
Defines functions get.and.check.subset possibly.convert.glm.two.column.response convert.glm.response.factor is.nomial convert.glm.response handle.nonvector.vars cleanup.x.or.y check.naked is.naked naken.formula.string process.formula formula.as.char.with.check get.model.formula get.index.of.formula.arg.in.call isa.formula get.iresponse.col get.data.for.model.frame get.model.frame get.x.or.y.from.model.frame get.argn.from.call.aux get.argn.from.call get.data.from.object.call.field get.object.x.or.y.field format.err.field errmsg.for.get.x.or.y trace.data is.good.data is.errmsg get.x.or.y plotmo.y.default plotmo.y plotmo_y plotmo.x.default plotmo.x plotmo_x

Documented in plotmo.x plotmo_y plotmo.y plotmo.y.default

# xy.R: get a model's x or y (the plotmo_x and plotmo_y functions)
# Tracing is verbose and error messages are detailed throughout this
# file, to facilitate diagnosis when a model doesn't work with plotmo.

# Return the "x" matrix for a model.  This returns a data.frame which
# always has column names.  It tries hard to get x regardless of the model.
# It can be used for models without a formula, provided that getCall(object)
# or model$x is available.
# The returned columns are for the "naked" predictors e.g. "x3" instead of
# "ns(x3,4)".  Column names are manufactured when necessary, as "x1",
# "x2", etc.  This is needed for example for rpart(x,y) where x does not
# have column names.
# It can handle sparse matrices from the Matrix package.  These get
# returned as a (non sparse) data.frame.
# If stringsAsFactors=FALSE, strings do not get converted to factors.

plotmo_x <- function(object, trace, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
    trace2(trace, "--plotmo_x for %s object\n", class.as.char(object))

    x <- plotmo.x(object, trace)

    do.subset <- TRUE
    # plotmo.x.default returns list(field, do.subset), so handle that
    if(is.list(x) && !is.data.frame(x) && !is.null(x$do.subset)) {
        do.subset <- check.boolean(x$do.subset)
        x <- x$field
    # Following are mainly for when plotmo.x didn't invoke plotmo.x.default.
    # It shouldn't be needed but is included here to make sure.
    x <- cleanup.x.or.y(object, x, "x", trace, check.naked=FALSE)
    stopifnot(is.good.data(x, "plotmo_x", check.colnames=FALSE))

    x <- my.data.frame(x, trace, stringsAsFactors)

    if(do.subset) {
        subset <- get.and.check.subset(x, object, trace)
        if(!is.null(subset)) {
            trace2(trace, "subset applied to x[%d,%d] ", NROW(x), NCOL(x))
            x <- x[subset, , drop=FALSE]
            trace2(trace, "to yield x[%d,%d]\n", NROW(x), NCOL(x))
    colnames(x) <- gen.colnames(x, "x", "x", trace)
    print_summary(x, "plotmo_x returned", trace)
plotmo.x <- function(object, trace, ...)
    # returns x or list(field=x, do.subset=do.subset)
plotmo.x.default <- function(object, trace, ...)
    # returns list(field=x, do.subset=do.subset)
    get.x.or.y(object, "x", trace, naked=TRUE)
# plotmo_y is similar to model.response but can handle models
# that were created without a formula.
# For more details on the args and return value, see process.y.
# If nresponse is not NULL we return the naked response variables
# e.g. Volume not log(Volume).
# If convert.glm.response=TRUE and the model is a glm model we may
# convert the response.  See convert.glm.response() for details.

plotmo_y <- function(object, nresponse=NULL, trace=0,
                     expected.len=NULL, resp.levs=NULL,
    trace2(trace, "--plotmo_y with nresponse=%s for %s object\n",
           if(is.null(nresponse)) "NULL" else format(nresponse),
    y <- plotmo.y(object, trace, naked=FALSE, expected.len, nresponse)
    do.subset <- TRUE
    # plotmo.y.default returns list(field, do.subset), so handle that
    if(is.list(y) && !is.data.frame(y) && !is.null(y$do.subset)) {
        do.subset <- check.boolean(y$do.subset)
        y         <- y$field
        y <- convert.glm.response(object, y, trace)
    if(do.subset) {
        subset <- get.and.check.subset(y, object, trace)
        if(!is.null(subset)) {
            trace2(trace, "subset applied to y[%d,%d] ", NROW(y), NCOL(y))
            y <- if(is.null(dim(y))) y[subset] else y[subset, , drop=FALSE]
            trace2(trace, "to yield y[%d,%d]\n", NROW(y), NCOL(y))
    process.y(y, object, type="response", nresponse,
              expected.len, resp.levs, trace, "plotmo_y")
# Note that the naked argument is irrelevant unless the response was
# specified with a wrapper function like log(Volume) instead of plain Volume.
# The default for nresponse allows this to work with old versions of earth
# (old plotmo.y.earth doesn't have a nresponse argument).

plotmo.y <- function(object, trace, naked, expected.len, nresponse=1, ...)
    # returns y or list(field=y, do.subset=do.subset)
plotmo.y.default <- function(object, trace, naked, expected.len, ...)
    # returns list(field=y, do.subset=do.subset)
    get.x.or.y(object, "y", trace, try.object.x.or.y=TRUE,
               argn=2, nrows.argn=expected.len, naked)
# Get x or y from the given model object
# Returns list(field=x, do.subset=do.subset) where x is "x" or "y".

get.x.or.y <- function(
    object,                 # the model
    field,                  # "x" or "y"
    try.object.x.or.y=TRUE, # FALSE if object[[field]] should be ignored
    argn=0,                 # if nonzero, consider argument nbr argn of the model call
    nrows.argn=NULL,        # expected NROWS of argument argn
    naked=TRUE)             # TRUE to return colnames like "x3" not "ns(x3,4)"
    ret.good.field <- function(x, do.subset=TRUE, source)
        if(trace.call.global >= 1 && field == "y") {
            field <- if(field == "x") "predictors" else "response"
            if(grepl("model.frame(", source, fixed=TRUE))
                source <- sub(",", # insert newline after first comma
                    if(field == "response")
                        ",\n                                   "
                        ",\n                                 ", source)
            printf("got model %s from %s\n", field, source)
        list(field=x, do.subset=do.subset)
    stopifnot(field == "x" || field == "y")

    # try using object$x (where x is actually x or y throughout this file)

    object.x <- get.object.x.or.y.field(object, field, trace, try.object.x.or.y, naked)
    # object.x is object$x or NULL or an err msg
        return(ret.good.field(object.x, FALSE, sprint("object$%s", field)))

    call <- getCall(object)
        trace2(trace, "\nobject call is %s\n", trunc.deparse(call, maxlen=80))

    # try getting x or y from the model formula and model frame

    temp <- get.x.or.y.from.model.frame(object, field, trace, naked)
        model.frame.x <- temp$x
        do.subset     <- temp$do.subset # TRUE when newdata is NULL
        source        <- temp$source

    # model.frame.x is now x or y or NULL or an err msg
    if(is.good.data(model.frame.x)) {
        formula.as.char <- paste.collapse(format(temp$formula))
        if(naked && grepl("\`", formula.as.char)) { # exception for hinge funcs etc
            trace2(trace, "setting check.naked=FALSE because backtick in formula\n")
            naked <- FALSE
        model.frame.x <- cleanup.x.or.y(object, model.frame.x, field, trace,
                                        check.naked=naked && field != "y")
            return(ret.good.field(model.frame.x, do.subset, source))
    # try getCall(object)$x

    call.x <- get.data.from.object.call.field(object, field, trace)
    # call.x is getCall(object)$x or an error message
        return(ret.good.field(call.x, TRUE, sprint("getCall(object)$%s", field)))

    # else { # TODO may not want to do this if x is ok except for no colnames
    #     # try getCall(object)$X (note upper case "X")
    #     upfield <- toupper(field)
    #     call.x <- get.data.from.object.call.field(object, upfield, trace)
    #     # call.x is getCall(object)$X or an error message
    #     if(is.good.data(call.x)) {
    #         # paranoia, check that argument number is correct
    #         ifield <- if(field == "x") 2 else 3
    #         ok <- names(getCall(object))[ifield] == upfield
    #         if(!is.na(ok) && length(ok == 1) && ok)
    #             return(ret.good.field(call.x, TRUE,
    #                sprint("getCall(object)$%s", upfield)))
    #         else if(trace >= 2)
    #             printf("ignoring getCall(object)$%s because it isn't arg number %d\n",
    #                upfield, ifield)
    #     }
    # }

    trace2(trace, "\n")

    # consider argument number argn of the model call (ignoring its name)

    temp <- get.argn.from.call(argn, object, field, trace, nrows.argn)
        argn.x <- temp$x
        argn   <- temp$argn # may clear argn (for uncluttered errmsg later)
    # argn.x is the evaluated n'th arg or NULL or an err msg
    argn.name <- sprint("argument %g of the model call", argn)
        return(ret.good.field(argn.x, TRUE, argn.name))

    # We don't have an x with colnames, so see if we have one without colnames.
    # We re-call is.errmsg() below to prevent re-issuing messages
    # in is.good.data() which we have already issued previously.

    if(try.object.x.or.y &&
           !is.errmsg(object.x) &&
           is.good.data(object.x, sprint("object$%s", field),
                        trace, check.colnames=FALSE))
        return(ret.good.field(object.x, FALSE, sprint("object$%s", field)))

    if(!is.errmsg(call.x) &&
           is.good.data(call.x, sprint("call$%s", field),
                        trace, check.colnames=FALSE))
        return(ret.good.field(call.x, TRUE, sprint("getCall(object)$%s", field)))

    if(argn && !is.errmsg(argn.x) &&
            is.good.data(argn.x, argn.name, trace, check.colnames=FALSE))
        return(ret.good.field(argn.x, TRUE, sprint("object$%s", field)))

    # unsuccessful

    errmsg.for.get.x.or.y(field, trace,
        try.object.x.or.y, argn, object.x,
        model.frame.x, call.x, argn.x)

    is.earth.cv.model <- is.null(object.x) &&
                         !is.null(object$ifold) &&
                         inherits(object, "earth")

    stopf("cannot get the original model %s%s",
          if(field == "x") "predictors" else "response",
          if(is.earth.cv.model) " (use keepxy=2 in the call to earth)" else "")
is.errmsg <- function(x)
    is.try.err(x) || (is.character(x) && length(x) == 1)
# Is the x argument a valid x or y for a model?
# This returns TRUE or FALSE, silently unless trace >= 2.

is.good.data <- function(x, xname="field", trace=0, check.colnames=TRUE)
    good <- !is.null(x) && !is.try.err(x) && NROW(x) >= 3
    has.colnames <- good && !is.null(colnames(x)) && !any(colnames(x) == "")
    if(trace >= 2)
        trace.data(good, has.colnames, x, xname, trace, check.colnames)
    good && (!check.colnames || has.colnames)
trace.data <- function(good, has.colnames,
                       x, xname, trace, check.colnames)
    colnames.msg <-
        if(good && has.colnames) {
            sprint(" and has column name%s %s",
                   if(length(colnames(x)) == 1) "" else "s",
                   paste.trunc(colnames(x), maxlen=100))
        } else if(good)
            sprint(" but without colnames %s",
                   if(check.colnames) "so we will keep on searching"
                   else               "but we will use it anyway")
        printf("%s is usable%s\n", xname, colnames.msg)
    else if(is.null(x))
        printf("%s is NULL%s\n", xname,
               if(check.colnames) " (and it has no colnames)" else "")
    else if(!is.character(x) && NROW(x) < 3)
        printf("%s has less than three rows\n", xname,
               if(check.colnames) " (and it has no colnames)" else "")
        printf("%s is not usable%s\n", xname, colnames.msg)

    # print bad data, but only on the first go around for this data
    # (use check.colnames as an indicator of first go around)

    if(!is.null(x) && check.colnames) {
            printf("%s:%s\n", xname, format.err.field(x, xname, trace))
        else if(trace >= 4) {
            printf("trace>=4: ")
            print_summary(x, xname, trace=2)
errmsg.for.get.x.or.y <- function(field, trace, try.object.x.or.y,
    argn, object.x, model.frame.x, call.x, argn.x)
    printf("\nLooked unsuccessfully for the original %s in the following places:\n",
           if(field == "x") "predictors" else "response")

    ifield <- 1
    if(try.object.x.or.y) {
        printf("\n(%d) object$%s:%s\n",
               ifield, field, format.err.field(object.x, field, trace))
        ifield <- ifield + 1
    printf("\n(%d) model.frame:%s\n",
           ifield, format.err.field(model.frame.x, field, trace))
    ifield <- ifield + 1

    printf("\n(%d) getCall(object)$%s:%s\n",
           ifield, field, format.err.field(call.x, field, trace))
    ifield <- ifield + 1

        printf("\n(%d) argument %d of the model call:%s\n",
               ifield, argn+1, format.err.field(argn.x, field, trace))

format.err.field <- function(x, xname, trace=0)
    if(is.try.err(x)) {
        errmsg <- sub(".* : *",    "",  x[1])   # strip prefix "Error in xxx : "
        errmsg <- gsub("\n *\\^",  "",  errmsg) # strip "    ^" in some err msgs
        errmsg <- gsub("[\n\t ]+", " ", errmsg) # collapse newlines and multiple spaces
        errmsg <- gsub("^ *| *$",  "",  errmsg) # delete remaining leading and trailing space
        sprint(" %s", errmsg)
    } else if(is.errmsg(x))
        sprint(" %s", x)
    else if(is.null(x))
        sprint(" NULL")
    else if(NROW(x) < 3)
        sprint(" less than three rows")
    else if(!is.null(dim(x))) {
        print_summary(x, xname, trace=2)
        sprint(" is not usable (see above)")
    } else
        sprint(" class \"%s\" with value %s",
               class(x), try(paste.trunc(format(x))[1]))
# Get object$x or object$y from the model.
# Return x (or y) or NULL or an error message.
# The approach taken in all helper routines for get.x.or.y
# (such as get.object.x.or.y.field) is that we issue trace messages
# here in the helper routine, and the caller silently checks
# the returned value for good data.
# For a model with a formula, the standard  path is to apply the
# naked formula to the data using model.frame().
# Example with argument field="x":
#   formula(object)    resp~num + sqrt(num) + bool + ord:num + fac
#   naked formula      resp~num + bool + ord + fac
#   data colnames      resp bool ord fac str num nx int date
#   returned colnames  num bool ord fac

get.object.x.or.y.field <- function( # get object$x or object$y
    object,                 # the model
    field,                  # "x" or "y"
    try.object.x.or.y=TRUE, # FALSE if object[[field]] should be ignored
    naked=TRUE)             # TRUE for columns like "x3" not "ns(x3,4)"
    trace2(trace, "\nget.object.%s:\n", field)
    x <- NULL
    xname <- sprint("object$%s", field) # for tracing
    if(!try.object.x.or.y) # e.g. we must ignore object$x for mda::mars models
        trace2(trace, "ignoring %s for this %s object\n", xname, class.as.char(object))
    else {
        # note we use object[["x"]] rather than object$x to prevent partial
        # matching (but the error messages use object$x for readability)
        x <- object[[field]]
        if(is.good.data(x, xname, trace))
            x <- cleanup.x.or.y(object, x, field, trace,
                                check.naked=naked && field != "y")
        else if(!is.null(x) && !is.good.data(x, check.colnames=FALSE)) {
            # Issue a warning because predict.lm will probably crash
            # later when it internally accceses object$x.
            # We call is.good.data(check.colnames=FALSE) above to check if the
            # prior call to is.good.data() failed merely because of a colname
            # issue (if it's just a colname issue then don't issue warning).
            warnf("object$%s may be corrupt", field)
    x   # return x or NULL or an error message
# Get getCall(object)$x (or similar) from the model's call field.
# Return x (or similar) or NULL or an error message.

get.data.from.object.call.field <- function(object, field, trace,
    trace2(trace, "\nget.data.from.object.call.field:\n")
    x <- NULL
    xname <- sprint("getCall(object)$%s", field)
    call <- getCall(object)
        trace2(trace, "getCall(object) is NULL so cannot get %s\n", xname)
    else if(!is.call(call))
        trace2(trace, "getCall(object) is not actually a call so cannot get %s", xname)
    else {
        x <- try.eval(call[[field]], model.env(object), trace=trace, expr.name=xname)
            trace2(trace, "%s\n", x)
        else if(check.is.good.data) # invoke is.good.data purely for issuing trace messages
            is.good.data(x, xname, trace)
# Get the n'th arg in the call to the model function.
# This is for those model functions whose second argument is the
# response (what we call "y"), although that argument's name is
# not "y".  For example, argn=2 will select the "grouping" arg in
# qda(x=lcush[,2:3], grouping=lcush[,1]).
# Returns list(argn.x, argn)
# where argn.x is the evaluated n'th argument or NULL or an error message.
# and argn will be set 0 if routine processing says we should ignore argn.

get.argn.from.call <- function(argn, object, field, trace, nrows.argn)
    x <- NULL
    if(argn) {
        temp <- get.argn.from.call.aux(argn, object, field, trace, nrows.argn)
            x    <- temp$x
            argn <- temp$argn
            trace2(trace, "%s\n", x)
        else # invoke is.good.data purely for issuing trace messages
            is.good.data(x, sprint("argument %d of the model call", argn), trace)
    list(x=x, argn=argn)
# auxilary function for get.argn.from.call

get.argn.from.call.aux <- function(argn, object, field, trace, nrows.argn)
    ret <- function(x, argn)
        list(x=x, argn=argn)
    #--- get.argn.from.call.x starts here
    stopifnot(argn > 0)
    call <- getCall(object)
        return(ret("getCall(object) is NULL so cannot use argn", argn))
        return(ret("getCall(object) is not actually a call so cannot use argn", argn))
    if(length(call) <= argn)
            "cannot use argn %d because getCall(object) does not have %d arguments",
            argn, argn), argn))
    names.call <- names(call) # some names may be ""
    trace2(trace, "names(call) is %s\n", quotify(names.call))

    # If argn is field (i.e. "x" or "y"), don't process it here because
    # we process call$x and call$y elsewhere (in get.data.from.object.call.field).
    # This is a common case, so we clear argn for uncluttered message
    # later in errmsg.for.get.x.or.y.
    # If the arg name is "" in getCall(object) this won't work, not serious.

    if(identical(names.call[argn+1], field))
            "the name of argument %d is \"%s\" so we will not process it with argn",
            argn, field),

    # If an argument of the call is "formula" then return, because
    # any arg named "x" or "y" is unlikely to be model data.
    # This is a a common case, so clear argn.

    if(pmatch("formula", names.call[2], 0))
            "ignoring argn %g because there is a formula argument", argn),
    x <- try.eval(call[[argn+1]], model.env(object), trace=trace,
                  sprint("argument %d of the model call", argn))
        x <- x[[1]]
    if(!(is.numeric(x[1]) || is.logical(x[1]) || is.factor(x[1])))
            "cannot use argn %d because it is not numeric, logical, or a factor",
            argn), argn))
    if(is.null(nrows.argn)) # should never happen
        stop0("cannot use argn because the expected number of rows is unspecified")
    if(NROW(x) != nrows.argn)
            "cannot use argn %g because it has %g rows but expected %g rows",
            argn, NROW(x), nrows.argn), argn))
    list(x=x, argn=argn)
# If object has a formula, use that formula to get x or y (field is "x" or "y").
# Returns list(x, do.subset, form.as.char, source) where x may be an err msg and source
# is a string describing where we got the data from (only used if no err msg).

get.x.or.y.from.model.frame <- function(object, field, trace, naked,
                                        na.action="auto", newdata=NULL)
    ret <- function(...)  # ... is an err msg in printf form
        errmsg <- sprint(...)
        trace2(trace, "%s\n", errmsg)
        list(x=errmsg, do.subset=FALSE, formula=NULL, source="model frame")
    #--- get.x.or.y.from.model.frame starts here
    stopifnot(field == "x" || field == "y")
    trace2(trace, "\nget.%s.from.model.frame:\n", field)
    mf <- get.model.frame(object, field, trace, naked, na.action, newdata)
    model.frame <- mf$x
    if(field == "x") {
        # Check if any vars have $ in their name, this confuses predict() later.
        # They cause "Error in model.frame.default: variable lengths differ"
        # or "newdata had 50 rows but variables found have 330 rows"
        ibad <- grep("[._[:alnum:]]\\$", colnames(model.frame))
        if(any(ibad)) {
            warnf("%s: \"$\" in colnames(model.frame) is not supported by plotmo, %s",
                  "will try to get the data elsewhere")
            return(ret("\"$\" in colnames(model.frame)"))
    # got the model.frame, now get the column index(s) of the response in the model.frame
    iresponse.col <- get.iresponse.col(object, model.frame, mf$isFormula,
                            trace=if(field=="y") trace else 0) # reduce number of msgs
    if(field == "x") {
        # drop the response column(s)
        x <- model.frame[, -iresponse.col, drop=FALSE]
        if(!is.good.data(x, sprint("x=model.frame[,-%s]", paste.c(iresponse.col)), trace))
            return(ret("invalid model.frame[,-iresponse]"))
    } else { # field == "y"
        # select the response column(s)
        # we don't use model.response() here because that drops the column name
        x <- model.frame[, iresponse.col, drop=FALSE]
        if(!is.good.data(x, sprint("y=model.frame[,%s]", paste.c(iresponse.col)), trace))
            return(ret("invalid model.frame[,iresponse]"))
    list(x=x, do.subset=mf$do.subset, formula=mf$formula, source=mf$source)
# The following is derived from stats::model.frame.default but tries to
# also handle models that didn't save the terms etc. in a standard way.
# It never uses parent.frame (as some model.frame methods do).
# We will use the given na.action.  But if na.action="auto" then get
# na.action from the model itself, and do a little special handling.
# Returns list(x, do.subste, formula, source, isFormula)
#   where x may be an err msg
#   source s a string describing where we got the data from (only used if no err msg)

get.model.frame <- function(object, field, trace, naked,
                            na.action="auto", newdata=NULL)
    ret <- function(x, do.subset=FALSE, formula=NULL,
                    source="model frame", isFormula=FALSE)
        list(x=x, do.subset=do.subset, formula=formula,
             source=source, isFormula=isFormula)
    #--- get.model.frame starts here
    # get.model.formula returns a Formula or formula with an environment, or an error string
    modform <- get.model.formula(object, trace, naked)
    formula <- modform$formula
        return(ret(formula)) # return errmsg
    isFormula <- inherits(formula, "Formula") # Formula vs formula
    trace2(trace, "formula is valid, now looking for data for the model.frame\n")
    if(!is.null(newdata)) {
        if(!is.good.data(newdata, "newdata", trace))
            return(ret("bad newdata")) # return errmsg
        data        <- newdata
        data.source <- "newdata"
    } else {
        # use object$model if possible (e.g. lm)
        # TODO the following code really belongs in get.data.for.model.frame?
        x <- object[["model"]]
        if(is.good.data(x, "object$model", trace)) {
            # Drop column named "(weights)" created by lm() if called with weights
            # (must drop else x will be rejected because non-naked colname).
            x <- x[, which(colnames(x) != "(weights)"), drop=FALSE]
            if(trace >= 3)
                print_summary(x, "model.frame", trace)
            # Note that we call check.naked even when the naked=FALSE.
            # Not essential, but gives more consistency so we select the same object$x,
            # getCall(object), or etc. regardless of whether naked is set or clear.
            if(is.null(check.naked(x, "object$model", trace))) # good object$model?
                return(ret(x, FALSE, formula, "object$model", isFormula))
        temp <- get.data.for.model.frame(object, trace)
            data        <- temp$data
            data.source <- temp$source
        if(!is.good.data(data)) {
            # data is not usable (could be NULL)
            # following is for when no data argument when model was built
            data <- model.env(object)
            data.source <- "model.env(object)"
    if(is.character(na.action) && length(na.action) == 1 && na.action == "auto") {
        na.action <- na.action(object)
        class.na.action <- class(na.action)
        # following is for rpart's and ctree's (special but useful) NA handling
            na.action <-
                if(inherits(object, "rpart") || inherits(object, "party_plotmo"))
        else if(length(class.na.action) == 2 && class.na.action[1] == "na.rpart")
            na.action <- paste0("na.", class(na.action)[2])
        else if(class.na.action[1] %in% c("exclude", "fail", "omit", "pass"))
            na.action <- paste0("na.", class(na.action)[1])
        trace2(trace, "na.action(object) is %s\n", as.char(na.action))
    if(!is.function(na.action) && !is.character(na.action)) {
        errmsg <- sprint("bad na.action: %s", as.char(na.action))
        trace2(trace, "%s\n", errmsg)
    if(trace >= 3) {
        printf("model.env is %s\n", environment.as.char(model.env(object)))
        print_summary(data, "data", trace)
    data.source <-
        if(is.environment(data)) environment.as.char(data)
        else if(is.null(data))   "NULL"
        else                     data.source

    mfcall.as.char <- sprint("model.frame(%s, data=%s, na.action=%s)",
                             paste.trunc(modform$form.as.char, maxlen=40),
                             data.source, trunc.deparse(na.action))

    trace2(trace, "stats::%s\n", mfcall.as.char)

    x <- try(do.call(stats::model.frame, # calls model.frame.default
                     args=list(formula=formula, data=data, na.action=na.action)),
            silent=trace < 2)

    if(trace >= 3)
        print_summary(x, "model.frame returned", trace)

    ret(x, if(is.null(newdata)) TRUE else FALSE, formula, mfcall.as.char, isFormula)
get.data.for.model.frame <- function(object, trace)
    ret <- function(errmsg, data=NULL, source="model frame")
            trace2(trace, "%s\n", errmsg)
        list(data=data, source=source)
    # try object$data e.g. earth models with formula and keepxy=T
    # the inherits check is becauses party objects for e.g. "medv ~ log(lstat) + rm^2"
    # save "log(lstat)" not "lstat" in object data, that confuses model.frame.default
    if(!inherits(object, "party_plotmo")) {
        data <- object[["data"]]
        if(is.good.data(data, "object$data", trace))
            return(ret(NULL, data, "object$data"))
    # look for the data in getCall(object)
    call <- object[["call"]]
        return(ret("getCall(object) is NULL so cannot get the data from the call"))
        return(ret("getCall(object) is not actually a call so cannot get the data from the call"))
    data <- NULL
    argname <- "NULL"
    # try getCall(object)$data
    idata <- match(c("data"), names(call), 0)[1]
    if(idata > 0) {
        trace2(trace, "argument %g of the call is 'data'\n", idata-1)
        argname <- "call$data"
        # Mar 2019: TODO this doesn't work (if model was built internally to another
        # function?) because  it tries to get data from .RGlobalEnv (which in that
        # environment is a function "data").  Perhaps failure is because terms(mf) seems
        # to generate a terms field ".GlobalEnv" regardless of where the mf was evaluated.
        # Workaround for earth models: use keepxy=TRUE (to avoid this code)
        data <- try(eval.trace(call[[idata]], model.env(object),
                               trace=trace, expr.name=argname),
                    silent=FALSE) # so user can see what went wrong
        is.good.data(data, argname, trace) # purely for tracing
    } else {
        # no getCall(object)$data, search for an arg that looks like good data
"getCall(object) has no arg named 'data', will search for an arg that looks like data\n")
        if(length(call) >= 3) { # start at 3 to ignore fname and first arg (the formula)
            for(icall in 3:length(call)) {
                arg <- call[[icall]]
                if(class(arg)[1] == "name") { # paranoia, will always be true?
                    argname <- sprint("call$%s", quotify(as.character(arg)))
                    data <- eval.trace(arg, model.env(object), trace=trace, expr.name=argname)
                    if(is.good.data(data, argname, trace=trace)) {
                        trace2(trace, "%s appears to be the model data\n", argname)
                        idata <- icall
                    } else {
                        trace2(trace, "%s is not the model data\n", argname)
                        data <- NULL
    if(is.good.data(data, argname)) {
        # following needed for e.g. nnet(O3~., data=scale(ozone1), size=2)
        # Else get Error in model.frame.default: 'data' must be a data.frame.
        if(!is.data.frame(data)) {
            data <- try(my.data.frame(data, trace))
            # invoke is.good.data purely for issuing trace messages
            is.good.data(data, sprint(
                "%s converted from \"%s\" to \"data.frame\"",
                argname, class(data)[1]), trace)
    ret(NULL, data, argname)
# get the column index(s) of the response in the model.frame, return 1 if can't (best guess is 1)
get.iresponse.col <- function(object, model.frame, isFormula, trace)
    assuming <- sprint("assuming \"%s\" in the model.frame is the response, because",
                       gen.colnames(model.frame, prefix="model.frame", trace=trace)[1])
    iresponse.col <- 1
    terms <- try(terms(object), silent=TRUE)
    if(is.null(terms)) { # e.g. bagEarth.formula and nn
        trace1(trace, "%s terms(object) is NULL\n", assuming)
        return(1) # assume iresponse.col is 1
    if(is.try.err(terms)) {
        trace1(trace, "%s terms(object) did not return the terms\n", assuming)
    # object seems to have a valid terms field
    iresponse.col <- attr(terms, "response")
    if(is.null(iresponse.col) || !is.numeric(iresponse.col) || length(iresponse.col) != 1) {
        trace1(trace, "%s attr(terms, \"response\") is invalid\n", assuming)
    if(iresponse.col != 0) {
        if(isFormula) {
            trace1(trace, "%s object used Formula (not formula) yet attr(terms, \"response\") is nonzero\n", assuming)
        iresponse.col <- try(check.index(iresponse.col,
                                         "attr(terms, \"response\")", model.frame,
                                         is.col.index=TRUE, allow.negatives=FALSE))
    else { # iresponse.col == 0
        if(!isFormula) {
            trace1(trace, "%s attr(terms, \"response\") is 0\n", assuming)
        # isFormula
        iresponse.col <- attr(terms, "Response")
        if(is.null(iresponse.col)) {
            # will happen for any model that uses Formula (not formula), except earth
            trace1(trace, "%s the model was built with Formula (not formula)\n", assuming)
        if(is.null(iresponse.col) || !is.numeric(iresponse.col)) {
            trace1(trace, "%s attr(terms, \"Response\") is invalid\n", assuming)
        iresponse.col <- try(check.index(iresponse.col,
                                         "attr(terms, \"Response\")", model.frame,
                                         is.col.index=TRUE, allow.negatives=FALSE))
    if(is.try.err(iresponse.col)) {
        trace1(trace, "%s calculated index was invalid\n", assuming)
        iresponse.col <- 1
isa.formula <- function(x)
    (typeof(x) == "language" && as.list(x)[[1]] == "~") ||
    (is.character(x) && length(x) == 1 && grepany("~", x))
get.index.of.formula.arg.in.call <- function(call, trace)
    iform <- match(c("formula"), names(call), 0)
    # no arg named "formula" in call, so look for a formula elsewhere in call
    # TODO for which model was this code added? I think it's needed if formula arg is unnamed?
    call <- as.list(call)
    # start at 2 to skip call[1] which is the function name
    for(iform in 2:length(call)) {
        if(isa.formula(call[[iform]])) {
            # warning0("the formula in the model call is not named 'formula'")
            trace2(trace, "argument %d in getCall(object) is a formula\n", iform)
            return(iform) # note return
    0 # no formula
# return a Formula or formula with an environment, or an error string

get.model.formula <- function(object, trace, naked)
    ret <- function(...)      # ... is an err msg in printf form
        errmsg <- sprint(...)
        trace2(trace, "%s\n", errmsg)
        list(formula=errmsg, form.as.char="formula")
    #--- get.model.formula starts here
    # try getting the formula from the terms field (object used formula)
    terms <- try(terms(object), silent=TRUE)
        trace2(trace, "terms(object) is NULL, will look for the formula elsewhere\n")
    else if(is.try.err(terms))
        trace2(trace, "terms(object) did not return the terms, will look for the formula elsewhere\n")
    else { # object has a valid terms field
        # TODO Sep 2020 ask Formula package people to extend
        # (currently only earth supports attr(terms, "Formula") and "Response"
        form <- attr(terms, "Formula")
        isFormula <- !is.null(form) # "Formula" vs "formula"
        if(isFormula) {
            trace1(trace, "object created with Formula (not formula): using attr(terms, \"Formula\")\n")
            form <- formula.as.char.with.check(form, "attr(terms, \"Formula\")", trace)
        } else {
            form <- try(formula(terms), silent=TRUE)
            form <- formula.as.char.with.check(form, "formula(object)", trace)
            return(process.formula(object, form$form.as.char, isFormula, trace, naked))
        # if there was a $ in the form.as.char there is no point in looking at the call
        # formula, so to avoid issuing the same warning twice, we return
        # immediately here
        if(grepl("\"$\"", form$errmsg, fixed=TRUE))
    # try getting the formula from getCall(object)
    call <- object[["call"]]
        return(ret("getCall(object) is NULL so cannot get the formula from the call"))
        return(ret("getCall(object) is not actually a call so cannot get the formula from the call"))
    iform <- get.index.of.formula.arg.in.call(call, trace)
    if(iform == 0) # no formula?
        return(ret("no formula in getCall(object)"))

    # nasty name change, else model.frame.default: invalid type (language)
    # TODO clean this up, this won't work because it doesn't change the calling obj
    # names.call <- names(call)
    # names.call[iform] <- "formula"
    # names(call) <- names.call # note <<- not <-
    form.name <- sprint("model call argument %d", iform-1)
    form <- eval(call[[iform]], model.env(object))
    form <- formula.as.char.with.check(form, form.name, trace)
    # TODO More classes could be added to the following assignment to isFormula
    # (and remember we can only get here if object doesn't have a terms field,
    # and I believe the objects below do in fact have a terms field)
    isFormula <- inherits(object, c("pre"))
    process.formula(object, form$form.as.char, isFormula=isFormula, trace, naked)
# convert the formula to character, and also check it

formula.as.char.with.check <- function(form, form.name, trace)
    ret.null <- function(...) # ... is an err msg in printf form
        errmsg <- sprint(...)
        trace2(trace, "%s\n", errmsg)
        list(form.as.char=NULL, errmsg=errmsg)
        return(ret.null("%s did not return a formula", form.name))
        return(ret.null("%s is NULL", form.name))
    if(class(form)[1] != "formula" && !class(form)[1] == "Formula" &&
            !(is.character(form) && length(form) == 1))
        return(ret.null("%s is not a formula or Formula (its class is \"%s\")",
               form.name, class(form)[1]))
    form.as.char <- paste.collapse(format(form))
    trace2(trace, "%s is %s\n", form.name, paste.trunc(form.as.char))
    if(!grepl("[^ \t]+.*~", form.as.char))
        return(ret.null("%s has no response",  form.name))
    # Check if any vars have $ in their name, this confuses predict() later.
    # TODO Following comments are no longer accurate?
    # We do this check in get.x.or.y.from.model.frame but pre-emptively also here
    # (where we have the formula) for a slightly more informative error message.
    # (The other message kicks in if we get the model.frame from object$model.)
    rhs <- gsub(".*~ *", "", form.as.char)
    if(grepany("[._[:alnum:]]\\$", rhs)) { # check for "ident$"
        warnf("\"$\" in the formula is not supported by plotmo, %s\n         formula: %s",
              "will try to get the data elsewhere",
        return(ret.null("%s: \"$\" in formula is not allowed", form.name))
    list(form.as.char=form.as.char, errmsg=NULL)
# Return a formula with an environment.  Also process naked.
# TODO this includes Height in Volume~Girth-Height, it shouldn't

process.formula <- function(object, form.as.char, isFormula, trace, naked)
    stopifnot(length(form.as.char) == 1)
        form.as.char <- naken.formula.string(form.as.char, trace)
    form <- try(formula(form.as.char, env=model.env(object)), silent=TRUE)
    if(isFormula && !is.try.err(form))
        form <- try(Formula::Formula(form))
    if(is.try.err(form)) {
        # prepend "formula(%s) failed" for a clearer msg in format.err.field later
        form <- sprint("%s(%s) failed%s",
                       if(isFormula) "Formula" else "formula",
                       # only append err msg if tracing because err msgs can be obscure
                       if(trace >= 1) sprint("(%s)", cleantry(form)) else "")
        trace2(trace, "%s\n", form)
        form <- sprint("Error : %s", form)
    list(formula=form, form.as.char=form.as.char)
# Given a formula (as string), return a string with the "naked" predictors.
# This is used for getting the data to pass to predict.
# Example: log(y) ~ x9+ns(x2,4) + s(x3,x4,df=4) + x5:sqrt(x6)
# becomes: log(y) ~ x9 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6
# which will later result in a model.matrix with columns x9 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6.
# Note that we don't naken the response (so for
# example in the above log(y) remains unchanged).
# This routine is not infallible but works for the commonly used formulas.
# It's a hack that relies on regular expressions.

naken.formula.string <- function(form.as.char, trace)
    form.as.char <- paste.collapse(form.as.char)
    old.form.as.char <- form.as.char
    naked <- gsub(".*~", "", form.as.char)          # extract everything after ~
    naked <- naken.collapse(naked, warn.if.minus=TRUE)
    if(grepl("~", form.as.char)) {
        response <- gsub("~.*", "", form.as.char)   # extract up to the ~
        response <- gsub("^ +| +$", "", response)   # trim leading and trailing spaces
            response <- paste0(response, " ~")
        naked <- paste.collapse(response, naked)
           if(strip.space(naked) == strip.space(old.form.as.char))
               "naked formula is the same%.0s\n" # e.g. O3~vh+wind
               "naked formula is %s\n", naked)
is.naked <- function(colnames) # returns a logical vector
    naked <- logical(length(colnames))
    for(i in seq_len(length(colnames))) {
        colname <- strip.space(colnames[i])
        naked[i] <- colname == naken.collapse(colname)
# Return an err msg if colnames(x) is not "naked".
# Return NULL if everything is ok.
# Example: in lm(Volume~poly(Height, degree=3), data=trees, x=T),
#   object$x, object$data, and object$model have
#   colnames like "poly(Height, degree = 3)1"
#   where plotmo (actually model.frame.default) gives "Error: object 'x1' not found"
#   unless we preempt that obscure error message here.

check.naked <- function(x, xname, trace)
    errmsg <- NULL

    colnames <- colnames(x)

    # column name "(Intercept)" must be considered naked
    colnames <- sub("(Intercept)", "Intercept", colnames, fixed=TRUE)

    is.naked <- is.naked(colnames)
    if(any(!is.naked)) {
        # e.g. lm(formula=log(doy)~vh, ...)
        errmsg <- sprint(
            "%s cannot be used because it has%s non-naked column name%s %s",
            if(sum(!is.naked) > 1) "" else " a",
            if(sum(!is.naked) > 1) "s" else "",
        trace2(trace, "%s\n", errmsg)
# Returns x or an error message (currrently an error message
# is returned only if naked=TRUE but colnames are not naked).

cleanup.x.or.y <- function(object, x, field, trace, check.naked)
    x <- handle.nonvector.vars(object, x, field, trace)

    # remove column "(Intercept)"  e.g. object$x for lm(y~x1+x2, x=TRUE)
    if(!is.na(i <- match("(Intercept)", colnames(x)))) {
        trace2(trace, "dropped \"(Intercept)\" column from %s\n", field)
        x <- x[,-i, drop=FALSE]
    if(check.naked) {
        errmsg <- check.naked(x, field, trace)
# This tries to clean up columns of x that are themselves matrices or data.frames.
# Example (where the actual values in the x and y are not important):
#   x <- matrix(c(1,3,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,
#                 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,8,9), ncol=2)
#   colnames(x) <- c("c1", "c2")
#   y <- 3:12
#   a <- lm(y~x) # seems natural, but lm doesn't handle it as we might expect
# Cannot get predict to work with newdata on above lm model
# Causes for example 'newdata' had 8 rows but variables found have 10 rows
# Another example:
#   library(ElemStatLearn); x <- mixture.example$x;
#   g <- mixture.example$y; a <- lm(g ~ x)
# This routine also prevents a misleading error msg later in plot.degree1
# (illegal index, missing column in x) caused by the following code:
#    data(gasoline, package='pls')
#    plotmo(earth(octane ~ NIR, data=gasoline))
# where NIR has class "AsIs" and is a matrix.
# There appears to be no easy fix for this (July 2011).

handle.nonvector.vars <- function(object, x, field, trace)

    ndims.of.each.var <- sapply(x, function(x) NCOL(x))
    if(all(ndims.of.each.var == 1)) {
        # we are ok: NCOL is 1 for all variables (even though some
        # may not be vectors i.e. they could be single column mats)
    format <- paste0("%s variable on the %s side of the formula is a matrix or data.frame\n",
                     "         plotmo often cannot process such variables")
    msg <- sprint(format,
        if(ncol(x) == 1) "the" else "a",
        if(field == "x") "right" else "left")

    if(field == "x") {
        # We issue the warning only if this is the rhs, because we seem to be able
        # to recover when the lhs is a non vector.  Thus we correctly don't issue
        # warnings for valid models like earth(cbind(O3,doy)~., data=ozone1) and
        # glm(cbind(damage, 6-damage)~temp, family=binomial, data=orings).
    } else if(trace >= 2) {
        printf("%s\n", msg)
        printf("the number of dimensions of each variable in %s is %s and ",
               field, paste.trunc(ndims.of.each.var))
        # details is 1 not 2 below else huge output
        print_summary(x, sprint("%s is ", field), trace, details=-1)
    # Attempt to fix the problem by replacing x with x[[1]].  However
    # for the rhs this only sometimes works --- there may be downstream
    # problems, typically in predict (because the column names are wrong?).

    if(ndims.of.each.var[1] > 1) { # first variable is not a vector
        trace2(trace, "replacing %s with %s[[1]]%s\n", field, field,
               if(length(ndims.of.each.var) == 1) ""
               else ", ignoring remaining columns")
        org.colnames <- colnames(x)
        x <- x[[1]]
        # add column names (helps keep track later)
        if(is.null(colnames(x))) {
            safe.org.colnames <-
                if(is.null(org.colnames)) # can never happen, but best to be sure
            if(NCOL(x) > 1)
                colnames(x) <- paste0(safe.org.colnames[1], "[,", 1:NCOL(x), "]")
            else # e.g. glm(formula=response~temp, family="binomial", data=...)
                colnames(x) <- safe.org.colnames[1]
            trace2(trace, "%s colnames were %s and now %s\n",
                if(is.null(org.colnames)) "NULL"
                else quotify.trunc(org.colnames),
# Detect if the model is a glm model, and if so possibly convert the
# response.  We do this in the same way as glm() does internally:
# o A factor response get converted to indicator column of
#   ones and zeros (first level vs the rest).
# o Two column binomial responses get converted to a single
#   column of fractions.
# Note that responses for earth models are handled independently
# in plotmo.y.earth (two level factor to single numeric column,
# three of more level factors to three or more indicator columns).

convert.glm.response <- function(object, y, trace)
    # check if y is is factor, or first column of y is a factor
    is.factor <- is.factor(y) ||
                 (length(dim(y) == 2) && ncol(y) == 1 && is.factor(y[,1]))
        y <- convert.glm.response.factor(object, y, trace)
    else if(NCOL(y) == 2) # possibly a two column binomial model
        y <- possibly.convert.glm.two.column.response(object, y, trace)
is.nomial <- function(object)
    is.nomial.string <- function(family) {
        family[1] == "binomial" ||
        family[1] == "quasibinomial" ||
        family[1] == "multinomial"

    family <- object$family
    if(is.character(family)) # glmnet models

    fam <- try(family(object), silent=TRUE)
    if(inherits(fam, "family")) { # lm, glm, etc models
        family <- fam$family
convert.glm.response.factor <- function(object, y, trace)
    if(!is.nomial(object)) {
        # e.g. rpart(formula=Kyphosis~., data=kyphosis)
            "the response is a factor but could not get the family of the %s model\n",
    } else {
        # e.g. glm(formula=sex~., family=binomial, data=etitanic)
        if(!is.null(dim(y)))  {  # data.frame or matrix
            levels <- levels(y[,1])
            y[,1] <- y[,1] != levels[1]
        } else {                 # vector
            levels <- levels(y)
            y <- y != levels[1]
            y <- data.frame(y)
        # column naming helps us keep track that we did this manipulation of x
        colnames(y) <- if(length(levels) > 1) paste0("is", levels[2])
                                              else paste0("not", levels[1])
        trace2(trace, "generated indicator column \"%s\" from levels %s\n",
               colnames(y)[1], paste.trunc(levels))
possibly.convert.glm.two.column.response <- function(object, y, trace)
    if(is.nomial(object)) {
        # following are sanity checks
        # note also that here we treat a two column multinom model as a binom model
        stopifnot(NCOL(y) == 2)
        if(!is.numeric(y[,1]) || !is.numeric(y[,2]))
            warning0("non-numeric two column response for a binomial model")
        else if(any(y[,1] < 0) || any(y[,2] < 0))
            warning0("negative values in the two column response ",
                     "for a binomial model")
        # example 1 glm(formula=response~temp, family="binomial", data=orings)
        # example 2 glm(formula=cbind(damage,6-damage)~temp, family="bi...)
        org.colnames <- colnames(y)
        y <- bpairs.yfrac(y[,1:2], trace=(trace!=0))
        y <- data.frame(y)
        # column naming helps us keep track that we did this manipulation of x
        if(!is.null(org.colnames)) {
            colnames(y) <- # gsub deletes things like "[,2]"
                paste0(gsub("\\[.*\\]", "", org.colnames[1]), ".yfrac")
                  "created column \"%s\" from two column binomial response\n",
get.and.check.subset <- function(x, object, trace)
    is.valid <- function(subset)
        !is.null(subset) && (is.numeric(subset) || is.logical(subset))
    #--- get.and.check.subset starts here
    subset <- object$subset
        msg <- "object$subset"
    else {
        subset <- try(eval(getCall(object)$subset, model.env(object)), silent=TRUE)
            subset <- NULL
            msg <- "getCall(object)$subset"
        subset <- NULL
    else {
        # duplicates are allowed in subsets so user can specify a bootstrap sample
        check.index(subset, "subset", x, allow.dups=TRUE, allow.zeros=TRUE)
        if(trace >= 2) {
            cat0("got subset from ", msg, " length " , length(subset))
            print_first_few_elements_of_vector(subset, trace)

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