# "penfit" object to store the result of a penalized regression
# These objects are meant to be accessed by the user, but not made directly by the user
penalized = "vector",
unpenalized = "vector",
residuals = "vector",
fitted = "vector",
lin.pred = "vector",
loglik = "numeric",
penalty = "vector",
iterations = "numeric",
converged = "logical",
model = "character",
lambda1 = "vector",
lambda2 = "vector",
nuisance = "list",
weights = "vector",
formula = "list"
# creation method for a penfit object
.makepenfit <- function(object, unpenalized, model, lambda1, lambda2, fusedl, orthogonalizer, weights, formula, names = NULL) {
out <- new("penfit")
object$beta <- object$beta / weights}
beta <- object$beta[unpenalized + seq_len(length(object$beta) - unpenalized)]
gamma <- object$beta[seq_len(unpenalized)] - drop(orthogonalizer %*% beta)
out@unpenalized <- gamma
out@penalized <- beta
out@residuals <- as.numeric(object$fit$residuals)
out@fitted <- as.numeric(object$fit$fitted)
out@lin.pred <- as.numeric(object$fit$lp)
names(out@residuals) <- names
names(out@fitted) <- names
names(out@lin.pred) <- names
out@loglik <- if ($fit$loglik)) -Inf else object$fit$loglik
out@penalty <- object$penalty
out@iterations <- object$iter
out@converged <- object$converged
out@model <- model
out@formula <- formula
if ("baseline" %in% names(object$fit$nuisance))
object$fit$nuisance$baseline <- object$fit$nuisance$baseline()
out@nuisance <- object$fit$nuisance
out@lambda1 <- lambda1
out@lambda2 <- lambda2
out@weights <- weights
# show method
setMethod("show", "penfit", function(object) {
cat("Penalized", object@model, "regression object\n")
if (object@converged) {
coefs <- unlist(c(object@penalized, object@unpenalized))
cat(length(coefs), "regression coefficients")
if (any(coefs == 0)) cat(" of which", sum(coefs != 0), "are non-zero")
cat("Loglikelihood =\t", object@loglik, "\n")
if (any(object@lambda1 > 0))
if (length(object@lambda1) > 3)
cat("L1 penalty =\t", object@penalty[1], "\tat lambda1 = ", object@lambda1[1:3], "...\n")
cat("L1 penalty =\t", object@penalty[1], "\tat lambda1 = ", object@lambda1, "\n")
if (any(object@lambda2 > 0))
if (length(object@lambda2) > 3)
cat("L2 penalty =\t", object@penalty[2], "\tat lambda2 = ", object@lambda2[1:3], "...\n")
cat("L2 penalty =\t", object@penalty[2], "\tat lambda2 = ", object@lambda2, "\n")
} else {
cat("Model failed to converge\n")
# extracts the coefficients
setMethod("coefficients", "penfit", function(object, which = c("nonzero", "all", "penalized", "unpenalized"), standardize = FALSE) {
which <- match.arg(which)
nunp <- length(object@unpenalized)
np <- length(object@penalized)
whichunp <- switch(which,
all =, unpenalized =, nonzero = rep(TRUE,nunp),
penalized = rep(FALSE, nunp))
whichp <- switch(which,
all =, penalized = rep(TRUE, np),
unpenalized = rep(FALSE, np),
nonzero = (object@penalized != 0))
out <- c(object@unpenalized[whichunp], object@penalized[whichp])
if (standardize) out <- out * object@weights[c(whichunp, whichp)]
setMethod("coef", "penfit", function(object, which = c("nonzero", "all", "penalized", "unpenalized"), standardize = FALSE) {
coefficients(object, which, standardize)
# extracts the residuals
setMethod("residuals", "penfit", function(object, ...) {
# extracts the linear predictors
setGeneric("linear.predictors", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("linear.predictors"))
setMethod("linear.predictors", "penfit", function(object, ...) {
# extracts the fitted values
setMethod("fitted.values", "penfit", function(object, ...) {
setMethod("fitted", "penfit", function(object, ...) {
# extracts the weights
setMethod("weights", "penfit", function(object, ...) {
# extracts the baseline hazard (survival models only)
setGeneric("basesurv", function(fit, centered = TRUE, ...) standardGeneric("basesurv"))
setMethod("basesurv", "penfit", function(fit, centered = TRUE) {
if (fit@model == "cox")
if (centered) {
meanlp <- mean(linear.predictors(fit))
out <- fit@nuisance$baseline
out@curves <- out@curves^exp(meanlp)
} else {
# calculates a cumulative hazard from a survival curve
setGeneric("basehaz", package = "survival")
setMethod("basehaz", "penfit", function(fit, centered = TRUE) {
if (fit@model == "cox") {
bs <- basesurv(fit, centered)
if (nrow(bs@curves) == 1) rownames(bs@curves) <- "hazard"
out <- data.frame(-log(t(bs@curves)), time = time(bs), check.names=FALSE)
} else
# extracts the penalty
setGeneric("penalty", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("penalty"))
setMethod("penalty", "penfit", function(object, ...) {
# extracts the likelihood
setGeneric("loglik", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("loglik"))
setMethod("loglik", "penfit", function(object, ...) {
# predicts on new data
setMethod("predict", "penfit", function(object, penalized, unpenalized, data) {
# determine defaults
if (missing(unpenalized)) {
has.offset <- length(attr(terms(object@formula$unpenalized), 'offset')) != 0
if (length(object@unpenalized) == 0 && !has.offset)
unpenalized <- ~0
else if (length(object@unpenalized) == 1 && object@model != "cox" && !has.offset && attr(terms(object@formula$unpenalized), 'intercept')==1)
unpenalized <- ~1
else if (!is.null(object@formula$unpenalized))
unpenalized <- object@formula$unpenalized
stop("argument \"unpenalized\" is missing.")
if (missing(data)) data <- NULL
# coerce unpenalized into a matrix and find the offset and strata terms
if ( || is.matrix(unpenalized) || is.vector(unpenalized)) {
if (all(sapply(unpenalized, is.numeric))) {
unpenalized <- as.matrix(unpenalized)
} else {
stop("argument \"unpenalized\" could not be coerced into a matrix")
offset <- 0
if (is(unpenalized, "formula")) {
if(is.null(data)) data <-,nrow(penalized),0))
offset <- model.offset(model.frame(unpenalized, data=data))
unpenalized <- terms(unpenalized, specials='strata')
if (is.null(offset)) offset <- 0
# suppress intercept if necessary
if (object@model == "cox") {
if (length(attr(unpenalized, "specials")$strata) > 0) {
strata <- untangle.specials(unpenalized, "strata", 1)
strata.nrs <- strata$terms # indices of the strata variables in the terms object
strata.nrs2 <- attr(unpenalized, "specials")$strata # indices of the strata variables in attr(unpenalized, "variables")
strata <- eval(parse(text=attr(unpenalized, "term.labels")[strata.nrs]),data)
unpenalized <- unpenalized[-strata.nrs]
} else strata <- NULL
attr(unpenalized, "intercept") <- 1
unpenalized <- model.matrix(unpenalized, data)
if (object@model == "cox")
unpenalized <- unpenalized[,-1,drop=FALSE]
# coerce penalized into a matrix
if (missing(penalized))
if (!is.null(object@formula$penalized))
penalized <- object@formula$penalized
stop("\"penalized\" argument is missing with no default.")
if ( || is.vector(penalized))
if (all(sapply(penalized, is.numeric))) {
penalized <- as.matrix(penalized)
} else {
stop("argument \"penalized\" could not be coerced into a matrix")
if (is(penalized, "formula")) {
has.intercept <- attr(terms(penalized, data=data), "intercept") == 1
if(is.null(data)) data <-,nrow(unpenalized),0))
oldcontrasts <- unlist(options("contrasts"))
options(contrasts = c(unordered = "contr.none", ordered = "contr.diff"))
penalized <- terms(penalized, data=data)
if (length(penalized)==3) {
penalized[[2]] <- NULL
penalized <- terms(formula(penalized, data=data))
# suppress intercept
attr(penalized, "intercept") <- 1
penalized <- model.matrix(penalized, data)
if (has.intercept) penalized <- penalized[,-1,drop=FALSE]
options(contrasts = oldcontrasts)
# find n
n <- max(nrow(penalized), nrow(unpenalized))
if (nrow(penalized) != nrow(unpenalized))
stop("row counts of \"penalized\", \"unpenalized\" and/or \"data\" do not match")
# check if dimensions and names match
if (length(object@penalized) != ncol(penalized))
stop("the dimension of \"penalized\" does not match the fitted model object")
if (!is.null(names(object@penalized)) && !is.null(colnames(penalized))
&& !all(names(object@penalized) == colnames(penalized)))
if (setequal(names(object@penalized), colnames(penalized)))
penalized <- penalized[,names(object@penalized)]
warning("variable names in \"penalized\" do not match those in the fitted model")
if (length(object@penalized) != ncol(penalized))
stop("the dimension of \"unpenalized\" does not match the fitted model object")
if (!is.null(names(object@unpenalized)) && !is.null(colnames(unpenalized)) &&
!all(names(object@unpenalized) == colnames(unpenalized)))
if (setequal(names(object@unpenalized), colnames(unpenalized)))
unpenalized <- unpenalized[,names(object@unpenalized)]
warning("variable names in \"unpenalized\" do not match those in the fitted model")
# find the linear predictors
lp <- offset + drop(penalized %*% object@penalized) + drop(unpenalized %*% object@unpenalized)
# find the predictions
predictions <- switch(object@model,
cox = .coxpredict(lp, object@nuisance, strata),
linear = .lmpredict(lp, object@nuisance),
logistic = .logitpredict(lp, object@nuisance),
poisson = .poissonpredict(lp, object@nuisance)
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