
Defines functions sprinkle_caption_number_index sprinkle_caption_number_index_assert sprinkle_caption_number.dust_list sprinkle_caption_number.default sprinkle_caption_number

Documented in sprinkle_caption_number sprinkle_caption_number.default sprinkle_caption_number.dust_list

#' @name sprinkle_caption_number
#' @title Change the Caption in a Dust Table
#' @description The table caption is often used as a brief title, but may also 
#'   be used to provide a longer statement explaining how to interpret the 
#'   table results.
#' @param x An object of class \code{dust}
#' @param caption_number \code{logical(1)} When \code{TRUE}, the table caption 
#'   is prefixed with "Table #". Table numbering is suppressed when 
#'   \code{FALSE}.  When numbering is suppressed, the table number counter
#'   will not increment.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to pass to other methods. Currently ignored.
#' @details Table numbering makes it possible to reference tables within a 
#'   document.  In some cases, the numbering is not desired. Suppressing 
#'   numbering may restrict the ability to make reference to the table.
#' @author Benjamin Nutter
#' @seealso \code{\link{dust}}, \code{\link{sprinkle}}
#' @section Functional Requirements:
#' \enumerate{
#'  \item Change the \code{caption_number} attribute of the \code{dust} object.
#'  \item Cast an error if \code{x} is not a \code{dust} object.
#'  \item Cast an error if \code{caption_number} is not a logical object.
#'  \item Cast an error if \code{caption_number} has length greater than 1.
#' }
#' @export

sprinkle_caption_number <- function(x, caption_number, ...)

#' @rdname sprinkle_caption_number
#' @export

sprinkle_caption_number.default <- function(x, 
                                            caption_number = getOption("pixie_caption_number", TRUE), 
  coll <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()
  checkmate::assert_class(x = x,
                          classes = "dust",
                          add = coll)
  sprinkle_caption_number_index_assert(caption_number = caption_number,
                                       coll = coll)
  sprinkle_caption_number_index(x = x,
                                caption_number = caption_number)

#' @rdname sprinkle_caption_number
#' @export

sprinkle_caption_number.dust_list <- function(x, 
                                              caption_number = getOption("pixie_caption_number", TRUE), 
    class = "dust_list"

# Unexported utilities ----------------------------------------------
# These functions carry the the `_index` suffix for consistency with 
# the cell-valued sprinkles, but they don't actually require an 
# index, since they change table-valued sprinkles

sprinkle_caption_number_index_assert <- function(caption_number, coll)
  if (!missing(caption_number)){
    checkmate::assert_logical(x = caption_number,
                                len = 1,
                                add = coll,
                                .var.name = "caption_number")

# indices argument is only present to avoid errors when the argument is passed 
# from sprinkle
sprinkle_caption_number_index <- function(x, caption_number = getOption("pixie_caption_number", TRUE), 
                                   indices = NULL, part = NULL)
  x[["caption_number"]] <- caption_number

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pixiedust documentation built on Oct. 10, 2023, 9:07 a.m.