itemize_scales <- function(k_vec, R_scales, rel_vec,
mean_vec = rep(0, length(k_vec)),
sd_vec = rep(1, length(k_vec)), var_names = NULL){
if(is.null(var_names)) var_names <- paste0("x", 1:length(k_vec))
item_names <- NULL
item_index <- item_names_list <- list()
for(i in 1:length(k_vec)){
.index <- item_names
item_names_list[[i]] <- paste0(var_names[i], "_item", 1:k_vec[i])
item_names <- c(item_names, item_names_list[[i]])
item_index[[i]] <- (length(.index)+1):length(item_names)
names(item_index) <- var_names
intercor <- estimate_rel_sb(rel_initial = rel_vec, k = 1/k_vec)
k_mat <- matrix(k_vec, length(k_vec), length(k_vec))
intercor_mat <- matrix(intercor, length(k_vec), length(k_vec))
r_mat_item <- composite_r_scalar(mean_rxy = R_scales,
k_vars_x = 1/ k_mat, mean_intercor_x = intercor_mat,
k_vars_y = 1/ t(k_mat), mean_intercor_y = t(intercor_mat))
diag(r_mat_item) <- intercor
R <- matrix(NA, length(item_names), length(item_names))
for(i in 1:length(k_vec)) for(j in 1:length(k_vec)) R[item_index[[i]], item_index[[j]]] <- r_mat_item[i,j]
diag(R) <- 1
item_sds <- item_means <- NULL
for(i in 1:length(k_vec)){
item_means <- c(item_means, rep(mean_vec[i], k_vec[i]) / k_vec[i])
item_sds <- c(item_sds, rep(sd_vec[i] / sum(R[item_index[[i]], item_index[[i]]])^.5, k_vec[i]))
S <- diag(item_sds) %*% R %*% diag(item_sds)
S_scales <- diag(sd_vec) %*% R_scales %*% diag(sd_vec)
dimnames(R_scales) <- dimnames(S_scales) <- list(var_names, var_names)
dimnames(R) <- dimnames(S) <- list(item_names, item_names)
id_vec <- 1:ncol(S)
wt_mat <- matrix(0, ncol(S), length(item_index))
for(i in 1:length(item_index)) wt_mat[id_vec %in% item_index[[i]],i] <- 1
comb_cov <- t(wt_mat) %*% S
comb_var <- comb_cov %*% wt_mat
S_complete <- cbind(rbind(comb_var, t(comb_cov)), rbind(comb_cov, S))
rownames(S_complete) <- colnames(S_complete) <- c(var_names, item_names)
R_complete <- suppressWarnings(cov2cor(S_complete))
item_index_complete <- lapply(item_index, function(x) x + length(k_vec))
means_complete <- c(mean_vec, item_means)
sds_complete <- c(sd_vec, item_sds)
names(means_complete) <- names(sds_complete) <- c(var_names, item_names)
names(item_names_list) <- var_names
list(R_complete = R_complete,
S_complete = S_complete,
R_items = R,
S_items = S,
R_scales = R_scales,
S_scales = S_scales,
rel_vec = rel_vec,
means_complete = means_complete,
sds_complete = sds_complete,
item_means = item_means,
item_index = item_index,
item_index_complete = item_index_complete,
scale_names = var_names,
item_names = item_names_list)
simulate_psych_items <- function(n, k_vec, R_scales, rel_vec,
mean_vec = rep(0, length(k_vec)),
sd_vec = rep(1, length(k_vec)), var_names = NULL){
R_scales_obs <- R_scales
diag(R_scales_obs) <- 1 / rel_vec
R_scales_obs <- cov2cor(R_scales_obs)
obs_out <- itemize_scales(k_vec = k_vec, R_scales = R_scales_obs, rel_vec = rel_vec,
mean_vec = mean_vec, sd_vec = sd_vec, var_names = var_names)
true_out <- itemize_scales(k_vec = k_vec, R_scales = R_scales, rel_vec = rep(1, length(k_vec)),
mean_vec = mean_vec, sd_vec = sd_vec * rel_vec^.5, var_names = var_names)
error_out <- itemize_scales(k_vec = k_vec, R_scales = diag(length(k_vec)), rel_vec = rep(0, length(k_vec)),
mean_vec = rep(0, length(k_vec)), sd_vec = (sd_vec^2 - sd_vec^2 * rel_vec)^.5, var_names = var_names)
item_index <- true_out$item_index
R <- list(observed = obs_out$R_complete,
true = true_out$R_complete,
error = error_out$R_complete)
S <- list(observed = obs_out$S_complete,
true = true_out$S_complete,
error = error_out$S_complete)
params <- list(rel = obs_out$rel_vec,
means = obs_out$means_complete,
sds = obs_out$sds_complete,
scale_names = obs_out$scale_names,
item_names = obs_out$item_names,
item_index = obs_out$item_index_complete)
if (!requireNamespace("MASS", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("The package 'MASS' is not installed.\n",
" 'MASS' is required to simulate samples.\n",
" Please install 'MASS'.")
items_true <- MASS::mvrnorm(n = n, mu = true_out$item_means, Sigma = true_out$S_items)
items_error <- MASS::mvrnorm(n = n, mu = error_out$item_means, Sigma = error_out$S_items)
colnames(items_true) <- colnames(items_error) <- colnames(true_out$S_items)
items_obs <- items_true + items_error
items_obs <- as_tibble(items_obs, .name_repair = "minimal")
items_true <- as_tibble(items_true, .name_repair = "minimal")
items_error <- as_tibble(items_error, .name_repair = "minimal")
scales_obs <- simplify2array(lapply(true_out$item_index, function(x) apply(items_obs[,x], 1, sum)))
scales_true <- simplify2array(lapply(true_out$item_index, function(x) apply(items_true[,x], 1, sum)))
scales_error <- simplify2array(lapply(true_out$item_index, function(x) apply(items_error[,x], 1, sum)))
colnames(scales_obs) <- colnames(scales_true) <- colnames(scales_error) <- true_out$scale_names
rel_mat <- simplify2array(lapply(item_index, function(x){
R <- cor(items_obs[,x])
S <- cov(items_obs[,x])
c(alpha_u = mean(S[lower.tri(S)]) / mean(S),
alpha_s = mean(R[lower.tri(R)]) / mean(R))
rel_mat[] <- NA
rel_mat <- rbind(rel_mat,
rxx_parallel = diag(cor(scales_obs, scales_true))^2)
list(data = list(observed = cbind(scales_obs, items_obs),
true = cbind(scales_true, items_true),
error = cbind(scales_error, items_error)),
R = R,
S = S,
params = params,
rel_mat = rel_mat)
list(R = R,
S = S,
params = params)
.compute_alpha <- function(sigma, ...){
k <- ncol(sigma)
wt <- rep(1, ncol(sigma))
numer <- sum(wt * diag(sigma))
denom <- c(wt %*% sigma %*% wt)
k / (k - 1) * (1 - numer / denom)
.alpha_items <- function(item_dat = NULL, S = NULL, R = NULL, item_index, item_wt = NULL){
if(is.null(dim(item_dat))) item_dat <- data.frame(t(item_dat), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
S <- cov(item_dat)
R <- cov2cor(S)
rel_list <- list()
for(i in 1:length(item_index)){
if(length(item_index[[i]]) == 1){
rel_list[[i]] <- c(alpha_u = NA, alpha_s = NA)
.R <- R[item_index[[i]], item_index[[i]]]
.S <- S[item_index[[i]], item_index[[i]]]
wt <- rep(1, ncol(.R))
wt <- item_wt[[i]]
rel_list[[i]] <- c(alpha_u = .compute_alpha(sigma = .S, wt = wt),
alpha_s = .compute_alpha(sigma = .R, wt = wt))
names(rel_list) <- names(item_index)
rel_mat <- simplify2array(rel_list)
rel_mat[] <- NA
#' Compute coefficient alpha
#' @param sigma Covariance matrix (must be supplied if data argument is not supplied)
#' @param data Data matrix or data frame (must be supplied if sigma argument is not supplied)
#' @param standardized Logical scalar determining whether alpha should be computed from an unstandardized covariance matrix (\code{TRUE}) or a correlation matrix (\code{FALSE}).
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to \code{cov()} function.
#' @return Coefficient alpha
#' @export
#' @examples
#' compute_alpha(sigma = reshape_vec2mat(cov = .4, order = 10))
compute_alpha <- function(sigma = NULL, data = NULL, standardized = FALSE, ...){
stop("Either sigma or data must be supplied", call. = FALSE)
sigma <- cov(data, ...)
if(standardized) sigma <- cov2cor(sigma)
.compute_alpha(sigma = sigma)
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