
Defines functions .refit.pulsar refit.pulsar refit

Documented in refit

#' Refit pulsar model
#' Run the supplied graphical model function on the whole dataset and refit with the selected lambda(s)
#' @param obj a fitted \code{pulsar} or \code{batch.pulsar} object
#' @param criterion a character vector of criteria for refitting on full data. An optimal index must be defined for each criterion or a message will displayed. If missing (no argument is supplied), try to refit for all pre-specified criteria.
#' @details The \code{refit} call is evaluated in the environment specified by the \code{pulsar} or \code{batch.pulsar} object, so if any variables were used for arguments to the original call, unless they are purposefully updated, should not be altered. For example, if the variable for the original data is reassigned, the output of \code{refit} will not be on the original dataset.
#' @return a \code{pulsar.refit} S3 object with members:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item est: the raw output from the graphical model function, \code{fun}, applied to the full dataset.
#'   \item refit: a named list of adjacency matrices, for each optimal criterion in \code{obj} or specified in the \code{criterion} argument.
#'   \item fun: the original function used to estimate the graphical model along the lambda path.
#' @examples
#' ## Generate the data with huge:
#' \dontrun{
#' library(huge)
#' set.seed(10010)
#' p <- 40 ; n <- 1200
#' dat   <- huge.generator(n, p, "hub", verbose=FALSE, v=.1, u=.3)
#' lams  <- getLamPath(getMaxCov(dat$data), .01, len=20)
#' ## Run pulsar with huge
#' hugeargs <- list(lambda=lams, verbose=FALSE)
#' out.p <- pulsar(dat$data, fun=huge::huge, fargs=hugeargs,
#'                 rep.num=20, criterion='stars')
#' fit  <- refit(out.p)
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{pulsar}} \code{\link{batch.pulsar}}
#' @export
refit <- function(obj, criterion) {

#' @export
refit.pulsar <- function(obj, criterion) {
    .refit.pulsar(obj, criterion)

#' @keywords internal
.refit.pulsar <- function(obj, criterion) {
    est <- vector('list', 2)
    names(est) <- c('est', 'refit')
    fin <- getArgs(getCall(obj), getEnvir(obj))
    ## call est function on original dataset
    if (length(obj$est)) {
      est$est <- obj$est
    } else {
      est$est <- do.call(eval(fin$fun), c(fin$fargs, list(fin$data)))

    if (missing(criterion)) criterion <- eval(fin$criterion)
    est$refit <- vector('list', length(criterion))
    names(est$refit) <- criterion
    for (crit in criterion) {
      optind <- obj[[crit]]$opt.index
      if (!is.null(optind)) {
        est$refit[[crit]] <- est$est$path[[optind]]
      } else {
        est$refit[[crit]] <- NULL
        if (crit %in% names(obj)) {
          message(paste('No optimal index selected for', crit, 'criterion', sep=" "))
        } else
          warning(paste('Unknown criterion', crit, sep=" "), call.=FALSE)

    ## TODO: if fun is null, get formal arg of obj
    est$fun <- obj$call$fun
    if (is.null(est$fun))
      est$fun <- formals(class(obj))$fun

    structure(est, class='pulsar.refit')

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pulsar documentation built on Sept. 25, 2023, 1:08 a.m.