
Defines functions setFounderInbreeding `founderInbreeding<-` founderInbreeding

Documented in founderInbreeding setFounderInbreeding

#' Inbreeding coefficients of founders
#' Functions to get or set inbreeding coefficients for the pedigree founders.
#' @param x A `ped` object or a list of such.
#' @param ids Any subset of `founders(x)`. If `ids` is missing in
#'   `founderInbreeding()`, it is set to `founders(x)`.
#' @param named A logical: If TRUE, the output vector is named with the ID
#'   labels.
#' @param chromType Either "autosomal" (default) or "x".
#' @return For `founderInbreeding`, a numeric vector of the same length as
#'   `ids`, containing the founder inbreeding coefficients.
#'   For `setFounderInbreeding()`, a copy of `x` with modified founder
#'   inbreeding.
#'   `founderInbreeding<-` is an in-place version of `setFounderInbreeding()`.
#' @examples
#' x = nuclearPed(father = "fa", mother = "mo", child = 1)
#' founderInbreeding(x, "fa") = 1
#' founderInbreeding(x, named = TRUE)
#' # Setting all founders at once (replacement value is recycled)
#' founderInbreeding(x, ids = founders(x)) = 0.5
#' founderInbreeding(x, named = TRUE)
#' # Alternative syntax, using a named vector
#' founderInbreeding(x) = c(fa = 0.1, mo = 0.2)
#' founderInbreeding(x, named = TRUE)
#' @export
founderInbreeding = function(x, ids, named = FALSE, chromType = "autosomal") {

  if(is.pedList(x)) {
    missids = missing(ids) || is.null(ids)
    filist = lapply(x, function(comp) {
      idsComp = if(missids) founders(comp) else intersect(ids, founders(comp))
      founderInbreeding(comp, idsComp, named = TRUE, chromType = chromType)
    fi = unlist(filist, recursive = FALSE)
      fi = fi[as.character(ids)]
      fi = unname(fi)

    stop2("Input is not a `ped` object")
  if(!chromType %in% c("autosomal", "x"))
    stop2("Argument `chromType` must be a either 'autosomal' or 'x': ", chromType)

  finb = x$FOUNDER_INBREEDING[[chromType]]

  if(is.null(finb)) {
    isFou = x$FIDX == 0
    finb = rep_len(0, sum(isFou))
    if(chromType == "x") {
      maleFou = x$SEX[isFou] == 1
      finb[maleFou] = 1 # always 1 for males

  # Quick return if `ids` is missing (so no ID checks are needed)
  if(missing(ids)) {
      names(finb) = founders(x)

  fou = founders(x)
  if(any(!ids %in% fou)) {
    internalID(x, ids) # quick hack to catch unknown labels
    stop2("Pedigree member is not a founder: ", setdiff(ids, fou))

  finb = finb[match(ids, fou)]
    names(finb) = ids


#' @param value A numeric of the same length as `ids`, entries in the interval
#'   `[0, 1]`. If the vector is named, then the names are interpreted as ID
#'   labels of the founders whose inbreeding coefficients should be set. In this
#'   case, the `ids` argument should not be used. (See examples.)
#' @rdname founderInbreeding
#' @export
`founderInbreeding<-` = function(x, ids, chromType = "autosomal", value) {
  if(!is.ped(x)) stop2("Input is not a `ped` object")
    stop2("Inbreeding coefficients must be numeric: ", value)

  illegal = value < 0 | value > 1
    stop2("Inbreeding coefficients must be in the interval [0, 1]: ", value[illegal])

  if(missing(ids) && is.null(names(value)))
    stop2("When argument `ids` is missing, the replacement vector must be named")
  if(!missing(ids) && !is.null(names(value)))
    stop2("When the replacement vector is named, the `ids` argument must be missing")

  if(missing(ids)) ids = names(value)

  if(length(value) == 1)
    value = rep_len(value, length(ids))
  else if(length(ids) != length(value))
    stop2("Replacement vector must have length 1 or length(ids)")

  if(anyDuplicated.default(ids) > 0)
    stop2("Duplicated ID label: ", ids[duplicated(ids)])

  fou = founders(x)
  if(any(!ids %in% fou)) {
    internalID(x, ids) # quick hack to catch unknown labels
    stop2("Pedigree member is not a founder: ", setdiff(ids, fou))

  chromType = match.arg(tolower(chromType), c("autosomal", "x"))
  if(chromType =="x" && any(value[ids %in% males(x)] < 1))
    stop2("X chromosomal inbreeding coefficient of males cannot be less than 1: ", value[ids %in% males(x)])


  # Back compatibility: In previous versions FOUNDER_INBREEDING was a just a (autosomal) vector
  if(!is.list(finb) && is.numeric(finb))
    finb = list(autosomal = finb, x = NULL)

  # Get current value. If NULL, initialise as vector
  current = finb[[chromType]]
    current = switch(chromType,
                     autosomal = rep(0, length(fou)),
                     x = ifelse(getSex(x, fou) == 1, 1, 0))

  # Update coefficients
  current[match(ids, fou)] = value
  x$FOUNDER_INBREEDING[chromType] = list(chromType = current)


#' @rdname founderInbreeding
#' @export
setFounderInbreeding = function(x, ids = NULL, value, chromType = "autosomal") {

  if(is.pedList(x)) {
    y = lapply(x, function(comp)
      setFounderInbreeding(comp, intersect(ids, labels(comp)), value, chromType = chromType))

    stop2("Input is not a `ped` object")

    stop2("Inbreeding coefficients must be numeric: ", value)

  illegal = value < 0 | value > 1
    stop2("Inbreeding coefficients must be in the interval [0, 1]: ", value[illegal])

  fou = founders(x)
  nms = names(value)

  ids = ids %||% intersect(nms, fou) %||% fou

  if(is.null(nms) && length(value) == 1)
    value = rep_len(value, length(ids))

  if(is.null(nms) && length(ids) != length(value))
    stop2("When `value` is unnamed, its length must equal 1 or `length(ids)`")

  if(!is.null(nms) && !all(ids %in% nms))
    stop2("Individual not included in `value`: ", setdiff(ids, nms))

  if(anyDuplicated.default(ids) > 0)
    stop2("Duplicated ID label: ", ids[duplicated(ids)])

  if(any(!ids %in% fou)) {
    internalID(x, ids) # quick hack to catch unknown labels
    stop2("Pedigree member is not a founder: ", setdiff(ids, fou))

  chromType = match.arg(tolower(chromType), c("autosomal", "x"))
  if(chromType =="x" && any(value[ids %in% males(x)] < 1))
    stop2("X chromosomal inbreeding coefficient of males cannot be less than 1: ", value[ids %in% males(x)])


  # Back compatibility: In previous versions FOUNDER_INBREEDING was a just a (autosomal) vector
  if(!is.list(finb) && is.numeric(finb))
    finb = list(autosomal = finb, x = NULL)

  # Get current value. If NULL, initialise as vector
  current = finb[[chromType]]
    current = switch(chromType,
                     autosomal = rep(0, length(fou)),
                     x = ifelse(getSex(x, fou) == 1, 1, 0))

  # Update coefficients
  current[match(ids, fou)] = value
  x$FOUNDER_INBREEDING[chromType] = list(chromType = current)


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pedtools documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:36 p.m.