## =============================================================================
## =============================================================================
## General utility functions
## =============================================================================
## =============================================================================
## =============================================================================
## Extend/average to embrace points, but not exceeding boundaries
## =============================================================================
extendvec <- function(x) {
ll <- length(x)
c(x[1] + 0.5*(x[1] - x[2]), x, x[ll] + 0.5*(x[ll] - x[ll-1]))
extend <- function(x, na.rm = TRUE) {
if (na.rm & any(
x <- rbind(x[1,], x, x[nrow(x),])
x <- cbind(x[,1], x, x[,ncol(x)])
ii <- 2:nrow(x)
jj <- 2:ncol(x)
0.25*(x[ii, jj] + x[ii-1, jj] + x[ii, jj-1] + x[ii-1, jj-1])
# extending, but ignoring the NAs <- function(x) {
x <- rbind(x[1,], x, x[nrow(x),])
x <- cbind(x[,1], x, x[,ncol(x)])
nisna <- !
x[!nisna] <- 0
ii <- 2:nrow(x)
jj <- 2:ncol(x)
Sum <- (x[ii, jj] + x[ii-1, jj] + x[ii, jj-1] + x[ii-1, jj-1])
Count <- nisna[ii, jj] + nisna[ii-1, jj] + nisna[ii, jj-1] + nisna[ii-1, jj-1]
Res <- Sum/Count
Res[is.nan(Res)] <- NA
} <- function(x) {
nisna <- !
x[!nisna] <- 0
nr <- nrow(x)
nc <- ncol(x)
Sum <- x[-1, -1] + x[-1, -nc] + x[-nr, -1] + x[-nr, -nc]
Count <- nisna[-1, -1] + nisna[-1, -nc] + nisna[-nr, -1] + nisna[-nr, -nc]
Res <- Sum/Count
Res[is.nan(Res)] <- NA
meangrid <- function(x, na.rm = FALSE) {
if (na.rm & any(
return(0.25*( x[-1, -1] + x[-1, -ncol(x)]
+ x[-nrow(x), -1] + x[-nrow(x), -ncol(x)]))
## =============================================================================
## something can be toggled off by putting it = FALSE, NA, NULL
## =============================================================================
ispresent <- function(var) {
if (length(var) > 1)
ispresent <- TRUE
if (is.null(var))
ispresent <- FALSE
else if (
ispresent <- FALSE
else if (length(var) == 1)
if (is.logical(var))
if (!var)
ispresent <- FALSE
## =============================================================================
## Segment function that allows for multiple lwd - not necessary? -not used
## =============================================================================
Segments <- function (x0, y0, x1, y1, col, lty, lwd, ...) {
nD <- length(x0)
doseg <- function(i, ...) {
lines (x = c(x0[i], x1[i]), y = c(y0[i], y1[i]),
col = col[i], lty = lty[i], lwd = lwd[i], ...)
lapply (1:nD, FUN = doseg)
## =============================================================================
## List to draw legend/contour
## =============================================================================
check.args <- function(ll) {
addit <- ! is.null(ll)
if (length(ll) == 0)
addit <- FALSE
else if (is.logical(ll[[1]]))
if (length(ll[[1]]) == 1)
if (ll[[1]] == FALSE)
addit <- FALSE
side <- "zmin"
if (addit) { # should have at least side argument
if (is.list(ll)) {
if (!is.null(ll$side))
side <- ll$side
ll$side <- NULL
} else ll <- list()
list(add = addit, side = side, args = ll)
## =============================================================================
## Segments to plot contours on bottom or top panel
## =============================================================================
contourfunc <- function(contour, x, y, z, plist, cv = NULL,
clim = range(cv), dDepth = NULL, addbox = TRUE) {
if (is.null(dDepth))
dDepth <- contour$args$dDepth
if (is.null(dDepth))
dDepth <- 1e-1
levels <- contour$args$levels
nlevels <- contour$args$nlevels
if (is.null (nlevels ))
nlevels <- 10
if (! is.null(contour$args$x))
x <- contour$args$x
if (! is.null(contour$args$y))
y <- contour$args$y
if (! is.null(contour$args$z))
z <- contour$args$z
contour$args$x <- contour$args$y <- contour$args$z <- NULL
if (is.null(cv))
cv <- z
contour$args$lighting <- contour$args$shade <- NULL
contour$args$levels <- contour$args$nlevels <- NULL
if (! is.null(levels))
line.list <-
contourLines(x, y, cv, levels = levels)
line.list <-contourLines(x, y, cv, nlevels = nlevels)
col <- contour$args$col
if (is.null(col))
col <- "black"
if (length(col) == 1)
col <- c(col, col)
crange <- diff(clim)
N <- length(col) -1
getcol <- function(v)
col[1 + trunc((v - clim[1])/crange*N)]
contour$args$col <- contour$args$dDepth <- NULL
segm <- NULL
for (side in contour$side) {
if (side == "zmin")
zz <- min(plist$zlim)
else if (side == "zmax")
zz <- max(plist$zlim)
else if (side == "z")
zz <- NULL
else if (!is.numeric(as.numeric(side)))
stop ("cannot add contour on side ", side)
zz <- as.numeric(side)
if (side == "z") { # contour *on* the persp plot
Nx <- length(x)
Ny <- length(y)
dx <- c(diff(x), 1) # 1= for last value
dy <- c(diff(y), 1)
for (i in 1:length(line.list)) {
xto <- line.list[[i]]$x
yto <- line.list[[i]]$y
# find embracing values : first interval
ix <- findInterval(xto, x)
iy <- findInterval(yto, y)
# next interval
ixp1 <- pmin(ix+1, Nx)
iyp1 <- pmin(iy+1, Ny)
# interpolation factor
xfac <- (xto-x[ix])/dx[ix]
yfac <- (yto-y[iy])/dy[iy]
# interpolate
zz <- (1-yfac)*((1-xfac)*z[cbind(ix,iy) ]+xfac*z[cbind(ixp1,iy)]) +
Col <- getcol(line.list[[i]]$level)
segm <-"addlines", c(alist(segm, line.list[[i]]$x, line.list[[i]]$y,
z = as.vector(zz), col = Col, plist = plist), contour$args))
} else
for (i in 1:length(line.list))
segm <-"addlines", c(alist(segm, line.list[[i]]$x,
line.list[[i]]$y, z = rep(zz, length(line.list[[i]]$x)),
col = getcol(line.list[[i]]$level), plist = plist), contour$args))
if (side != "z" & addbox)
segm <- addlines(segm, x = c(x[1], x[length(x)],x[length(x)], x[1], x[1]),
y = c(y[1], y[1], y[length(y)],y[length(y)], y[1]),
z = rep(zz, length.out = 5), col = "black", plist = plist)
segm$proj <- segm$proj + dDepth*plist$persp$expand # put it on foreground...
## =============================================================================
## polygons if image is to be drawn on bottom or top panel
## =============================================================================
XYimage <- function(poly, image, x, y, z, plist, col, breaks) {
if (is.null(image$args$col))
image$args$col <- col
if (! is.null(image$args$x))
x <- image$args$x
if (! is.null(image$args$y))
y <- image$args$y
if (! is.null(image$args$z))
z <- image$args$z
image$args$x <- image$args$y <- image$args$z <- NULL
lwd <- image$args$lwd
if (is.null(lwd))
lwd <- 1
lty <- image$args$lty
if (is.null(lty))
lty <- 1
image$args$lwd <- image$args$lty <- NULL
for (side in image$side) {
if (side == "zmin")
zz <- plist$zlim[1]
else if (side == "zmax")
zz <- plist$zlim[2]
else if (!is.numeric(as.numeric(side)))
stop ("cannot add image on side ", side)
zz <- as.numeric(side)
zmat <- matrix(nrow = length(x), ncol = length(y), data = zz)
poly <-"addimg", c(alist(poly, x, y, z = zmat,
colvar = z, breaks = breaks, plist = plist, lwd = lwd, lty = lty), image$args))
## =============================================================================
## Functions that account for occurrence of decreasing values...
## =============================================================================
FindInterval <- function(x, vec, ...) {
if (all(diff(vec) < 0)) {
vec <- rev(vec)
res <- c(length(vec):1) [findInterval(x, vec, ...)]-1
} else
res <- findInterval(x, vec, ...)
res [ res == 0] <- 1
## .. and of NAs
Approx <- function(x, y, ...) {
if (all(
return(list(y = rep(NA, length = length(y)), x = y))
if (diff(range(x, na.rm = TRUE)) == 0)
warning("Warning in approx: all 'x' values are the same")
if (any(, y)))) {
ii <- unique(c(which(, which(
x <- x[-ii]
y <- y[-ii]
approx(x, y, ...)
## =============================================================================
## =============================================================================
## expands a sorted index list to matrix rows and columns
## =============================================================================
## =============================================================================
expand.sort <- function(sortlist, Dim) {
# can be improved!
II <- matrix(nrow = Dim[1], ncol = Dim[2], data = 1:Dim[1])
ix <- II[sortlist] # indices to x-values in sorted list
II <- matrix(nrow = Dim[1], ncol = Dim[2], data = 1:Dim[2], byrow =TRUE)
iy <- II[sortlist] # indices to y-values in sorted list
list(x = ix, y = iy)
## =============================================================================
## =============================================================================
## Projection depth
## =============================================================================
## =============================================================================
project <- function (x, y, z, plist, ignorez = TRUE) {
if (is.null(plist))
stop("a 3D plot has not yet been created")
if (ignorez) z <- 0 # it is done like this in persp (plot.c)
TV <- cbind(as.vector(x), as.vector(y), as.vector(z), 1) %*% plist$mat
return (-TV[ ,4])
## =============================================================================
## =============================================================================
## wrapper over trans3d that returns arrays with original dimensions
## =============================================================================
## =============================================================================
trans3D <- function(x, y, z, pmat) {
# trans3d expects vectors as input
XX <- trans3d(x = as.vector(x), y = as.vector(y), z = as.vector(z),
pmat = pmat)
# convert x- and y to an array with original dimensions
if (! is.vector(x)) {
XX$x <- array(dim = dim(x), data = XX$x)
XX$y <- array(dim = dim(x), data = XX$y)
## =============================================================================
## =============================================================================
## Function to change the resolution of matrices -
## =============================================================================
## =============================================================================
changeres <- function(resfac, x, y, z, colvar = NULL, na.rm = FALSE) {
if (is.matrix(x))
return(changeres_mat(resfac, x, y, z, colvar, na.rm))
return(changeres_vec(resfac, x, y, z, colvar, na.rm))
changeres_vec <- function(resfac, x, y, z, colvar = NULL, na.rm = FALSE) {
resfac <- abs(rep(resfac, length.out = 2))
diffx <- diff(x)
diffy <- diff(y)
XX <- x
YY <- y
RX <- 1/resfac[1]
RY <- 1/resfac[2]
if (resfac[1] > 1)
for (i in 1: (resfac[1]-1))
XX <- c(XX, x[-length(x)] + diffx * i*RX)
else if (resfac[1] < 0.99)
XX <- x[as.integer(seq(1, nrow(z), length.out = nrow(z)*resfac[1]))]
if (resfac[2] > 1)
for (i in 1: (resfac[2]-1))
YY <- c(YY, y[-length(y)] + diffy * i*RY)
else if (resfac[2] < 0.99)
YY <- y[as.integer(seq(1, ncol(z), length.out = ncol(z)*resfac[2]))]
XX <- unique(sort(XX))
YY <- unique(sort(YY))
z <- remapxy(z, x = x, y = y, xto = XX, yto = YY, na.rm)
if (! is.null(colvar))
colvar <- remapxy(colvar, x = x, y = y, xto = XX, yto = YY, na.rm)
list(x = XX, y = YY, z = z, colvar = colvar)
changeres_mat <- function(resfac, x, y, z, colvar = NULL, na.rm = FALSE) {
resfac <- abs(rep(resfac, length.out = 2))
xx <- 1:nrow(z)
yy <- 1:ncol(z)
XX <- changeres(resfac, xx, yy, x)$z
YY <- changeres(resfac, xx, yy, y)$z
RR <- changeres(resfac, xx, yy, z, colvar)
list(x = XX, y = YY, z = RR$z, colvar = RR$colvar)
## =============================================================================
## Maps a matrix 'z' from (x, y) to (xto, yto) by linear 2-D interpolation
## =============================================================================
remapxy <- function(z, x, y, xto, yto, na.rm = FALSE) {
if (na.rm & any(
return(remapxyNA (z, x = x, y = y, xto = xto, yto = yto))
# a simple function with linear interpolation - only for x and y a vector
Nx <- length(x)
Ny <- length(y)
dx <- c(diff(x), 1) # 1= for last value
dy <- c(diff(y), 1)
# find embracing values : first interval
ix <- FindInterval(xto, x)
iy <- FindInterval(yto, y)
# interpolation factor
xfac <- (xto-x[ix])/dx[ix]
yfac <- (yto-y[iy])/dy[iy]
# expand for all combinations..
gg <- expand.grid(ix, iy)
ix <- gg[,1]
iy <- gg[,2]
# next interval
ixp1 <- pmin(ix+1, Nx)
iyp1 <- pmin(iy+1, Ny)
gg <- expand.grid(xfac, yfac)
xfac <- gg[,1]
yfac <- gg[,2]
# interpolate
M <-(1-yfac)*((1-xfac)*z[cbind(ix,iy) ]+xfac*z[cbind(ixp1,iy)]) +
return (matrix(nrow = length(xto), ncol = length(yto), data = M))
remapxyNA <- function(z, x, y, xto, yto) {
Nx <- length(x)
Ny <- length(y)
dx <- c(diff(x), 1)
dy <- c(diff(y), 1)
ix <- FindInterval(xto, x)
iy <- FindInterval(yto, y)
xfac <- (xto - x[ix])/dx[ix]
yfac <- (yto - y[iy])/dy[iy]
gg <- expand.grid(ix, iy)
ix <- gg[, 1]
iy <- gg[, 2]
ixp1 <- pmin(ix + 1, Nx)
iyp1 <- pmin(iy + 1, Ny)
gg <- expand.grid(xfac, yfac)
xfac <- gg[, 1]
yfac <- gg[, 2]
f <- zz <- matrix(nrow = length(xfac), ncol = 4)
zz[ , 1] <- z[cbind(ix, iy)]
f[ , 1] <- (1 - yfac) *(1 - xfac)
zz[,2] <- z[cbind(ix, iyp1)]
f[,2] <- yfac * (1 - xfac)
f[,3] <- (1 - yfac) * xfac
zz[,3] <- z[cbind(ixp1, iy)]
f[,4] <- yfac * xfac
zz[,4] <- z[cbind(ixp1, iyp1)]
naii <-
f[naii] <- 0
zz[naii] <- 0
rows <- rowSums(f)
f <- f/rowSums(f)
M <- f[,1] * zz[,1] + f[,2] * zz[,2] + f[,3] * zz[,3] + f[,4] * zz[,4]
return(matrix(nrow = length(xto), ncol = length(yto), data = M))
## =============================================================================
## =============================================================================
## Colors
## =============================================================================
## =============================================================================
## =============================================================================
## Generates color vector based on variable values
## =============================================================================
variablecol <- function(colvar, col, NAcol, clim, breaks) {
if (is.null(breaks)) {
ncol <- length(col)
colvar[colvar < min(clim)] <- NA
colvar[colvar > max(clim)] <- NA
rn <- clim[2] - clim[1]
ifelse (rn != 0, Col <- col[1 + trunc((colvar - clim[1])/rn *
(ncol - 1)+1e-15)], Col <- rep(col[1], ncol)) # + tiny: since R 3.2.2
} else {
zi <- .bincode(colvar, breaks, TRUE, TRUE)
Col <- col[zi]
Col[] <- NAcol
## =============================================================================
## Check/extend colors for NAs and adapt range
## =============================================================================
checkcolors <- function(colvar, col, NAcol, lim) {
colvar[colvar < min(lim)] <- NA
colvar[colvar > max(lim)] <- NA
if (length(col) == 1)
col <- c(col, col)
N <- length(col) - 1
col <- c(NAcol, col)
rr <- diff(lim)
if (rr == 0)
rr <- lim[1] *1e-3
colvar[] <- lim[1] - 1/N*rr
lim [1] <- lim[1] - 1/N*rr
list(col = col, colvar = colvar, lim = lim)
## =============================================================================
## Colors for facets and border
## =============================================================================
createcolors <- function(isfacets, border, Cols) {
isnaborder <- FALSE
if (length(border) > 0)
isnaborder <-
if ( {
if (isnaborder)
border <- Cols
Cols[] <- NA
} else if (isfacets) { # facets added
if (isnaborder) {
border <- Cols
border[] <- NA
} else {
if ( # no facets
border <- Cols
Cols[] <- "white"
if (length(border ) == 1) {
bb <- border
border <- Cols
border[] <- bb
list(border = border, facet = Cols)
## =============================================================================
## check dimensionality of colvar and colors - for inttype = 2
## =============================================================================
check.colvar.2 <- function(colvar, z, col, clim, alpha) {
iscolvar <- ispresent(colvar)
if (iscolvar) {
if (any (dim(colvar) - dim(z)) != 0)
stop("dimension of 'colvar' should be equal to dimension of 'z'")
if (! is.null(clim)) {
if (length(clim) != 2)
stop("'clim' should be a two-valued vector with the ranges of 'colvar'")
colvar[colvar < min(clim)] <- NA
colvar[colvar > max(clim)] <- NA
# check colors
if (length(col) == 1)
if (
col <- NULL
if (is.null(col))
col <- jet.col(100)
if (length(col) == 1) {
col <- c(col, col)
} else {
if (is.null(col))
col <- rep("grey", 2)
col <- rep(col[1], 2) # take first color
if (! is.null(alpha))
col <- setalpha(col, alpha)
list(colvar = colvar, col = col)
## =============================================================================
## check dimensionality of colvar and colors
## =============================================================================
check.colvar.persp <- function(colvar, z, col, inttype, clim, alpha) {
iscolvar <- ispresent(colvar)
if (iscolvar) {
if (inttype == 2 & any (dim(colvar) - dim(z)) != 0)
stop("dimension of 'colvar' should be equal to dimension of 'z'")
else if (inttype != 2){
if (all (dim(colvar) - dim(z)) == 0)
colvar <- meangrid(colvar, inttype == 3) # averages of colvar
else if (any (dim(colvar) - dim(z) != -1))
stop("dimension of 'colvar' should be equal to dimension of 'z' or have one row and one column less")
if (! is.null(clim)) {
if (length(clim) != 2)
stop("'clim' should be a two-valued vector with the ranges of 'colvar'")
colvar[colvar < min(clim)] <- NA
colvar[colvar > max(clim)] <- NA
# check colors
if (length(col) == 1)
if (
col <- NULL
if (is.null(col))
col <- jet.col(100)
if (length(col) == 1) {
col <- c(col, col)
} else {
if (is.null(col))
col <- rep("grey", 2)
col <- rep(col[1], 2) # take first color
if (! is.null(alpha))
col <- setalpha(col, alpha)
list(colvar = colvar, col = col)
## =============================================================================
## ranges, scaling factors
## =============================================================================
setlim <- function(xlim, ylim, zlim, scale, expand) {
if (is.null(scale))
scale <- TRUE
if (is.null(expand))
expand <- 1
xs <- 0.5 *abs(diff(xlim))
ys <- 0.5 *abs(diff(ylim))
zs <- 0.5 *abs(diff(zlim))
xc <- 0.5 *sum(xlim)
yc <- 0.5 *sum(ylim)
zc <- 0.5 *sum(zlim)
if (! scale) {
ss <- max (xs, ys, zs)
xs <- ss; ys <- ss; zs <- ss
xs <- ifelse (xs == 0, 1, 1 / xs)
ys <- ifelse (ys == 0, 1, 1 / ys)
zs <- ifelse (zs == 0, 1, expand / zs)
list(x = xs, y = ys, z = zs, xc = xc, yc = yc, zc = zc, expand = expand)
## =============================================================================
## Shade and lighting-related parameters
## =============================================================================
check.shade <- function(shadedots, lighting) {
if (is.null(shadedots$lphi))
shadedots$lphi <- 0
if ($lphi))
shadedots$lphi <- 0
if (is.null(shadedots$ltheta))
shadedots$ltheta <- -135
if ($ltheta))
shadedots$ltheta <- -135
shadedots$type <- "none"
if (! is.null(lighting)) {
if (is.character(lighting))
shadedots$type <- "light"
else if (is.logical(lighting)) {
if (lighting)
shadedots$type <- "light"
} else if (is.list(lighting)) {
if (!is.null(lighting$type))
shadedots$type <- lighting$type
shadedots$type <- "light"
lighting$type <- NULL
shadedots <- c(shadedots, lighting)
if (! is.null(shadedots$shade))
if (!$shade) & shadedots$type == "none") # lighting overrules shade
shadedots$type <- "shade"
if (is.null(shadedots$shade))
shadedots$shade <- NA
return (shadedots)
## =============================================================================
## Split dots in part related to persp/other + set clog, labels
## =============================================================================
splitdotpersp <- function(dots, bty = "b", lighting = NULL,
x = NULL, y = NULL, z = NULL, plist = NULL,
shade = NA, lphi = 0, ltheta = -135, breaks) {
dots$bty <- bty
namespersp <- c("xlim", "ylim", "zlim", "xlab", "ylab", "zlab",
"main", "sub", "r", "d", "scale", "expand","box", "axes",
"nticks", "ticktype", "col.ticks", "lwd.ticks", "bty",
"cex.axis", "col.axis", "font.axis", "xaxs", "yaxs",
"col.panel", "lwd.panel", "col.grid", "lwd.grid",
"cex.lab", "col.lab", "font.lab",
"cex.main", "col.main", "font.main", "alpha")
setlim <- c(!is.null(dots$xlim), !is.null(dots$ylim), ! is.null(dots$zlim))
# log of color variable
clog <- dots$clog
if (is.null(clog)) {
clog <- FALSE
if (! is.null(dots[["log"]])) {
if (length(grep("c", dots[["log"]])) > 0) {
dots[["log"]] <- gsub("c", "", dots[["log"]])
if (dots[["log"]] == "")
dots[["log"]] <- NULL
clog <- TRUE
if (clog & ! is.null(breaks)) {
warning("cannot combine log = 'c' and 'breaks' - removing log = 'c'")
clog <- FALSE
# labels
if (is.null(dots$xlab))
dots$xlab <- "x"
if (is.null(dots$ylab))
dots$ylab <- "y"
if (is.null(dots$zlab))
dots$zlab <- "z"
# ranges
if (! is.null(plist)) {
dots$xlim <- plist$xlim
dots$ylim <- plist$ylim
dots$zlim <- plist$zlim
scalefac <- plist$scalefac
} else if (! is.null(x)) {
if (is.null(dots$xlim))
dots$xlim <- range(x, na.rm = TRUE)
if (is.null(dots$ylim))
dots$ylim <- range(y, na.rm = TRUE)
if (is.null(dots$zlim))
dots$zlim <- range(z, na.rm = TRUE)
scalefac <- setlim (dots$xlim, dots$ylim, dots$zlim, dots$scale, dots$expand)
} else
scalefac <- list(x = NULL, y = NULL, z = NULL, xc = NULL, yc = NULL, zc = NULL)
# shade and lighting parameters
shadedots <- list(ltheta = ltheta, lphi = lphi, shade = shade)
shadedots <- check.shade(shadedots, lighting)
Persp <- c(dots[ names(dots) %in% namespersp], clog = clog, setlim = setlim)
if (! is.null(dots$alpha)) {
if (! is.numeric(dots$alpha))
stop("'alpha' should be numeric")
if (length(dots$alpha) > 1)
stop("'alpha' should be one number")
if (dots$alpha < 0 | dots$alpha > 1)
stop("'alpha' should be a number inbetween 0 and 1")
list(persp = Persp,
points = dots[!names(dots) %in% c(namespersp, "clog", "alpha")],
shade = c(shadedots, xs = scalefac$x, ys = scalefac$y, zs = scalefac$z,
alpha = dots$alpha),
clog = clog, alpha = dots$alpha)
## =============================================================================
## Expanding arguments in dots (...)
## =============================================================================
repdots <- function(dots, n) {
if (is.function(dots)) {
} else
return(rep(dots, length.out = n))
expandsortdots <- function(dot, sortlist) {
ls <- length(sortlist)
expsort <- function(dot) {
if (length(dot) > 1)
rep(dot, length.out = ls) [sortlist]
lapply(dot, expsort)
setdots <- function(dots, n)
lapply(dots, repdots, n)
## =============================================================================
## Extracting element 'index' from dots (...)
## =============================================================================
extractdots <- function(dots, index) {
ret <- lapply(dots, "[", index)
ret <- lapply(ret, unlist) # flatten list
## =============================================================================
## set mfrow and ask
## =============================================================================
setplotpar <- function(ldots, nv, ask) {
nmdots <- names(ldots)
# nv = number of variables to plot
if (!any(match(nmdots, c("mfrow", "mfcol"), nomatch = 0))) {
nc <- min(ceiling(sqrt(nv)), 3)
nr <- min(ceiling(nv/nc), 3)
mfrow <- c(nr, nc)
} else if ("mfcol" %in% nmdots)
mfrow <- rev(ldots$mfcol)
mfrow <- ldots$mfrow
if (! is.null(mfrow))
mf <- par(mfrow = mfrow)
## interactively wait if there are remaining figures
if (is.null(ask))
ask <- prod(par("mfrow")) < nv && dev.interactive()
## =============================================================================
## Split plotting parameters in general (main) and point parameters
## =============================================================================
splitpardots <- function(dots) {
clog <- dots$clog
if (is.null(clog)) {
clog <- FALSE
if (! is.null(dots$log)) {
if (length(grep("c", dots[["log"]])) > 0) {
dots[["log"]] <- gsub("c", "", dots[["log"]])
if (dots[["log"]] == "")
dots[["log"]] <- NULL
clog <- TRUE
nmdots <- names(dots)
# plotting parameters : split in plot parameters and point parameters
plotnames <- c("xlab", "ylab", "zlab", "xlim", "ylim", "zlim",
"main", "sub", "log", "asp", "bty",
"xaxs", "yaxs", "xaxt", "yaxt", "breaks",
"ann", "axes", "frame.plot", "panel.first", "panel.last",
"cex.lab", "col.lab", "font.lab", "las", "tck", "tcl", "mgp",
"cex.axis", "col.axis", "font.axis",
"cex.main", "col.main", "font.main")
# plot.default parameters
ii <- names(dots) %in% plotnames
dotmain <- dots[ii]
# point parameters
ip <- !names(dots) %in% c(plotnames, "add", "clog", "alpha")
dotpoints <- dots[ip]
# alpha
if (! is.null(dots$alpha)) {
if (! is.numeric(dots$alpha))
stop("'alpha' should be numeric")
if (length(dots$alpha) > 1)
stop("'alpha' should be one number")
if (dots$alpha < 0 | dots$alpha > 1)
stop("'alpha' should be a number inbetween 0 and 1")
list (points = dotpoints, main = dotmain, add = dots$add,
clog = clog, alpha = dots$alpha)
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