
Defines functions fbi_cpicn pq_fbi

# formula 
# weighted geometric mean
# I_t/I_{t-1} = \prod{(x_{j,t}/x_{j,t-1})^{w_{j,t}}}

# dat = getmd_stock(sybs, fillzero = FALSE)
# ssec = getmd_stock('^000001')

# create a fixed-base index from chain index
#' @import data.table
pq_fbi = function(dt, chain_index, num=1, base_index=1, base_date='2006-01-01') {
    index = NULL
    # the row index of base
    base_row = dt[,which.min(abs(as.Date(date) - as.Date(base_date)))]
    base_date = dt[base_row, date]
    # cat('fixed-base index in', base_date)
    dt[base_row, index := base_index]
    for (r in (base_row+1):nrow(dt)) {
        chain_index_r = dt[r, eval(parse(text=chain_index))]
        if ( is.na(chain_index_r) ) break
        dt[r, index := dt[r-num,index]*chain_index_r ]
    for (r in (base_row-1):1) {
        chain_index_rplusn = dt[r+num, eval(parse(text=chain_index))]
        if ( is.na(chain_index_rplusn) ) break
        dt[r, index := dt[r+num,index]/chain_index_rplusn ]

# fixed-base index of cpi 
fbi_cpicn = function(sybs = c('A01010101', 'A01010201','A01030101', 'A01030201')) {
    value = . = index = NULL
    cpicn = ed_nbs(geo_type = 'n', freq = 'm', symbol = sybs, na_rm = TRUE, from='1900-01-01')
    cpicn2 = dcast(
        rbindlist(cpicn)[, value := value/100], date~name, value.var = 'value'
    setnames(cpicn2, c('date', 'cpi_yoy', 'cpi_mom'))
    cpi_fbi = pq_fbi(
        dt = pq_fbi(cpicn2, chain_index = 'cpi_mom'),
        chain_index = 'cpi_yoy', num=12)
# cpi = fbi_cpicn()

# ped in real price
pq_rp1 = function(dt, region='cn', columns = c('open', 'high', 'low', 'close')) {
    date2 = . = index = NULL
    if (inherits(dt, 'list')) dt = rbindlist(dt, fill = TRUE)
    dt = setDT(dt)
   dt_rp = merge(
        dt[, date2 := as.Date(sub('\\d{2}$', '01', date))],
        eval(parse(text = paste0('fbi_cpi',region,'()')))[,.(date2 = date, index)],
        all.x = TRUE
    )[, index := fillna(index)
      ][, (columns) := lapply(.SD, function(x) x/(index/index[.N])), .SDcols = columns
        ][, c('date', columns), with=FALSE]
# ssec_nomial = getmd('^000001', from='1900-01-01', source='163')
# ssec_real = getpedr:::pq_rp1(ssec_nomial)

# creating weighted index
# \code{pq_index} creates a sector/industry index using the method of weighted geometric mean, based on a set of data and corresponding weights.
# @param dt a list/dataframe of time series dataset
# @param x the name of column to create index. Default is 'close|value'
# @param w the name of weights column. Default is 'cap_total'. If x is not available or is NULL, then using equal weights.
# @param base_value the base value of index. Default is 1.
# @param base_date the base date of index. Default is the minimum date.
# @param name the name of index. Default is NULL, then using 'index'.
# @examples
# \donttest{
# # Example I bank share index
# library(data.table)
# data(dt_banks)
# # creating index
# bank_index = pq_index(dt_banks, x='close', w='cap_total')
# # pq_plot(bank_index)
# }
#' @import data.table
# @export
pq_index = function(dt, x='close|value', w='cap_total', base_value=1, base_date=NULL, name = NULL) {
    ## index name
    if (is.null(name)) {
      name = 'index'
      symbol = 'index'

    ## check columns of x, chain index, weight
    if (!inherits(dt, 'list') & inherits(dt, 'data.frame')) {
      dt = setDT(dt)
      dat_lst = list()
      for (s in dt[,unique(symbol)]) dat_lst[[s]] = dt[symbol == s]
      dt = dat_lst
    dt = lapply(dt, function(d) {
      x = intersect(names(d), unlist(strsplit(x,'\\|')))[1]
      if (x != 'close') d[['close']] = d[[x]]
      d[, chain_index := close/shift(close,type='lag')]
      # weight column
      if (is.null(w) || w %in% names(d)) {
        d[['weight']] = 1
      } else d[['weight']] = d[[w]]
    ## bind list of dataframes
    dt = rbindlist(dt, fill = TRUE)
    dt = setDT(dt)
    dt = dt[, symbol := factor(symbol, levels = dt[,unique(symbol)])]
    setkeyv(dt, c('symbol','date'))
    ## weight geometric mean index
    wgm_idx = dt[, w := weight/sum(weight, na.rm = TRUE), keyby=date
     ][is.na(chain_index), chain_index := 0
     ][, cw := chain_index**w
     ][, .(value = prod(cw)), keyby=date
     ][value != 0]

    ## base date
    base_date = check_fromto(base_date)
    if (is.null(base_date) || (base_date < wgm_idx[1,date] || base_date > wgm_idx[.N,date])) base_date = wgm_idx[1,date]
    ## fixed base index
    fbi = pq_fbi(wgm_idx, 'value', base_index=base_value, base_date=base_date)[,.(symbol=symbol, name=name, date, value=index)]

# ref:
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weighted_geometric_mean
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._Dollar_Index

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