Man pages for phylter
Detect and Remove Outliers in Phylogenomics Datasets

carnivora125 genes trees for 53 carnivora species
detect.outliersDetection of outliers in 1D and 2D data
Dist2WRCompute gene x species matrix from the result of Distatis
DistatisFastFast implementation the multivariate analysis method Distatis
impMeanImputation of missing values in a collection of matrices
medcoupleA robust measure of skewness for univariate data
normalizeMedian normalization of 2D matrix by row or by colomn
phylterFilter phylogenomics datasets
plot.phylterPlot phylter objects
PreparePhylterDataPrepare data for phylter analysis
print.phylterPrint phylter objects
print.phylterfinalprint objects of class phylterfinal
print.phylterinitialprint objects of class phylterinitial
print.summary.phylterprint summary of phylter objects
rename.genesName or rename a list of gene trees or matrices
simtreesSimplistic simulation of gene trees with outliers
summary.phylterGet summary for phylter objects
trees2matricesConvert phylogenetic trees to distance matrices
write.phylterWrite summary of phyter analysis to file(s)
phylter documentation built on Aug. 24, 2023, 9:10 a.m.