
Defines functions sphericityValueString statStrAov printAovMeans meanStrAov fValueString effectsizeValueString aovTable aovSphericityAdjustment aovRoundDigits aovJackknifeAdjustment aovEffectSize aovDispMeans aovDispTable aovTidyTable

Documented in aovDispMeans aovDispTable aovEffectSize aovJackknifeAdjustment aovRoundDigits aovSphericityAdjustment aovTable aovTidyTable effectsizeValueString fValueString meanStrAov printAovMeans sphericityValueString statStrAov

#' @title aovTidyTable
#' @description Take output from base aov function and produce a "tidy" ANOVA table
#' similar to the output of ezANOVA. The output also contains the marginal means.
#' @param aovObj Output from aov function
#' @return list
#' @examples
#' # create dataframe
#' dat <- createDF(nVP = 6, nTrl = 1,
#'                 design = list("Comp" = c("comp", "incomp")))
#' dat <- addDataDF(dat, RT = list("Comp comp"   = c(500, 150, 100),
#'                                 "Comp incomp" = c(520, 150, 100)))
#' aovObj <- aov(RT ~ Comp + Error(VP/(Comp)), dat)
#' aovObj <- aovTable(aovObj)
#' aovObj$ANOVA
#' printTable(aovObj$ANOVA)
#' @export
aovTidyTable <- function(aovObj) {

  # create ANOVA table structure similar to ezANOVA
  aovTable <- broom::tidy(aovObj)

  residuals <- aovTable[aovTable$term == "Residuals", ]
  aovTable  <- aovTable[!aovTable$term == "Residuals", ]

  aovTable$DFd <- 0
  aovTable$SSd <- 0
  for (row in 1:nrow(aovTable)) {
    aovTable$DFd[row] <- residuals$df[residuals$stratum == aovTable$stratum[row]]
    aovTable$SSd[row] <- residuals$sumsq[residuals$stratum == aovTable$stratum[row]]

  aovTable        <- aovTable[, c(2, 3, 8, 4, 9, 6, 7)]
  names(aovTable) <- c("Effect", "DFn", "DFd", "SSn", "SSd", "F", "p")

  aovTable$"p<.05" <- pValueSummary(aovTable$p)

  out       <- NULL
  out$ANOVA <- as.data.frame(aovTable)
  out$means <- stats::model.tables(aovObj, type = "mean")  # marginal means



#' @title aovDispTable
#' @description Display formatted ANOVA table in command window.
#' @param aovObj Output from aov or ezANOVA
#' @param caption Required for heading
#' @return NULL
#' @examples
#' # Example 1:
#' # create dataframe
#' dat <- createDF(nVP = 6, nTrl = 1,
#'                 design = list("Comp" = c("comp", "incomp")))
#' dat <- addDataDF(dat, RT = list("Comp comp"   = c(500, 150, 100),
#'                                 "Comp incomp" = c(520, 150, 100)))
#' aovObj <- aov(RT ~ Comp + Error(VP/(Comp)), dat)
#' aovDispTable(aovObj)
#' # or with ezANOVA
#' library(ez)
#' aovRT <- ezANOVA(dat, dv=.(RT), wid = .(VP), within = .(Comp), return_aov = TRUE, detailed = TRUE)
#' aovDispTable(aovRT)
#' @export
aovDispTable <- function(aovObj, caption=sys.call()) {

  if (is.null(aovObj$ANOVA)) {
    aovObj <- aovTidyTable(aovObj)  # convert base aov output

  if (!is.character(caption)) {
    caption <- paste0("ANOVA:", unlist(lapply(caption[2], as.character)))
  width <- apply(aovObj$ANOVA, 2, function(x)  max(unlist(lapply(x, nchar))))
  width <- sum(pmax(width, unlist(lapply(names(aovObj$ANOVA), nchar)))) + ncol(aovObj$ANOVA) + 1

  print(cli::rule(line = 2, center = caption, width = width))
  print(aovObj$ANOVA, row.names = FALSE)
  print(cli::rule(width = width))


#' @title aovDispMeans
#' @description Displays marginal means from model.tables in the command window.
#' @param aovObj Output from aov or ezANOVA  (NB. ezANOVA must be called with \"return_aov = TRUE\"")
#' @param value String for column name
#' @param caption Required for heading
#' @return NULL
#' @examples
#' # Example 1:
#' # create dataframe
#' dat <- createDF(nVP = 50, nTrl = 1,
#'                 design = list("Comp" = c("comp", "incomp")))
#' dat <- addDataDF(dat, RT = list("Comp comp"   = c(500, 100, 100),
#'                                 "Comp incomp" = c(520, 100, 100)))
#' aovRT <- aov(RT ~ Comp + Error(VP/(Comp)), dat)
#' aovDispMeans(aovRT)
#' # or with ezANOVA
#' library(ez)
#' aovRT <- ezANOVA(dat, dv=.(RT), wid = .(VP), within = .(Comp),
#'                  return_aov = TRUE, detailed = TRUE)
#' aovRT <- aovTable(aovRT)
#' aovDispMeans(aovRT)
#' @export
aovDispMeans <- function(aovObj, value="value", caption=sys.call()) {

  if (is.null(aovObj$means)) {
    if (!is.null(aovObj$ANOVA)) {
      stop("Call ezANOVA with return_aov = TRUE for marginal means.")
    aovObj <- aovTidyTable(aovObj)  # convert base aov output

  nTotal <- length(aovObj$means$n) + 1
  for (i in 2:nTotal) {

    dat     <- as.data.frame.table(aovObj$means$tables[[i]], responseName = value)
    heading <- names(aovObj$means$tables[i])

    width   <- apply(dat, 2, function(x) max(unlist(lapply(x, nchar))))
    width   <- sum(pmax(width, unlist(lapply(names(dat), nchar)))) + ncol(dat) + 1

    if (i == 2) {
      if (!is.character(caption)) {
        caption <- paste0("ANOVA:", unlist(lapply(caption[2], as.character)))
      print(cli::rule(line = 2, center = caption, width = width))
    print(cli::rule(center = heading, width = width))
    print(dat, row.names = FALSE)
    if (i < nTotal) {
    } else {
      print(cli::rule(line = 2, width = width))


#' @title aovEffectSize
#' @description Add effect size to ANOVA table. Effect sizes: partial eta squared (pes),
#' vs. ges (generalized eta squared, NB: default when using ezANOVA).
#' @param aovObj Output from aov or ezANOVA
#' @param effectSize Effect size (pes vs. ges)
#' @return list
#' @examples
#' # Example 1:
#' # create dataframe with 2(Comp: comp vs. incomp) and 2(Side: left vs. right) factors/levels
#' dat <- createDF(nVP = 20, nTrl = 1,
#'                 design = list("Comp" = c("comp", "incomp", "neutral"),
#'                               "Side" = c("left", "right")))
#' dat <- addDataDF(dat,
#'                  RT = list("Comp:Side comp:left"     = c(500, 150, 150),
#'                            "Comp:Side comp:right"    = c(500, 150, 150),
#'                            "Comp:Side incomp:left"   = c(550, 150, 150),
#'                            "Comp:Side incomp:right"  = c(550, 150, 150),
#'                            "Comp:Side neutral:left"  = c(525, 150, 150),
#'                            "Comp:Side neutral:right" = c(525, 150, 150)))
#' aovRT <- aov(RT ~ Comp * Side + Error(VP/(Comp*Side)), dat)
#' aovDispMeans(aovRT)
#' aovRT <- aovEffectSize(aovRT)
#' aovRT <- aovDispTable(aovRT)
#' # or with ezANOVA
#' library(ez)
#' aovRT <- ezANOVA(dat, dv=.(RT), wid = .(VP), within = .(Comp, Side),
#'                  return_aov = TRUE, detailed = TRUE)
#' aovRT <- aovEffectSize(aovRT)
#' aovDispTable(aovRT)
#' @export
aovEffectSize <- function(aovObj, effectSize = "pes") {

  if (is.null(aovObj$ANOVA)) {
    aovObj <- aovTidyTable(aovObj)  # convert base aov output

  if (effectSize == "pes") {
    aovObj$ANOVA$ges <- NULL
    aovObj$ANOVA$pes <- aovObj$ANOVA$SSn / (aovObj$ANOVA$SSn + aovObj$ANOVA$SSd)
  } else if (effectSize == "ges") {
    aovObj$ANOVA$pes <- NULL
    # NB assumes no observed variables within initial call to ezANOVA!
    aovObj$ANOVA$ges <- aovObj$ANOVA$SSn / (aovObj$ANOVA$SSn + sum(unique(aovObj$ANOVA$SSd)))



#' @title adjustJackknifeAdjustment
#' @description Adjust ezANOVA table with corrected F (Fc = F/(n-1)^2) and p values for jackkniffed data (see Ulrich and Miller, 2001.
#' Using the jackknife-based scoring method for measuring LRP onset effects in factorial designs. Psychophysiology, 38, 816-827.)
#' @param aovObj Output from aov or ezANOVA
#' @param numVPs The number of participants
#' @return list
#' @examples
#' # Example 1:
#' # create dataframe with 2(Comp: comp vs. incomp) and 2(Side: left vs. right) factors/levels
#' dat <- createDF(nVP = 20, nTrl = 1,
#'                 design = list("Comp" = c("comp", "incomp"),
#'                               "Side" = c("left", "right")))
#' dat <- addDataDF(dat,
#'                  RT = list("Comp:Side comp:left"    = c(500, 150, 150),
#'                            "Comp:Side comp:right"   = c(500, 150, 150),
#'                            "Comp:Side incomp:left"  = c(500, 150, 150),
#'                            "Comp:Side incomp:right" = c(500, 150, 150)))
#' aovRT <- aov(RT ~ Comp*Side + Error(VP/(Comp*Side)), dat)
#' aovRT <- aovJackknifeAdjustment(aovRT, length(unique(dat$VP)))
#' aovDispTable(aovRT)
#' # or with ezANOVA
#' library(ez)
#' aovRT <- ezANOVA(dat, dv=.(RT), wid = .(VP), within = .(Comp, Side),
#'                  return_aov = TRUE, detailed = TRUE)
#' aovRT <- aovJackknifeAdjustment(aovRT, length(unique(dat$VP)))
#' aovDispTable(aovRT)
#' @export
aovJackknifeAdjustment <- function(aovObj, numVPs) {

  if (is.null(aovObj$ANOVA)) {
    aovObj <- aovTidyTable(aovObj)  # convert base aov output

  aovObj$ANOVA$SSd     <- aovObj$ANOVA$SSd*((numVPs - 1) ^ 2)
  aovObj$ANOVA$F       <- aovObj$ANOVA$F/((numVPs - 1) ^ 2)
  aovObj$ANOVA$p       <- 1 - stats::pf(aovObj$ANOVA$F, aovObj$ANOVA$DFn, aovObj$ANOVA$DFd)
  aovObj$ANOVA$"p<.05" <- pValueSummary(aovObj$ANOVA$p)



#' @title aovRoundDigits
#' @description Round digits to n decimal places in ezANOVA table
#' @param aovObj Output from aov or ezANOVA
#' @return dataframe
#' @examples
#' # Example 1:
#' # create dataframe with 2(Comp: comp vs. incomp) and 2(Side: left vs. right) factors/levels
#' dat <- createDF(nVP = 20, nTrl = 1,
#'                 design = list("Comp" = c("comp", "incomp"),
#'                               "Side" = c("left", "right")))
#' dat <- addDataDF(dat,
#'                  RT = list("Comp:Side comp:left"    = c(500, 150, 150),
#'                            "Comp:Side comp:right"   = c(500, 150, 150),
#'                            "Comp:Side incomp:left"  = c(500, 150, 150),
#'                            "Comp:Side incomp:right" = c(500, 150, 150)))
#' aovRT <- aov(RT ~ Comp*Side + Error(VP/(Comp*Side)), dat)
#' aovRT <- aovRoundDigits(aovRT)
#' aovDispTable(aovRT)
#' # or using ezANOVA
#' library(ez)
#' aovRT <- ezANOVA(dat, dv=.(RT), wid = .(VP), within = .(Comp, Side),
#'                  return_aov = TRUE, detailed = TRUE)
#' aovRT <- aovRoundDigits(aovRT)
#' aovDispTable(aovRT)
#' @export
aovRoundDigits <- function(aovObj) {

  if (is.null(aovObj$ANOVA)) {
    aovObj <- aovTidyTable(aovObj)  # convert base aov output

  # round to 2 sig. decimal places
  colNames <- c("SSn", "SSd", "F", "eps", "ges", "pes")
  colIdx   <- which(names(aovObj$ANOVA) %in% colNames)
  colNames <- names(aovObj$ANOVA)[colIdx]

  aovObj$ANOVA <- aovObj$ANOVA %>%
    mutate_at(vars(all_of(colNames)), list(~ trimws(format(round(., digits = 2), nsmall = 2))))

  aovObj$ANOVA$DFn <- ifelse(aovObj$ANOVA$DFn == as.integer(aovObj$ANOVA$DFn),
                             trimws(format(round(aovObj$ANOVA$DFn, digits = 2), nsmall = 2)))
  aovObj$ANOVA$DFd <- ifelse(aovObj$ANOVA$DFd == as.integer(aovObj$ANOVA$DFd),
                             trimws(format(round(aovObj$ANOVA$DFd, digits = 2), nsmall = 2)))

  # round p-values to 3 sig. decimal places
  aovObj$ANOVA$p <- format(round(aovObj$ANOVA$p, digits = 3), nsmall = 3)



#' @title aovSphericityAdjustment
#' @description Adjust ezANOVA table with corrections for sphericity (Greenhouse-Geisser or
#' Huynh-Feldt). Called by default within aovTable
#' @param aovObj The returned object from a call to ezANOVA
#' @param type "GG" (Greenhouse-Geisser) or "HF" (Huynh-Feldt)
#' @param adjDF TRUE/FALSE Should DF's be adjusted?
#' @return list
#' @examples
#' # Example 1:
#' # create dataframe with 3(Comp: neutral vs. comp vs. incomp) factors/levels
#' dat <- createDF(nVP = 20, nTrl = 1,
#'                 design = list("Comp" = c("neutral", "comp", "incomp")))
#' dat <- addDataDF(dat,
#'                  RT = list("Comp neutral" = c(510, 150, 100),
#'                            "Comp comp"    = c(500, 150, 100),
#'                            "Comp incomp"  = c(520, 150, 100)))
#' # using ezANOVA
#' library(ez)
#' aovRT <- ezANOVA(dat, dv=.(RT), wid = .(VP), within = .(Comp),
#'                  return_aov = TRUE, detailed = TRUE)
#' aovDispTable(aovRT)
#' aovRT <- aovSphericityAdjustment(aovRT)
#' aovDispTable(aovRT)
#' @export
aovSphericityAdjustment <- function(aovObj, type = "GG", adjDF = TRUE) {

  hasSphericity <- aovObj$"Sphericity Corrections"
  if (is.null(hasSphericity)) {
      stop("aovObj does not have sphericity corrections.")
  if (!type %in% c("GG", "HF")) {
    stop("Sphericity correction type not recognized!")

  sphericityRows <- match(rownames(aovObj$"Sphericity Corrections"), rownames(aovObj$ANOVA))
  # Adjust p-values where Mauchls's test significant
  if (type == "GG") {
    aovObj$ANOVA$p[sphericityRows]   <- ifelse(aovObj$"Mauchly's Test for Sphericity"$"p" < 0.05, aovObj$"Sphericity Corrections"$"p[GG]", aovObj$ANOVA$p[sphericityRows])
    aovObj$ANOVA$eps                 <- rep(0, length(aovObj$ANOVA$"Effect"))
    aovObj$ANOVA$eps[sphericityRows] <- aovObj$"Sphericity Corrections"$"GGe"
  } else if (type == "HF") {
    aovObj$ANOVA$p[sphericityRows]   <- ifelse(aovObj$"Mauchly's Test for Sphericity"$"p" < 0.05, aovObj$"Sphericity Corrections"$"p[HF]", aovObj$ANOVA$p[sphericityRows])
    aovObj$ANOVA$eps                 <- rep(0, length(aovObj$ANOVA$"Effect"))
    aovObj$ANOVA$eps[sphericityRows] <- aovObj$"Sphericity Corrections"$"HFe"

  aovObj$ANOVA$"eps_p<.05"                 <- rep("", length(aovObj$ANOVA$"Effect"))
  aovObj$ANOVA$"eps_p<.05"[sphericityRows] <- aovObj$"Mauchly's Test for Sphericity"$"p<.05"
  aovObj$ANOVA$"p<.05"                     <- ifelse(aovObj$ANOVA$p < .05, "*", "")

  # Adjust degrees of freedom where Mauchls's test significant
  sphericityRows <- sphericityRows[aovObj$"Mauchly's Test for Sphericity"$"p" < 0.05]
  if (adjDF) {
    aovObj$ANOVA$DFn[sphericityRows] <- aovObj$ANOVA$DFn[sphericityRows] * aovObj$ANOVA$eps[sphericityRows]
    aovObj$ANOVA$DFd[sphericityRows] <- aovObj$ANOVA$DFd[sphericityRows] * aovObj$ANOVA$eps[sphericityRows]



#' @title aovTable
#' @description Adjust ezANOVA table output. Options include calculation of alternative
#' effect sizes (eta squared, partial eta squared), the calculation of marginal
#' means and formatting options for the ANOVA table (e.g., detailed, rounding).
#' @param aovObj Output from aov or ezANOVA (NB. ezANOVA must be called with detailed = TRUE)
#' @param effectSize Effect size (pes vs. ges)
#' @param sphericityCorrections TRUE/FALSE (ezANOVA)
#' @param sphericityCorrectionType "GG" (default) vs. "HF" (ezANOVA)
#' @param sphericityCorrectionAdjDF TRUE/FALSE Should DF's values be corrected?
#' @param removeSumSquares TRUE/FALSE Remove SSn/SSd columns from the ANOVA table
#' @return list
#' @examples
#' # Example 1:
#' # create dataframe with 2(Comp: comp vs. incomp) and 2(Side: left vs. right) factors/levels
#' dat <- createDF(nVP = 20, nTrl = 1,
#'                 design = list("Comp" = c("comp", "incomp"),
#'                               "Side" = c("left", "right")))
#' dat <- addDataDF(dat,
#'                  RT = list("Comp:Side comp:left"    = c(500, 150, 150),
#'                            "Comp:Side comp:right"   = c(500, 150, 150),
#'                            "Comp:Side incomp:left"  = c(500, 150, 150),
#'                            "Comp:Side incomp:right" = c(500, 150, 150)))
#' aovRT <- aov(RT ~ Comp*Side + Error(VP/(Comp*Side)), dat)
#' aovRT <- aovTable(aovRT)
#' # or using ezANOVA
#' library(ez)
#' aovRT <- ezANOVA(dat, dv=.(RT), wid = .(VP), within = .(Comp, Side),
#'                  return_aov = TRUE, detailed = TRUE)
#' aovRT <- aovTable(aovRT)
#' @export
aovTable <- function(aovObj,
                     effectSize = "pes",
                     sphericityCorrections = TRUE,
                     sphericityCorrectionType = "GG",
                     sphericityCorrectionAdjDF = FALSE,
                     removeSumSquares = TRUE) {

  if (is.null(aovObj$ANOVA)) {
    aovObj <- aovTidyTable(aovObj)  # convert base aov output

  if (!"SSn" %in% names(aovObj$ANOVA)) {
    stop("Call ezANOVA with \"detailed = TRUE\"!")

  # add partial eta-squared
  if (effectSize == "pes") {
    aovObj <- aovEffectSize(aovObj, effectSize = "pes")
  } else if (effectSize == "ges") {
    if (is.null(aovObj$ANOVA$ges)) {
      aovObj <- aovEffectSize(aovObj, effectSize = "ges")

  if (sphericityCorrections & any(aovObj$ANOVA$DFn > 1)) {
    if (is.null(aovObj$"Sphericity Correction")) {
      stop("Sphericity Corrections not within aov(). Use ezANOVA().")
    aovObj <- aovSphericityAdjustment(aovObj, sphericityCorrectionType, sphericityCorrectionAdjDF)

  # p-value summary *** vs. ** vs *
  aovObj$ANOVA$"p<.05" <- pValueSummary(aovObj$ANOVA$p)
  aovObj$ANOVA         <- aovObj$ANOVA[aovObj$ANOVA$Effect != "(Intercept)", ]

  # round digits in table
  aovObj <- aovRoundDigits(aovObj)

  if (removeSumSquares) {
    aovObj$ANOVA$SSn <- NULL
    aovObj$ANOVA$SSd <- NULL

  if (is.null(aovObj$means)) {
    if (is.null(aovObj$aov)) {
      stop("Call ezANOVA with return_aov = TRUE for marginal means.")
    aovObj$means <- stats::model.tables(aovObj$aov, type = "mean")




#' @title effectsizeValueString
#' @description Returns required Latex formatted string for effect
#' size (partial eta squared) = XXX for R/knitr integration.
#' Returns values to 2 sig decimal places.
#' @param aovObj Output from aov or ezANOVA (NB. ezANOVA must be called with detailed = TRUE)
#' @param effect The effect within the ANOVA table to return
#' @param effectSize pes (partial eta squared) vs. ges (generalised eta squared)
#' @return character
#' @examples
#' # Example 1:
#' # create dataframe and add data with 2(Comp: comp vs. incomp) and 2(Side: left vs. right)
#' dat <- createDF(nVP = 20, nTrl = 1,
#'                 design = list("Comp" = c("comp", "incomp"),
#'                               "Side" = c("left", "right")))
#' dat <- addDataDF(dat, RT = list("Comp:Side comp:left"    = c(500, 150, 100),
#'                                 "Comp:Side comp:right"   = c(500, 150, 100),
#'                                 "Comp:Side incomp:left"  = c(520, 150, 100),
#'                                 "Comp:Side incomp:right" = c(520, 150, 100)))
#' aovRT <- aov(RT ~ Comp*Side + Error(VP/(Comp*Side)), dat)
#' aovRT <- aovTable(aovRT)
#' pesString <- effectsizeValueString(aovRT, "Comp")  # partial eta squared
#' pesString <- effectsizeValueString(aovRT, "Comp:Side")
#' # or using ezANOVA
#' library(ez)
#' aovRT <- ezANOVA(dat, dv=.(RT), wid = .(VP), within = .(Comp, Side),
#'                  return_aov = TRUE, detailed = TRUE)
#' aovRT <- aovTable(aovRT)
#' pesString <- effectsizeValueString(aovRT, "Comp")  # partial eta squared
#' pesString <- effectsizeValueString(aovRT, "Comp:Side")
#' @export
effectsizeValueString <- function(aovObj, effect, effectSize = "pes"){

  if (is.null(aovObj$ANOVA)) {
    stop("aovObj does not have appropriate ANOVA table")
  if (!effectSize %in% c("pes", "ges")) {
    stop("effectSize not recognized")

  if (!effectSize %in% names(aovObj$ANOVA)) {
    stop(paste0(effectSize, " not in ANOVA table!"))

  if (effectSize == "pes") {
    effectSizeValue  <- aovObj$ANOVA[, "pes"][aovObj$ANOVA$Effect == effect]
    return(paste0("$\\eta_{p}^2$ = ", effectSizeValue))
  } else if (effectSize == "ges") {
    effectSizeValue <- aovObj$ANOVA[, "ges"][aovObj$ANOVA$Effect == effect]
    return(paste0("$\\eta_{G}^2$ = ", effectSizeValue))


#' @title fValueString
#' @description Returns required Latex formatted string for \emph{F}(df1, df2) = XXX
#' for R/knitr integration. For example, \emph{F}(1, 23) = 3.45.
#' Returns values to 2 sig decimal places.
#' @param aovObj Output from aov or ezANOVA (NB. ezANOVA must be called with detailed = TRUE)
#' @param effect The effect within the ANOVA table to return
#' @return character
#' @examples
#' # Example 1:
#' # create dataframe and add data with 2(Comp: comp vs. incomp) and 2(Side: left vs. right)
#' dat <- createDF(nVP = 20, nTrl = 1,
#'                 design = list("Comp" = c("comp", "incomp"),
#'                               "Side" = c("left", "right")))
#' dat <- addDataDF(dat, RT = list("Comp:Side comp:left"    = c(500, 150, 100),
#'                                 "Comp:Side comp:right"   = c(500, 150, 100),
#'                                 "Comp:Side incomp:left"  = c(520, 150, 100),
#'                                 "Comp:Side incomp:right" = c(520, 150, 100)))
#' # or using ezANOVA
#' library(ez)
#' aovRT <- ezANOVA(dat, dv=.(RT), wid = .(VP), within = .(Comp, Side),
#'                  return_aov = TRUE, detailed = TRUE)
#' aovRT <- aovTable(aovRT)
#' fString <- fValueString(aovRT, "Comp")
#' fString <- fValueString(aovRT, "Comp:Side")
#' @export
fValueString <- function(aovObj, effect){

  if (is.null(aovObj$ANOVA)) {
    stop("aovObj does not have appropriate ANOVA table")

  DFn    <- aovObj$ANOVA[, "DFn"][aovObj$ANOVA$Effect == effect]
  DFd    <- aovObj$ANOVA[, "DFd"][aovObj$ANOVA$Effect == effect]
  fValue <- aovObj$ANOVA[, "F"][aovObj$ANOVA$Effect == effect]

  return(paste0("\\emph{F}", "(", DFn, ", ", DFd, ") = ", fValue))


#' @title meanStrAov
#' @description Returns marginal means from ezANOVA object for requested effect in Latex format.
#' Assumes means added to aovObj (e.g., aovObj$means <- model.tables(aovObj$aov, type = "mean").
#' @param aovObj Output from aov or ezANOVA (NB. ezANOVA must be called with detailed = TRUE)
#' @param effect Effect to return
#' @param level Level of effect
#' @param unit "ms" vs. "mv" vs. "\%"
#' @param numDigits "ms" vs. "mv" vs. "\%"
#' @return character
#' @examples
#' # Example 1:
#' # create dataframe and add data with 2(Comp: comp vs. incomp) and 2(Side: left vs. right)
#' dat <- createDF(nVP = 20, nTrl = 1,
#'                 design = list("Comp" = c("comp", "incomp"),
#'                               "Side" = c("left", "right")))
#' dat <- addDataDF(dat, RT = list("Comp:Side comp:left"    = c(500, 150, 100),
#'                                 "Comp:Side comp:right"   = c(500, 150, 100),
#'                                 "Comp:Side incomp:left"  = c(520, 150, 100),
#'                                 "Comp:Side incomp:right" = c(520, 150, 100)))
#' aovRT <- aov(RT ~ Comp*Side + Error(VP/(Comp*Side)), dat)
#' aovRT <- aovTable(aovRT)
#' meanString <- meanStrAov(aovRT, "Comp", "comp")
#' meanString <- meanStrAov(aovRT, "Comp:Side", "incomp:left")
#' # or using ezANOVA
#' library(ez)
#' aovRT <- ezANOVA(dat, dv=.(RT), wid = .(VP), within = .(Comp, Side),
#'                  return_aov = TRUE, detailed = TRUE)
#' aovRT <- aovTable(aovRT)
#' meanString <- meanStrAov(aovRT, "Comp", "comp")
#' meanString <- meanStrAov(aovRT, "Comp:Side", "incomp:left")
#' @export
meanStrAov <- function(aovObj, effect, level, unit = "ms", numDigits = 0) {

  if (is.null(aovObj$ANOVA)) {
    aovObj <- aovTable(aovObj)  # convert base aov output

  row <- which(aovObj$ANOVA$Effect == effect) + 1
  dat <- as.data.frame.table(aovObj$means$tables[[row]], responseName = "DV")

  effect <- unlist(strsplit(effect, ":"))
  level  <- unlist(strsplit(level, ":"))

  out <- matrix(0, nrow(dat), length(effect))
  for (i in 1:length(effect)) {
    out[, i] <- dat[, effect[i]] == level[i]

  if (length(effect) == 1) {
    reqRow <- which(out[, 1] == 1)
  } else {
    reqRow <- which(rowSums(out[, 1:length(effect)]) == length(effect))

  return(numValueString(dat[reqRow, "DV"], unit = unit, numDigits = numDigits))


#' @title printAovMeans
#' @description Returns Latex formatted table of marginal means from model.tables.
#' Uses printTable (xtable) latex package with some basic defaults.
#' For more examples, see R package xtable
#' @param ... Output from aov or ezANOVA (NB. ezANOVA must be called with detailed = TRUE)
#' @param caption Title for the table
#' @param digits Number of digits to round to
#' @param dv Name of the dependent variable (e.g., "ms", "\%")
#' @return character
#' @examples
#' # Example 1:
#' # create dataframe
#' dat <- createDF(nVP = 6, nTrl = 1,
#'                 design = list("Comp" = c("comp", "incomp")))
#' dat <- addDataDF(dat, RT = list("Comp comp"   = c(500, 150, 100),
#'                                 "Comp incomp" = c(520, 150, 100)))
#' aovRT <- aov(RT ~ Comp + Error(VP/(Comp)), dat)
#' aovRT <- aovTable(aovRT)
#' printAovMeans(aovRT, digits = 3, dv = "ms")  # latex formatted
#' # or using ezANOVA
#' library(ez)
#' aovRT <- ezANOVA(dat, dv=.(RT), wid = .(VP), within = .(Comp), return_aov = TRUE, detailed = TRUE)
#' aovRT <- aovTable(aovRT)
#' printAovMeans(aovRT, digits = 0, dv = "ms")  # latex formatted
#' @export
printAovMeans <- function(..., caption = "Mean", digits = 3, dv = "ms") {

  aovObj <- list(...)
  for (i in seq(1:length(aovObj))) {
    if (is.null(aovObj[[i]]$means)) {
      stop("aovObj does not have appropriate marginal means")
  if (!length(digits) %in% c(1, length(aovObj))) {
    stop("length digits must equal 1 or number of ezObj inputs")
  if (!length(dv) %in% c(1, length(aovObj))) {
    stop("dv length must equal 1 or number of ezObj inputs")

  # format some common Latex strings within the caption label
  caption <- gsub("%", "\\%",      caption, fixed = TRUE)
  caption <- gsub("_", "\\_",      caption, fixed = TRUE)
  caption <- gsub("mV", "$\\mu$V", caption, fixed = TRUE)

  # format some common Latex strings within the dv label
  dv <- gsub("%", "\\%",      dv, fixed = TRUE)
  dv <- gsub("_", "\\_",      dv, fixed = TRUE)
  dv <- gsub("mV", "$\\mu$V", dv, fixed = TRUE)

  for (i in 2:(length(aovObj[[1]]$means$n) + 1)) {

    tab <- as.data.frame.table(aovObj[[1]]$means$tables[[i]])
    names(tab)[ncol(tab)] <- dv[1]
    if (length(aovObj) > 1) {
      for (j in 2:length(aovObj)) {
        tab <- cbind(tab, as.data.frame.table(aovObj[[j]]$means$tables[[i]]))
        names(tab)[ncol(tab)] <- dv[j]

    # remove duplicated factor columns
    colsToRemove <- intersect(which(duplicated(colnames(tab))), which(unlist(lapply(tab, is.factor))))
    if (length(colsToRemove) > 0) {
      tab <- tab[, -c(colsToRemove)]

               caption = paste0(caption, ": ", names(aovObj[[1]]$means$tables[i])),
               digits = digits)


#' @title statStrAov
#' @description Returns Latex formatted string from ANOVA required for R/knitr integration.
#' For example, \deqn{F(1, 20) = 8.45, p < 0.01, pes = 0.45}
#' Returns values to 2 sig decimal places and < 0.01, < 0.001 for p values.
#' @param aovObj Output from aov or ezANOVA (NB. ezANOVA must be called with detailed = TRUE)
#' @param effect The effect required from the anova table
#' @return NULL
#' @examples
#' # Example 1:
#' # create dataframe and add data with 2(Comp: comp vs. incomp) and 2(Side: left vs. right)
#' dat <- createDF(nVP = 20, nTrl = 1,
#'                 design = list("Comp" = c("comp", "incomp"),
#'                               "Side" = c("left", "right")))
#' dat <- addDataDF(dat, RT = list("Comp:Side comp:left"    = c(500, 150, 100),
#'                                 "Comp:Side comp:right"   = c(500, 150, 100),
#'                                 "Comp:Side incomp:left"  = c(520, 150, 100),
#'                                 "Comp:Side incomp:right" = c(520, 150, 100)))
#' aovRT <- aov(RT ~ Comp*Side + Error(VP/(Comp*Side)), dat)
#' aovRT <- aovTable(aovRT)
#' aovString <- statStrAov(aovRT, "Comp")
#' aovString <- statStrAov(aovRT, "Comp:Side")
#' # or using ezANOVA
#' library(ez)
#' aovRT <- ezANOVA(dat, dv=.(RT), wid = .(VP), within = .(Comp, Side),
#'                  return_aov = TRUE, detailed = TRUE)
#' aovRT <- aovTable(aovRT)
#' aovString <- statStrAov(aovRT, "Comp")
#' aovString <- statStrAov(aovRT, "Comp:Side")
#' @export
statStrAov <- function(aovObj, effect) {

  if (is.null(aovObj$ANOVA)) {
    aovObj <- aovTable(aovObj)  # convert base aov output

  fString <- fValueString(aovObj, effect)
  pString <- pValueString(aovObj$ANOVA[, "p"][aovObj$ANOVA$Effect == effect])
  eString <- effectsizeValueString(aovObj, effect)
  sString <- sphericityValueString(aovObj, effect)

  if (is.null(sString)) {
     return(paste0(fString, ", ", pString, ", ", eString))
  } else {
    return(paste0(fString, ", ", pString, ", ", eString, ", ", sString))


#' @title sphericityValueString
#' @description Returns required Latex formatted string for sphericity epsilon
#' values (HF, GG) = XXX for R/knitr integration. Returns values
#' to 2 sig decimal places.
#' @param aovObj The returned object from a call to ezANOVA
#' @param effect The effect within the ANOVA table to return
#' @return character
#' @examples
#' # Example 1
#' # create dataframe and add data with 3(Comp: neutral vs. comp vs. incomp) levels
#' dat <- createDF(nVP = 20, nTrl = 1,
#'                 design = list("Comp" = c("neutral", "comp", "incomp")))
#' dat <- addDataDF(dat, RT = list("Comp neutral" = c(510, 150, 100),
#'                                 "Comp comp"    = c(500, 150, 100),
#'                                 "Comp incomp"  = c(520, 150, 100)))
#' # repeated measures ANOVA using ezANOVA
#' library(ez)
#' aovRT <- ezANOVA(dat, dv=.(RT), wid = .(VP), within = .(Comp),
#'                  return_aov = TRUE, detailed = TRUE)
#' aovRT <- aovTable(aovRT)
#' sphericityValue <- sphericityValueString(aovRT, "Comp")
#' @export
sphericityValueString <- function(aovObj, effect){

  sphericityString = NULL
  if ("eps" %in% names(aovObj$ANOVA)) {
    if (aovObj$ANOVA[, "DFn"][aovObj$ANOVA$Effect == effect] != 1) {
      epsValue <- aovObj$ANOVA[, "eps"][aovObj$ANOVA$Effect == effect]
      sphericityString <- paste0("$\\epsilon$ = ", epsValue)

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