
Defines functions replace_nas replace_zeros str_col pre_flight .as.seqData as.seqData .as.proData as.proData .as.pepData as.pepData .as.nmrData as.nmrData .as.metabData as.metabData .as.lipidData as.lipidData .as.isobaricpepData as.isobaricpepData

Documented in as.isobaricpepData as.lipidData as.metabData as.nmrData as.pepData as.proData as.seqData replace_nas replace_zeros

#' Create pmartR Object of Class isobaricpepData
#' Converts several data frames of isobaric peptide data
#' to an object of the class 'isobaricpepData'. Objects of the class
#' 'isobaricpepData' are lists with two obligatory components, \code{e_data} and
#' \code{f_data}. An optional list component, \code{e_meta}, is used if analysis
#' or visualization at other levels (e.g. protein) is also desired.
#' @param e_data a \eqn{p \times n + 1} data frame of expression data, where
#'   \eqn{p} is the number of peptides observed and \eqn{n} is the number of
#'   samples (an additional peptide identifier/name column should also be
#'   present in the data frame). Each row corresponds to data for one
#'   peptide. One column specifying a unique identifier for each peptide (row)
#'   must be present.
#' @param f_data a data frame with \eqn{n} rows. Each row corresponds to a
#'   sample with one column giving the unique sample identifiers found in e_data
#'   column names and other columns providing qualitative and/or quantitative
#'   traits of each sample.
#' @param e_meta an optional data frame with at least \eqn{p} rows. Each row
#'   corresponds to a peptide with one column giving peptide names (must be
#'   named the same as the column in \code{e_data}) and other columns giving biomolecule
#'   meta information (e.g. mappings of peptides to proteins).
#' @param edata_cname character string specifying the name of the column
#'   containing the peptide identifiers in \code{e_data} and \code{e_meta} (if
#'   applicable).
#' @param emeta_cname character string specifying the name of the column
#'   containing the protein identifiers (or other mapping variable) in
#'   \code{e_meta} (if applicable). Defaults to NULL. If \code{e_meta} is NULL,
#'   then either do not specify \code{emeta_cname} or specify it as NULL.
#' @param fdata_cname character string specifying the name of the column
#'   containing the sample identifiers in \code{f_data}.
#' @param techrep_cname character string specifying the name of the column in
#'   \code{f_data} containing the identifiers for the biological samples if the
#'   observations represent technical replicates.  This column is used to
#'   collapse the data when \code{combine_techreps} is called on this object.
#'   Defaults to NULL (no technical replicates).
#' @param ... further arguments
#' @return Object of class isobaricpepData and pepData.
#' @details The class 'isobaricpepData' is meant to deal with labeled peptide data
#'   generated on instruments (e.g. TMT, iTRAQ) where a reference pool sample will be utilized for normalization.
#'  If your data has already undergone normalization to the reference pool, you
#'  should specify \code{isobaric_norm = T}.
#'  Objects of class 'isobaricpepData' contain some attributes that are
#'  referenced by downstream functions. These attributes can be changed from
#'  their default value by manual specification. A list of these attributes as
#'  well as their default values are as follows: \tabular{ll}{ data_scale \tab
#'  Scale of the data provided in \code{e_data}. Acceptable values are 'log2',
#'  'log10', 'log', and 'abundance', which indicate data is log base 2, base 10,
#'  natural log transformed, and raw abundance, respectively. Default is
#'  'abundance'. \cr \tab \cr is_normalized \tab A logical argument, specifying
#'  whether the data has been normalized or not (this normalization refers to a statistical normalization, such as median centering or other methods). Default value is FALSE. \cr
#'  \tab \cr isobaric_norm \tab A logical argument, specifying whether the data
#'  has been normalized to the appropriate reference pool sample or not.
#'  Default value is FALSE \cr \tab \cr norm_info \tab Default value is an empty
#'  list, which will be populated with a single named element
#'  \code{is_normalized = is_normalized}. When a normalization is applied to the
#'  data, this becomes populated with a list containing the normalization
#'  function, normalization subset and subset parameters, the location and scale
#'  parameters used to normalize the data, and the location and scale parameters
#'  used to backtransform the data (if applicable). \cr \tab \cr data_types \tab
#'  Character string describing the type of data, most commonly used for lipidomic data (lipidData objects) or NMR data (nmrData objects) but available for other data classes as well. Default
#'  value is NULL. \cr } Computed values included in the \code{data_info}
#'  attribute are as follows: \tabular{ll}{ num_edata \tab The number of unique
#'  \code{edata_cname} entries.\cr \tab \cr num_miss_obs \tab The number of
#'  missing observations.\cr \tab \cr num_zero_obs \tab For seqData only: The
#'  number of zero observations.\cr \tab \cr num_emeta \tab The number of unique
#'  \code{emeta_cname} entries. \cr \tab \cr prop_missing \tab The proportion of
#'  \code{e_data} values that are NA. \cr \tab \cr prop_zeros \tab For seqData
#'  only: the proportion of zero counts observed in \code{e_data} values. \cr
#'  \tab \cr num_samps \tab The number of samples that make up the columns of
#'  \code{e_data}.\cr \tab \cr meta_info \tab A logical argument, specifying
#'  whether \code{e_meta} is provided.\cr \tab \cr }
#' @examplesIf identical(tolower(Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN")), "true") && requireNamespace("pmartRdata", quietly = TRUE)
#' library(pmartRdata)
#' mypep <- as.isobaricpepData(
#'   e_data = isobaric_edata,
#'   e_meta = isobaric_emeta,
#'   f_data = isobaric_fdata,
#'   edata_cname = "Peptide",
#'   fdata_cname = "SampleID",
#'   emeta_cname = "Protein"
#' )
#' @author Lisa Bramer
#' @seealso \code{\link{as.pepData}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{normalize_isobaric}}
#' @export
as.isobaricpepData <- function(e_data, f_data, e_meta = NULL, edata_cname,
                               fdata_cname, emeta_cname = NULL,
                               techrep_cname = NULL, ...) {
    e_data, f_data, e_meta, edata_cname, fdata_cname,
    emeta_cname, techrep_cname, ...

## peptide data ##
.as.isobaricpepData <- function(e_data, f_data, e_meta = NULL, edata_cname,
                                fdata_cname, emeta_cname = NULL,
                                techrep_cname = NULL,
                                data_scale = "abundance",
                                is_normalized = FALSE, isobaric_norm = FALSE,
                                norm_info = list(), data_types = NULL,
                                is_bc = FALSE, batch_info = list(),
                                check.names = NULL) {
  if (!missing(check.names))
    warning("check.names parameter is deprecated")

  # Set the original data scale to the input data scale.
  data_scale_orig <- data_scale

  # Define the dType variable. This is used for customizing the warnings and
  # errors according to the data type (peptide, protein, lipid, ...).
  dType <- c('peptides', 'as.isobaricpepData')

  # Perform pre analysis checks. Return updated data frames if they all receive
  # a gold star.
  res <- pre_flight(
    e_data = e_data,
    f_data = f_data,
    e_meta = e_meta,
    edata_cname = edata_cname,
    fdata_cname = fdata_cname,
    emeta_cname = emeta_cname,
    techrep_cname = techrep_cname,
    data_scale = data_scale,
    is_normalized = is_normalized,
    norm_info = norm_info,
    data_types = data_types,
    dType = dType,
    is_bc = is_bc,
    batch_info = batch_info

  # Set the (possibly new) emeta_cname.
  emeta_cname <- res$emeta_cname

  # Remove the emeta_cname element from the res list. That way only the e_data,
  # f_data, and e_meta (when applicable) data frames will be part of the output.
  # emeta_cname will no longer be an element of and omicsData object.
  res <- res[-which(names(res) == "emeta_cname")]

  # set column name attributes #
  attr(res, "cnames") = list(
    edata_cname = edata_cname,
    emeta_cname = emeta_cname,
    fdata_cname = fdata_cname,
    techrep_cname = techrep_cname

  # Compute the data_info attributes.
  attr(res, "data_info") <- set_data_info(
    e_data = res$e_data,
    edata_cname = edata_cname,
    data_scale_orig = data_scale_orig,
    data_scale = data_scale,
    data_types = data_types,
    norm_info = norm_info,
    is_normalized = is_normalized,
    batch_info = batch_info,
    is_bc = is_bc

  # Set isobaric specific attribute.
  attr(res, "isobaric_info") <- set_isobaric_info(
    exp_cname = NA,
    channel_cname = NA,
    refpool_channel = NA,
    refpool_cname = NA,
    refpool_notation = NA,
    norm_info = norm_info,
    isobaric_norm = isobaric_norm

  # set meta data attributes #
  attr(res, "meta_info") <- set_meta_info(
    e_meta = res$e_meta,
    emeta_cname = emeta_cname

  # set group dataframe attribute to NULL, will be filled in after running
  # group_designation function #
  attr(res, "group_DF") = NULL

  # Initialize the filters attribute with a list. This list will be populated
  # with filter class objects as filters are applied. Multiple filters can be
  # implemented on one data set.
  attr(res, "filters") <- list()

  # set class of list #
  class(res) = c("isobaricpepData", "pepData")


#' Create pmartR Object of Class lipidData
#' Converts several data frames of lipid data to an
#' object of the class 'lipidData'. Objects of the class 'lipidData' are lists
#' with two obligatory components, \code{e_data} and \code{f_data}. An optional
#' list component, \code{e_meta}, is used if analysis or visualization at other
#' levels (e.g. lipid class) is also desired.
#' @param e_data a \eqn{p \times n + 1} data frame of expression data, where
#'   \eqn{p} is the number of lipids observed and \eqn{n} is the number of
#'   samples. Each row corresponds to data for one lipid. One column specifying
#'   a unique identifier for each lipid (row) must be present.
#' @param f_data a data frame with \eqn{n} rows. Each row corresponds to a
#'   sample with one column giving the unique sample identifiers found in e_data
#'   column names and other columns providing qualitative and/or quantitative
#'   traits of each sample.
#' @param e_meta an optional data frame with \eqn{p} rows. Each row corresponds
#'   to a lipid with one column giving lipid names (must be named the same as
#'   the column in \code{e_data}) and other columns giving biomolecule meta information.
#' @param edata_cname character string specifying the name of the column
#'   containing the lipid identifiers in \code{e_data} and \code{e_meta} (if
#'   applicable).
#' @param emeta_cname character string specifying the name of the column
#'   containing the mapped identifiers in \code{e_meta} (if applicable). Can be the same as edata_cname, if desired.
#'   Defaults to NULL. If \code{e_meta} is NULL, then either do not specify
#'   \code{emeta_cname} or specify it as NULL.
#' @param fdata_cname character string specifying the name of the column
#'   containing the sample identifiers in \code{f_data}.
#' @param techrep_cname character string specifying the name of the column in
#'   \code{f_data} that specifies which samples are technical replicates. This column is used to
#'   collapse the data when \code{combine_techreps} is called on this object.
#'   Defaults to NULL (no technical replicates).
#' @param ... further arguments
#' @return Object of class lipidData
#' @details Objects of class 'lipidData' contain some attributes that are
#'   referenced by downstream functions. These attributes can be changed from
#'   their default value by manual specification. A list of these attributes as
#'   well as their default values are as follows: \tabular{ll}{ data_scale \tab
#'   Scale of the data provided in \code{e_data}. Acceptable values are 'log2',
#'   'log10', 'log', and 'abundance', which indicate data is log base 2, base
#'   10, natural log, or raw abundance, respectively. Default
#'   values is 'abundance'. \cr \tab \cr is_normalized \tab A logical argument,
#'   specifying whether the data has been normalized or not. Default value is
#'   FALSE. \cr \tab \cr norm_info \tab Default value is an empty list, which
#'   will be populated with a single named element \code{is_normalized =
#'   is_normalized}. When a normalization is applied to the data, this becomes
#'   populated with a list containing the normalization function, normalization
#'   subset and subset parameters, the location and scale parameters used to
#'   normalize the data, and the location and scale parameters used to
#'   backtransform the data (if applicable). \cr \tab \cr data_types \tab
#'   Character string describing the type of data (e.g. 'Positive ion' or ‘Negative ion’ for lipid data). Default
#'   value is NULL. \cr } Computed values included in the \code{data_info}
#'   attribute are as follows: \tabular{ll}{ \code{num_edata} \tab The number of
#'   unique \code{edata_cname} entries.\cr \tab \cr \code{num_miss_obs} \tab The
#'   number of missing observations.\cr \tab \cr \code{num_emeta} \tab The
#'   number of unique \code{emeta_cname} entries. \cr \tab \cr
#'   \code{prop_missing} \tab The proportion of \code{e_data} values that are
#'   NA. \cr \tab \cr \code{num_samps} \tab The number of samples that make up
#'   the columns of \code{e_data}.\cr \tab \cr \code{meta_info} \tab A logical
#'   argument, specifying where the \code{e_meta} is provided.\cr \tab \cr }
#' @examplesIf requireNamespace("pmartRdata", quietly = TRUE)
#' library(pmartRdata)
#' mylipid <- as.lipidData(
#'   e_data = lipid_neg_edata,
#'   f_data = lipid_neg_fdata,
#'   edata_cname = "Lipid",
#'   fdata_cname = "SampleID"
#' )
#' @author Lisa Bramer, Kelly Stratton
#' @seealso \code{\link{as.metabData}}
#' @export
as.lipidData <- function(e_data, f_data, e_meta = NULL,
                         edata_cname, fdata_cname, emeta_cname = NULL,
                         techrep_cname = NULL, ...) {
    e_data, f_data, e_meta, edata_cname, fdata_cname, emeta_cname,
    techrep_cname, ...

## lipid data ##
.as.lipidData <- function(e_data, f_data, e_meta = NULL, edata_cname,
                          fdata_cname, emeta_cname = NULL,
                          techrep_cname = NULL,
                          data_scale = "abundance",
                          is_normalized = FALSE, norm_info = list(),
                          is_bc = FALSE, batch_info = list(),
                          data_types = NULL, check.names = NULL) {
  if (!missing(check.names))
    warning("check.names parameter is deprecated")

  # Set the original data scale to the input data scale.
  data_scale_orig <- data_scale

  # Define the dType variable. This is used for customizing the warnings and
  # errors according to the data type (peptide, protein, lipid, ...).
  dType <- c('lipids', 'as.lipidData')

  # Perform pre analysis checks. Return updated data frames if they all receive
  # a gold star.
  res <- pre_flight(
    e_data = e_data,
    f_data = f_data,
    e_meta = e_meta,
    edata_cname = edata_cname,
    fdata_cname = fdata_cname,
    emeta_cname = emeta_cname,
    techrep_cname = techrep_cname,
    data_scale = data_scale,
    is_normalized = is_normalized,
    norm_info = norm_info,
    data_types = data_types,
    dType = dType,
    is_bc = is_bc,
    batch_info = batch_info

  # Set the (possibly new) emeta_cname.
  emeta_cname <- res$emeta_cname

  # Remove the emeta_cname element from the res list. That way only the e_data,
  # f_data, and e_meta (when applicable) data frames will be part of the output.
  # emeta_cname will no longer be an element of and omicsData object.
  res <- res[-which(names(res) == "emeta_cname")]

  # set column name attributes #
  attr(res, "cnames") = list(
    edata_cname = edata_cname,
    emeta_cname = emeta_cname,
    fdata_cname = fdata_cname,
    techrep_cname = techrep_cname

  # Compute the data_info attributes.
  attr(res, "data_info") <- set_data_info(
    e_data = res$e_data,
    edata_cname = edata_cname,
    data_scale_orig = data_scale_orig,
    data_scale = data_scale,
    data_types = data_types,
    norm_info = norm_info,
    is_normalized = is_normalized,
    batch_info = batch_info,
    is_bc = is_bc

  # set meta data attributes #
  attr(res, "meta_info") <- set_meta_info(
    e_meta = res$e_meta,
    emeta_cname = emeta_cname

  # set group dataframe attribute to NULL, will be filled in after running
  # group_designation function #
  attr(res, "group_DF") = NULL

  # Initialize the filters attribute with a list. This list will be populated
  # with filter class objects as filters are applied. Multiple filters can be
  # implemented on one data set.
  attr(res, "filters") <- list()

  # set class of list #
  class(res) = "lipidData"


#' Create pmartR Object of Class metabData
#' Converts several data frames of metabolomic data to an
#' object of the class 'metabData'. Objects of the class 'metabData' are lists
#' with two obligatory components, \code{e_data} and \code{f_data}. An optional
#' list component, \code{e_meta}, is used if analysis or visualization at other
#' levels (e.g. metabolite identification) is also desired.
#' @param e_data a \eqn{p \times n + 1} data frame of expression data, where
#'   \eqn{p} is the number of metabolites observed and \eqn{n} is the number of
#'   samples. Each row corresponds to data for one metabolite. One column
#'   specifying a unique identifier for each metabolite (row) must be present.
#' @param f_data a data frame with \eqn{n} rows. Each row corresponds to a
#'   sample with one column giving the unique sample identifiers found in e_data
#'   column names and other columns providing qualitative and/or quantitative
#'   traits of each sample.
#' @param e_meta an optional data frame with \eqn{p} rows. Each row corresponds
#'   to a metabolite with one column giving metabolite names (must be named the
#'   same as the column in \code{e_data}) and other columns giving meta
#'   information.
#' @param edata_cname character string specifying the name of the column
#'   containing the metabolite identifiers in \code{e_data} and \code{e_meta}
#'   (if applicable).
#' @param emeta_cname character string specifying the name of the column
#'   containing the mapped identifiers in \code{e_meta} (if applicable).
#'   Defaults to NULL. Can be the same as edata_cname, if desired. If \code{e_meta} is NULL, then either do not specify
#'   \code{emeta_cname} or specify it as NULL.
#' @param fdata_cname character string specifying the name of the column
#'   containing the sample identifiers in \code{f_data}.
#' @param techrep_cname character string specifying the name of the column in
#'   \code{f_data} that specifies which samples are technical replicates. This column is used to
#'   collapse the data when \code{combine_techreps} is called on this object.
#'   Defaults to NULL (no technical replicates).
#' @param ... further arguments
#' @return Object of class metabData
#' @details Objects of class 'metabData' contain some attributes that are
#'   referenced by downstream functions. These attributes can be changed from
#'   their default value by manual specification. A list of these attributes as
#'   well as their default values are as follows: \tabular{ll}{ data_scale \tab
#'   Scale of the data provided in \code{e_data}. Acceptable values are 'log2',
#'   'log10', 'log', and 'abundance', which indicate data is log base 2, base
#'   10, natural log, or raw abundance, respectively. Default is
#'   'abundance'. \cr \tab \cr is_normalized \tab A logical argument, specifying
#'   whether the data has been normalized or not. Default value is FALSE. \cr
#'   \tab \cr norm_info \tab Default value is an empty list, which will be
#'   populated with a single named element \code{is_normalized = is_normalized}.
#'   When a normalization is applied to the data, this becomes populated with a
#'   list containing the normalization function, normalization subset and subset
#'   parameters, the location and scale parameters used to normalize the data,
#'   and the location and scale parameters used to backtransform the data (if
#'   applicable). \cr \tab \cr data_types \tab Character string describing the type of data, most commonly used for lipidomic data (lipidData objects) or NMR data (nmrData objects) but available for other data classes as well. Default value is NULL. \cr } Computed
#'   values included in the \code{data_info} attribute are as follows:
#'   \tabular{ll}{ num_edata \tab The number of unique \code{edata_cname}
#'   entries.\cr \tab \cr num_miss_obs \tab The number of missing
#'   observations.\cr \tab \cr num_emeta \tab The number of unique
#'   \code{emeta_cname} entries. \cr \tab \cr prop_missing \tab The proportion
#'   of \code{e_data} values that are NA. \cr \tab \cr num_samps \tab The number
#'   of samples that make up the columns of \code{e_data}.\cr \tab \cr meta_info
#'   \tab A logical argument, specifying where the \code{e_meta} is provided.\cr
#'   \tab \cr }
#' @examplesIf requireNamespace("pmartRdata", quietly = TRUE)
#' library(pmartRdata)
#' mymetabData <- as.metabData(
#'   e_data = metab_edata,
#'   f_data = metab_fdata,
#'   edata_cname = "Metabolite",
#'   fdata_cname = "SampleID"
#' )
#' @author Lisa Bramer, Kelly Stratton
#' @seealso \code{\link{as.lipidData}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{as.nmrData}}
#' @export
as.metabData <- function(e_data, f_data, e_meta = NULL,
                         edata_cname, fdata_cname, emeta_cname = NULL,
                         techrep_cname = NULL, ...) {
    e_data, f_data, e_meta, edata_cname, fdata_cname, emeta_cname,
    techrep_cname, ...

## metabolite data ##
.as.metabData <- function(e_data, f_data, e_meta = NULL, edata_cname,
                          fdata_cname, emeta_cname = NULL,
                          techrep_cname = NULL,
                          data_scale = "abundance",
                          is_normalized = FALSE, norm_info = list(),
                          is_bc = FALSE, batch_info = list(),
                          data_types = NULL, check.names = NULL) {
  if (!missing(check.names))
    warning("check.names parameter is deprecated")

  # Set the original data scale to the input data scale.
  data_scale_orig <- data_scale

  # Define the dType variable. This is used for customizing the warnings and
  # errors according to the data type (peptide, protein, lipid, ...).
  dType <- c('metabolites', 'as.metabData')

  # Perform pre analysis checks. Return updated data frames if they all receive
  # a gold star.
  res <- pre_flight(
    e_data = e_data,
    f_data = f_data,
    e_meta = e_meta,
    edata_cname = edata_cname,
    fdata_cname = fdata_cname,
    emeta_cname = emeta_cname,
    techrep_cname = techrep_cname,
    data_scale = data_scale,
    is_normalized = is_normalized,
    norm_info = norm_info,
    data_types = data_types,
    dType = dType,
    is_bc = is_bc,
    batch_info = batch_info

  # Set the (possibly new) emeta_cname.
  emeta_cname <- res$emeta_cname

  # Remove the emeta_cname element from the res list. That way only the e_data,
  # f_data, and e_meta (when applicable) data frames will be part of the output.
  # emeta_cname will no longer be an element of and omicsData object.
  res <- res[-which(names(res) == "emeta_cname")]

  # set column name attributes #
  attr(res, "cnames") = list(
    edata_cname = edata_cname,
    emeta_cname = emeta_cname,
    fdata_cname = fdata_cname,
    techrep_cname = techrep_cname

  # Compute the data_info attributes.
  attr(res, "data_info") <- set_data_info(
    e_data = res$e_data,
    edata_cname = edata_cname,
    data_scale_orig = data_scale_orig,
    data_scale = data_scale,
    data_types = data_types,
    norm_info = norm_info,
    is_normalized = is_normalized,
    batch_info = batch_info,
    is_bc = is_bc

  # set meta data attributes #
  attr(res, "meta_info") <- set_meta_info(
    e_meta = res$e_meta,
    emeta_cname = emeta_cname

  # set group dataframe attribute to NULL, will be filled in after running
  # group_designation function #
  attr(res, "group_DF") = NULL

  # Initialize the filters attribute with a list. This list will be populated
  # with filter class objects as filters are applied. Multiple filters can be
  # implemented on one data set.
  attr(res, "filters") <- list()

  # set class of list #
  class(res) = "metabData"


#' Create pmartR Object of Class nmrData
#' Converts several data frames of NMR-generated
#' metabolomic data to an object of the class 'nmrData'. Objects of the
#' class 'nmrData' are lists with two obligatory components, \code{e_data} and
#' \code{f_data}. An optional list component, \code{e_meta}, is used if analysis
#' or visualization at other levels (e.g. metabolite identification) is also
#' desired.
#' @param e_data a \eqn{p \times n + 1} data frame of expression data, where
#'   \eqn{p} is the number of metabolites observed and \eqn{n} is the number of
#'   samples. Each row corresponds to data for one metabolite. One column
#'   specifying a unique identifier for each metabolite (row) must be present.
#' @param f_data a data frame with \eqn{n} rows. Each row corresponds to a
#'   sample with one column giving the unique sample identifiers found in e_data
#'   column names and other columns providing qualitative and/or quantitative
#'   traits of each sample.
#' @param e_meta an optional data frame with \eqn{p} rows. Each row corresponds
#'   to a metabolite with one column giving metabolite names (must be named the
#'   same as the column in \code{e_data}) and other columns giving meta
#'   information.
#' @param edata_cname character string specifying the name of the column
#'   containing the metabolite identifiers in \code{e_data} and \code{e_meta}
#'   (if applicable).
#' @param emeta_cname character string specifying the name of the column
#'   containing the mapped identifiers in \code{e_meta} (if applicable).
#'   Defaults to NULL. Can be the same as edata_cname, if desired. If \code{e_meta} is NULL, then either do not specify
#'   \code{emeta_cname} or specify it as NULL.
#' @param fdata_cname character string specifying the name of the column
#'   containing the sample identifiers in \code{f_data}.
#' @param techrep_cname character string specifying the name of the column in
#'   \code{f_data} that specifies which samples are technical replicates. This column is used to
#'   collapse the data when \code{combine_techreps} is called on this object.
#'   Defaults to NULL (no technical replicates).
#' @param ... further arguments
#' @return Object of class nmrData
#' @details Objects of class 'nmrData' contain some attributes that are
#'   referenced by downstream functions. These attributes can be changed from
#'   their default value by manual specification. A list of these attributes as
#'   well as their default values are as follows: \tabular{ll}{ data_scale \tab
#'   Scale of the data provided in \code{e_data}. Acceptable values are 'log2',
#'   'log10', 'log', and 'abundance', which indicate data is log base 2, base
#'   10, natural log, or raw abundance, respectively. Default is
#'   'abundance'. \cr \tab \cr is_normalized \tab A logical argument, specifying
#'   whether the data has been normalized or not. Default value is FALSE. \cr
#'   \tab \cr nmr_norm \tab A logical argument, specifying whether the data has
#'   been normalized either to a spiked in metabolite or to a property taking
#'   sample-specific values \cr #' \tab \cr norm_info \tab Default value is an
#'   empty list, which will be populated with a single named element
#'   \code{is_normalized = is_normalized}. When a normalization is applied to
#'   the data, this becomes populated with a list containing the normalization
#'   function, normalization subset and subset parameters, the location and
#'   scale parameters used to normalize the data, and the location and scale
#'   parameters used to backtransform the data (if applicable). \cr \tab \cr
#'   data_types \tab Character string describing the type of data (e.g.'binned'
#'   or 'identified', for NMR data). Default value is NULL. \cr } Computed
#'   values included in the \code{data_info} attribute are as follows:
#'   \tabular{ll}{ num_edata \tab The number of unique \code{edata_cname}
#'   entries.\cr \tab \cr num_miss_obs \tab The number of missing
#'   observations.\cr \tab \cr num_emeta \tab The number of unique
#'   \code{emeta_cname} entries. \cr \tab \cr prop_missing \tab The proportion
#'   of \code{e_data} values that are NA. \cr \tab \cr num_samps \tab The number
#'   of samples that make up the columns of \code{e_data}.\cr \tab \cr meta_info
#'   \tab A logical argument, specifying where the \code{e_meta} is provided.\cr
#'   \tab \cr }
#' @examplesIf requireNamespace("pmartRdata", quietly = TRUE)
#' library(pmartRdata)
#' mynmrData <- as.nmrData(
#'   e_data = nmr_identified_edata,
#'   f_data = nmr_identified_fdata,
#'   edata_cname = "Metabolite",
#'   fdata_cname = "SampleID",
#'   data_type = "identified"
#' )
#' @author Lisa Bramer, Kelly Stratton
#' @seealso \code{\link{as.metabData}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{normalize_nmr}}
#' @export
as.nmrData <- function(e_data, f_data, e_meta = NULL,
                       edata_cname, fdata_cname, emeta_cname = NULL,
                       techrep_cname = NULL, ...) {
    e_data, f_data, e_meta, edata_cname, fdata_cname, emeta_cname,
    techrep_cname, ...

## metabolite data ##
.as.nmrData <- function(e_data, f_data, e_meta = NULL, edata_cname,
                        fdata_cname, emeta_cname = NULL,
                        techrep_cname = NULL,
                        data_scale = "abundance",
                        is_normalized = FALSE, nmr_norm = FALSE,
                        norm_info = list(), data_types = NULL,
                        is_bc = FALSE, batch_info = list(),
                        check.names = NULL) {
  if (!missing(check.names))
    warning("check.names parameter is deprecated")

  # Set the original data scale to the input data scale.
  data_scale_orig <- data_scale

  # Define the dType variable. This is used for customizing the warnings and
  # errors according to the data type (peptide, protein, lipid, ...).
  dType <- c('metabolites', 'as.nmrData')

  # Perform pre analysis checks. Return updated data frames if they all receive
  # a gold star.
  res <- pre_flight(
    e_data = e_data,
    f_data = f_data,
    e_meta = e_meta,
    edata_cname = edata_cname,
    fdata_cname = fdata_cname,
    emeta_cname = emeta_cname,
    techrep_cname = techrep_cname,
    data_scale = data_scale,
    is_normalized = is_normalized,
    norm_info = norm_info,
    data_types = data_types,
    dType = dType,
    is_bc = is_bc,
    batch_info = batch_info

  # Set the (possibly new) emeta_cname.
  emeta_cname <- res$emeta_cname

  # Remove the emeta_cname element from the res list. That way only the e_data,
  # f_data, and e_meta (when applicable) data frames will be part of the output.
  # emeta_cname will no longer be an element of and omicsData object.
  res <- res[-which(names(res) == "emeta_cname")]

  # set column name attributes #
  attr(res, "cnames") = list(
    edata_cname = edata_cname,
    emeta_cname = emeta_cname,
    fdata_cname = fdata_cname,
    techrep_cname = techrep_cname

  # Compute the data_info attributes.
  attr(res, "data_info") <- set_data_info(
    e_data = res$e_data,
    edata_cname = edata_cname,
    data_scale_orig = data_scale_orig,
    data_scale = data_scale,
    data_types = data_types,
    norm_info = norm_info,
    is_normalized = is_normalized,
    batch_info = batch_info,
    is_bc = is_bc

  # Set nmr specific attribute.
  attr(res, "nmr_info") <- set_nmr_info(
    metabolite_name = NA,
    sample_property_cname = NA,
    norm_info = norm_info,
    nmr_norm = nmr_norm,
    backtransform = NA

  # set meta data attributes #
  attr(res, "meta_info") <- set_meta_info(
    e_meta = res$e_meta,
    emeta_cname = emeta_cname

  # set group dataframe attribute to NULL, will be filled in after running
  # group_designation function #
  attr(res, "group_DF") = NULL

  # Initialize the filters attribute with a list. This list will be populated
  # with filter class objects as filters are applied. Multiple filters can be
  # implemented on one data set.
  attr(res, "filters") <- list()

  # set class of list #
  class(res) = c("nmrData")


#' Create pmartR Object of Class pepData
#' Converts several data frames of (unlabeled or global, as opposed to labeled) peptide data to an
#' object of the class 'pepData'. Objects of the class 'pepData' are lists with
#' two obligatory components, \code{e_data} and \code{f_data}. An optional list
#' component, \code{e_meta}, is used if analysis or visualization at other levels
#' (e.g. protein) is also desired.
#' @param e_data a \eqn{p \times n + 1} data frame of expression data, where
#'   \eqn{p} is the number of peptides observed and \eqn{n} is the number of
#'   samples (an additional peptide identifier/name column should also be
#'   present somewhere in the data frame). Each row corresponds to data for one
#'   peptide. One column specifying a unique identifier for each peptide (row)
#'   must be present.
#' @param f_data a data frame with \eqn{n} rows. Each row corresponds to a
#'   sample with one column giving the unique sample identifiers found in e_data
#'   column names and other columns providing qualitative and/or quantitative
#'   traits of each sample.
#' @param e_meta an optional data frame with at least \eqn{p} rows. Each row
#'   corresponds to a peptide with one column giving peptide names (must be
#'   named the same as the column in \code{e_data}) and other columns giving biomolecule
#'   meta information (e.g. mappings of peptides to proteins).
#' @param edata_cname character string specifying the name of the column
#'   containing the peptide identifiers in \code{e_data} and \code{e_meta} (if
#'   applicable).
#' @param emeta_cname character string specifying the name of the column
#'   containing the protein identifiers (or other mapping variable) in
#'   \code{e_meta} (if applicable). Defaults to NULL. Can be the same as edata_cname, if desired. If \code{e_meta} is NULL,
#'   then either do not specify \code{emeta_cname} or specify it as NULL.
#' @param fdata_cname character string specifying the name of the column
#'   containing the sample identifiers in \code{f_data}.
#' @param techrep_cname character string specifying the name of the column in
#'   \code{f_data} that specifies which samples are technical replicates. This column is used to
#'   collapse the data when \code{combine_techreps} is called on this object.
#'   Defaults to NULL (no technical replicates).
#' @param ... further arguments
#' @return Object of class pepData
#' @details Objects of class 'pepData' contain some attributes that are
#'   referenced by downstream functions. These attributes can be changed from
#'   their default value by manual specification. A list of these attributes as
#'   well as their default values are as follows: \tabular{ll}{ data_scale \tab
#'   Scale of the data provided in \code{e_data}. Acceptable values are 'log2',
#'   'log10', 'log', and 'abundance', which indicate data is log base 2, base
#'   10, natural log, or raw abundance, respectively. Default is
#'   'abundance'. \cr \tab \cr is_normalized \tab A logical argument, specifying
#'   whether the data has been normalized or not. Default value is FALSE. \cr
#'   \tab \cr norm_info \tab Default value is an empty list, which will be
#'   populated with a single named element \code{is_normalized = is_normalized}.
#'   When a normalization is applied to the data, this becomes populated with a
#'   list containing the normalization function, normalization subset and subset
#'   parameters, the location and scale parameters used to normalize the data,
#'   and the location and scale parameters used to backtransform the data (if
#'   applicable). \cr \tab \cr data_types \tab Character string describing the type of data, most commonly used for lipidomic data (lipidData objects) or NMR data (nmrData objects) but available for other data classes as well. Default value is NULL. \cr } Computed
#'   values included in the \code{data_info} attribute are as follows:
#'   \tabular{ll}{ num_edata \tab The number of unique \code{edata_cname}
#'   entries.\cr \tab \cr num_miss_obs \tab The number of missing
#'   observations.\cr \tab \cr num_emeta \tab The number of unique
#'   \code{emeta_cname} entries. \cr \tab \cr prop_missing \tab The proportion
#'   of \code{e_data} values that are NA. \cr \tab \cr num_samps \tab The number
#'   of samples that make up the columns of \code{e_data}.\cr \tab \cr meta_info
#'   \tab A logical argument, specifying whether \code{e_meta} is provided.\cr
#'   \tab \cr }
#' @examplesIf requireNamespace("pmartRdata", quietly = TRUE)
#' library(pmartRdata)
#' mypepData <- as.pepData(
#'   e_data = pep_edata,
#'   e_meta = pep_emeta,
#'   f_data = pep_fdata,
#'   edata_cname = "Peptide",
#'   fdata_cname = "SampleID",
#'   emeta_cname = "RazorProtein"
#' )
#' @author Kelly Stratton, Lisa Bramer
#' @seealso \code{\link{as.proData}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{as.isobaricpepData}}
#' @export
as.pepData <- function(e_data, f_data, e_meta = NULL,
                       edata_cname, fdata_cname, emeta_cname = NULL,
                       techrep_cname = NULL, ...) {
    e_data, f_data, e_meta, edata_cname, fdata_cname, emeta_cname,
    techrep_cname, ...

## peptide data ##
.as.pepData <- function(e_data, f_data, e_meta = NULL, edata_cname,
                        fdata_cname, emeta_cname = NULL,
                        techrep_cname = NULL,
                        data_scale = "abundance",
                        is_normalized = FALSE, norm_info = list(),
                        is_bc = FALSE, batch_info = list(),
                        data_types = NULL, check.names = NULL) {
  if (!missing(check.names))
    warning("check.names parameter is deprecated")

  # Set the original data scale to the input data scale.
  data_scale_orig <- data_scale

  # Define the dType variable. This is used for customizing the warnings and
  # errors according to the data type (peptide, protein, lipid, ...).
  dType <- c('peptides', 'as.pepData')

  # Perform pre analysis checks. Return updated data frames if they all receive
  # a gold star.
  res <- pre_flight(
    e_data = e_data,
    f_data = f_data,
    e_meta = e_meta,
    edata_cname = edata_cname,
    fdata_cname = fdata_cname,
    emeta_cname = emeta_cname,
    techrep_cname = techrep_cname,
    data_scale = data_scale,
    is_normalized = is_normalized,
    norm_info = norm_info,
    data_types = data_types,
    dType = dType,
    is_bc = is_bc,
    batch_info = batch_info

  # Set the (possibly new) emeta_cname.
  emeta_cname <- res$emeta_cname

  # Remove the emeta_cname element from the res list. That way only the e_data,
  # f_data, and e_meta (when applicable) data frames will be part of the output.
  # emeta_cname will no longer be an element of and omicsData object.
  res <- res[-which(names(res) == "emeta_cname")]

  # set column name attributes #
  attr(res, "cnames") = list(
    edata_cname = edata_cname,
    emeta_cname = emeta_cname,
    fdata_cname = fdata_cname,
    techrep_cname = techrep_cname

  # Compute the data_info attributes.
  attr(res, "data_info") <- set_data_info(
    e_data = res$e_data,
    edata_cname = edata_cname,
    data_scale_orig = data_scale_orig,
    data_scale = data_scale,
    data_types = data_types,
    norm_info = norm_info,
    is_normalized = is_normalized,
    batch_info = batch_info,
    is_bc = is_bc

  # set meta data attributes #
  attr(res, "meta_info") <- set_meta_info(
    e_meta = res$e_meta,
    emeta_cname = emeta_cname

  # set group dataframe attribute to NULL, will be filled in after running
  # group_designation function #
  attr(res, "group_DF") = NULL

  # Initialize the filters attribute with a list. This list will be populated
  # with filter class objects as filters are applied. Multiple filters can be
  # implemented on one data set.
  attr(res, "filters") <- list()

  # set class of list #
  class(res) = "pepData"


#' Create pmartR Object of Class proData
#' Converts several data frames of protein data to an
#' object of the class 'proData'. Objects of the class 'proData' are lists with
#' two obligatory components, \code{e_data} and \code{f_data}. An optional list
#' component, \code{e_meta}, is used if analysis or visualization at other levels
#' (e.g. gene) is also desired.
#' @param e_data a \eqn{p \times n + 1} data frame of expression data, where
#'   \eqn{p} is the number of proteins observed and \eqn{n} is the number of
#'   samples. Each row corresponds to data for one protein. One column
#'   specifying a unique identifier for each protein (row) must be present.
#' @param f_data a data frame with \eqn{n} rows. Each row corresponds to a
#'   sample with one column giving the unique sample identifiers found in e_data
#'   column names and other columns providing qualitative and/or quantitative
#'   traits of each sample.
#' @param e_meta an optional data frame with \eqn{p} rows. Each row corresponds
#'   to a protein with one column giving protein names (must be named the same
#'   as the column in \code{e_data}) and other columns giving biomolecule meta information
#'   (e.g. mappings of proteins to genes).
#' @param edata_cname character string specifying the name of the column
#'   containing the protein identifiers in \code{e_data} and \code{e_meta} (if
#'   applicable).
#' @param emeta_cname character string specifying the name of the column
#'   containing the gene identifiers (or other mapping variable) in
#'   \code{e_meta} (if applicable). Defaults to NULL. Can be the same as edata_cname, if desired. If \code{e_meta} is NULL,
#'   then either do not specify \code{emeta_cname} or specify it as NULL.
#' @param fdata_cname character string specifying the name of the column
#'   containing the sample identifiers in \code{f_data}.
#' @param techrep_cname character string specifying the name of the column in
#'   \code{f_data} that specifies which samples are technical replicates. This column is used to
#'   collapse the data when \code{combine_techreps} is called on this object.
#'   Defaults to NULL (no technical replicates).
#' @param ... further arguments
#' @return Object of class proData
#' @details Objects of class 'proData' contain some attributes that are
#'   referenced by downstream functions. These attributes can be changed from
#'   their default value by manual specification. A list of these attributes as
#'   well as their default values are as follows: \tabular{ll}{ data_scale \tab
#'   Scale of the data provided in \code{e_data}. Acceptable values are 'log2',
#'   'log10', 'log', and 'abundance', which indicate data is log base 2, base
#'   10, natural log, or raw abundance, respectively. Default
#'   values is 'abundance'. \cr \tab \cr is_normalized \tab A logical argument,
#'   specifying whether the data has been normalized or not. Default value is
#'   FALSE. \cr \tab \cr norm_info \tab Default value is an empty list, which
#'   will be populated with a single named element \code{is_normalized =
#'   is_normalized}. When a normalization is applied to the data, this becomes
#'   populated with a list containing the normalization function, normalization
#'   subset and subset parameters, the location and scale parameters used to
#'   normalize the data, and the location and scale parameters used to
#'   backtransform the data (if applicable). \cr \tab \cr data_types \tab
#'   Character string describing the type of data, most commonly used for lipidomic data (lipidData objects) or NMR data (nmrData objects) but available for other data classes as well. Default
#'   value is NULL. \cr } Computed values included in the \code{data_info}
#'   attribute are as follows: \tabular{ll}{ num_edata \tab The number of unique
#'   \code{edata_cname} entries.\cr \tab \cr num_miss_obs \tab The number of
#'   missing observations.\cr \tab \cr num_emeta \tab The number of unique
#'   \code{emeta_cname} entries. \cr \tab \cr prop_missing \tab The proportion
#'   of \code{e_data} values that are NA. \cr \tab \cr num_samps \tab The number
#'   of samples that make up the columns of \code{e_data}.\cr \tab \cr meta_info
#'   \tab A logical argument, specifying whether \code{e_meta} is provided.\cr
#'   \tab \cr }
#' @examplesIf requireNamespace("pmartRdata", quietly = TRUE)
#' library(pmartRdata)
#' myproData <- as.proData(
#'   e_data = pro_edata,
#'   f_data = pro_fdata,
#'   edata_cname = "RazorProtein",
#'   fdata_cname = "SampleID",
#'   is_normalized = TRUE
#' )
#' @author Kelly Stratton, Lisa Bramer
#' @seealso \code{\link{as.pepData}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{as.isobaricpepData}}
#' @export
as.proData <- function(e_data, f_data, e_meta = NULL,
                       edata_cname, fdata_cname, emeta_cname = NULL,
                       techrep_cname = NULL, ...) {
    e_data, f_data, e_meta, edata_cname, fdata_cname, emeta_cname,
    techrep_cname, ...

## protein data ##
.as.proData <- function(e_data, f_data, e_meta = NULL, edata_cname,
                        fdata_cname, emeta_cname = NULL,
                        techrep_cname = NULL,
                        data_scale = "abundance",
                        is_normalized = FALSE, norm_info = list(),
                        is_bc = FALSE, batch_info = list(),
                        data_types = NULL, check.names = NULL) {
  if (!missing(check.names))
    warning("check.names parameter is deprecated")

  # Set the original data scale to the input data scale.
  data_scale_orig <- data_scale

  # Define the dType variable. This is used for customizing the warnings and
  # errors according to the data type (peptide, protein, lipid, ...).
  dType <- c('proteins', 'as.proData')

  # Perform pre analysis checks. Return updated data frames if they all receive
  # a gold star.
  res <- pre_flight(
    e_data = e_data,
    f_data = f_data,
    e_meta = e_meta,
    edata_cname = edata_cname,
    fdata_cname = fdata_cname,
    emeta_cname = emeta_cname,
    techrep_cname = techrep_cname,
    data_scale = data_scale,
    is_normalized = is_normalized,
    norm_info = norm_info,
    data_types = data_types,
    dType = dType,
    is_bc = is_bc,
    batch_info = batch_info

  # Set the (possibly new) emeta_cname.
  emeta_cname <- res$emeta_cname

  # Remove the emeta_cname element from the res list. That way only the e_data,
  # f_data, and e_meta (when applicable) data frames will be part of the output.
  # emeta_cname will no longer be an element of and omicsData object.
  res <- res[-which(names(res) == "emeta_cname")]

  # set column name attributes #
  attr(res, "cnames") = list(
    edata_cname = edata_cname,
    emeta_cname = emeta_cname,
    fdata_cname = fdata_cname,
    techrep_cname = techrep_cname

  # Compute the data_info attributes.
  attr(res, "data_info") <- set_data_info(
    e_data = res$e_data,
    edata_cname = edata_cname,
    data_scale_orig = data_scale_orig,
    data_scale = data_scale,
    data_types = data_types,
    norm_info = norm_info,
    is_normalized = is_normalized,
    batch_info = batch_info,
    is_bc = is_bc

  # set meta data attributes #
  attr(res, "meta_info") <- set_meta_info(
    e_meta = res$e_meta,
    emeta_cname = emeta_cname

  # set group dataframe attribute to NULL, will be filled in after running
  # group_designation function #
  attr(res, "group_DF") = NULL

  # Initialize the filters attribute with a list. This list will be populated
  # with filter class objects as filters are applied. Multiple filters can be
  # implemented on one data set.
  attr(res, "filters") <- list()

  # Set the protein quantitation attribute to NA. This will be updated to one of
  # rollup, qrollup, rrollup, or zrollup if/when a pepData object is rolled up
  # to a proData object.
  attr(res, "pro_quant_info") <- list(method = NA)

  # set class of list #
  class(res) = "proData"


#' Create pmartR Object of Class seqData
#' Converts several data frames of RNA-seq transcript data to
#' an object of the class 'seqData'. Objects of the class 'seqData' are lists
#' with two obligatory components, \code{e_data} and \code{f_data}. An optional
#' list component, \code{e_meta}, is used if analysis or visualization at other
#' levels (e.g. gene, protein, pathway) is also desired.
#' @param e_data a \eqn{p \times n + 1} data frame of expression data, where
#'   \eqn{p} is the number of RNA transcripts observed and \eqn{n} is the number
#'   of samples (an additional transcript identifier/name column should also be
#'   present somewhere in the data frame). Each row corresponds to data for one
#'   transcript. One column specifying a unique identifier for each transcript
#'   (row) must be present. All counts are required to be raw for processing.
#' @param f_data a data frame with \eqn{n} rows. Each row corresponds to a
#'   sample with one column giving the unique sample identifiers found in e_data
#'   column names and other columns providing qualitative and/or quantitative
#'   traits of each sample. For library size normalization, this can be provided as part of f_data
#'   or calculated from columns in e_data.
#' @param e_meta an optional data frame with at least \eqn{p} rows. Each row
#'   corresponds to a transcript with one column giving transcript names (must be
#'   named the same as the column in \code{e_data}) and other columns giving biomolecule
#'   meta information (e.g. mappings of transcripts to genes or proteins). Can be the same as edata_cname, if desired.
#' @param edata_cname character string specifying the name of the column
#'   containing the transcript identifiers in \code{e_data} and \code{e_meta}
#'   (if applicable).
#' @param emeta_cname character string specifying the name of the column
#'   containing the gene identifiers (or other mapping variable) in
#'   \code{e_meta} (if applicable). Defaults to NULL. If \code{e_meta} is NULL,
#'   then either do not specify \code{emeta_cname} or specify it as NULL.
#' @param fdata_cname character string specifying the name of the column
#'   containing the sample identifiers in \code{f_data}.
#' @param techrep_cname character string specifying the name of the column in
#'   \code{f_data} that specifies which samples are technical replicates. This column is used to
#'   collapse the data when \code{combine_techreps} is called on this object.
#'   Defaults to NULL (no technical replicates).
#' @param ... further arguments
#' @return Object of class seqData
#' @details Objects of class 'seqData' contain some attributes that are
#'   referenced by downstream functions. These attributes can be changed from
#'   their default value by manual specification. A list of these attributes as
#'   well as their default values are as follows: \tabular{ll}{ data_scale \tab
#'   Scale of the data provided in \code{e_data}. Only 'counts' is valid for
#'   'seqData'. \cr \tab \cr is_normalized \tab A logical argument, specifying
#'   whether the data has been normalized or not. Default value is FALSE. \cr
#'   \tab \cr norm_info \tab Default value is an empty list, which will be
#'   populated with a single named element \code{is_normalized = is_normalized}.
#'   \cr \tab \cr data_types \tab Character string describing the type of data, most commonly used for lipidomic data (lipidData objects) or NMR data (nmrData objects) but available for other data classes as well. Default value is NULL. \cr } Computed
#'   values included in the \code{data_info} attribute are as follows:
#'   \tabular{ll}{ num_edata \tab The number of unique \code{edata_cname}
#'   entries.\cr \tab \cr num_zero_obs \tab The number of zero-value
#'   observations.\cr \tab \cr num_emeta \tab The number of unique
#'   \code{emeta_cname} entries. \cr \tab \cr prop_missing \tab The proportion
#'   of \code{e_data} values that are NA. \cr \tab \cr num_samps \tab The number
#'   of samples that make up the columns of \code{e_data}.\cr \tab \cr meta_info
#'   \tab A logical argument, specifying whether \code{e_meta} is provided.\cr
#'   \tab \cr }
#' @examplesIf requireNamespace("pmartRdata", quietly = TRUE)
#' library(pmartRdata)
#' myseq <- as.seqData(
#'   e_data = rnaseq_edata,
#'   e_meta = rnaseq_emeta,
#'   f_data = rnaseq_fdata,
#'   edata_cname = "Transcript",
#'   fdata_cname = "SampleName",
#'   emeta_cname = "Transcript"
#' )
#' @author Rachel Richardson, Kelly Stratton, Lisa Bramer
#' @seealso \code{\link{as.proData}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{as.pepData}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{as.lipidData}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{as.metabData}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{as.nmrData}}
#' @export
as.seqData <- function(e_data, f_data, e_meta = NULL,
                       edata_cname, fdata_cname, emeta_cname = NULL,
                       techrep_cname = NULL, ...) {
    e_data, f_data, e_meta, edata_cname, fdata_cname, emeta_cname,
    techrep_cname, ...

## RNA-seq data ##
.as.seqData <- function(e_data, f_data, e_meta = NULL, edata_cname,
                        fdata_cname, emeta_cname = NULL,
                        techrep_cname = NULL,
                        data_scale = "counts",
                        is_normalized = FALSE, norm_info = list(),
                        data_types = NULL,
                        is_bc = FALSE, batch_info = list(),
                        check.names = NULL) {
  if (!missing(check.names))
    warning("check.names parameter is deprecated")

  # Set the original data scale to the input data scale.
  data_scale_orig <- data_scale

  # Define the dType variable. This is used for customizing the warnings and
  # errors according to the data type (peptide, protein, lipid, ...).
  dType <- c('RNA transcripts', 'as.seqData')

  # Perform pre analysis checks. Return updated data frames if they all receive
  # a gold star.
  res <- pre_flight(
    e_data = e_data,
    f_data = f_data,
    e_meta = e_meta,
    edata_cname = edata_cname,
    fdata_cname = fdata_cname,
    emeta_cname = emeta_cname,
    techrep_cname = techrep_cname,
    data_scale = data_scale,
    is_normalized = is_normalized,
    norm_info = norm_info,
    data_types = data_types,
    dType = dType,
    is_bc = is_bc,
    batch_info = batch_info

  ### Should we add these to pre_flight?
  # Analyses must have raw counts

  nums <- e_data[which(colnames(e_data) != edata_cname)]
  notint <- any(apply(nums, 2, function(col) (sum(col %% 1, na.rm = TRUE) != 0)))
  if (notint) {
    warning("Non-integers detected. Analyses supported by pmartR for RNA-seq data require raw counts.")

  # Set the (possibly new) emeta_cname.
  emeta_cname <- res$emeta_cname

  # Remove the emeta_cname element from the res list. That way only the e_data,
  # f_data, and e_meta (when applicable) data frames will be part of the output.
  # emeta_cname will no longer be an element of and omicsData object.
  res <- res[-which(names(res) == "emeta_cname")]

  # set column name attributes #
  attr(res, "cnames") = list(
    edata_cname = edata_cname,
    emeta_cname = emeta_cname,
    fdata_cname = fdata_cname,
    techrep_cname = techrep_cname

  # Compute the data_info attributes.
  attr(res, "data_info") <- set_data_info(
    e_data = res$e_data,
    edata_cname = edata_cname,
    data_scale_orig = data_scale_orig,
    data_scale = data_scale,
    data_types = data_types,
    norm_info = norm_info,
    is_normalized = is_normalized,
    batch_info = batch_info,
    is_bc = is_bc

  # set meta data attributes #
  attr(res, "meta_info") <- set_meta_info(
    e_meta = res$e_meta,
    emeta_cname = emeta_cname

  # set group dataframe attribute to NULL, will be filled in after running
  # group_designation function #
  attr(res, "group_DF") = NULL

  # Initialize the filters attribute with a list. This list will be populated
  # with filter class objects as filters are applied. Multiple filters can be
  # implemented on one data set.
  attr(res, "filters") <- list()

  # set class of list #
  class(res) = "seqData"


# pre_flight checks all of the data frames, id column names, and other input
# values to ensure they are all the correct class. It also checks the e_data,
# f_data, and e_meta data frames to make sure they are the right dimension.
# pre_flight returns e_data, f_data, e_meta, and emeta_cname. Each of these
# objects could have been modified in this function.
pre_flight <- function(e_data,
                       batch_info) {
  # Verify classes/values of arguments -----------------------------------------

  # Check if e_data is a tibble or data.table. If it is convert to a data frame.
  if (inherits(e_data, "tbl_df") ||
    inherits(e_data, "tbl") ||
    inherits(e_data, "data.table")) {
    e_data <- data.frame(e_data, check.names = FALSE)

  # Make sure e_data is a data.frame.
  if (!inherits(e_data, "data.frame")) {
    stop("e_data must be of class 'data.frame'")

  # Check if f_data is a tibble or data.table. If it is convert to a data frame.
  if (inherits(f_data, "tbl_df") ||
    inherits(f_data, "tbl") ||
    inherits(f_data, "data.table")) {
    f_data <- data.frame(f_data, check.names = FALSE)

  # Make sure f_data is a data.frame.
  if (!inherits(f_data, "data.frame")) {
    stop("f_data must be of class 'data.frame'")

  # Determine if e_meta is present.
  if (!is.null(e_meta)) {
    # Check if e_meta is a tibble or data.table. If it is convert to a data
    # frame.
    if (inherits(e_meta, "tbl_df") ||
      inherits(e_meta, "tbl") ||
      inherits(e_meta, "data.table")) {
      e_meta <- data.frame(e_meta, check.names = FALSE)

    # Test that e_meta is a data frame.
    if (!inherits(e_meta, "data.frame")) {
      # Lay down an error because e_meta is not a data frame.
      stop("e_meta must be of class 'data.frame'")

  # Investigate the columns of edata and ensure they are the correct class and
  # do not contain any erroneous values.
    edata = e_data,
    edata_cname = edata_cname

  # check remaining input params are of correct class # added by KGS 5/1/2020
  ## cnames are character strings
  if (!is.null(edata_cname)) {
    if (!inherits(edata_cname, "character")) {
      stop("edata_cname must be of the class 'character'")
  if (!is.null(fdata_cname)) {
    if (!inherits(fdata_cname, "character")) {
      stop("fdata_cname must be of the class 'character'")
  if (!is.null(emeta_cname)) {
    if (!inherits(emeta_cname, "character")) {
      stop("emeta_cname must be of the class 'character'")

  # Inspect the is_normalized argument.
  if (!is.null(is_normalized)) {
    # Make sure it is logical (not irrational:)).
    if (!inherits(is_normalized, "logical")) {
      # BAM!! pmart 1 user 0.
      stop("is_normalized must be of the class 'logical'")

  # Inspect the is_bc argument
  if (!is.null(is_bc)) {
    # Make sure it is logical
    if (!inherits(is_bc, "logical")) {
      stop("is_bc must be of the class 'logical'")

  # Examine the norm_info argument. Ensure it is a list.
  if (!inherits(norm_info, "list")) {
    # Throw an error at the user.
    stop("norm_info must be of the class 'list'")

  # Examine the batch_info argument. Ensure it is a list.
  if (!inherits(batch_info, "list")) {
    # Throw an error at the user
    stop("batch_info must be of the class 'list'")

  # Check the data_types argument.
  if (!is.null(data_types)) {
    # Confirm it is a character string.
    if (!inherits(data_types, "character")) {
      # Deliver a devastating blow to the users morale.
      stop("data_types must be of the class 'character'")

  # Make sure data_scale is one of the acceptable strings
  if (dType[[2]] == "as.seqData") {
    if (data_scale != c("counts")) {
      # Throw an error because data_scale is not an acceptable form.
      stop("data_scale must be 'counts' for as.seqData")
  } else {
    if (!(data_scale %in% c("abundance", "log", "log2", "log10"))) {
      # Throw an error because data_scale is not an acceptable form.
        "data_scale must be one of the following for ",
        dType[[2]], ":",
        " 'abundance', 'log', 'log2', or 'log10'."

  # Check if techrep_cname is null or not.
  if (!is.null(techrep_cname)) {
    # Check that techrep_cname is a character string.
    if (!inherits(techrep_cname, "character") || length(techrep_cname) == 0) {
      # Use an error to let the user know there is little hope.
      stop(paste("techrep_cname must be a character string specifying a",
        "column in f_data",
        sep = ' '

  # Check column names in e_data, f_data, and e_meta ---------------------------

  # Ensure the ID column exists in e_data.
  if (!(edata_cname %in% names(e_data))) {
    # Return an error if the ID column doesn't exist.
      "ID column",
      "is not found in e_data. See details of",
      "for specifying column names.",
      sep = " "

  # Check if techrep_cname is null or not.
  if (!is.null(techrep_cname)) {
    # Check that techrep_cname is in f_data and is not the same as fdata_cname.
    if (!(techrep_cname %in%
      colnames(f_data[, -which(names(f_data) == fdata_cname)]))) {
      stop(paste("Specified technical replicate column was not found in",
        "f_data or was the same as fdata_cname",
        sep = ' '

    # Check that the tech rep column does not have a unique value in each row.
    if (length(unique(f_data[, techrep_cname])) == nrow(f_data)) {
      stop(paste("Specified technical replicate column had a unique value for",
        "each row.  Values should specify groups of technical",
        "replicates belonging to a biological sample.",
        sep = ' '

  # Check if e_meta is NULL and emeta_cname is non-NULL #
  if (is.null(e_meta) && !is.null(emeta_cname)) {
    # Set emeta_cname to null and state that it will not be used.
    emeta_cname <- NULL
    message("emeta_cname set to NULL, no e_meta object was provided.")

  # Verify e_meta is not null.
  if (!is.null(e_meta)) {
    # Confirm the peptide ID column exists in e_meta.
    if (!(edata_cname %in% names(e_meta))) {
      # Return an error if the ID column does not exist in e_meta.
        "ID column",
        "is not found in e_meta. The column name containing the",
        "IDs must match for e_data and e_meta. See details of",
        "for specifying column names.",
        sep = " "

    # Check if the emeta_cnames argument is null.
    if (is.null(emeta_cname)) {
      stop("Since e_meta is non-NULL, emeta_cname must also be non-NULL.")
    } else {
      # If emeta_cname is not null ensure this column is present in e_meta.
      if (!(emeta_cname %in% names(e_meta))) {
        stop(paste("Mapping variable column",
          "not found in e_meta. See details of",
          "for specifying column names.",
          sep = " "

  # Verify that the Sample column name is in the f_data column names #
  if (!(fdata_cname %in% names(f_data))) {
    # If this sample column name is not present return an error.
    stop(paste("Sample column",
      "not found in f_data. See details of",
      "for specifying column names.",
      sep = " "

  # Make sure the word 'Group' does not appear in f_data column names.
  if ("Group" %in% names(f_data)) {
    # Find the column number where the name "Group" occurs. This index will be
    # used to change the name to "group" because the group_designation function
    # creates a column named "Group". Some functions merge data frames with
    # f_data and having two columns named "Group" causes issues.
    group_idx <- which(names(f_data) == "Group")

    # Change the name to "group" so the merge function doesn't get confused.
    names(f_data)[group_idx] <- "group"

    # Let the user know they have overstepped their bounds and must be put in
    # their appropriate place.
    message(paste("A column in f_data is named 'Group'. This name is reserved",
      "for use in the group_designation funtion. The column name",
      "has been changed to 'group'.",
      sep = " "

  # Ensure the data frames agree with each other -------------------------------

  # check that all samples in e_data (column names of e_data) are present in
  # f_data (rows of f_data in the fdata_cname column) #
  edat_sampid = which(names(e_data) == edata_cname) # fixed by KS 10/13/2016
  samps.miss = sum(!(names(e_data[, -edat_sampid]) %in% f_data[, fdata_cname]))
  if (samps.miss > 0) stop(paste(samps.miss,
    " samples from e_data not found in f_data",
    sep = ""

  # check for any extra samples in f_data than in e_data - necessary to remove
  # before group_designation function #
  if (any(!(f_data[, fdata_cname] %in% names(e_data)))) {
    # Remove rows found in f_data that are not also in e_data.
    f_data <- f_data[-which(!(f_data[, fdata_cname] %in% names(e_data))), ]

    # Throw down a warning that the extra rows in f_data were removed.
    warning(paste("Extra samples were found in f_data that were not in",
      "e_data. These have been removed from f_data.",
      sep = ' '

  # if e_meta is provided, remove any extra features that are not also found in
  # e_data.
  if (!is.null(e_meta)) {
    if (any(!(e_meta[, edata_cname] %in% e_data[, edata_cname]))) {
      # Remove any rows in e_meta corresponding to IDs that are not also found
      # in e_data.
      e_meta <- e_meta[-which(!(e_meta[, edata_cname] %in%
        e_data[, edata_cname])), ]

      # Slam the user with a warning that the e_meta data frame was modified.
        "were found in e_meta that were not in e_data.",
        "These have been removed from e_meta.",
        sep = " "

  # Execute checks on e_data ---------------------------------------------------

  # Ensure the rows in e_data are unique.
  if (nrow(e_data) != length(unique(e_data[, edata_cname]))) {
    # Rewrite e_data with only the unique rows of the data frame.
    e_data <- unique(e_data)

    # Check if the unique data frame has non unique IDs.
    if (nrow(e_data) != length(unique(e_data[, edata_cname]))) {
      # Return an error if some IDs are repeated in e_data.
      stop("The 'edata_cname' identifier is non-unique.")

  # Depending on scale, check if there are zeros in edata and auto-remove all 0/na rows
  if (data_scale == 'abundance') {
    if (any(e_data == 0, na.rm = TRUE)) {
      # Exchange 0 for NA in edata.
      e_data <- replace_zeros(
        e_data = e_data,
        edata_cname = edata_cname

    # # Auto remove all NA data
    # select <- which(colnames(e_data) != edata_cname)
    # e_data <- e_data[apply(!is.na(e_data[select]), 1, any),]
  } else if (data_scale == 'counts') {
    if (any(is.na(e_data))) {
      # Exchange NA for 0 in edata.
      e_data <- replace_nas(
        edata = e_data,
        edata_cname = edata_cname

    # # Auto-remove all 0 data
    # select <- which(colnames(e_data) != edata_cname)
    # e_data <- e_data[apply(e_data[select] != 0, 1, any),]

  # Perform checks on f_data ---------------------------------------------------

  # check that f_data has at least 2 columns #
  if (ncol(f_data) < 2) stop("f_data must contain at least 2 columns")

  # Check if techrep_cname is null or not.
  if (!is.null(techrep_cname)) {
    # Check that the tech rep column does not have a unique value in each row.
    if (length(unique(f_data[, techrep_cname])) == nrow(f_data)) {
      stop(paste("Specified technical replicate column had a unique value for",
        "each row.  Values should specify groups of technical",
        "replicates belonging to a biological sample.",
        sep = ' '

  # Conduct checks on e_meta ---------------------------------------------------

  # If e_meta is provided, check that all peptides, proteins, ... in e_data also
  # occur in e_meta.
  if (!is.null(e_meta)) {
    # If e_data has more rows than e_meta return an error.
    if (sum(!(e_data[, edata_cname] %in% e_meta[, edata_cname])) > 0) {
      stop(paste("Not all",
        "in e_data are present in e_meta.",
        sep = " "

  # if e_meta is provided check that there are no duplicates of edata_cname and
  # emeta_cname combinations in the e_meta
  if (!is.null(e_meta)) {
    # identify which columns are edata and emeta cnames in the emeta dataset
    id_edat_cname = which(colnames(e_meta) == edata_cname)
    id_emet_cname = which(colnames(e_meta) == emeta_cname)

    # find the subset of just those 2 columns
    sub_emeta <- unique(data.frame(e_meta[, id_edat_cname], e_meta[, id_emet_cname]))

    # are the two number of rows equal to each other?
    if (nrow(sub_emeta) != nrow(e_meta)) {
      stop(paste("Not all e_data cname and e_meta cname combinations are unique"))

  # Return the (possibly updated) data frames and cnames.
    e_data = e_data,
    f_data = f_data,
    e_meta = e_meta,
    emeta_cname = emeta_cname

# Check to see if Excel or MATLAB is ruining our lives with their silly number
# conventions.
# str_edata checks the structure of each column in e_data. If a number is
# divided by zero in Excel (#DIV/0!) or if a number is +- infinity (#NUM!) the
# column(s) containing these values will be read in as character vectors instead
# of numeric. The same is true with MATLAB (so I have heard) when it exports a
# file containing NaNs. When R reads in this file the column(s) containing NaN
# will be read in as character vectors.
# edata - The e_data data frame.
# edata_cname - The name of the identification column in e_data.
# str_col only returns an error if one occurs. Otherwise it does not return
# anything.
str_col <- function(edata,
                    edata_cname) {
  # Determine the index of the id column
  id_col <- which(names(edata) == edata_cname)

  # Determine the number of columns in edata without the id column.
  n_col <- length(edata)

  # Create a vector that will hold the column indices for non numeric columns.
  non_numeric <- NULL

  # Create a vector that will hold the column indices for columns that contain
  # infinite values.
  too_vast <- NULL

  # Create a counter that will fill in the vector containing the column number
  # for the non-numeric columns.
  v <- 0

  # Create a counter that will fill in the vector containing the column number
  # for the columns containing infinite values.
  a <- 0

  # Loop through each column of edata (minus the id column). The call to seq_len
  # will loop through each index of edata except the one belonging to the column
  # that contains the IDs. For example, if the first column contains the IDs
  # the for loop will start at 2.
  for (e in seq_len(n_col)[-id_col]) {
    # Check if the current column is not numeric.
    if (!inherits(
      edata[, e],
      c('integer', 'double', 'numeric')
    )) {
      # Update the counter used to fill in the non_numeric vector.
      v <- v + 1

      # Append the column number to the non_numeric vector.
      non_numeric[[v]] <- e

      # If the column is numeric the following code will run.
    } else {
      # Check if the column contains infinite values.
      if (any(is.infinite(edata[, e]))) {
        # Update the counter used to fill in the too_vast vector.
        a <- a + 1

        # Include the column number in the too_vast vector.
        too_vast[[a]] <- e

  # Confirm whether or not there are any non-numeric columns
  if (length(non_numeric) > 0) {
    # Check the length of non_numeric.
    if (length(non_numeric) == 1) {
      # Use proper English grammar when there is one naughty column.
      grammar <- c('Column', 'contains')
    } else {
      # Use proper English grammar when there are multiple naughty columns.
      grammar <- c('Columns', 'contain')

    # Forcefully tell the user their data is not acceptable. In other words, we
    # don't want their crap data because our life is crazy enough already.
      sprintf("(%s)", paste(non_numeric, collapse = ", ")),
      'of e_data',
      'non-numeric values.',
      sep = ' '

  # Confirm whether or not there are any columns containing infinity.
  if (length(too_vast) > 0) {
    # Check the length of too_vast.
    if (length(too_vast) == 1) {
      # Use proper English grammar when there is one boundless column.
      grammar <- c('Column', 'contains')
    } else {
      # Use proper English grammar when there are multiple boundless columns.
      grammar <- c('Columns', 'contain')

    # Throw down an error letting the user know it is impossible to have an
    # infinite number of something in their sample. (How would it all fit?)
      sprintf("(%s)", paste(too_vast, collapse = ", ")),
      'of e_data',
      'infinite values.',
      sep = ' '

#' Replace 0 with NA
#' This function finds all instances of 0 in e_data and replaces them with NA.
#' @param e_data A \eqn{p \times n + 1} data frame of expression data, where
#'        \eqn{p} is the number of xxx observed and \eqn{n} is the
#'        number of samples.
#' @param edata_cname A character string specifying the name of the ID column in
#'        the e_data data frame.
#' @details This function is used in the as.pepData, as.proData, as.lipidData,
#'          as.metabData, as.isobaricpepData, and as.nmrData functions to
#'          replace any 0 values with NAs.
#' @return An updated e_data data frame where all instances of 0 have been
#'         replaced with NA.
replace_zeros <- function(e_data,
                          edata_cname) {
  # Acquire the index of the edata_cname column.
  id_col <- which(names(e_data) == edata_cname)

  # Enumerate the number of zeros to be replaced with NA
  n_zeros <- sum(e_data[, -id_col] == 0,
    na.rm = TRUE

  # Loop through each column in e_data.
  for (e in 1:ncol(e_data)) {
    # Check if the current column is NOT the ID column.
    if (e != id_col) {
      # Find indices where the value is 0.
      inds <- which(e_data[, e] == 0)

      # Check if any values in the eth column of e_data match 0. If there are no
      # matches then which() will return integer(0) -- which has length 0.
      if (length(inds) == 0) {
        # Move to the next column in the data frame.

        # If the length of inds is greater than 0 enter the else statement.
      } else {
        # Replace 0 with NA.
        e_data[inds, e] <- NA

      # If e is equal to the index of the ID column enter the else statement.
    } else {
      # Move to the next column in the data frame.

  # Report the number of replaced elements in e_data
    "instances of",
    "have been replaced with",
    sep = " "

  # Return the updated e_data object.

#' Replace NA with 0
#' This function finds all instances of NA in e_data and replaces them with 0.
#' @param edata A \eqn{p \times n + 1} data frame of expression data, where
#'        \eqn{p} is the number of xxx observed and \eqn{n} is the
#'        number of samples.
#' @param edata_cname A character string specifying the name of the ID column in
#'        the e_data data frame.
#' @details This function is used in the as.seqData functions to
#'          replace any NA values with 0s.
#' @return An updated e_data data frame where all instances of NA have been
#'         replaced with 0.
replace_nas <- function(edata,
                        edata_cname) {
  # Acquire the index of the edata_cname column.
  id_col <- which(names(edata) == edata_cname)
  num_cols <- edata[, -id_col]

  # Enumerate the number of zeros to be replaced with NA
  n_nas <- sum(is.na(num_cols))

  num_cols[is.na(num_cols)] <- 0
  edata[, -id_col] <- num_cols

  # Report the number of replaced elements in e_data
    "instances of",
    "have been replaced with",
    sep = " "

  # Return the updated edata object.

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pmartR documentation built on Oct. 15, 2024, 1:06 a.m.