
# This is the server logic of a Shiny web application. You can run the 
# application by clicking 'Run App' above.
# Find out more about building applications with Shiny here:

# library(shiny)
# library(RSQLite)
# library(DT)
# library(shinyWidgets)
# library(magrittr)
# library(dplyr)
# library(plotly)
# library(shinyjs)
# library(shinyBS)
# library(ggplot2)
# library(readr)
# library(tidyr)
# library(htmltools)
# library(sqldf)
# library(deSolve)
# paste("R/", list.files("R/"), sep = "")
# for (file in paste("R/", list.files("R/"), sep = "")){
#   source(file)
# }
# system(paste("R CMD SHLIB ", "src/rapidPBPK.c", sep = ""))
# `%then%` <- shiny:::`%OR%`

# Define server logic required to draw a histogram
shinyServer(function(input, output,session) {
  model <- "rapidPBPK"
  mcvals <- reactiveValues(
    csvFile = NULL,
    name = NULL,
    exposure = NULL
  bmvals <- reactiveValues(
    csvFile = NULL,
    name = NULL
  dataset <- reactiveValues()
  dataset$savedat <- reactiveVal(c("No","none"))
  monteCarloModal <- function() {
      # title = "Upload Monte Carlo Results",
      easyClose = FALSE,#TRUE,
      size = "l",
          id = 'modalNav',
            title = 'Upload Existing Results',
              "Dataset Name",
              placeholder = "Enter name for the dataset"
                  "Select Exposure Type",
                  choices = c("Inhalation", "Oral", "IV", "Dermal")
              label = "Upload Monte Carlo Results",
              accept = c("text/csv","text/comma-separated-values",".csv"),
              multiple = FALSE
            tags$h4("Results are displayed in mg/L")
          # tabPanel(
          #   title = 'Run Monte Carlo Simulation',
          #   br(),
          #   fileInput(
          #     "rDataFile",
          #     label = "Select Project file",
          #     accept = c(".RData", ".Rdata"),
          #     placeholder = 'Upload .RData file',
          #     multiple = F
          #   ),
          #   pickerInput(
          #     'simulation',
          #     'Select Simulation',
          #     choices = NULL,
          #     selected = NULL,
          #     multiple = F
          #     # ,options = list(
          #     # 'live-search' = TRUE,
          #     # 'actions-box' = TRUE,
          #     # 'selected-text-format' = 'count > 2',
          #     # 'count-selected-text'='{0} simulations selected'
          #     # )
          #   ),
          #   fluidRow(
          #     column(
          #       6,
          #       shinyWidgets::radioGroupButtons(
          #         'tissue',
          #         label = "Select Tissue Type",
          #         choices = c('Plasma', 'Urine')
          #       )
          #     ),
          #     column(
          #       6,
          #       shinyWidgets::radioGroupButtons(
          #         "chemType",
          #         "Select Chemical Type",
          #         choices = c("Parent", "Metabolite")
          #       )
          #     )
          #   ),
          #   fluidRow(
          #     column(
          #       4,
          #       # sliderInput(
          #       #   'mySlider2',
          #       #   label = 'Exposure Type (Units)',
          #       #   min = 0,
          #       #   max = 1000,
          #       #   value = c(0,1000)
          #       # )
          #       numericRangeInput(
          #         'mySlider2',
          #         label = 'Exposure Type (Units)',
          #         # min = 0,
          #         # max = 1000,
          #         value = c(0,1000)
          #       )
          #     ),
          #     column(
          #       4,
          #       numericInput(
          #         'mcNumeric',
          #         label = 'Number of Doses',
          #         min = 20,
          #         max = 50,
          #         value = 25,
          #         step = 1,
          #         width = '156.84px'
          #       ),
          #       uiOutput(
          #         'validNum'
          #       )
          #     ),
          #     column(4,
          #            numericInput('mcNums',
          #                         label = 'Number of MC runs',
          #                         min = 1,
          #                         value = 1000))
          #   ),
          #   fluidRow(
          #     progressBar(id = "pb",value = 0, status = "success",striped = TRUE)
          #   )
          # )
      footer= tagList(
        uiOutput('mcFooter', inline = TRUE),
  biomonitoringModal <- function() {
      title = "Upload Biomonitoring Results",
      easyClose = TRUE,
      size = "l",
          "Dataset Name",
          placeholder = "Enter name for the dataset"
          "Select Type",
          choices = c("Parent", "Metabolite")
          label = "Upload Biomonitoring CSV File",
          accept = c("text/csv","text/comma-separated-values",".csv"),
          multiple = TRUE
        tags$h4(tags$span(style='color:red', 'IMPORTANT:'), ' Biomonitoring results must be in mg/L', sep = '')
      footer= tagList(
        shinyjs::disabled(actionButton("addBM","Add Dataset")),
  mcNum <- reactive({
      need((input$mcNumeric > 19||input$mcNumeric <51),
           'Invalid input. Please enter a number 20-50.')
  output$validNum <- renderUI({
  observeEvent(input$mcNumeric, {
    if(input$mcNumeric < 5 | input$mcNumeric > 50){
    } else{
  observeEvent(input$csvFile, {
  observeEvent(input$rDataFile, {
    # shinyjs::enable('addMC')
    inFile <- input$rDataFile
    rDFile <- inFile$datapath
    loadProject(rDFile,runUI = FALSE)
    simSet <- projectDbSelect("Select simid,name,descrp from SimulationsSet;")
    # e = new.env()
    # name <- load(rDFile, envir = e)
    # data <- e[['name']]
    # load(rDFile, envir = .GlobalEnv)
    # loadReverseDosimetryProject(rDFile)
    # simSet <- SimulationsSet %>%
    #   filter(
    #     physiovarid > 0 |
    #       chemvarid > 0 |
    #       expovarid > 0
    #   ) 
    # simSet2 <- simSet$name
      selected = NULL,
      choices = setNames(simSet$simid,simSet$name),
      choicesOpt = list(
        subtext = simSet$descrp
  observeEvent(input$addMC, {
      session = session,
      inputId = "myconfirmation",
      type = "warning",
      title = "Are you sure you want to run a simulation?",
      text = "This may take a while to complete."
  vol_ids <- c("fat"="vfatc","skin"="vskinc",
  results <- reactiveValues(pbpk=NULL,simid = NULL,mode = NULL)
  observeEvent(input$myconfirmation, {
      simid <- as.integer(input$simulation)
      ids_list <- projectDbSelect(sprintf("Select chemid,metaboliteid,expoid from SimulationsSet where simid = %f",as.integer(simid)))
      metaboliteid <- as.integer(ids_list$metaboliteid)
      mw_metabolite <- projectDbSelect(sprintf("Select value from Chemical where param = 'mw' AND chemid = %f",as.integer(metaboliteid)))
      chemid <- as.integer(ids_list$chemid)
      mw_parent <- projectDbSelect(sprintf("Select value from Chemical where param = 'mw' AND chemid = %f",as.integer(chemid)))
      expoid <- ids_list$expoid
      expotype <- projectDbSelect(sprintf("Select value from Exposure where param = 'expo_sidebar' AND expoid = %f",as.integer(expoid)))
      # print(paste('max = ',input$mySlider2[2]))
      nDoses <- input$mcNumeric
      if(expotype == 'oral'){
        whichDose = 'bdose'
        doseName = 'Oral'
        doseUnits = 'mg/kg BW/day'
      } else if(expotype == 'dw'){
        whichDose = 'drdose'
        doseName = 'Drinking Water'
        doseUnits = 'mg/L'
      } else if(expotype == 'inh'){
        whichDose = 'inhdose'
        doseName = 'Inhalation'
        doseUnits = 'ppm'
      } else if(expotype == 'iv'){
        whichDose = 'ivdose'
        doseName = 'IV'
        doseUnits = 'mg/L'
      } else if(expotype == 'derm'){
        whichDose = 'dermrate'
        doseName = 'Dermal'
        doseUnits = '\U00B5m/n/cm\U00B2'
      } else if(expotype == 'oralv'){
        whichDose = 'bdosev'
        doseName = 'Oral Vehicle'
        doseUnits = 'mg/kg BW/day'
      } else whichDose = 'Something went wrong'
      # ## observeEvent(input$run_sim,{
      # simid <- simSet3$simid[1]
      results$simid <- as.integer(simid)
      # get the parameters needed to run the model
      model_params <- getAllParamValuesForModel(as.integer(simid),model)
      #get total volume
      active_comp <- c("skin","fat","muscle","bone","brain","lung","heart","gi","liver","kidney","rpf","spf")
      vol_comps <- c(active_comp,"blood")
      total_vol <- 1#sum( #COME BACK TO #######################################
      #   unlist(
      #     lapply(
      #       vol_comps,
      #       function(x){
      #         input[[vol_ids[x]]]
      #       })
      #   )
      # )
      # test_vol_comps <- vol_comps
      # test_total_Vol <- total_vol
      # test_vol_ids <- vol_ids

      mc_num <- input$mcNums#as.integer(projectDbSelect(query)$mc_num)
      # print(paste('mc_num: ',mc_num))
      model_params$vals[["total_vol"]]<- total_vol
      # print(total_vol)
      # print(paste(whichDose, ': ', model_params$vals[[whichDose]]))
      if (mc_num > 1){
        MC.matrix <- getAllVariabilityValuesForModel(simid,model_params$vals,mc_num)
        query <- sprintf("Select model_var from ResultNames where mode = 'MC' AND model = '%s'",
        mc_vars <- mainDbSelect(query)$model_var
        mc_results <- lapply(mc_vars,function(x,n){
          return(x = rep(NA,n))
        names(mc_results)<- mc_vars
        currentDose <- input$mySlider2[1]
        if(currentDose == 0){
          currentDose = 0.05
        # maxDose <- input$mySlider2[2]
        increaseDose <- (input$mySlider2[2]/currentDose)^(1/(nDoses-1))
        # print(increaseDose)
        if (input$chemType == "Parent"){
          multiplier <- as.numeric(mw_parent)/1000
          multiplier <- as.numeric(mw_metabolite)/1000
        for(n in 1:(nDoses)){
          # print(paste('Running monte carlo simulation ', n ))
          # print(currentDose)
          model_params$vals[[whichDose]] <- currentDose
          for (i in 1:mc_num){
            model_params$vals[colnames(MC.matrix)]<- MC.matrix[i,]
            initial_values <- calculateInitialValues(model_params)
            tempDF <- runFDPBPK(initial_values,model)
            max_list <- unlist(lapply(mc_vars,function(x,data){
              var_name <- gsub("_max","",x)
            names(max_list)<- mc_vars
            for (x in mc_vars){
              mc_results[[x]][[i]]<- max_list[[x]]*multiplier
            updateProgressBar(session,"pb",value = ((n-1)*mc_num + i), total = mc_num*nDoses)
          results$pbpk <-
          # MymcResults <-
          if (input$tissue=="Plasma"){
            max_var <- "cpls_max"
          } else if(input$tissue == "Urine"){
            if(input$chemType == "Parent"){
              max_var <- "curine_max"
              max_var <- "curinemet_max"
          plasmaResults <-$pbpk[[max_var]])
          colnames(plasmaResults) = currentDose
          # pr2 <- plasmaResults
          # plasmaResults <- plasmaResults %>%
          #   rename(
          #     results$pbpk$cpls_max = 'DOSE'
          #   )
          # if(n == 1){
          #   mcResults2 <- NULL
          # }
          # mcResults2[n] <- plasmaResults[1]
            # print('it is null')
            mcResults <- plasmaResults
          } else{
            # print('something exists')
            results$mcResults <- cbind(mcResults,plasmaResults)# %>%
          # mcResults <- mcResults %>% 
          #   rename(
          #     results$pbpk$cpls_max = 'DOSE'
          #   )
          #   mutate(
          #     xCol =['cpls_max'])
          #   )
          results$mode <- "MC"
          currentDose = currentDose * increaseDose
        #     updateNavbarPage(session,"menu","output")
        initial_values <- calculateInitialValues(model_params)
        updateProgressBar(session,"pb",value = 100, total = 100,
                          status = "info")
        tempDF <- runFDPBPK(initial_values,model)
        results$pbpk<- tempDF$pbpk
        results$mode <- "FD"
        #     updateNavbarPage(session,"menu","output")
      ## })
      # print('Running Monte Carlo')
      # print(paste('Number of doses = ',input$mcNumeric, '!', sep = ''))
      updatemenus <- list(
          active = 0,
          type = 'buttons',
          buttons = list(
              label = 'Default',
              method = 'relayout',
              args = list(
                  yaxis = list(
                    title = paste('Concentrations (mg/L)', sep = ''),
                    type = 'linear'
              label = 'Log Y-Axis',
              method = 'relayout',
              args = list(
                  yaxis = list(
                    title = paste('Log Concentrations (mg/L)', sep = ''),
                    type = 'log'
      output$Plot1 <- renderPlotly({
        p <- plot_ly(
          x = ~ind,
          y = ~values,
          type = "box"
        ) %>%
            title = paste(input$simulation, 'Monte Carlo Simulation'),
            yaxis = list(
              title = paste('Concentrations (mg/L)', sep = '')
            xaxis = list(
              title = paste(doseName, ' Exposure (', doseUnits,')', sep = '')
            margin = m,
            updatemenus = updatemenus
      mcvals$exposure <- paste(doseName, ' Concentration (', doseUnits,')', sep = '')
      mcvals$csvFile <- results$mcResults
      # print('Denied Monte Carlo Simulation')
  observeEvent(input$simulation, {
    simid <- input$simulation
    expoid <- projectDbSelect(sprintf("Select expoid from SimulationsSet where simid = %f",as.integer(simid)))
    expotype <- projectDbSelect(sprintf("Select value from Exposure where param = 'expo_sidebar' AND expoid = %f",as.integer(expoid)))
   # print(expotype)
    # simSet3 <- simSet %>%
    #   filter(
    #     name == input$simulation
    #   )
    # exposureType <- Exposure %>%
    #   filter(
    #     expoid == simSet3$expoid & 
    #       param == 'expo_sidebar'
    #   )
    # myExpoid <- exposureType$value[1]
    if(expotype == 'oral'){
      mySliderLabel = 'Oral (mg/kg BW/day)'
    } else if(expotype == 'dw'){
      mySliderLabel = 'Drinking Water (mg/L)'
    } else if(expotype == 'inh'){
      mySliderLabel = 'Inhalation (ppm)'
    } else if(expotype == 'iv'){
      mySliderLabel = 'IV (mg/L)'
    } else if(expotype == 'derm'){
      mySliderLabel = 'Dermal (\U00B5m/n/cm\U00B2)'
    } else if(expotype == 'oralv'){
      mySliderLabel = 'Oral Vehicle (mg/kg BW/day)'
    } else mySliderLabel = 'Unknown'
    # updateSliderInput(
    #   session,
    #   'mySlider2',
    #   label = mySliderLabel,
    #   max = 1000 # This line is needed to update the label because this would create subscript out of bounds error otherwise
    # )
      label = mySliderLabel,
      value = c(0,1000) # This line is needed to update the label because this would create subscript out of bounds error otherwise
    # output$mySlider <- renderUI({
    #   # fluidRow(
    #   sliderInput(
    #     'mySlider',
    #     label = exposureType$value[1],
    #     min = 0,
    #     max = 1000,
    #     value = c(0,1000)
    #   )    
    #   # )
    # })
    # mySliderLabel <- simset3$expoid
    # updateNoUiSliderInput(
    #   session,
    #   'mySlider',
    #   label = 'simSet3'
    # )
  observeEvent(input$bmFile, {
  observeEvent(input$btnUploadBMResults, {
  m  = list(
    # l = 10,
    # r = 10,
    b = 80,
    t = 80
    # ,pad = 10
  # Actions on Add button in Upload Monte Carlo's Modal
  observeEvent(input$add, {
    mcvals$name <- input$mcname
    filesIn <- input$csvFile
    mcvals$csvFile <- read.csv(filesIn$datapath)
    # df_list <- lapply(filesIn$datapath,read.csv) # read each file into a data frame
    # mcvals$csvFile <- dplyr::bind_rows(df_list) # concatenates all of the data frames
    mcvals$exposure <- paste(input$type, ' Concentration (',input$unit,')', sep = '')
    updatemenus <- list(
        active = 0,
        type = 'buttons',
        buttons = list(
            label = 'Default',
            method = 'relayout',
            args = list(
                yaxis = list(
                  title = paste('Concentrations (mg/L)', sep = ''),
                  type = 'linear'
            label = 'Log Y-Axis',
            method = 'relayout',
            args = list(
                yaxis = list(
                  title = paste('Log Concentrations (mg/L)', sep = ''),
                  type = 'log'
    output$Plot1 <- renderPlotly({
      p <- plot_ly(
        x = ~ind,
        y = ~values,
        type = "box"
      ) %>%
          title = mcvals$name,
          yaxis = list(
            title = paste('Concentrations (mg/L)', sep = '')
          xaxis = list(
            title = paste(input$type, ' Exposure (',input$unit,')', sep = '')
          margin = m,
          updatemenus = updatemenus
  # Actions on Add button in Upload Biomonitoring's Modal
  observeEvent(input$addBM, {
    bmvals$name <- input$bmname
    filesIn2 <- input$bmFile
    #bmCSV <- read.csv(filesIn2$datapath)
    df_list2 <- lapply(filesIn2$datapath,read.csv) # read each file into a data frame
    bmvals$csvFile <- dplyr::bind_rows(df_list2) # concatenates all of the data frames
    bmCSV <- data.frame(bmvals$csvFile)
    updatemenus <- list(
        active = 0,
        type = 'buttons',
        buttons = list(
            label = 'Default',
            method = 'relayout',
            args = list(
                yaxis = list(
                  title = 'Count',
                  type = 'linear'
            label = 'Log Y-Axis',
            method = 'relayout',
            args = list(
                yaxis = list(
                  title = 'Count',
                  type = 'log'
    output$Plot3 <- renderPlotly({
      p <- plot_ly(
        x = bmCSV[,1],
        type = "histogram"
      ) %>%
          title = bmvals$name,
          yaxis = list(
            title = 'Count'
          xaxis = list(
            title = paste(input$bmtype, ' Concentrations (mg/L)', sep = '')
          margin = m,
          updatemenus = updatemenus
    if(input$type == "Inhalation"){
      choices = c("ppm","ppb")
    }else if(input$type == "Oral"){
      choices = c("mg/kg/day", "mg/L")
    }else if(input$type == "IV"){
      choices = c("mg/h")
    }else if(input$type == "Dermal"){
      choices = c("mg/cm2")
      choices = c("unknown exposure type")
    output$unit_ui <- renderUI({
        label = "Select Exposure Units",
        choices = choices
  observeEvent(input$modalNav, {
    if(input$modalNav == 'Upload Existing Results'){
        output$mcFooter <- renderUI({
          shinyjs::disabled(actionButton("add","Add Dataset"))
      } else{
        output$mcFooter <- renderUI({
          actionButton("add","Add Dataset")
    } else{ # input$modalNav != 'Upload Existing Results'
        output$mcFooter <- renderUI({
          shinyjs::disabled(actionButton("addMC","Run Simulation"))
      } else{
        output$mcFooter <- renderUI({
          actionButton("addMC","Run Simulation")
  output$toggleSidebar <- reactive({
  outputOptions(output, "toggleSidebar", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
    mcData <- data.frame(mcvals$csvFile)
    biomData <- data.frame(bmvals$csvFile)
    percentileList <- c(5, 25, 50, 75, 90, 95, 99, 100)
    # exposures <- as.numeric(lapply(as.character(colnames(mcData)),
    #                                function(x){
    #                                  gsub("[A-z]","",x)
    #                                  }
    #                                )
    #                         )
    # exposureBounds <- c(min(exposures),max(exposures))

    revDosResults <- runReverseDosimetry(mcData,
    # # bounds2 <- bloodConcRange()
    # bounds2 <- bloodConcRange2(mcResult2)
    # frequencyTable2 <- frequencyData(bounds2, mcResult2)
    # probabilityTbl <- probabilityConc(frequencyTable2)
    # # logtrans <- transformObs(obsData) # Unused
    # #measuredRange2 <- measuredBloodRange(maxValue = 2500)
    # #dist12 <- distributionData(obsData2,measuredRange2)
    # dist22 <- distributionData(obsData2,bounds2)
    # revDosData22 <- data.frame(t(dist22[4]))
    # probabilityTbl2 <- probabilityConc(probabilityTbl, dist22$percentCol)
    # cumulative2 <- rowSums(probabilityTbl2)
    # cdfResult <- cdf(probabilityTbl2)
    # pdfCDF <- cbind(data.frame(colnames(mcvals$csvFile)), cdfResult)
    # # pdfCDF <- cbind(pdfCDF1, cdfResult)
    # pdfAndCDF <- pdfCDF
    # findPercentile <- function(whichPercentile = 25){
    #   x=cdfResult[,2]
    #   your.number = as.double(whichPercentile/100)
    #   if(your.number != 1){
    #     xIndex <- which(abs(x-your.number)==min(abs(x-your.number)))
    #     closestNum <- x[xIndex]
    #     if(closestNum > your.number) { # xIndex is higher than the percentile we're looking for
    #       lowerIndex <- xIndex - 1
    #       upperIndex <- xIndex
    #     } else{ #xIndex is lower than the percentile we're looking for
    #       lowerIndex <- xIndex
    #       upperIndex <- xIndex + 1
    #     }
    #   } else{
    #     upperIndex <- min(which(x == max(x))) -1 # This is -1 and lower is -2 in sample file.
    #     lowerIndex <- upperIndex - 2
    #   }
    #   rate <- (your.number-x[lowerIndex])/(x[upperIndex]-x[lowerIndex])
    #   concNames <- pdfAndCDF[[1]]
    #   coNames <- as.numeric(lapply(as.character(concNames),function(x){
    #     gsub("[A-z]","",x)}))
    #   print(coNames)
    #   cdfValue <- coNames[lowerIndex]+(rate*(coNames[upperIndex]-coNames[lowerIndex]))
    #   return(cdfValue)
    # }
    # percentileList <- c(5, 25, 50, 75, 90, 95, 99, 100)
    # percentileResults <- sapply(percentileList, findPercentile)
    # percentileListed <- c('5th', '25th', '50th', '75th', '90th', '95th', '99th', '100th')
    # percentileDF <- data.frame(list('Percentile' = percentileListed, 'Concentration' = percentileResults))
    # # ppbFiles <- list.files(pattern = 'PercentilePPB.*csv') # list of all of the files to import
    # # df_list <- lapply(ppbFiles,read_csv) # read each file into a data frame
    # # percentileDF <- # concatenates all of the data frames
    # # plotFiles <- list.files(pattern = 'PDFandCDF.*csv') # list of all of the files to import
    # # plotdf_list <- lapply(plotFiles,read_csv) # read each file into a data frame
    # # pdfAndCDF <- # concatenates all of the data frames
    updatemenus <- list(
        active = 0,
        type = 'buttons',
        buttons = list(
            label = 'Log X-Axis',
            method = 'relayout',
            args = list(
                xaxis = list(
                  title = mcvals$exposure,#colnames(pdfAndCDF)[1],
                  type = 'log'
            label = 'Linear X-Axis',
            method = 'relayout',
            args = list(
                xaxis = list(
                  title = mcvals$exposure,#colnames(pdfAndCDF)[1],
                  type = 'linear'
    output$percentilePPB <- DT::renderDataTable({
        data = revDosResults$expoEstimates,
        extensions = 'Buttons',
        class = 'cell-border stripe',
        rownames = FALSE,
        options = list(
          ordering = FALSE,
          autoWidth = TRUE,
          buttons = list(
              extend = 'csv',
              text = 'Download CSV',
              filename = "Percentile.csv"
          columnDefs = list(
              className = 'dt-center',
              targets = c(0,1)
    output$PDF <- renderPlotly({
      p <- plot_ly(
        x = ~dose_list,
        y = ~pdf,
        name = 'PDF',
        type = 'scatter',
        mode = 'lines'#'lines+markers'
      ) %>%
          title = 'PDF',
          xaxis = list(
            title = mcvals$exposure,#colnames(pdfAndCDF)[1],
            type = 'log'
          yaxis = list(
            title = 'Probability'
          margin = m,
          updatemenus = updatemenus
    output$CDF <- renderPlotly({
      p <- plot_ly(
        x = ~dose_list,
        y = ~cdf,
        name = 'CDF',
        type = 'scatter',
        mode = 'lines'#'lines+markers'
      ) %>%
          title = 'CDF',
          xaxis = list(
            title = mcvals$exposure,#colnames(pdfAndCDF)[1],
            type = 'log'
          yaxis = list(
            title = 'Cumulative'
          margin = m,
          updatemenus = updatemenus
    # revDosDataHeaders <- bounds2
    # # revDosDataHeaders <- read.csv(
    # #   'ReverseDosimetryDataHeaders.csv',
    # #   header=FALSE
    # # )
    # revDosData1 <- probabilityTbl
    # # revDosData1 <- read.csv(
    # #   'ReverseDosimetryData1.csv',
    # #   header=FALSE
    # # )
    # revDosData2 <- revDosData22
    # # revDosData2 <- read.csv(
    # #   'ReverseDosimetryData2.csv',
    # #   header=FALSE
    # # )
    # revDosData3 <- probabilityTbl2
    # # revDosData3 <- read.csv(
    # #   'ReverseDosimetryData3.csv',
    # #   header=FALSE
    # # )
    # row.names(revDosData1) <- pdfAndCDF[[1]]
    # row.names(revDosData2) <- list('Adjusted Weighting Factors')
    # row.names(revDosData3) <- pdfAndCDF[[1]]
    # sketch = htmltools::withTags(
    #   table(
    #     class = 'display',
    #     thead(
    #       style='text-align: right;',
    #       tr(
    #         th(colspan = 1, 'Larger than', style='text-align: left; background-color: #f5f5f5'),
    #         lapply(rep(revDosDataHeaders[[1]], 1), th)
    #       ),
    #       tr(
    #         th(colspan = 1, 'Smaller than or equal to', style='text-align: left; background-color: #f5f5f5'),
    #         lapply(rep(revDosDataHeaders[[2]], 1), th)
    #       )
    #     )
    #   )
    # )
    # revDosDataTable <- function(userData){
    #   DT::datatable(
    #     data = userData,
    #     container = sketch,
    #     rownames = TRUE,
    #     extensions = c('FixedColumns','FixedHeader'),
    #     options = list(
    #       ordering = FALSE,
    #       autoWidth = TRUE,
    #       fixedColumns = TRUE,
    #       scrollX = '100%',
    #       scrollY = 600,
    #       scrollCollapse = TRUE, # When scrollY is defined, bottom of table won't "float" below the table
    #       pageLength = 50, # How many rows to display by default
    #       # ,dom='rt',
    #       columnDefs = list(
    #         list(
    #           width = '160px',
    #           targets = c(0)
    #         )
    #       )
    #     )
    #   )
    # }
    # output$revDosData1 <- DT::renderDataTable({
    #   revDosDataTable(revDosData1)
    # })
    # output$revDosData2 <- DT::renderDataTable({
    #   revDosDataTable(revDosData2)
    # })
    # output$revDosData3 <- DT::renderDataTable({
    #   revDosDataTable(revDosData3)
    # })
    # # Creates the dataframe for the user to download
    # td1 <- data.frame(t(revDosDataHeaders))
    # colnames(td1) = colnames(revDosData1)
    # dlTable1 <- dplyr::bind_rows(td1, revDosData1)
    # rownames(dlTable1) = c('Larger than','Smaller than or equal to',pdfAndCDF[[1]])
    # output$downloadTablerevDosData1 <- downloadHandler(
    #   filename = "Probability_Table.csv",
    #   function(file){
    #     write.table(
    #       dlTable1,
    #       file = file,
    #       sep = ",",
    #       row.names = TRUE,
    #       col.names = F
    #     )
    #   }
    # )
    # # Creates the dataframe for the user to download
    # dlTable2 <- dplyr::bind_rows(td1, revDosData2)
    # rownames(dlTable2) = c('Larger than','Smaller than or equal to','Adjusted Weighting Factors')
    # output$downloadTablerevDosData2 <- downloadHandler(
    #   filename = "Adjusted_Weighting_Factors.csv",
    #   function(file){
    #     write.table(
    #       dlTable2,
    #       file = file,
    #       sep = ",",
    #       row.names = TRUE,
    #       col.names = F
    #     )
    #   }
    # )
    # # Creates the dataframe for the user to download
    # dlTable3 <- dplyr::bind_rows(td1, revDosData3)
    # rownames(dlTable3) = c('Larger than','Smaller than or equal to',pdfAndCDF[[1]])
    # output$downloadTablerevDosData3 <- downloadHandler(
    #   filename = "Weight_ECF.csv",
    #   function(file){
    #     write.table(
    #       dlTable3,
    #       file = file,
    #       sep = ",",
    #       row.names = TRUE,
    #       col.names = F
    #     )
    #   }
    # )
    if (input$navbar == "Quit"){

calculateInitialValues <- function(params_list){
  params <- params_list$vals
  brep_flag <- as.logical(params[["brep_flag"]])
  brepv_flag <- as.logical(params[["brepv_flag"]])
  iv_flag <- as.logical(params[["ivrep_flag"]])
  derm_flag <- as.logical(params[["dermrep_flag"]])
  params <- params[which(grepl("[-]?[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*|[-]?[0-9]+[L]?|[-]?[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*[eE][0-9]+",params))]
  params <- lapply(params,function(x){as.numeric(x)})
  initial_params <- within(as.list(params),{
    #Scaled Tissue Volumes
    vbld <- vbldc*(perfc/total_vol)*bw     #L;Blood
    vpls <- vbld*(1-hct)
    vfat <- vfatc*(perfc/total_vol)*bw
    vskin <- vskinc*(perfc/total_vol)*bw
    vmusc <- vmuscc*(perfc/total_vol)*bw
    vbone <- vbonec*(perfc/total_vol)*bw
    vbrn <- vbrnc*(perfc/total_vol)*bw
    vlng <- vlngc*(perfc/total_vol)*bw
    vhrt <- vhrtc*(perfc/total_vol)*bw
    vkdn <- vkdnc*(perfc/total_vol)*bw
    vgi <- vgic*(perfc/total_vol)*bw
    vliv <- vlivc*(perfc/total_vol)*bw
    vrpf <- vrpfc*(perfc/total_vol)*bw
    vspf <- vspfc*(perfc/total_vol)*bw
    vdmet <- vdmetc*bw #volume of distribution for the metabolite
    #Total Fractional Perfusion
    total_perf <- qfatc+qskinc+qmuscc+qbonec+qbrnc+qlngc+qhrtc+qkdnc+qvlivc+qrpfc+qspfc  # This does not include flow to GI since that is a part of liver venous flow
    #Scaled Perfusion
    qcp <- qcc*(1-hct)
    qfat <- qfatc*(1/total_perf)*qcp
    qskin <- qskinc*(1/total_perf)*qcp
    qmusc <- qmuscc*(1/total_perf)*qcp
    qbone <- qbonec*(1/total_perf)*qcp
    qbrn <- qbrnc*(1/total_perf)*qcp
    qlng <- qlngc*(1/total_perf)*qcp
    qhrt <- qhrtc*(1/total_perf)*qcp
    qkdn <- qkdnc*(1/total_perf)*qcp
    qvliv <- qvlivc*(1/total_perf)*qcp
    qgi <- (qgic/(qgic+qalivc))*qvliv
    qaliv <- (qalivc/(qgic+qalivc))*qvliv
    qrpf <- qrpfc*(1/total_perf)*qcp
    qspf <- qspfc*(1/total_perf)*qcp
    #Scaled tissue permeability coefs
    pafat <- pafat*vfat**0.75
    paskin <- paskin*vskin**0.75
    pamusc <- pamusc*vmusc**0.75
    pabone <- pabone*vbone**0.75
    pabrn <- pabrn*vbrn**0.75
    palng <- palng*vlng**0.75
    pahrt <- pahrt*vhrt**0.75
    pakdn <- pakdn*vkdn**0.75
    pagi <- pagi*vgi**0.75
    paliv <- paliv*vliv**0.75
    parpf <- parpf*vrpf**0.75
    paspf <- paspf*vspf**0.75
    vkm1 <- vkm1c*vliv
    vmaxliv <- vmaxc*bw**0.75
    tstop <- tstart+sim_dur
    cinh <- (inhdose/24.45)#*1000/mw # converting from  ppm to mg/L(/24.45) and then to umoles/L for the model
    qalv <- (tv-ds)*respr
    pair <- ifelse(pair >0,pair,1E-10)
    # scaled urinary flow rate per day
    uflw <- uflwc*bw/24.0
  #function for dosing
  mw <- initial_params[["mw"]]
  bw <- initial_params[["bw"]]
  bdose <- initial_params[["bdose"]]
  breps <- initial_params[["breps"]]
  blen <- initial_params[["blen"]]
  totbreps <- initial_params[["totbreps"]]<-breps*blen
  #Drinking Water
  ddose <- initial_params[["drdose"]]
  vdw <- initial_params[["vdw"]]
  dreps <- initial_params[["dreps"]]
  #ORAL  with vehicle
  bdosev <- initial_params[["bdosev"]]
  brepsv <- initial_params[["brepsv"]]
  blenv <- initial_params[["blenv"]]
  totbrepsv <- initial_params[["totbrepsv"]]<-brepsv*blenv
  inhdose <- initial_params[["inhdose"]]
  inhtlen <- initial_params[["inhtlen"]]
  inhdays <- initial_params[["inhdays"]]
  ivdose <- initial_params[["ivdose"]]
  ivlen <- initial_params[["ivlen"]]
  dermrate <- initial_params[["dermrate"]]
  dermlen <- initial_params[["dermlen"]]
  skarea <- initial_params[["skarea"]]
  tstart <- initial_params[["tstart"]]
  totdays <- initial_params[["totdays"]]
  tstop <- initial_params[["tstop"]]
  #if bolus oral dose is administered
  if (bdose > 0){
    # var to change
    state_Var <- c("odose","totodose")
    # operation of event
    operation <- c("add","add")
    # times of event
    if (breps==1){
      # Value  of change
      change_val1<- (bdose*bw*1000/mw)
      change_val2<- change_val1
      change_arr <- c(change_val1,change_val2)
      #only one bolus dose per day
      if (brep_flag){
        event_times <- head(seq(tstart,tstop,24),-1)
        event_times <- c(tstart)
      # Value  of change
      change_val1<- (bdose*bw*1000/mw)/totbreps
      change_val2<- change_val1
      change_arr <- c(change_val1,change_val2)
      #multiple bolus doses per day
      if (brep_flag){
        event_times <- unlist(lapply(X = 1:totdays,
                                     FUN = function(x){
        #only one day
        event_times <- unlist(lapply(X = 1,
                                     FUN = function(x){
    eventDat <- data.frame(
      var = rep(x = state_Var,each = length(event_times)),
      time = rep(event_times,length(state_Var)),
      value = rep(x = change_arr,each = length(event_times)),
      method = rep(x = operation,each = length(event_times))
    # if drinking water dose is administered
  }else if (ddose >0){
    # var to change
    state_Var <- c("ddose","totddose")
    # Value  of change
    change_val1 <- (ddose*1000*vdw/mw)/dreps
    change_val2 <- change_val1
    change_arr <- c(change_val1,change_val2)
    # operation of event
    operation <- c("add","add")
    # times of event
    event_times <- unlist(lapply(X = 1:totdays,function(x){head(seq(0,24,by = 24/dreps),-1)+24*(x-1)}))
    eventDat <- data.frame(
      var = rep(x = state_Var,each = length(event_times)),
      time = rep(event_times,length(state_Var)),
      value = rep(x = change_arr,each = length(event_times)),
      method = rep(x = operation,each = length(event_times))
    # if inhalation dose is administered
  }else if(bdosev > 0){
    # var to change
    state_Var <- c("odosev","totodosev")
    # operation of event
    operation <- c("add","add")
    # times of event
    if (brepsv==1){
      # Value  of change
      change_val1<- (bdosev*bw*1000/mw)
      change_val2<- change_val1
      change_arr <- c(change_val1,change_val2)
      #only one bolus dose per day
      if (brepv_flag){
        event_times <- head(seq(tstart,tstop,24),-1)
        event_times <- c(tstart)
      # Value  of change
      change_val1<- (bdosev*bw*1000/mw)/totbrepsv
      change_val2<- change_val1
      change_arr <- c(change_val1,change_val2)
      #multiple bolus doses per day
      if (brepv_flag){
        event_times <- unlist(lapply(X = 1:totdays,
                                     FUN = function(x){
        #only one day
        event_times <- unlist(lapply(X = 1,
                                     FUN = function(x){
    eventDat <- data.frame(
      var = rep(x = state_Var,each = length(event_times)),
      time = rep(event_times,length(state_Var)),
      value = rep(x = change_arr,each = length(event_times)),
      method = rep(x = operation,each = length(event_times))
  }else if (inhdose >0){
    # var to change
    state_var1 <- "inhswch"
    state_var2 <- "inhswch"
    # Value  of change
    change_val1 <- 1
    change_val2 <- 0
    # operation of event
    operation1 <- "rep"
    operation2 <- "rep"
    # times of event
    #days on which dosing can occue
    event_days<- unlist(lapply(X=1:totdays,function(x){lapply(1:inhdays,function(y){(x-1)*7+y})}))
    event_times1 <- unlist(lapply(event_days,function(x){0+24*(x-1)}))
    event_times1 <- event_times1[event_times1 < tstop]
    event_times2 <- unlist(lapply(event_days,function(x){inhtlen+24*(x-1)}))
    event_times2 <- event_times2[event_times2 < tstop]
    eventDat <- data.frame(
      var = c(rep(x = state_var1,each = length(event_times1)),rep(x = state_var2,each = length(event_times2))),
      time = c(event_times1,event_times2),
      value = c(rep(x = change_val1,each = length(event_times1)),rep(x = change_val2,each = length(event_times2))),
      method = c(rep(x = operation1,each = length(event_times1)),rep(x = operation2,each = length(event_times2)))
  }else if (ivdose >0){
    # var to change
    state_var1 <- "ivswch"
    state_var2 <- "ivswch"
    # Value  of change
    change_val1 <- 1
    change_val2 <- 0
    # operation of event
    operation1 <- "rep"
    operation2 <- "rep"
    # times of event
    #days on which dosing can occue
    #event_days = unlist(lapply(X=1:7,function(x){lapply(1:inhdays,function(y){(x-1)*7+y})}))
    event_days <- unlist(lapply(X=1:totdays,function(x){lapply(1:7,function(y){(x-1)*7+y})}))
    event_times1 <- unlist(lapply(event_days,function(x){0+24*(x-1)}))
    event_times1 <- event_times1[event_times1 < tstop]
    event_times2 <- unlist(lapply(event_days,function(x){ivlen+24*(x-1)}))
    event_times2 <- event_times2[event_times2 < tstop]
    eventDat <- data.frame(
      var = c(rep(x = state_var1,each = length(event_times1)),rep(x = state_var2,each = length(event_times2))),
      time = c(event_times1,event_times2),
      value = c(rep(x = change_val1,each = length(event_times1)),rep(x = change_val2,each = length(event_times2))),
      method = c(rep(x = operation1,each = length(event_times1)),rep(x = operation2,each = length(event_times2)))
  else if(dermlen >0){
    # var to change
    state_var1 <- "drmswch"
    state_var2 <- "drmswch"
    # Value  of change
    change_val1 <- 1
    change_val2 <- 0
    # operation of event
    operation1 <- "rep"
    operation2 <- "rep"
    event_days <- 1:totdays
    #event_days<- unlist(lapply(X=1:totdays,function(x){lapply(1:7,function(y){(x-1)*7+y})}))
    # if (derm_flag){
    #   # times of event
    #   event_days<- unlist(lapply(X=1:totdays,function(x){lapply(1:7,function(y){(x-1)*7+y})}))
    # }else{
    #   # times of event
    #   event_days<- unlist(lapply(X=1:totdays,function(x){lapply(1:2,function(y){(x-1)*7+y})}))
    # }
    event_times1 <- unlist(lapply(event_days,function(x){0+24*(x-1)}))
    event_times1 <- event_times1[event_times1 < tstop]
    event_times2 <- unlist(lapply(event_days,function(x){dermlen+24*(x-1)}))
    event_times2 <- event_times2[event_times2 < tstop]
    eventDat <- data.frame(
      var = c(rep(x = state_var1,each = length(event_times1)),rep(x = state_var2,each = length(event_times2))),
      time = c(event_times1,event_times2),
      value = c(rep(x = change_val1,each = length(event_times1)),rep(x = change_val2,each = length(event_times2))),
      method = c(rep(x = operation1,each = length(event_times1)),rep(x = operation2,each = length(event_times2)))
  times <- seq(tstart,tstop,by=0.1)
  eventDat <- eventDat[order(eventDat$time),]
  state <- c(
    inhswch = 0.0,
    ainh = 0.0,
    aexh = 0.0,
    totodose = 0.0,
    odose = 0.0,
    totddose = 0.0,
    ddose = 0.0,
    odosev = 0.0,
    totodosev = 0.0,
    alas = 0.0,
    akent = 0.0,
    afec = 0.0,
    aabsgut = 0.0,
    ivswch = 0.0,
    aiv = 0.0,
    dermswch = 0.0,
    aderm = 0.0,
    adermabs = 0.0,
    adermevap = 0.0,
    abld = 0.0,
    abfat = 0.0,
    atfat = 0.0,
    abskin = 0.0,
    asc = 0.0,
    ascMgcm2 = 0.0,
    atskin = 0.0,
    abmusc = 0.0,
    atmusc = 0.0,
    abbone = 0.0,
    atbone = 0.0,
    abbrn = 0.0,
    atbrn = 0.0,
    ablng = 0.0,
    atlng = 0.0,
    abhrt = 0.0,
    athrt = 0.0,
    abgi = 0.0,
    atgi = 0.0,
    abliv = 0.0,
    atliv = 0.0,
    abkdn = 0.0,
    atkdn = 0.0,
    abrpf = 0.0,
    atrpf = 0.0,
    abspf = 0.0,
    atspf = 0.0,
    ametliv1 = 0.0,
    ametliv2 = 0.0,
    aclbld = 0.0,
    auexc = 0.0,
    anabsgut = 0.0,
    auexcmet = 0.0,
    amet = 0.0,
    vurine = 1e-10)
  initial_values <- list("evnt_data"= eventDat,
                         "initial_params"= initial_params[params_list$names],
                         "state"= state)

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plethem documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 4:35 p.m.