
Defines functions create_repo_ref

Documented in create_repo_ref

#' Create reference to a GitHub repository
#' This function constructs a list of needed information to send API calls to a specific
#' GitHub repository. Specifically, it stores information on the repository's name and
#' owner, the type (whether or not Enterprise GitHub), and potentially credentials to authenticate.
#' Note that this package can be used for GET requests on public repositories without any authentication
#' (resulting in a lower rate limit.) To do this, simply pass any string into `identifier` that is not
#' an environment variable already defined for your system (e.g. accessible through `Sys.getenv("MY_VAR")`)
#' @param repo_owner Repository owner's username or GitHub Organization name
#' @param repo_name Repository name
#' @param is_enterprise Boolean denoting whether or not working with Enterprise GitHub.Defaults to `FALSE`
#' @param hostname Host URL stub for Enterprise repositories (e.g. "mycorp.github.com")
#' @param identifier Ideally should be left blank and defaults to using `GITHUB_PAT` or `GITHUB_ENT_PAT`
#'     environment variables as Personal Access Tokens. If `identifier`,
#'     this is assumed to be an alternative name of the environment variable to use for your Personal Access Token
#' @return List of repository reference information and credentials
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' myrepo <- create_repo_ref('emilyriederer', 'myrepo')
#' }

create_repo_ref <-
           is_enterprise = FALSE,
           hostname = "",
           identifier = ""

    # determine authentication strategy ----
    if (identifier != "") {
      id_sys_var <- identifier
      pw_sys_var <- ""
      message(paste("Requests will authenticate with", identifier))
    else if (!is_enterprise & Sys.getenv("GITHUB_PAT") != "") {
      id_sys_var <- "GITHUB_PAT"
      pw_sys_var <- ""
      message("Requests will authenticate with GITHUB_PAT")
    else if (is_enterprise & Sys.getenv("GITHUB_ENT_PAT") != "") {
      id_sys_var <- "GITHUB_ENT_PAT"
      pw_sys_var <- ""
      message("Requests will authenticate with GITHUB_ENT_PAT")
      stop(paste("Insufficient credentials provided.",
                 "Please see vignette on Personal Access Tokens or provide login information.",
                 "Otherwise, enter a meaningless string into the identifier field to attempt to proceed without credentials.",
                 collapse = "\n"),
           .call = FALSE)

    # assign base url ----

    if (!is_enterprise) {
      base_url <- "https://api.github.com/"
    else if (is_enterprise & length(hostname) > 0) {
      base_url <- paste0("https://",hostname,"/api/v3/")
    else if (is_enterprise) {
      stop("hostname argument must be provided",
           call. = FALSE)
    else {
      stop("is_enterprise argument must be TRUE or FALSE with hostname provided if TRUE",
           call. = FALSE)

    # create repo reference list ----
    ref <- list(
      repo_owner = repo_owner,
      repo_name = repo_name,
      id = id_sys_var,
      base_url = base_url,
      repo_path = paste("repos", repo_owner, repo_name, sep = "/")

    # add repo-ref class ----
    class(ref) <- c("repo_ref", class(ref))

    # return repo reference ----


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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

projmgr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5 a.m.