## =============================================================================
## =============================================================================
## Color key functions
## =============================================================================
## =============================================================================
## =============================================================================
## Check if necessary to draw a color key
## =============================================================================
is.colkey <- function(colkey, col) {
if (is.logical(colkey))
if (is.list(colkey))
if (! is.null(colkey))
stop("'colkey' should be a list, a logical or NULL")
iscolkey <- ispresent(col)
if (iscolkey) {
if (length(col) == 1)
iscolkey <- FALSE
else if (length(col) == 2 & col[1] == col[2])
iscolkey <- FALSE
## =============================================================================
## function to extract default parameter values if not overruled
## =============================================================================
overrulepar <- function(main, subset) {
nmsC <- names(main)
main[(namc <- names(subset))] <- subset
if (length(noNms <- namc[!namc %in% nmsC]) > 0)
warning("unknown names in colkey parameter subset: ", paste(noNms,
collapse = ", "))
## =============================================================================
## color key parameter check
## =============================================================================
check.colkey <- function(colkeypar, add = FALSE) {
if (!is.list(colkeypar))
colkeypar <- list()
parameter <- list(side = 4, plot = TRUE,
length = 1, width = 1, dist = 0, shift = 0, addlines = FALSE,
col.clab = NULL, cex.clab = par("cex.lab"),
side.clab = NULL, line.clab = NULL, adj.clab = NULL, font.clab = NULL,
at = NULL, labels = TRUE, tick = TRUE, line = NA,
pos = NA, outer = FALSE, font = NA, lty = 1, lwd = 1,
lwd.ticks = 1, = NULL, col.axis = NULL,
col.ticks = NULL, hadj = NA, padj = NA,
cex.axis = par("cex.axis"), mgp = NULL,
tck = NULL, tcl = NULL, las = NULL)
colkeypar$parleg <- colkeypar$parplt <- NULL
colkey <- overrulepar(parameter, colkeypar)
if (is.numeric(colkey$labels))
colkey$labels <- as.logical(colkey$labels)
if (is.null(colkey$side))
colkey$side <- 4
# plt parameters of legend
colkey <- key.parleg(colkey, add)
## =============================================================================
key.parleg <- function(colkey, add) { # the plotting parameters
dw <- 0.03*colkey$width
rp <- colkey$shift
parplt <- par("plt")
if (colkey$side == 1) {
if (! add)
parplt <- par("plt") + c(0, 0, 0.145, 0)
dd <- 0.145 + colkey$dist
dp <- (parplt[2] - parplt[1]) * (1-colkey$length)/2
parleg <- c( parplt[1] + dp+rp, parplt[2] - dp+rp,
parplt[3] - dd, parplt[3] - dd + dw)
} else if (colkey$side == 2) {
if (! add)
parplt <- par("plt") + c(0.1, 0, 0, 0)
dd <- 0.1 + colkey$dist
dp <- (parplt[4] - parplt[3]) * (1-colkey$length)/2
parleg <- c( parplt[1] - dd, parplt[1] - dd + dw,
parplt[3] + dp+rp, parplt[4] - dp+rp)
} else if (colkey$side == 3) {
if (! add)
parplt <- par("plt") - c(0, 0, 0, 0.08)
dd <- 0.02 + colkey$dist
dp <- (parplt[2] - parplt[1]) * (1-colkey$length)/2
parleg <- c( parplt[1] + dp+rp, parplt[2] - dp+rp,
parplt[4] + dd, parplt[4] + dd + dw)
} else if (colkey$side == 4) {
if (! add)
parplt <- par("plt") - c(0, 0.08, 0, 0)
dd <- 0.02 + colkey$dist
dp <- (parplt[4] - parplt[3]) * (1-colkey$length)/2
parleg <- c(parplt[2] + dd, parplt[2] + dd + dw,
parplt[3] + dp+rp, parplt[4] - dp+rp)
colkey$parleg <- check.plt(parleg)
colkey$parplt <- check.plt(parplt)
## =============================================================================
## function to save the color key settings in the plotting list
## =============================================================================
plistcolkey <- function (plist, colkeypar, col, zlim, zlab = NULL,
zlog = FALSE, New = TRUE,
type = "scatter3D", breaks) {
if (is.null(plist$colkey)) {
plist$colkey <- list()
plist$numkeys <- 1
} else
plist$numkeys <- plist$numkeys + 1
if (! is.null(breaks))
colkeypar$breaks <- breaks
plist$colkey[[plist$numkeys]] <- list(par = colkeypar, col = col,
clim = zlim, clab = zlab, clog = zlog, New = New, type = type)
## =============================================================================
## functions to draw the color key
## =============================================================================
drawallcols <- function(plist) {
for (colkey in plist$colkey)
drawcolkey(colkey$par, colkey$col, colkey$clim, colkey$clab,
colkey$clog, colkey$New)
## =============================================================================
drawcolkey <- function (colkeypar, col, clim, clab = NULL,
clog = FALSE, New = TRUE) {
if (!colkeypar$plot) return()
parleg <- check.plt(colkeypar$parleg)
Plt <- par(plt = parleg)
PP <- par()
if (New)
par(new = TRUE)
usr <- par("usr")
col.clab <- colkeypar$col.clab
cex.clab <- colkeypar$cex.clab
side.clab <- colkeypar$side.clab
line.clab <- colkeypar$line.clab
adj.clab <- colkeypar$adj.clab
font.clab <- colkeypar$font.clab
addlines <- colkeypar$addlines
if (is.null(cex.clab))
cex.clab <- par("cex.lab")
ix <- 1
minz <- min(clim)
maxz <- max(clim)
# the parameters for the axis
axispar <- colkeypar
nbins <- length(col)
binwidth <- (maxz - minz)/nbins
if (! is.null(axispar$breaks)) {
nbreaks <- length(axispar$breaks)
axispar$labels <- axispar$breaks
minz <- 0.5
maxz <- nbreaks+0.5
clim <- c(minz, maxz)
binwidth <- (maxz - minz)/nbins
iyb <- seq(minz, maxz, by = binwidth)
if (clog) iyb <- exp(iyb)
iy <- IY <- seq(minz + binwidth/2, maxz - binwidth/2, by = binwidth)
if (clim[1] > clim[2])
col <- rev(col)
if (clog) {
iy <- exp(iy)
if (colkeypar$side %in% c(2, 4)) {
Log <- "y"
} else {
Log <- "x"
} else Log <- ""
iz <- matrix(IY, nrow = 1, ncol = length(iy))
if (! is.numeric(cex.clab))
cex.clab <- 1.
if (! is.null(axispar$breaks))
axispar$at <- iyb
# remove arguments not in axis function
axispar$side <- axispar$length <- axispar$width <- axispar$plot <- NULL
axispar$parleg <- axispar$parplt <- axispar$dist <- NULL
axispar$shift <-axispar$ <- axispar$breaks <- NULL
axispar$col.clab <- axispar$cex.clab <- axispar$side.clab <- NULL
axispar$line.clab <- axispar$adj.clab <- axispar$font.clab <- NULL
axispar$addlines <- NULL
if (colkeypar$side %in% c(2, 4)) {
ylim <- clim
if (Log == "y") ylim <- exp(ylim)
image(ix, iy, iz, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab = "", log = Log,
ylab = "", col = col, main = "", ylim = ylim)
if (addlines)
abline(h = seq(mean(iy[1:2]), mean(iy[(nbins-1):nbins]), length.out = nbins-1))"axis", c(list(side = colkeypar$side, mgp = c(3, 1, 0), las = 2),
} else {
xlim <- clim
if (Log == "x") xlim <- exp(xlim)
image(iy, ix, t(iz), xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab = "", log = Log,
ylab = "", col = col, main = "", xlim = xlim)
if (addlines)
abline(v = seq(mean(iy[1:2]), mean(iy[(nbins-1):nbins]), length.out = nbins-1))"axis", c(list(side = colkeypar$side, mgp = c(3, 1, 0), las = 1),
if (is.null(side.clab))
title(main = clab, cex.main = cex.clab, col.main = col.clab,
line = line.clab, adj = adj.clab, font = font.clab)
else if (side.clab == 1)
title(xlab = clab, cex.lab = cex.clab, col.lab = col.clab,
line = line.clab, adj = adj.clab, font.lab = font.clab)
else if (side.clab == 2)
title(ylab = clab, cex.lab = cex.clab, col.lab = col.clab,
line = line.clab, adj = adj.clab, font.lab = font.clab)
else if (side.clab == 3)
title(main = clab, cex.main = cex.clab, col.main = col.clab,
line = line.clab, adj = adj.clab, font = font.clab)
else {
if (is.null(adj.clab))
adj.clab <- NA
if (is.null(line.clab))
line.clab <- 2
mtext(side = side.clab, text = clab, cex = cex.clab,
col = col.clab, line = line.clab, adj = adj.clab, font = font.clab)
if (clog) {
if (colkeypar$side %in% c(2, 4))
par (ylog = FALSE)
par (xlog = FALSE)
box(col = colkeypar$
par(plt = Plt)
par(usr = usr)
par(xlog = PP$xlog)
par(ylog = PP$ylog)
if (New)
par(new = FALSE)
## =============================================================================
## =============================================================================
## R-function to draw a color key
## =============================================================================
## =============================================================================
colkey <- function(col = NULL, clim, clab = NULL, clog = FALSE, add = FALSE,
cex.clab = NULL, col.clab = NULL, side.clab = NULL,
line.clab = NULL, adj.clab = NULL, font.clab = NULL,
side = 4, length = 1, width = 1,
dist = 0, shift = 0, addlines = FALSE,
breaks = NULL, at = NULL, labels = TRUE,
tick = TRUE, line = NA, pos = NA, outer = FALSE,
font = NA, lty = 1, lwd = 1, lwd.ticks = 1,
col.axis = NULL, col.ticks = NULL, = NULL,
hadj = NA, padj = NA, cex.axis = par("cex.axis"),
mgp = NULL, tck = NULL, tcl = NULL, las = NULL) {
if (is.null(col))
if (is.null(breaks))
col <- jet.col(100)
col <- jet.col(length(breaks) - 1)
breaks <- check.breaks(breaks, col)
if (! is.null(breaks))
clim <- range(breaks)
colkey <- list(side = side, plot = TRUE, length = length, width = width,
dist = dist, shift = shift, addlines = addlines,
cex.clab = cex.clab, col.clab = col.clab,
side.clab = side.clab, line.clab = line.clab, adj.clab = adj.clab,
font.clab = font.clab, breaks = breaks,
at = at, labels = labels, tick = tick, line = line,
pos = pos, outer = outer, font = font, lty = lty, lwd = lwd,
lwd.ticks = lwd.ticks, =, col.axis = col.axis,
col.ticks = col.ticks, hadj = hadj,
padj = padj, cex.axis = cex.axis,
mgp = mgp, tck = tck, tcl = tcl, las =las)
if (is.numeric(colkey$labels))
colkey$labels <- as.logical(colkey$labels)
if (is.null(colkey$side)) colkey$side <- 4
dw <- 0.03*colkey$width
parplt <- par("plt")
if (! add & colkey$side %in% c(1, 3)) {
py <- 0.5*(parplt[3] + parplt[4])
dp <- (parplt[2] - parplt[1]) * (1-colkey$length)/2
colkey$parleg <- c( parplt[1]+dp, parplt[2]-dp, py - dw/2, py+dw/2)
} else if (! add & colkey$side %in% c(2, 4)) {
px <- 0.5*(parplt[1] + parplt[2])
dp <- (parplt[4] - parplt[3])*(1-colkey$length)/2
colkey$parleg <- c( px - dw/2, px +dw/2, parplt[3]+dp, parplt[4]-dp)
} else colkey <- key.parleg(colkey, add = TRUE)
colkey$parplt <- parplt
if (clog)
clim <- log(clim)
drawcolkey (colkey, col, clim = clim, clab = clab,
clog = clog, New = add)
par(mar = par("mar")) # to prevent R from setting defaultplot = false
## =============================================================================
## checks the validity of the plotting arguments "plt"
## =============================================================================
check.plt <- function(plt) {
if (!(plt[1] < plt[2] & plt[3] < plt[4]))
stop("figure margins too large")
eps <- 1e-10
if (!(plt[1] > -eps & plt[2] < 1+eps & plt[3] > -eps & plt[4] < 1+eps))
stop("plot region too large")
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