change.origin <- function(p, o) {
if (!is.polynomial(p))
stop(paste("\"", deparse(substitute(p)), "\"", " is not a polynomial"))
o <- unclass(o[1])
r <- predict(p, o)
m <- 1
p <- deriv(p)
while (p != 0) {
r <- c(r, predict(p, o))
m <- m + 1
p <- polynomial(unclass(deriv(p))/m)
coef.polynomial <- function(object, ...) {
deriv.polynomial <- function(expr, ...) {
expr <- unclass(expr)
if (length(expr) == 1)
expr <- expr[-1]
polynomial(expr * seq(along = expr))
integral <- function(expr, ...) {
integral.polynomial <- function(expr, limits = NULL, ...) {
expr <- unclass(expr)
p <- polynomial(c(0, expr/seq(along = expr)))
if (is.null(limits))
p else diff(predict(p, limits))
lines.polynomial <- function(x, len = 1000, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, ...) {
p <- x # generic/method
if (is.null(xlim))
xlim <- par("usr")[1:2]
if (is.null(ylim))
ylim <- par("usr")[3:4]
x <- seq(xlim[1], xlim[2], len = len)
y <- predict(p, x)
y[y <= ylim[1] | y >= ylim[2]] <- NA
lines(x, y, ...)
monic <- function(p) {
p <- unclass(p)
if (all(p == 0)) {
warning("the zero polynomial has no monic form")
plot.polynomial <- function(x, xlim = 0:1, ylim = range(Px), type = "l", len = 1000,
..., xlab = "x", ylab = "P(x)") {
p <- x # generic/method
if (missing(xlim))
xlim <- range(c(0, Re(unlist(summary(p)))))
if (any( {
warning("summary of polynomial fails. Using nominal xlim")
xlim <- 0:1
if (diff(xlim) == 0)
xlim <- xlim + c(-1, 1)/2
if (length(xlim) > 2)
x <- xlim else {
eps <- diff(xlim)/100
xlim <- xlim + c(-eps, eps)
x <- seq(xlim[1], xlim[2], len = len)
Px <- predict(p, x)
if (!missing(ylim))
Px[Px < ylim[1]] <- Px[Px > ylim[2]] <- NA
plot(x, Px, type = type, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
..., xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab)
grid(lty = "dashed")
lines(x, Px, type = type, ...)
points.polynomial <- function(x, length = 100, ...) {
p <- x # generic/method
pu <- par("usr")
x <- seq(pu[1], pu[2], len = length)
y <- predict(p, x)
out <- y <= pu[3] | y >= pu[4]
y[out] <- NA
points(x, y, ...)
poly.calc <- function(x, y, tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), lab = dimnames(y)[[2]]) {
if (missing(y)) {
p <- 1
for (xi in x) {
p <- c(0, p) - c(xi * p, 0)
if (is.matrix(y)) {
if (length(x) != nrow(y))
stop("x and y are inconsistent in size")
lis <- list()
if (is.null(lab))
lab <- paste("p", 1:(dim(y)[2]), sep = "")
for (i in 1:dim(y)[2]) lis[[lab[i]]] <- Recall(x, y[, i], tol)
return(structure(lis, class = "polylist"))
if (any(toss <- duplicated(x))) {
crit <- max(tapply(y, x, function(x) diff(range(x))))
if (crit > tol)
warning("some duplicated x-points have inconsistent y-values")
keep <- !toss
y <- y[keep]
x <- x[keep]
if ((m <- length(x)) != length(y))
stop("x and y(x) do not match in length!")
if (m <= 1)
r <- 0
for (i in 1:m) r <- r + (y[i] * unclass(Recall(x[-i])))/prod(x[i] - x[-i])
r[abs(r) < tol] <- 0
poly.from.zeros <- function(...) {
poly.from.roots <- poly.from.zeros
poly.from.values <- poly.calc
predict.polynomial <- function(object, newdata, ...) {
p <- object # generic/method
v <- 0
p <- rev(unclass(p))
for (pj in p) v <- newdata * v + pj
print.summary.polynomial <- function(x, ...) {
cat("\n Summary information for:\n")
print(attr(x, "originalPolynomial"))
cat("\n Zeros:\n")
cat("\n Stationary points:\n")
cat("\n Points of inflexion:\n")
solve.polynomial <- function(a, b, ...) {
if (!missing(b))
a <- a - b
a <- unclass(a)
if (a[1] == 0) {
z <- rle(a)$lengths[1]
a <- a[-(1:z)]
r <- rep(0, z)
} else {
r <- numeric(0)
`0` = , `1` = r,
`2` = sort(c(r, -a[1]/a[2])),
a <- rev(unclass(a))
a <- (a/a[1])[-1]
M <- rbind(-a, cbind(diag(length(a) - 1), 0))
sort(c(r, eigen(M, symmetric = FALSE, only.values = TRUE)$values))
summary.polynomial <- function(object, ...) {
dp <- deriv(object)
structure(list(zeros = solve(object),
stationaryPoints = solve(dp),
inflexionPoints = solve(deriv(dp))),
class = "summary.polynomial",
originalPolynomial = object)
.is_zero_polynomial <- function(x) {
identical(x, as.polynomial(0))
.degree <- function(x) {
length(unclass(x)) - 1
.GCD2 <- function(x, y) {
if (.is_zero_polynomial(y)) {
} else {
if (.degree(y) == 0) {
} else {
Recall(y, x%%y)
.LCM2 <- function(x, y) {
if (.is_zero_polynomial(x) || .is_zero_polynomial(y)) {
(x/.GCD2(x, y)) * y
GCD <- function(...) {
GCD.polynomial <- function(...) {
args <- c.polylist(...)
if (length(args) < 2)
stop("Need at least two polynomials.")
accumulate(.GCD2, args[[1]], args[-1], FALSE)
GCD.polylist <- GCD.polynomial
LCM <- function(...) {
LCM.polynomial <- function(...) {
args <- c.polylist(...)
if (length(args) < 2)
stop("Need at least two polynomials.")
accumulate(.LCM2, args[[1]], args[-1], FALSE)
LCM.polylist <- LCM.polynomial
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