
Defines functions addAllele checkConsistency checkDupNames hasMarkers nMarkers is.markerList is.marker trivialMut

Documented in addAllele hasMarkers is.marker is.markerList nMarkers

# Check if a mutation matrix - or a list of such - is diagonal (= trivial)
trivialMut = function(mut) {
    return(all(vapply(mut, trivialMut, logical(1))))

  all(diag(mut) == 1)

#' Test if something is a marker
#' Functions for testing if something is a `marker` object, or a list of such
#' objects.
#' @param x Any object
#' @return A logical
#' @export
is.marker = function(x) {
  inherits(x, "marker")

#' @export
#' @rdname is.marker
is.markerList = function(x) {
  inherits(x, "markerList") || (is.list(x) && all(sapply(x, is.marker)))

#' The number of markers attached to a pedigree
#' @param x A `ped` object or a list of such.
#' @param compwise A logical, only relevant if `x` is a ped list. Default FALSE.
#' @return `nMarkers()` by default returns a single number; the number of marker
#'   objects attached to `x`. If `x` is a ped list, an error is raised if the
#'   components have different numbers of markers. This check can be skipped by
#'   setting `compwise = TRUE`, in which case the function returns a vector of
#'   the component-wise marker numbers.
#'   The function `hasMarkers(x)` returns TRUE if (at least component of) `x`
#'   has attached markers, otherwise FALSE. If `compwise = TRUE`, a logical
#'   vector of the same length as `x`.
#' @examples
#' x = nuclearPed() |> addMarker()
#' nMarkers(x) # = 1
#' y = list(x, singleton(1))
#' nMarkers(y, compwise = TRUE) # c(1,0)
#' hasMarkers(y) # TRUE
#' hasMarkers(y, compwise = TRUE) # c(TRUE, FALSE)
#' @export
nMarkers = function(x, compwise = FALSE) {
  else if(is.pedList(x)) {
    nvec = vapply(x, function(comp) length(comp$MARKERS), 1L)


      stop2("The pedigree components have different number of markers attached")
  stop2("Input to `nMarkers()` must be a `ped` object or a list of such")

#' @export
#' @rdname nMarkers
hasMarkers = function(x, compwise = FALSE) {
  nm = nMarkers(x, compwise = TRUE)
  if(compwise) nm > 0 else any(nm > 0)

checkDupNames = function(x) {
    mlist = x$MARKERS
  else if(is.pedList(x))
    mlist = x[[1]]$MARKERS
    mlist = x

  mnames = unlist(lapply(mlist, attr, "name"))
  if(dup <- anyDuplicated.default(mnames, incomparables = NA))
    stop2("Duplicated marker name: ", mnames[dup])

checkConsistency = function(x, mlist) {

  wrongSize = unlist(lapply(mlist, nrow) != pedsize(x))
  if(any(wrongSize)) {
    erri = which(wrongSize)[1]
    errsize = nrow(mlist[[erri]])
    stop("Incompatible input: Pedigree has size ", pedsize(x),
         " but marker ", erri, " has ", errsize, " rows", call. = FALSE)
  #TODO: check loop breakers, ped labels, sex

#' Add allele
#' Extends the allele set of a marker attached to a pedigree, by adding a single
#' allele.
#' @param x A `ped` object or a list of such, or a frequency database (list of
#'   numeric vectors).
#' @param marker The name or index of a marker attached to `x`.
#' @param allele The name of the new allele.
#' @param freq The frequency of the new allele, by default 0.001.
#' @param adjust Either "previous" or "all", indicating how the frequencies
#'   should be adjusted so that they sum to 1. If "previous" (default), the
#'   frequencies of the original alleles are multiplied with `1 - freq`. If
#'   "all", scaling is performed after adding the new allele, i.e., dividing all
#'   frequencies by `1 + freq`.
#' @return A copy of `x` with modified marker attributes.
#' @examples
#' ## Ped input
#' x = nuclearPed() |>
#'   addMarker(geno = c(NA, NA, "b/c"), afreq = c(b = 0.5, c = 0.5))
#' y = addAllele(x, marker = 1, allele = "a")
#' afreq(y, 1)
#' z = addAllele(y, marker = 1, allele = "d", freq = 0.1, adjust = "all")
#' afreq(z, 1)
#' ## Database input
#' db = list(M1 = c(a = .2, b = .3, c = .5),
#'           M2 = c("7" = .9, "8.3" = .1))
#' addAllele(db, marker = "M2", allele = "8")
#' @export
addAllele = function(x, marker, allele, freq = 0.001, adjust = c("previous", "all")) {

  if(missing(marker) || length(marker) == 0)
    stop2("Argument `marker` cannot be empty")
  if(length(marker) > 1)
    stop2("Allele modifications must be done for a single marker at a time")
  if(missing(allele) || length(allele) == 0)
    stop2("Argument `allele` cannot be empty")
  if(length(allele) > 1)
    stop2("Please add one allele at a time")

  # Input type: ped or db?
  type = if(is.ped(x) || is.pedList(x)) "ped" else "db"

  if(type == "ped") {
    old = afreq(x, marker)
  else {
    old = x[[marker]]
    if(is.null(old) || is.null(names(old)) || !is.numeric(old))
      stop2("Something wrong with the existing frequency vector: Not a named numeric.")
    if(round(sum(old),3) != 1)
      stop2("Something wrong with the existing frequency vector: Does not sum to 1:\n", old)

  if(allele %in% names(old))
    stop2("This allele is already present")

  names(freq) = allele
  s = sum(old) # should be 1, but may deviate slightly

  # Add new allele and adjust frequencies
    all = {
      newfr = c(old, freq)/(s + freq)
    previous = {
      newfr = c(old/s * (1 - freq), freq) # note normalisation of `old`

  if(type == "ped") {
    x = setAfreq(x, marker, afreq = newfr, strict = FALSE)
  else {
    als = names(newfr)
    isNum = !anyNA(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(als)))
    ord = if(isNum) order(as.numeric(als)) else order(als)
    x[[marker]] = newfr[ord]


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pedtools documentation built on Nov. 5, 2023, 5:06 p.m.