
Defines functions plot.interactionMeans cimse matploterrorbars poolse interactionMeans

Documented in interactionMeans plot.interactionMeans

interactionMeans <- function(model, factors=names(xlevels), slope=NULL, ...){
	# Levels in existing factors
	xlevels <-  getXLevels(model)
	dots <- list(...)
	# Include within-subjects factors, if they are defined
	if ("idata" %in% names(dots)) xlevels <- c(xlevels, lapply(dots$idata, levels))
	# Check the factors specified in the arguments
	specified.factors <- match(factors,names(xlevels))
	if (any(is.na(specified.factors))) warning("Some factors are not in the model and will be ignored")
	xlevels <- xlevels[sort(specified.factors)]
	# Create diagonal matrices sized as the number of factor levels
	nlev <- sapply(xlevels,length)
	fdiags <- lapply(nlev,diag)
	# Argument test.formula for testFactors
	if (is.null(slope)){
		terms.formula <- ~1
		value.label <- "adjusted mean"
		term.label <- "(Intercept)"
		slope.term <- NULL
		# Check predictors specified in the arguments
		model.variables <- getPredictors(model)
		numeric.predictors <- model.variables[!(model.variables %in% names(xlevels))]
		specified.numeric <- match(slope,numeric.predictors)
		if (any(is.na(specified.numeric))) warning("Some covariates are not in the model and will be ignored.")
		slope <- numeric.predictors[sort(specified.numeric)]
		slope.term <- term.label <- value.label <- paste(slope,collapse=":")
		terms.formula <- as.formula(paste("~0 +",slope.term))
	# Create data frame with values and standard errors
	tf <- testFactors(model,fdiags,terms.formula=terms.formula,lht=FALSE,...)
	interactions.table <- tf$terms[[1]]$adjusted.values
	se.table <- tf$terms[[1]]$std.error
	interactions.dataframe <- if (is.null(factors)) as.data.frame(matrix(,nrow=1,ncol=0)) else expand.grid(xlevels)
	# Define what term is represented in the data frame
	# (and redefine if it is the link function in a glm)
	attr(interactions.dataframe,"term") <- term.label
	se.label <- "std. error"
	fam <- getFamily(model)
	if (!is.null(fam)){
		attr(interactions.dataframe,"family") <- fam
		if (is.null(slope.term)){
			if (attr(tf,"means")=="link"){
				attr(interactions.dataframe,"term") <- "(Link)"
				value.label <- "adjusted link"
			}else se.label <- "SE of link"
	# The calculated interactions are in just one variable (after possible response transformation)
	nf <- length(xlevels)
	if (length(interactions.table)==nrow(interactions.dataframe)){
		interactions.dataframe[nf+1] <- as.numeric(interactions.table)
		interactions.dataframe[nf+2] <- as.numeric(se.table)
		names(interactions.dataframe)[nf+(1:2)] <- c(value.label, se.label)
		# The calculated interactions are in several variables
		if (nrow(interactions.table)==nrow(interactions.dataframe)){
			rownames(interactions.table) <- NULL
			if (!is.null(slope.term)) colnames(interactions.table) <- paste(value.label,colnames(interactions.table),sep=".")
			rownames(se.table) <- NULL
			colnames(se.table) <- paste("SE",colnames(se.table),sep=".")
			ix <- (1:ncol(interactions.table))
			ix <- rbind(ix,ix+length(ix))
			interactions.table <- cbind(interactions.table,se.table)[,ix]
			interactions.dataframe <- cbind(interactions.dataframe,interactions.table)
		}else stop("Incompatible dimensions of the intra-subjects design")
	# Assign more attributes and class for further methods on this object
	attr(interactions.dataframe,"factors") <- names(interactions.dataframe)[1:nf]
	attr(interactions.dataframe,"values") <- names(interactions.dataframe)[seq(nf+1,ncol(interactions.dataframe),by=2)]
	attr(interactions.dataframe,"se") <- names(interactions.dataframe)[seq(nf+2,ncol(interactions.dataframe),by=2)]
	# Create a list of covariance matrices for each variable
	mix <- matrix(1L:length(se.table), nrow=nrow(interactions.dataframe), dimnames=list(NULL,attr(interactions.dataframe,"values")))
	covmatlist <- lapply(as.data.frame(mix), function(ix) as.matrix(tf$terms[[1]]$covmat[ix,ix]))
	attr(interactions.dataframe,"covmat") <- covmatlist
	class(interactions.dataframe) <- c("interactionMeans","data.frame")

# Auxiliar function to get pooled standard errors from covariance matrices
# x: interactionMeans object
# y: outcome variable of x
# f: 1 or 2 factor names of x
poolse <- function(x,y,f){
	vcf <- split.data.frame(attr(x,"covmat")[[y]], x[f])
	vcf <- sapply(vcf, function(M) split.data.frame(t(M), x[f]))
	se <- sqrt(sapply(diag(vcf), mean))
	nlev <- sapply(x[f], nlevels)
	levnames <- lapply(x[f], levels)
	array(se, dim=nlev, dimnames=levnames)

matploterrorbars <- function(lower, upper, barwidth=0.25,...){
	# upper and lower are matrice of the same size
	nr <- nrow(lower)
	nc <- ncol(lower)
	nr3 <- nr*3L
	xlow <- xup <- xcross <- ylow <- yup <- ycross <- matrix(nrow=nr3,ncol=nc)
	xlow[seq(1,nr3,by=3),] <- xup[seq(1,nr3,by=3),] <- (1:nr)-barwidth/2
	xlow[seq(2,nr3,by=3),] <- xup[seq(2,nr3,by=3),] <- (1:nr)+barwidth/2
	xcross[seq(1,nr3,by=3),] <- xcross[seq(2,nr3,by=3),] <- (1:nr)
	ylow[seq(1,nr3,by=3),] <- ylow[seq(2,nr3,by=3),] <- ycross[seq(1,nr3,by=3),] <- lower
	yup[seq(1,nr3,by=3),] <- yup[seq(2,nr3,by=3),] <- ycross[seq(2,nr3,by=3),] <- upper
	# Force solid line type and overplot
	dots <- list(...)
	dots$type <- "l"
	dots$lty <- "solid"
	dots$add <- TRUE

cimse <- function(m,se,ci){
    q <- qnorm((1-ci)/2)
    list(m+q*se, m-q*se)

plot.interactionMeans <- function(x, atx=attr(x,"factors"), traces=atx, xlab=atx, ylab="", main=NULL, multiple=TRUE, y.equal=FALSE, legend=TRUE, legend.margin=0.2, cex.legend=1, abbrev.levels=FALSE, type="b", pch=0:6, errorbar,...){
	# Define function for limits of the errorbars
	if (missing(errorbar)) errorbar <- function(m,se) list(m-se,m+se)
	ferrbar <- if(is.null(errorbar)) function(m,se) list(m,m) else errorbar
	if (is.character(ferrbar)){
	    if (grepl("[0-9]{1,2}", ci <- sub("^ci","",ferrbar))){
	        ci <- 0.01*as.numeric(ci)
	        ferrbar <- function(m,se) cimse(m,se,ci)
	    }else stop("Invalid errorbar definition")
	# Check consistency between x and atx, traces
	if (!("interactionMeans" %in% class(x))) stop("The first argument must be an interactionMeans object.")
	valid.atx <- (atx %in% attr(x,"factors"))
	if (!all(valid.atx)){
		warning("Some values of atx are not factors of x and will be ignored.")
		atx <- atx[valid.atx]
	valid.traces <- (traces %in% attr(x,"factors"))
	if (!all(valid.traces)){
		warning("Some values of traces are not factors of x and will be ignored.")
		traces <- traces[valid.traces]
	# Abbreviate factors, if required
	if (abbrev.levels){
		specified.factors <- unique(c(atx,traces))
		if (is.logical(abbrev.levels)){
			x[specified.factors] <- lapply(specified.factors, function(f) as.factor(abbreviate(x[[f]])))
		}else x[specified.factors] <- lapply(specified.factors, function(f) as.factor(abbreviate(x[[f]],minlength=abbrev.levels)))
	# Get values of link function if specified (for glm)
	fam <- NULL
	if (transform <- (!is.null(fam <- attr(x,"family")) && attr(x,"term")=="(Intercept)")){
		yy <- attr(x,"values")
		x[[yy]] <- fam$linkfun(x[[yy]])
	# Calculate and apply margin-plot regions ratio
	marginRatio <- function(n,prop) n*prop/(1-prop)
	xax.margin <- 0.25
	# Loop over the numeric columns
	for (y in attr(x,"values")){
		maintitle <- if(is.null(main)) y else main
		# List of data values for plots,
		# setting legend to FALSE if there are no traces
		if (is.null(traces)){
			legend <- FALSE
			nr <- 1
			nc <- length(atx)
			atx.pattern <- atx
			plotdata <- lapply(atx, function(margin) tapply(x[,y],x[margin],mean))
			sedata <- lapply(atx, function(margin) poolse(x,y,margin))
			nr <- length(traces)
			nc <- length(atx)
			atx.pattern <- rep(atx,nr)
			traces.pattern <- rep(traces,each=nc)
			if (all(atx.pattern==traces.pattern)) legend <- FALSE
			plotdata <- mapply(
					margins <- unique(c(xf,lf))
			sedata <- mapply(function(xf,lf){
				margins <- unique(c(xf,lf))
				},atx.pattern, traces.pattern,USE.NAMES=FALSE,SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
		# Data of the errorbars (first row, lower limit; second row, upper limit)
		errbardata <- mapply(ferrbar, plotdata, sedata)
		# Re-transform data if suitable (glm)
		# if (transform) plotdata <- lapply(plotdata,fam$linkinv)
		# Define figures
		dots <- list(...)
		# Parameters for legend
		defpar <- formals(matplot)
		col <- if ("col" %in% names(dots)) dots$col else eval(defpar$col)
		lty <- if ("lty" %in% names(dots)) dots$lty else eval(defpar$lty)
		lwd <- if ("lwd" %in% names(dots)) dots$lwd else eval(defpar$lwd)
		if (multiple){
			# Create device with multiple figures
			if (length(y)>1L) dev.new()
			# Reserve extra column if there is y axis label
			leftcol <- if (nchar(ylab)) 1 else 0
			ylab.mar <- 0.25*leftcol
			columnwidths <- if(leftcol) c(ylab.mar, rep(1,nc)) else rep(1,nc)
			if (leftcol){
			# Parameters for x label and title
			cex.lab <- if("cex.lab" %in% names(dots)) dots$cex.lab else 1
			col.lab <- if("col.lab" %in% names(dots)) dots$cex.lab else par("col")
			font.lab <- if("font.lab" %in% names(dots)) dots$font.lab else par("font")
			cex.main <- if("cex.main" %in% names(dots)) dots$cex.lab else 1
			col.main <- if("col.main" %in% names(dots)) dots$cex.lab else par("col")
			font.main <- if("font.main" %in% names(dots)) dots$font.lab else par("font")
			if (legend){
			# Get y limits to set common values
			# ylim.all <- sapply(plotdata,range)
			ylim.all <- rbind(sapply(errbardata[1,],min), sapply(errbardata[2,], max))
			f <- 0L
			# Start plotting by rows
			for (row in 1:nr){
				# y limits for the row
				ylim <- if (y.equal) range(ylim.all) else range(ylim.all[,f+(1:nc)])
				# Redefine the labels of y-axes if suitable (glm)
				if (transform){
					ylabels <- pretty(fam$linkinv(ylim))
					at <- fam$linkfun(ylabels)
					yaxis <- list(at=at,labels=as.character(ylabels))
				}else yaxis <- list(at=pretty(ylim),labels=TRUE)
				# do not draw legend until a figure with traces is found in the row
				legend.labels <- NULL
				# column for y label if it exists
				if (leftcol){
				for(column in 1:nc){
					# Increase plot counter, get and plot data without axes
					f <- f+1
					means <- plotdata[[f]]
					if (is.matrix(means)) legend.labels <- colnames(means) else means <- as.matrix(means)
					lower <- as.matrix(errbardata[[1,f]])
					upper <- as.matrix(errbardata[[2,f]])
					if (!is.null(errorbar)) matploterrorbars(lower,upper,...)
					# Draw x axis, with labels if it is the last row
					axis(1,at=1:nrow(means),labels=if (row==nr) rownames(means) else FALSE,...)
					# Draw y axis, with labels if it is the first column
					axis(2,at=yaxis$at,labels=if (column==1) yaxis$labels else FALSE,...)
				# If there are legends, jump to the last column and add it (if required)
				if (legend){
					if (!is.null(legend.labels)) legend("right",legend.labels,title=traces[row],
			# Add x labels in the regions of the last row
			if (leftcol) plot.new()
			for (column in 1:nc){
			for (f in 1:length(plotdata)){
				means <- plotdata[[f]]
				lower <- as.matrix(errbardata[[1,f]])
				upper <- as.matrix(errbardata[[2,f]])
				if (f > 1L) dev.new()
				ylim <- if (y.equal) range(ylim.all) else range(means)
				if (transform){
					ylabels <- pretty(fam$linkinv(ylim))
					at <- fam$linkfun(ylabels)
					yaxis <- list(at=at,labels=as.character(ylabels))
				}else yaxis <- list(at=pretty(ylim),labels=TRUE)
				# Draw with legend if there are multiple traces
				if (legend && is.matrix(means)){
					margins <- par("mar")
					oma <- mar <- rep(0,4)
					oma[c(2,4)] <- margins[c(2,4)]
					mar[c(1,3)] <- margins[c(1,3)]
						xaxt="n",yaxt="n",xlab=xlab[(f-1)%%nc + 1],ylab=ylab,
					if (!is.null(errorbar)) matploterrorbars(lower,upper,...)
					means <- as.matrix(means)
						xaxt="n",yaxt="n",xlab=xlab[(f-1)%%nc + 1],ylab=ylab,
					if (!is.null(errorbar)) matploterrorbars(lower,upper,...)

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