
Defines functions as.ped.data.frame as.ped as.data.frame.ped restorePed as.matrix.ped

Documented in as.data.frame.ped as.matrix.ped as.ped as.ped.data.frame restorePed

#' Convert `ped` to matrix
#' Converts a `ped` object to a numeric matrix using internal labels, with
#' additional info necessary to recreate the original `ped` attached as
#' attributes.
#' `restorePed` is the reverse of `as.matrix.ped`.
#' @param x a `ped` object. In `restorePed`: A numerical matrix.
#' @param include.attrs a logical indicating if marker annotations and other
#'   info should be attached as attributes. See Value.
#' @param attrs a list containing labels and other `ped` info compatible with
#'   `x`, in the format produced by `as.matrix`. If NULL, the attributes of `x`
#'   itself are used.
#' @param validate a logical, forwarded to [ped()]. If FALSE, no checks for
#'   pedigree errors are performed.
#' @param \dots not used.
#' @return For `as.matrix`: A numerical matrix with `pedsize(x)` rows. If
#'   `include.attrs = TRUE` the following attributes are added to the matrix,
#'   allowing `x` to be exactly reproduced by `restorePed`:
#'   * `FAMID` the family identifier (a string)
#'   * `LABELS` the ID labels (a character vector)
#'   * `UNBROKEN_LOOPS` a logical indicating whether `x` has unbroken loops
#'   * `LOOP_BREAKERS` a numerical matrix, or NULL
#'   * `markerattr` a list of length `nMarkers(x)`, containing the attributes of
#'   each marker
#'   For `restorePed`: A `ped` object.
#' @author Magnus Dehli Vigeland
#' @seealso [ped()]
#' @examples
#' x = relabel(nuclearPed(1), letters[1:3])
#' # To examplify the ped -> matrix -> ped trick, we show how to
#' # reverse the internal ordering of the pedigree.
#' m = as.matrix(x, include.attrs = TRUE)
#' m[] = m[3:1, ]
#' # Must reverse the labels also:
#' attrs = attributes(m)
#' attrs$LABELS = rev(attrs$LABELS)
#' # Restore ped:
#' y = restorePed(m, attrs = attrs)
#' # Of course a simpler way is use reorderPed():
#' z = reorderPed(x, 3:1)
#' stopifnot(identical(y, z))
#' @export
as.matrix.ped = function(x, include.attrs = TRUE, ...) {
  m = c(seq_along(x$ID), x$FIDX, x$MIDX, x$SEX, unlist(x$MARKERS))
  attrs = list(dim = c(length(x$ID), 4 + 2*length(x$MARKERS)))
  if (include.attrs) {
    attrs$FAMID = x$FAMID
    attrs$LABELS = x$ID
      if(is.null(x$FOUNDER_INBREEDING)) NULL
    else list(autosomal = founderInbreeding(x, named = TRUE, chromType = "autosomal"),
              x = founderInbreeding(x, named = TRUE, chromType = "x"))
    attrs$markerattr = lapply(x$MARKERS, attributes)
  attributes(m) = attrs

#' @rdname as.matrix.ped
#' @export
restorePed = function(x, attrs = NULL, validate = TRUE) {
  if (is.null(attrs))
    attrs = attributes(x)

  p = ped(id = x[,1], fid = x[,2], mid = x[,3], sex = x[,4],
          famid = attrs$FAMID, validate = validate,
          detectLoops = !is.na(attrs$UNBROKEN_LOOPS),
          reorder = FALSE)

  if(is.pedList(p)) {
    if(!is.null(attrs$LOOP_BREAKERS) || !is.null(attrs$FOUNDER_INBREEDING))
      stop2("Cannot restore disconnected ouput in this case")
    # Hack
    y = lapply(p, function(pcmp) {
      idx = match(pcmp$ID, x[,1])
      a = attrs
      a$LABELS = a$LABELS[idx]
      restorePed(x[idx, , drop = FALSE], attrs = a, validate = validate)

  p = relabel(p, new = attrs$LABELS)
  p['LOOP_BREAKERS'] = list(attrs$LOOP_BREAKERS) # Trick to keep explicit NULLs

  # Founder inbreeding
  else {
    new_fou = founders(p)

    # autosomal founder inbreeding
    aut = finb$autosomal
    aut_lost = .mysetdiff(names(aut)[aut > 0], new_fou)
    if(length(aut_lost) > 0)
      message("Warning: Autosomal founder inbreeding lost. (Individuals: ", toString(aut_lost), ")")
    founderInbreeding(p, chromType = "autosomal") = aut[intersect(names(aut), new_fou)]

    # X founder inbreeding
    xchr = finb$x
    x_lost = .mysetdiff(names(xchr)[xchr > 0], new_fou)
    if(length(x_lost) > 0)
      message("Warning: X chromosomal founder inbreeding lost. (Individuals: ", toString(x_lost), ")")
    founderInbreeding(p, chromType = "x") = xchr[intersect(names(xchr), new_fou)]

  ### Markers
  if((nc <- ncol(x)) > 4) {
    if(nc %% 2 != 0) stop2("Something is wrong: Odd number of allele columns!")
    markerattr = attrs$markerattr
    pedlabs = labels(p)

    mlist = lapply(seq_len((nc-4)/2), function(k) {
      m = x[, c(3 + 2*k, 4 + 2*k), drop = FALSE]
      attr = markerattr[[k]]
      attr$dim = dim(m)
      attr$pedmembers = pedlabs
      attr$sex = p$SEX
      attributes(m) = attr
    class(mlist) = "markerList"
    p = setMarkers(p, mlist)

#' Convert ped to data.frame
#' Convert a `ped` object to a data.frame. The first columns are id, fid, mid
#' and sex, followed by genotype columns for all (or a selection of) markers.
#' Note that the output of [as.data.frame.ped()] is quite different from that of
#' [as.matrix.ped()]. This reflects the fact that these functions have different
#' purposes.
#' Conversion to a data frame is primarily intended for pretty printing. It uses
#' correct labels for pedigree members and marker alleles, and pastes alleles to
#' form nice-looking genotypes.
#' The matrix method, on the other hand, is a handy tool for manipulating the
#' pedigree structure. It produces a numeric matrix, using the internal index
#' labelling both for individuals and alleles, making it very fast. In addition,
#' all necessary meta information (loop breakers, allele frequencies a.s.o) is
#' kept as attributes, which makes it possible to recreate the original `ped`
#' object.
#' @param x Object of class `ped`.
#' @param ... Further parameters
#' @param markers Vector of marker names or indices. By default, all markers
#'   are included.
#' @param sep A single string to be used as allele separator in marker genotypes.
#' @param missing A single string to be used for missing alleles.
#' @return A `data.frame` with `pedsize(x)` rows and `4 + nMarkers(x)` columns.
#' @seealso [as.matrix.ped()]
#' @export
as.data.frame.ped = function(x, ..., markers, sep = "/", missing = "-") {
  lab = labels(x)
  fid = mid = rep("0", pedsize(x))
  fid[x$FIDX > 0] = lab[x$FIDX]
  mid[x$MIDX > 0] = lab[x$MIDX]
  df = data.frame(id = lab, fid = fid, mid = mid, sex = x$SEX,
                  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  if(hasMarkers(x)) {
    # Make sure `markers` is an index vector (not missing or character)
    if(missing(markers)) markers = 1:nMarkers(x)
    else markers = whichMarkers(x, markers)

    mlist = getMarkers(x, markers)
    geno = do.call(cbind,
      lapply(mlist, function(m) format(m, sep = sep, missing = missing)))

    # Headers of genotype columns: name if present, otherwise <idx>
    nms = vapply(mlist, name.marker, character(1))
    if(any(na_name <- is.na(nms)))
      nms[na_name] = sprintf("<%d>", markers[na_name])
    colnames(geno) = nms

    # Bind to pedcols
    df = cbind(df, geno, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)


#' Conversions to ped objects
#' @param x Any object.
#' @param ... Not used.
#' @return A `ped` object or a list of such.
#' @examples
#' df = data.frame(famid = c("S1", "S2"),
#'                 id = c("A", "B"),
#'                 fid = 0,
#'                 mid = 0,
#'                 sex = 1)
#' # gives a list of two singletons
#' as.ped(df)
#' @export
as.ped = function(x, ...) {

#' @param famid_col Index of family ID column. If NA, the program looks for a
#'   column named "famid" (ignoring case).
#' @param id_col Index of individual ID column. If NA, the program looks for a
#'   column named "id" (ignoring case).
#' @param fid_col Index of father ID column. If NA, the program looks for a
#'   column named "fid" (ignoring case).
#' @param mid_col Index of mother ID column. If NA, the program looks for a
#'   column named "mid" (ignoring case).
#' @param sex_col Index of column with gender codes (0 = unknown; 1 = male; 2 =
#'   female). If NA, the program looks for a column named "sex" (ignoring case).
#'   If this is not found, genders of parents are deduced from the data, leaving
#'   the remaining as unknown.
#' @param marker_col Index vector indicating columns with marker alleles. If NA,
#'   all columns to the right of all pedigree columns are used. If `sep` (see
#'   below) is non-NULL, each column is interpreted as a genotype column and
#'   split into separate alleles with `strsplit(..., split = sep, fixed =
#'   TRUE)`.
#' @param locusAttributes Passed on to [setMarkers()] (see explanation there).
#' @param missing Passed on to [setMarkers()] (see explanation there).
#' @param sep Passed on to [setMarkers()] (see explanation there).
#' @param sexCodes A list with optional entries "male", "female" and "unknown",
#'   indicating how non-default entries in the `sex` column should be
#'   interpreted. Default values: male = 1, female = 2, unknown = 0.
#' @param addMissingFounders A logical. If TRUE, any parent not included in the
#'   `id` column is added as a founder of corresponding sex. By default, missing
#'   founders result in an error.
#' @param validate A logical indicating if the pedigree structure should be
#'   validated.
#' @param verbose A logical.

#' @examples
#' # Trio
#' df1 = data.frame(id = 1:3, fid = c(0,0,1), mid = c(0,0,2), sex = c(1,2,1))
#' as.ped(df1)
#' # Disconnected example: Trio (1-3) + singleton (4)
#' df2 = data.frame(id = 1:4, fid = c(2,0,0,0), mid = c(3,0,0,0),
#'                 M = c("1/2", "1/1", "2/2", "3/4"))
#' as.ped(df2)
#' # Two singletons
#' df3 = data.frame(id = 1:2, fid = 0, mid = 0, sex = 1)
#' as.ped(df3)
#' # Add missing parents as founders
#' df4 = data.frame(id = 1, fid = 2, mid = 3, sex = 1)
#' as.ped(df4, addMissingFounders = TRUE)
#' @rdname as.ped
#' @export
as.ped.data.frame = function(x, famid_col = NA, id_col = NA, fid_col = NA,
                             mid_col = NA, sex_col = NA, marker_col = NA,
                             locusAttributes = NULL, missing = 0,
                             sep = NULL, sexCodes = NULL,
                             addMissingFounders = FALSE,
                             validate = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, ...) {

  # Identify `famid` column and check for multiple pedigrees
  colnames = tolower(names(x))
    famid_col = match("famid", colnames)

  if(is.na(famid_col)) {
    multiple_fams = FALSE
  else {
    famid = x[[famid_col]]
    unique_fams = unique.default(famid)
    multiple_fams = length(unique_fams) > 1

  # If multiple families, treat each component separately by recursion
  # NB: a single ped may still be disconnected; this is handled in ped()
  if(multiple_fams) {
    pedlist = lapply(unique_fams, function(fam) {
      comp = x[famid == fam, , drop = FALSE]

      as.ped.data.frame(comp, famid_col = famid_col, id_col = id_col, fid_col = fid_col,
                        mid_col = mid_col, sex_col = sex_col, marker_col = marker_col,
                        locusAttributes = locusAttributes, missing = missing, sep = sep,
                        validate = validate, ...)

    names(pedlist) = unique_fams

  ### Body of function (for single ped) starts here ###
  # By this stage, `famid_col` is NA or points to column with identical entries
  # NB: May still be disconnected

  if(is.na(id_col)) id_col = match("id", colnames)
  if(is.na(fid_col)) fid_col = match("fid", colnames)
  if(is.na(mid_col)) mid_col = match("mid", colnames)
  if(is.na(sex_col)) sex_col = match("sex", colnames)
  # famid_col has already been dealt with

  ### Various checks
  NC = ncol(x)
  col_idx = c(famid = famid_col, id = id_col, fid = fid_col, mid = mid_col,
              sex = sex_col, marker = marker_col)

  # id, fid, mid cannot be missing
  required = col_idx[2:4]
    stop2("Cannot find required column: ", names(required)[is.na(required)])

  # Catch duplicated column indices
  if(dup_idx <- anyDuplicated.default(col_idx, incomparables = NA)) {
    dup = col_idx[dup_idx]
    stop2(sprintf("Column %s has mulitple assignments: ", dup),
          names(col_idx)[!is.na(col_idx) & col_idx == dup])

  # Check that columns exist
  nonexist = !is.na(col_idx) & (col_idx < 1 | col_idx > NC)
    stop2("Column index out of range: ", col_idx[nonexist])

  ### Get famid string
  famid = if(is.na(famid_col)) "" else x[[famid_col]][1]

  ### Ped columns
  id = origId = x[[id_col]]
  fid = x[[fid_col]]
  mid = x[[mid_col]]

  # If sex is missing, deduce partially from parental status
  if(is.na(sex_col)) {
    if(verbose) cat("Deducing sex from parental status\n")
    sex = integer(nrow(x))
    sex[match(fid, id)] = 1
    sex[match(mid, id)] = 2
    bisex = intersect(fid, mid)
    sex[match(bisex, id)] = 0
    sex = x[[sex_col]]

  # Translate non-standard entries in the `sex` column
  if(!is.null(sexCodes)) {
    if(length(badnms <- .mysetdiff(names(sexCodes), c("male", "female", "unknown"))))
      stop2(sprintf("Illegal name of argument  `sexCodes`: '%s'\nLegal names are 'male', 'female' and 'uknown'", toString(badnms)))
    sexCodes = as.list(sexCodes)
    sex[sex %in% sexCodes$male] = 1
    sex[sex %in% sexCodes$female] = 2
    sex[sex %in% sexCodes$unknown] = 0

  # Add missing founders
  if(addMissingFounders) {
    nopar = c("0", "", NA)
    missFa = .mysetdiff(fid, c(id, nopar))
    missMo = .mysetdiff(mid, c(id, nopar))
    miss0 = .myintersect(missFa, missMo) # hermaphrodites!
    if(n0 <- length(miss0)) {
      missFa = .mysetdiff(missFa, miss0)
      missMo = .mysetdiff(missMo, miss0)
    nFa = length(missFa)
    nMo = length(missMo)
    if(n0 + nFa + nMo > 0) {
      if(verbose && n0) cat("Adding missing bi-sex founders:", toString(miss0), "\n")
      if(verbose && nFa) cat("Adding missing male founders:", toString(missFa), "\n")
      if(verbose && nMo) cat("Adding missing female founders:", toString(missMo), "\n")
      id = c(miss0, missFa, missMo, id)
      fid = c(rep_len(0, n0 + nFa + nMo), fid)
      mid = c(rep_len(0, n0 + nFa + nMo), mid)
      sex = c(rep(0:2, c(n0, nFa, nMo)), sex)

  # Create ped
  p = ped(id = id, fid = fid, mid = mid, sex = sex, famid = famid,
          validate = validate, reorder = FALSE)

  ### Marker columns
  # Index of last pedigree column
  if(length(marker_col) == 1 && is.na(marker_col)) {
    pedmax = max(col_idx[1:5], na.rm = TRUE)
    marker_col = if(NC > pedmax) (pedmax + 1):NC else NULL
  else if(!is.numeric(marker_col))
    stop2("`marker_col` must be numeric, not ", typeof(marker_col))

  # If no markers, return p
  if(length(marker_col) == 0) {
    AM = NULL
  else { # Otherwise, convert marker-cols to matrix
    AM = as.matrix(x)[, marker_col, drop = FALSE]
    rownames(AM) = origId

  # Return if neither alleles or locus data are given
  if(is.null(AM) && is.null(locusAttributes))

  # If `sep` is not given, but AM contains entries with "/", use this
  if(is.null(sep) && any(grepl("/", AM, fixed = TRUE)))
    sep = "/"

  # If multiple components, do one comp at a time
  if (is.pedList(p)) {
    p = lapply(p, function(comp) {
      setMarkers(comp, alleleMatrix = AM[comp$ID, , drop = FALSE],
                 locusAttributes = locusAttributes,
                 missing = missing, sep = sep)

    # Return pedlist

  # Otherwise, attach markers to the single ped
  setMarkers(p, alleleMatrix = AM, locusAttributes = locusAttributes,
             missing = missing, sep = sep)

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