
Defines functions plotmo.prolog.model_fit plotmo.predict.svm plotmo.predict.bagging plotmo.predict.boosting plotmo.predict.biglm possible.biglm.warning plotmo.pairs.randomForest plotmo.singles.randomForest order.randomForest.vars.on.importance plotmo.y.varmod plotmo.x.varmod plotmo.type.varmod get.lda.yhat plotmo.predict.qda plotmo.predict.lda plotmo.type.qda plotmo.type.lda plotmo.predict.cosso plotmo.type.cosso plotmo.predict.quantregForest plotmo.predict.mvr plotmo.predict.lars plotmo.type.lars plotmo.predict.clm plotmo.type.clm plotmo.predict.bruto plotmo.type.bruto plotmo.x.mars

# methods.R: plotmo method functions for miscellaneous objects

plotmo.x.mars <- function(object, trace, ...) # mda package
    # like plotmo.x.default but ignore object$x
    get.x.or.y(object, "x", trace, try.object.x.or.y=FALSE)
plotmo.type.bruto <- function(object, ..., TRACE) "fitted"

plotmo.predict.bruto <- function(object, newdata, type, ..., TRACE) # mda package
    # TODO fails: predict.bruto returned a response of the wrong length
    plotmo.predict.defaultm(object, newdata, type=type, ..., TRACE=TRACE)
plotmo.type.clm <- function(object, ..., TRACE) "prob" # ordinal package

plotmo.predict.clm <- function(object, newdata, type, ..., TRACE) # ordinal package
    as.data.frame(plotmo.predict.default(object, newdata, type=type, ..., TRACE=TRACE))
plotmo.type.lars <- function(object, ..., TRACE) "fit"

plotmo.predict.lars <- function(object, newdata, type, ..., TRACE) # lars package
    # newx for predict.lars must be a matrix not a dataframe,
    # so here we use plotmo.predict.defaultm (not plotmo.predict.default)
    plotmo.predict.defaultm(object, newdata, type=type, ..., TRACE=TRACE)$fit
plotmo.predict.mvr <- function(object, newdata, type, ..., TRACE) # pls package
    # the following calls predict.mvr
    y <- plotmo.predict.default(object, newdata, type=type, ..., TRACE=TRACE)
    dim <- dim(y)
    if(length(dim) == 3) { # type="response" returns a 3 dimensional array
        if(dim[2] != 1)
            stop0("multiple response models are not supported")
        y <- y[,1,]
plotmo.predict.quantregForest <- function(object, newdata, ..., TRACE)
    # the following calls predict.quantregForest
    plotmo.predict.default(object, newdata, def.quantiles=.5, ..., TRACE=TRACE)
# plotmo.type.cosso works only if before calling plotmo
# you manually do class(cosso.object) <- "cosso"
plotmo.type.cosso <- function(object, ..., TRACE) "fit" # cosso package

plotmo.predict.cosso <- function(object, newdata, type, ..., TRACE)
    # xnew for predict.cosso must be a matrix not a dataframe,
    # so here we use plotmo.predict.defaultm (not plotmo.predict.default).
    # We default M so first time users can call plotmo easily.
    yhat <- plotmo.predict.defaultm(object, newdata, type=type,
                         def.M=min(ncol(newdata), 2), ..., TRACE=TRACE)
    stopifnot(NCOL(yhat) == 1)
    # class(yhat) is "predict.cosso" but that chokes as.data.frame later
    class(yhat) <- "vector"
plotmo.type.lda <- function(object, ..., TRACE) "class"

plotmo.type.qda <- function(object, ..., TRACE) "class"

plotmo.predict.lda <- function(object, newdata, type, ..., TRACE) # MASS package
    # the following calls predict.lda
    yhat <- plotmo.predict.default(object, newdata, ..., TRACE=TRACE)
    get.lda.yhat(object, yhat, type, trace=0)
plotmo.predict.qda <- function(object, newdata, type, ..., TRACE) # MASS package
    # the following calls predict.qda
    yhat <- plotmo.predict.default(object, newdata, ..., TRACE=TRACE)
    get.lda.yhat(object, yhat, type, trace=0)
# Special handling for MASS lda and qda predicted response, which
# is a data.frame with fields "class", "posterior", and "x".
# Here we use plotmo's type argument to choose a field.

get.lda.yhat <- function(object, yhat, type, trace)
    yhat1 <- switch(match.choices(type,
                        c("class", "posterior", "response", "ld"), "type"),
           class     = yhat$class, # default
           posterior = yhat$posterior,
           response  = yhat$x,
           ld        = {
                    warning0("type=\"ld\" is deprecated for lda and qda models");
    if(is.null(yhat1)) {
        msg <- paste0(
            if(!is.null(yhat$x)) "type=\"response\" " else "",
            if(!is.null(yhat$class)) "type=\"class\" " else "",
            if(!is.null(yhat$posterior)) "type=\"posterior\" " else "")
        stop0("type=\"", type, "\" is not allowed for predict.",
              class(object)[1], ".  ",
              if(nzchar(msg)) paste("Use one of:", msg) else "",
plotmo.type.varmod <- function(object, ..., TRACE) "se"

plotmo.x.varmod <- function(object, trace, ...)
    attr(object$parent, ".Environment") <-
        get.model.env(object$parent, "object$parent", trace)
    plotmo.x(object$parent, trace)
plotmo.y.varmod <- function(object, trace, naked, expected.len, nresponse, ...)
    attr(object$residmod, ".Environment") <-
        get.model.env(object$residmod, "object$residmod", trace)
    plotmo.y(object$residmod, trace, naked, expected.len, nresponse)
order.randomForest.vars.on.importance <- function(object, x, trace)
    importance <- object$importance
    colnames <- colnames(importance)
    if(!is.matrix(importance) ||    # sanity checks
       nrow(importance) == 0  ||
       !identical(row.names(importance), colnames(x)) ||
       is.null(colnames)) {
        warning0("object$importance is invalid")
    colname <-
        if("%IncMSE" %in% colnames)                   # regression model:
            "%IncMSE"                                 #     importance=TRUE
        else if("IncNodePurity" %in% colnames)
            "IncNodePurity"                           #     importance=FALSE
        else if("MeanDecreaseAccuracy" %in% colnames) # classification model:
            "MeanDecreaseAccuracy"                    #     importance=TRUE
        else if("MeanDecreaseGini" %in% colnames)
            "MeanDecreaseGini"                        #     importance=FALSE
        else {
            warning0("column names of object$importance are unrecognized")
    if(trace > 0)
        printf("randomForest built with importance=%s, ranking variables on %s\n",
               if(colname == "%IncMSE" || colname == "MeanDecreaseAccuracy")
                   "TRUE" else "FALSE",

    # vector of var indices, most important vars first
    order(importance[,colname], decreasing=TRUE)
plotmo.singles.randomForest <- function(object, x, nresponse, trace, all1, ...)
    importance <- order.randomForest.vars.on.importance(object, x, trace)
        seq_len(NCOL(x)) # all variables
    # 10 most important variables
    # (10 becauses plotmo.pairs returns 6, total is 16, therefore 4x4 grid)
    importance[seq_len(min(10, length(importance)))]
plotmo.pairs.randomForest <- function(object, x, ...)
        stop0("object has no 'forest' component ",
              "(use keep.forest=TRUE in the call to randomForest)")
    importance <- order.randomForest.vars.on.importance(object, x, trace=FALSE)
    # choose npairs so a total of no more than 16 plots
    # npairs=5 gives 10 pairplots, npairs=4 gives 6 pairplots
    npairs <- if(length(importance) <= 6) 5 else 4
    form.pairs(importance[1: min(npairs, length(importance))])
possible.biglm.warning <- function(object, trace)
    if(inherits(object, "biglm")) {
        n <- check.integer.scalar(object$n, min=1)
        y <- plotmo.y.default(object, trace, naked=TRUE, expected.len=NULL)$field
        if(NROW(y) != n)
            warnf("plotting %g cases but the model was built with %g cases\n",
                  NROW(y), n)
plotmo.predict.biglm <- function(object, newdata, type, ..., TRACE) # biglm package
    # predict.biglm: newdata must include the response even though it isn't needed
    # The following extracts the response from the formula, converts it to a
    # string, then "nakens" it (converts e.g. "log(Volume)" to plain "Volume").
    resp.name <- naken.collapse(format(formula(object)[[2]]))
    if(TRACE >= 1)
        printf("plotmo.predict.biglm: adding dummy response \"%s\" to newdata\n",
    data <- data.frame(NONESUCH.RESPONSE=1, newdata)
    colnames(data) <- c(resp.name, colnames(newdata))
    plotmo.predict.default(object, data, type=type, ..., TRACE=TRACE)
plotmo.predict.boosting <- function(object, newdata,  # adabag package
    type="prob", newmfinal=length(object$trees), ...)
    stopifnot(inherits(object, "boosting") || inherits(object, "bagging"))
    predict <- predict(object, newdata=newdata, newmfinal=newmfinal, ...)
    # adabag (version 4.0) returns a list, so use the type arg to select what we want
    # note that data.frames are lists, hence must check both below
    if(is.list(predict) && !is.data.frame(predict))
        predict <-
            switch(match.arg(type, c("response", "votes", "prob", "class")),
                response = predict$prob, # plotmo default, same as prob
                votes    = predict$votes,
                prob     = predict$prob,
                class    = predict$class)

    stopifnot(!is.null(predict), NROW(predict) == NROW(newdata))
plotmo.predict.bagging <- function(object, newdata,  # adabag package
    type="prob", newmfinal=length(object$trees), ...)
    plotmo.predict.boosting(object, newdata=newdata,
                            type=type, newmfinal=newmfinal, ...)
plotmo.predict.svm <- function(object, newdata, type, ..., TRACE) # package e1071

    # treat warnings as errors (to catch if user didn't specify
    # probability when building the model)
    old.warn <- getOption("warn")

    predict <- plotmo.predict.default(object, newdata=newdata,
                                      ..., TRACE=TRACE) # no type arg

    probabilities   <- attr(predict, "probabilities")
    decision.values <- attr(predict, "decision.values")
    if(!is.null(decision.values) && !is.null(probabilities))
        stop0("predict.svm: specify either 'decision.values' or 'probability' (not both)")
    if(!is.null(decision.values))      # user specified decision.values
    else if(!is.null(probabilities)) # user specified probability
plotmo.prolog.model_fit <- function(object, object.name, trace, ...) # parsnip package
    # sanity check: that it is indeed a parnsip model
    if(!is.list(object[["spec"]]) || !is.list(object[["fit"]]))
        stop0("unrecognized \"model_fit\" object (was expecting a parsnip model)")

    # USE.SUBMODEL is an undocumented plotmo dots argument, default is TRUE
    # TODO this is supposed to be temporary solution
    use.submodel <- dota("USE.SUBMODEL", DEF=TRUE, ...)

# TODO Following commented out because polyreg is not supported by plotmo
# So with this commented out we support plotmo(fda.object)
# but not plotmo(fda.object$fit).
# If it were not commented out, we would support neither.
# plotmo.singles.fda <- function(object, x, nresponse, trace, all1, ...)
# {
#     trace2(trace, "Invoking plotmo_x for embedded fda object\n")
#     x <- plotmo_x(object$fit, trace)
#     plotmo.singles(object$fit, x, nresponse, trace, all1)
# }
# plotmo.pairs.fda <- function(object, x, nresponse, trace, all2, ...)
# {
#     trace2(trace, "Invoking plotmo_x for embedded fda object\n")
#     x <- plotmo_x(object$fit, trace)
#     plotmo.pairs(object$fit, x, nresponse, trace, all2)
# }

# # Simple interface for the AMORE package.
# # Thanks to Bernard Nolan and David Lorenz for these.
# # Commented out so we don't have to include AMORE in plotmo's DESCRIPTION file.
# plotmo.x.MLPnet <- function(object, ...)
# {
#     get("P", pos=1)
# }
# plotmo.y.MLPnet <- function(object, ...)
# {
#     get("T", pos=1)
# }
# plotmo.predict.MLPnet <- function(object, newdata, type, ..., TRACE)
# {
#     # the following calls AMORE::sim.MLPnet
#     plotmo.predict.default(object, newdata, func=AMORE::sim.MLPnet, ..., TRACE=TRACE)
# }

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plotmo documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:19 p.m.