addFUN(a, k)), recursive = FALSE)
if(verbose && k < N)
cat(sprintf(" First %d: %d candidates (%s)\n", k, length(Mlist), ftime(st)))
ALLSOLS = validSolutions(Mlist, connected = connected) # not checkLonely or sexSymmetry here
cat(sprintf(" All %d + 0 extra: %d solutions | %d candidates (%s)\n",
N, length(ALLSOLS), length(Mlist), ftime(st)))
if(extra) {
intermediate = vector("list", length = extra)
for(ex in seq_len(extra)) {
k = N + ex
Mlist = unlist(lapply(Mlist, function(a) addFUN(a, k)), recursive = FALSE)
nCand0 = length(Mlist)
Mlist = removeDuplicates(Mlist, sexSymmetry)
intermediate[[ex]] = validSolutions(Mlist, N, connected)
if(verbose) {
nCand = length(Mlist)
cat(sprintf(" All %d + %d extra: %d solutions | %d candidates | %d duplicates removed (%s)\n",
N, ex, length(intermediate[[ex]]), nCand, nCand0 - nCand, ftime(st)))
ALLSOLS = c(ALLSOLS, unlist(intermediate, recursive = FALSE))
cat(" Total solutions:", length(ALLSOLS), "\n Converting to ped\n")
peds = lapply(ALLSOLS, function(a) adj2ped(addMissingParents1(a), labs))
if(maxInbreeding < Inf) {
good = vapply(peds, function(p) all(inbreeding(p) <= maxInbreeding), FUN.VALUE = TRUE)
peds = peds[good]
if(verbose) {
cat(" Excessive inbreeding:", sum(!good), "\n")
cat(" Time used:", ftime(st), "\n")
class(peds) = "pedCollection"
# Main function for adding 1 individual
addIndividual = function(a, addedSex, origN, final, connected = FALSE,
knownPO = NULL, notPO = NULL, ageList = NULL,
noChildren = NULL, maxLinearInb = Inf) {
# If unknown sex, add male and female in two steps
if(addedSex == 0L) {
# Male
addedMale = addIndividual(a, 1L, origN = origN, final = final, connected = connected,
knownPO = knownPO, notPO = notPO, ageList = ageList,
noChildren = noChildren, maxLinearInb = maxLinearInb)
# Female
addedFemale = addIndividual(a, 2L, origN = origN, final = final, connected = connected,
knownPO = knownPO, notPO = notPO, ageList = ageList,
noChildren = noChildren, maxLinearInb = maxLinearInb)
return(c(addedMale, addedFemale))
n = dim(a)[1]
k = n + 1
extra = n >= origN
checkAge = length(ageList) > 0
thisAge = ageList[[k]]
checkInb = maxLinearInb < Inf
prev = seq_len(n)
sex = attr(a, "sex")
# Potential parents
mal = which(sex == 1)
fem = which(sex == 2)
excludeAsParent = c(notPO, noChildren, thisAge$younger)
potentialFa = c(0, .mysetdiff(mal, excludeAsParent, makeUnique = FALSE))
potentialMo = c(0, .mysetdiff(fem, excludeAsParent, makeUnique = FALSE))
# Potential children
if(k %in% noChildren)
potentialCh = integer(0)
else {
excludeAsChild = c(notPO, thisAge$older)
missingParent = switch(addedSex,
which(.colSums(a[mal, , drop = F], length(mal), n) == 0),
which(.colSums(a[fem, , drop = F], length(fem), n) == 0))
potentialCh = .mysetdiff(missingParent, excludeAsChild, makeUnique = FALSE)
# Prepare main loop
len = length(potentialFa) * length(potentialMo) * 2^length(potentialCh)
RES = vector("list", length = len)
aExt = c(rbind(a, rep(FALSE, n)), rep(FALSE, n + 1))
dim(aExt) = c(k, k)
sexExt = as.integer(c(sex, addedSex))
tmpA = newAdjMatrix(aExt, sex = sexExt)
tmpAnc = attr(a, "anc")
length(tmpAnc) = k # extend by 1
# Main loop!
i = 0
for(fa in potentialFa) for(mo in potentialMo) {
# Vector of actual parents
par = c(fa, mo)
par = par[par > 0]
npar = length(par)
# Quick check of parent-child inbreeding
if(maxLinearInb == 0 && npar == 2 && any(a[par, par]))
# Ancestors of parents (including parents themselves)
if(npar == 0)
parAnc = integer(0)
else if(npar == 1)
parAnc = tmpAnc[[par]]
parAnc = unique.default(c(tmpAnc[[par[1]]], tmpAnc[[par[2]]]))
# Potential children: Exclude ancestors
potCh = .mysetdiff(potentialCh, parAnc, makeUnique = FALSE)
# Force known PO: If not among parents, then children
knownCh = .mysetdiff(knownPO, par, makeUnique = FALSE)
if(!all(knownCh %in% potCh))
# Loop over subsets of children
for(chs in powerset(potCh, force = knownCh)) {
# message("Fa = ", fa, "; mo = ", mo, "; ch = ", toString(chs))
# If final extra, skip if uninformative: a) leaf b) founder with 1 child
if(final && extra && (length(chs) == 0 || (length(chs) == 1 && npar == 0)))
# Another quick check of parent-child inbreeding
if(maxLinearInb == 0 && any(a[c(par, chs), c(par, chs)]))
# Add relations
newA = tmpA
newA[par, k] = TRUE
newA[k, chs] = TRUE
# More general check for linear inbreeding
if(checkInb && linearInb2(newA, minDist = maxLinearInb + 1))
# Check for superfluous extras
if(extra) {
hasLonely = hasLonelyExtras(newA, origN)
if(final && hasLonely)
attr(newA, "hasLonely") = hasLonely
# Check connectedness (used by adj2ped even if `connected = F`)
if(final || k >= origN) {
isConn = isConnected(newA)
if(final && connected && !isConn)
attr(newA, "connected") = isConn
# Update ancestors
if(!final || checkAge) {
newAnc = tmpAnc
newAnc[[k]] = c(k, parAnc)
# Identify descendants
isDesc = vapply(prev, function(d)
!(d %in% par) && (d %in% chs || any(chs %in% newAnc[[d]])), logical(1))
desc = which(isDesc)
# Add new ancestors to all descendants
newAnc[desc] = lapply(newAnc[desc], function(v) unique.default(c(v, k, parAnc)))
newAnc[desc] = lapply(newAnc[desc], function(v) c(v, k))
attr(newA, "anc") = newAnc
# Check age data
if(checkAge && ageViol(newA, newAnc, ageList))
# Canonical ordering of extras
if(extra && k > origN + 1)
newA = canonicalPerm(newA, origN)
# Add to output list
RES[[i+1]] = newA
i = i+1
# Remove NULLs
length(RES) = i
# Return
# Detect uninformative extras: i) leaves and ii) founders with 1 child
hasLonelyExtras = function(a, N) {
Ntot = dim(a)[1]
Nex = Ntot - N
if(Nex == 0)
### Leaves
# Number of children of each extra
extraCh = .rowSums(a[N + seq_len(Nex), , drop = FALSE], Nex, Ntot)
if(any(extraCh == 0))
### Uninformative founders
# Number of parents of each extra
extraPar = .colSums(a[, N + seq_len(Nex), drop = FALSE], Ntot, Nex)
if(any(extraPar == 0 & extraCh == 1))
# Ad hoc standard permutation of the extras
# NB: Not perfect
canonicalPerm = function(a, N) {
n = dim(a)[1]
# If at most 1 extra, return
if(n <= N + 1)
Nseq = seq_len(N)
exSeq = N + seq_len(n - N)
sex = attr(a, "sex")
# Order according to children, parents and sex
block1 = lapply(Nseq, function(i) a[exSeq, i])
block2 = lapply(Nseq, function(i) a[i, exSeq])
args = c(block1, block2, list(sex[exSeq], decreasing = TRUE, method = "shell"))
ord =, args)
p = c(Nseq, N + ord)
# Permute
a[] = a[p, p]
attr(a, "sex") = sex[p]
if(!is.null(anc <- attr(a, "anc"))) {
pAnc = lapply(anc[p], function(v) match(v, p))
attr(a, "anc") = pAnc
removeDuplicates = function(DA, sexSymmetry) {
dups = duplicated.default(lapply(DA, as.integer))
dups = duplicated.default(lapply(DA, function(da) c(as.integer(da), attr(da, "sex"))))
validSolutions = function(DA, checkLonely = FALSE, connected = FALSE) {
if(length(DA) == 0)
if(checkLonely) {
DA = DA[!sapply(DA, attr, "hasLonely")]
# print(length(DA))
if(length(DA) == 0)
if(connected) {
DA = DA[sapply(DA, attr, "connected")]
# print(length(DA))
if(length(DA) == 0)
ageViol = function(a, anc, ageList) {
for(i in 1:dim(a)[1]) {
y = ageList[[i]]$younger
if(length(y) && any(y %in% anc[[i]]))
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