
# Copyright (c) 2015 Santiago Barreda
# All rights reserved.

vowelplot = function (f1s, f2s, labels = 0, xrange = NULL, yrange = NULL, 
meansOnly = FALSE, ellipses = FALSE, ellipsesd = 1.96, add = FALSE, pointType = 0, 
colors = NULL, logaxes = '', defaultPlot = TRUE, alternateAxes = FALSE, xsampa = FALSE, ...){
  if (is.null(labels)) return (print ('Error: NULL vowel labels given.', quote = FALSE))
  if (is.null(f1s)) return (print ('Error: NULL F1 values given.', quote = FALSE))
  if (is.null(f2s)) return (print ('Error: NULL F2 values given.', quote = FALSE))
  labels = as.factor (labels)    ## labels for vowels
  vlevels = levels (labels)      ## levels of vowel categories  
  vnums = as.numeric (labels)    ## a number for each vowel category
  ## specially selected colors to make charts easier to read.
  if (is.null(colors)) colors = colors()[c(24,506,118,610,30,124,556,258,290,151,84,657,404)]
  ##colors = hcl(h = seq(0, 360,by = 360 / length (vlevels)), l = 30, c = 90, alpha = 1)  
  # cycles through colors and points if less of these than vowel categories
  if (length (colors) < length (vlevels)) colors = rep (colors, 100)
  if (length (pointType) < length (vlevels)) pointType = rep (pointType, 100)
  ## if ranges arent set, automatically set them at 5% greater/less than vector ranges
  #if (is.null(xrange) & (meansOnly == FALSE | ellipses == TRUE)) xrange = range(f1s)
  #if (is.null(yrange) & (meansOnly == FALSE | ellipses == TRUE)) yrange = range(f2s)
  #if (is.null(xrange) & meansOnly == TRUE & ellipses == FALSE) xrange = range(tapply (f1s, labels, mean))
  #if (is.null(yrange) & meansOnly == TRUE & ellipses == FALSE) yrange = range(tapply (f2s, labels, mean))
  if (is.null(xrange)) xrange = range(f1s)
  if (is.null(yrange)) yrange = range(f2s)
  if (alternateAxes == TRUE){ temp = f1s; f1s = f2s; f2s = temp;}
  # calls initial blank plot function  
  if (add == FALSE & defaultPlot == TRUE & alternateAxes == FALSE) 
    plot (0.1,0.1, type = 'n', xlim = xrange, ylim = yrange, xlab = 'F1', ylab = 'F2', 
    cex.lab=1.2, cex.axis=1.2, log = logaxes,...)
  if (add == FALSE & defaultPlot == FALSE & alternateAxes == FALSE) 
    plot (0.1,0.1, type = 'n', log = logaxes, xlim = xrange, ylim = yrange, ...)
  if (add == FALSE & defaultPlot == TRUE & alternateAxes == TRUE) 
    plot (0.1,0.1, type = 'n', xlim = rev(yrange), ylim = rev(xrange), xlab = 'F2', ylab = 'F1', 
    cex.lab=1.2, cex.axis=1.2, log = logaxes,...)

  if (meansOnly == FALSE){  ## if individual vowels are to be plotted
    if (labels[1] != 0){ 
      if (pointType[1] == 0 & xsampa == FALSE) text (f1s, f2s, label = labels, col = colors[vnums], ...)   ## plot text if no pointType specified
      if (xsampa == TRUE) points (f1s, f2s, bg = colors[vnums], col = colors[vnums], pch = xsampatoIPA(labels), ...) ## plot points if so
      if (pointType[1] != 0){
        if (length(pointType) < length(f1s)) points (f1s, f2s, bg = colors[vnums], col = colors[vnums], pch = pointType[vnums], ...) ## plot points if so
        if (length(pointType) == length(f1s)) points (f1s, f2s, bg = colors[vnums], col = colors[vnums], pch = pointType, ...) ## plot points if so
    if (labels[1] == 0){  
      if (pointType[vnums] == 0) pointType[vnums] = 1  ## if no labels
      points (f1s, f2s, type = 'p', pch = pointType[vnums], ...)
  if (meansOnly == TRUE){   
    if (labels[1] != 0){  
      f1means = tapply (f1s, labels, mean)
      f2means = tapply (f2s, labels, mean)
      if (pointType[1] == 0 & xsampa == FALSE) text (f1means, f2means, label = vlevels, col = colors[1:length(vlevels)], cex = 2)   
      if (xsampa == TRUE) points (f1means, f2means, col = colors[1:length(vlevels)], pch = xsampatoIPA(levels(labels)), ...) ## plot points if so
      if (pointType[1] != 0) points (f1means, f2means, bg = colors[as.numeric(as.factor(labels))], pch = pointType[as.numeric(as.factor(labels))],...)
    if (labels[1] == 0) return (print ('Error: Mean vowel category plotting only possible if labels are given.', quote = FALSE))
  if (ellipses == TRUE){
    for (i in 1:length(levels(as.factor(labels)))){
      tempf1s = f1s[levels(as.factor(labels))[i] == labels]
      tempf2s = f2s[levels(as.factor(labels))[i] == labels]
      prcs = prcomp (cbind (tempf1s, tempf2s))   ## linear principal components
      if (logaxes == 'xy'){
        tempf1s = log(f1s[levels(as.factor(labels))[i] == labels])
        tempf2s = log(f2s[levels(as.factor(labels))[i] == labels])
        prcs = prcomp (cbind (tempf1s, tempf2s))     ## log principal components
      xscale = prcs$sdev[1] * ellipsesd 
      yscale = prcs$sdev[2] * ellipsesd 
      rotatedx = mean(tempf1s) + xscale*cos(seq (0,7,.1))*prcs$rotation[1,1] - yscale*sin(seq (0,7,.1))*prcs$rotation[2,1] 
      rotatedy = mean(tempf2s) + xscale*cos(seq (0,7,.1))*prcs$rotation[2,1] + yscale*sin(seq (0,7,.1))*prcs$rotation[1,1]  
      if (logaxes == '')  lines (rotatedx, rotatedy, col = colors[i], lwd = 2)
      if (logaxes == 'xy')  lines (exp(rotatedx), exp(rotatedy), col = colors[i], lwd = 2)

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phonTools documentation built on Nov. 21, 2023, 1:07 a.m.