# PMML: Predictive Model Markup Language
# Copyright (c) 2009-2016, Zementis, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 2016-2021, Software AG, Darmstadt, Germany and/or Software AG
# USA Inc., Reston, VA, USA, and/or its subsidiaries and/or its affiliates
# and/or their licensors.
# This file is part of the PMML package for R.
# The PMML package is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# The PMML package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for details (
# #############################################################################
#' Generate the PMML representation for a glm object from the package \pkg{stats}.
#' @param model A glm object.
#' @param missing_value_replacement Value to be used as the 'missingValueReplacement'
#' attribute for all MiningFields.
#' @param weights The weights used for building the model.
#' @inheritParams pmml
#' @return PMML representation of the glm object.
#' @details
#' The function exports the glm model in the PMML GeneralRegressionModel
#' format.
#' Note on glm models for 2-class problems: a dataset where the target
#' categorical variable has more than 2 classes may be turned into a 2-class
#' problem by creating a new target variable that is TRUE for a particular
#' class and FALSE for all other classes. While the R formula function allows
#' such a transformation to be passed directly to it, this may cause issues
#' when the model is converted to PMML. Therefore, it is advised to create a
#' new 2-class separately, and then pass that variable to glm(). This is shown
#' in an example below.
#' @references
#' \href{}{R project: Fitting Generalized Linear Models}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(iris)
#' mod <- glm(Sepal.Length ~ ., data = iris, family = "gaussian")
#' mod_pmml <- pmml(mod)
#' rm(mod, mod_pmml)
#' data(audit)
#' mod <- glm(Adjusted ~ Age + Employment + Education + Income, data = audit, family = binomial(logit))
#' mod_pmml <- pmml(mod)
#' rm(mod, mod_pmml)
#' # Create a new 2-class target from a 3-class variable:
#' data(iris)
#' dat <- iris[, 1:4]
#' # Add a new 2-class target "Species_setosa" before passing it to glm():
#' dat$Species_setosa <- iris$Species == "setosa"
#' mod <- glm(Species_setosa ~ ., data = dat, family = binomial(logit))
#' mod_pmml <- pmml(mod)
#' rm(dat, mod, mod_pmml)
#' }
#' @export pmml.glm
#' @export
pmml.glm <- function(model,
model_name = "General_Regression_Model",
app_name = "SoftwareAG PMML Generator",
description = "Generalized Linear Regression Model",
copyright = NULL,
model_version = NULL,
transforms = NULL,
missing_value_replacement = NULL,
weights = NULL,
...) {
if (!inherits(model, "glm")) stop("Not a legitimate glm object")
# For a regression, all variables will have been used except those with a NA coefficient
# indicating singularities. We mark singularities as inactive shortly.
terms <- attributes(model$terms)
field <- NULL
field$name <- names(terms$dataClasses)
# Check for a "(weights)" data class and remove it. This
# arises in the glm models when a Weight variable is used.
weights <- which(field$name == "(weights)")
if (length(weights)) field$name <- field$name[-weights]
orig.names <- field$name
field$class <- terms$dataClasses
if (length(weights)) field$class <- field$class[-weights]
orig.class <- field$class
number.of.fields <- length(field$name)
target <- field$name[1]
if (length(grep("^as.factor\\(", field$name[1]))) {
field$name[1] <- sub("^as.factor\\((.*)\\)", "\\1", field$name[1])
target <- field$name[1]
names(field$class)[1] <- target
levels(model$data[[target]]) <- levels(model$model[[1]])
inactive <- names(which(
active <- names(which(!
field$name <- enc2utf8(field$name)
tmp <- sapply(sapply(field$name, grep, inactive), length)
inactive.vars <- names(tmp[tmp > 0])
tmp <- sapply(sapply(field$name, grep, active), length)
active.vars <- names(tmp[tmp > 0])
ylevels <- FALSE
numfac <- 0
for (i in 1:number.of.fields)
if (field$class[[field$name[i]]] == "factor") {
numfac <- numfac + 1
if (field$name[i] == target) {
if (length(levels(model$data[[field$name[i]]])) != 2) {
stop("binomial family with more than two target categories is not
currently supported by PMML")
ylevels <- TRUE
field$levels[[field$name[i]]] <- levels(model$data[[field$name[i]]])
} else {
field$levels[[field$name[i]]] <- model$xlevels[[field$name[i]]]
if (length(grep("^as.factor\\(", field$name[i]))) {
field$name[i] <- sub("^as.factor\\((.*)\\)", "\\1", field$name[i])
names(field$class)[i] <- sub("^as.factor\\((.*)\\)", "\\1", names(field$class)[i])
names(field$levels)[numfac] <- sub("^as.factor\\((.*)\\)", "\\1", names(field$levels)[numfac])
} else {
if (length(grep("^as.numeric\\(", field$name[i]))) {
field$name[i] <- sub("^as.numeric\\((.*)\\)", "\\1", field$name[i])
names(field$class)[i] <- sub("^as.numeric\\((.*)\\)", "\\1", names(field$class)[i])
names(field$levels)[numfac] <- sub("^as.numeric\\((.*)\\)", "\\1", names(field$levels)[numfac])
pmml <- .pmmlRootNode()
# PMML -> Header
pmml <- append.XMLNode(pmml, .pmmlHeader(description, copyright, model_version, app_name))
# PMML -> DataDictionary
pmml <- append.XMLNode(pmml, .pmmlDataDictionary(field, weights = weights, transformed = transforms))
# Determine the distribution and link function to add. Quasi distributions cannot be
# listed. Certain link functions are not supported and an error must be thrown. Certain
# link functions can be recast as a power link and must be constructed separately.
add <- FALSE
addl <- FALSE
addl2 <- FALSE
if (model$call[[1]] == "glm") {
model.type <- model$family$family <- model$family$link
} else {
model.type <- "unknown"
# Only binary categorical cases can be handled. For multinomial cases, glm assumes the first
# category as one and all the rest together as one. The output then is the probability of the
# first category NOT be true. This case is not implemented.
categ <- FALSE
if (ylevels) {
if (model.type == "binomial") {
categ <- TRUE
add <- TRUE
if (model.type == "binomial") {
add <- TRUE
if (model.type == "Gamma") {
model.type <- "gamma"
add <- TRUE
if (model.type == "inverse.gaussian") {
model.type <- "igauss"
add <- TRUE
if (model.type == "gaussian") {
model.type <- "normal"
add <- TRUE
if (model.type == "poisson") {
add <- TRUE
if ( == "cloglog") {
addl <- TRUE
} else
if ( == "identity") {
addl <- TRUE
} else
if ( == "log") {
addl <- TRUE
} else
if ( == "logit") {
addl <- TRUE
} else
if ( == "probit") {
addl <- TRUE
} else
if ( == "inverse") {
addl <- TRUE
addl2 <- TRUE
d <- "-1"
} else
if ( == "sqrt") {
addl <- TRUE
addl2 <- TRUE
d <- "0.5"
} else {
stop("link function currently not supported by PMML")
if (categ) {
the.model <- xmlNode("GeneralRegressionModel",
attrs = c(
modelName = model_name,
modelType = "generalizedLinear",
functionName = "classification",
algorithmName = "glm",
distribution = model.type,
linkFunction =
} else if (add && addl && addl2) {
the.model <- xmlNode("GeneralRegressionModel",
attrs = c(
modelName = model_name,
modelType = "generalizedLinear",
functionName = "regression",
algorithmName = "glm",
distribution = model.type,
linkFunction = "power",
linkParameter = d
} else if (add && addl && !addl2) {
the.model <- xmlNode("GeneralRegressionModel",
attrs = c(
modelName = model_name,
modelType = "generalizedLinear",
functionName = "regression",
algorithmName = "glm",
distribution = model.type,
linkFunction =
} else if (!add && addl && addl2) {
the.model <- xmlNode("GeneralRegressionModel",
attrs = c(
modelName = model_name,
modelType = "generalizedLinear",
functionName = "regression",
algorithmName = "glm",
linkFunction = "power",
linkParameter = d
} else if (!add && addl && !addl2) {
the.model <- xmlNode("GeneralRegressionModel",
attrs = c(
modelName = model_name,
modelType = "generalizedLinear",
functionName = "regression",
algorithmName = "glm",
linkFunction =
} else {
stop("model type not supported")
# PMML -> RegressionModel -> MiningSchema
the.model <- append.XMLNode(the.model, .pmmlMiningSchema(field, target, transforms, missing_value_replacement = missing_value_replacement))
if (categ) {
outn <- xmlNode("Output")
pname <- gsub(" ", "", paste("Probability_", levels(model$data[[field$name[1]]])[2]))
outpn <- xmlNode("OutputField", attrs = c(
name = pname, targetField = target, feature = "probability",
value = levels(model$data[[field$name[1]]])[2],
optype = "continuous", dataType = "double"
outpn2 <- xmlNode("OutputField", attrs = c(
name = gsub(" ", "", paste("Predicted_", target)), feature = "predictedValue",
optype = "categorical", dataType = "string"
outn <- append.XMLNode(outn, outpn)
outn <- append.XMLNode(outn, outpn2)
} else {
outn <- xmlNode("Output")
out <- xmlNode("OutputField", attrs = c(
name = gsub(" ", "", paste("Predicted_", target)), feature = "predictedValue",
optype = "continuous", dataType = "double"
outn <- append.XMLNode(outn, out)
the.model <- append.XMLNode(the.model, outn)
# PMML -> TreeModel -> LocalTransforms
if (!is.null(transforms)) {
the.model <- append.XMLNode(the.model, .pmmlLocalTransformations(field, transforms))
plNode <- xmlNode("ParameterList")
num <- 0
for (i in 1:length(names(coefficients(model))))
pname <- paste("p", num)
pname <- gsub(" ", "", pname)
num <- num + 1
pnode <- xmlNode("Parameter", attrs = c(name = pname, label = names(coefficients(model))[i]))
plNode <- append.XMLNode(plNode, pnode)
the.model <- append.XMLNode(the.model, plNode)
flNode <- xmlNode("FactorList")
# Start from 2, as 1 is the predicted field.
for (i in 2:number.of.fields)
if (field$class[i] == "factor") {
pdNode <- xmlNode("Predictor", attrs = c(name = field$name[i]))
flNode <- append.XMLNode(flNode, pdNode)
the.model <- append.XMLNode(the.model, flNode)
cvNode <- xmlNode("CovariateList")
for (i in 2:number.of.fields)
if (field$class[i] == "numeric") {
pdNode <- xmlNode("Predictor", attrs = c(name = field$name[i]))
cvNode <- append.XMLNode(cvNode, pdNode)
the.model <- append.XMLNode(the.model, cvNode)
ppm <- xmlNode("PPMatrix")
for (j in 1:length(model$coefficients))
special <- FALSE
coefname <- names(coefficients(model))[j]
if (grepl("^`.*`$", coefname)) {
coefname <- gsub("^`", "", coefname)
coefname <- gsub("`$", "", coefname)
if (grepl("Intercept", coefname)) {
} else if (grepl(".+:.+", coefname)) {
# interactive terms
fnms <- strsplit(coefname, ":")[[1]]
for (k in 1:length(fnms))
if (grepl("`", fnms[k])) {
special <- TRUE
fnm <- strsplit(fnms, "`")[[1]]
fnm <- fnm[fnm != ""]
} else {
fnm <- fnms[k]
for (f in 2:number.of.fields)
if (field$class[[field$name[f]]] == "factor") {
match <- FALSE
if (special) {
match <- (field$name[f] %in% fnm)
} else {
match <- grepl(field$name[f], fnm)
if (!special && match) {
modfield <- gsub(field$name[f], "", fnm)
ppcell <- xmlNode("PPCell", attrs = c(
value = modfield, predictorName = field$name[f],
parameterName = gsub(" ", "", paste("p", j - 1))
ppm <- append.XMLNode(ppm, ppcell)
} else if (special && match) {
ppcell <- xmlNode("PPCell", attrs = c(
value = fnm[2], predictorName = field$name[f],
parameterName = gsub(" ", "", paste("p", j - 1))
ppm <- append.XMLNode(ppm, ppcell)
} else {
if (field$name[f] == fnm[1]) {
ppcell <- xmlNode("PPCell", attrs = c(
value = "1", predictorName = field$name[f],
parameterName = gsub(" ", "", paste("p", j - 1))
ppm <- append.XMLNode(ppm, ppcell)
} else {
# categorical terms
if (grepl("`", coefname)) {
special <- TRUE
fnm <- strsplit(coefname, "`")[[1]]
fnm <- fnm[fnm != ""]
} else {
fnm <- coefname
for (f in 2:number.of.fields)
if (field$class[[field$name[f]]] == "factor") {
match <- FALSE
if (special) {
match <- (field$name[f] %in% fnm)
} else {
match <- grepl(field$name[f], fnm)
if (match && special) {
ppcell <- xmlNode("PPCell", attrs = c(
value = fnm[2], predictorName = field$name[f],
parameterName = gsub(" ", "", paste("p", j - 1))
ppm <- append.XMLNode(ppm, ppcell)
} else if (match && !special) {
modfield <- gsub(field$name[f], "", fnm)
if (grepl("^as.factor\\(", fnm)) {
modfield <- sub("^as.factor\\((.*)\\)", "\\1", fnm)
modfield <- gsub(field$name[f], "", modfield)
} else {
modfield <- gsub(field$name[f], "", fnm)
ppcell <- xmlNode("PPCell", attrs = c(
value = modfield, predictorName = field$name[f],
parameterName = gsub(" ", "", paste("p", j - 1))
ppm <- append.XMLNode(ppm, ppcell)
} else {
# numerical terms
if (field$name[f] == fnm[1]) {
ppcell <- xmlNode("PPCell", attrs = c(
value = "1", predictorName = field$name[f],
parameterName = gsub(" ", "", paste("p", j - 1))
ppm <- append.XMLNode(ppm, ppcell)
the.model <- append.XMLNode(the.model, ppm)
pmNode <- xmlNode("ParamMatrix")
for (i in 1:length(model$coefficients))
if (![i])) {
if (categ) {
pcNode <- xmlNode("PCell", attrs = c(
targetCategory = field$levels[[target]][2],
parameterName = gsub(" ", "", paste("p", i - 1)), df = "1",
beta = as.numeric(coefficients(model)[i])
pmNode <- append.XMLNode(pmNode, pcNode)
} else {
pcNode <- xmlNode("PCell", attrs = c(
parameterName = gsub(" ", "", paste("p", i - 1)), df = "1",
beta = as.numeric(coefficients(model)[i])
pmNode <- append.XMLNode(pmNode, pcNode)
} else {
# stop("Model coefficients did not converge")
the.model <- append.XMLNode(the.model, pmNode)
# Add to the top level structure.
pmml <- append.XMLNode(pmml, the.model)
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