#' Create HIT
#' Create a single HIT. This is the most important function in the package. It
#' creates a HIT based upon the specified parameters: (1) characteristics
#' inherited from a HITType or specification of those parameters and (2) some
#' kind of Question data structure.
#' This function creates a new HIT and makes it available to workers.
#' Characteristics of the HIT can either be specified by including a valid
#' HITTypeId for \dQuote{hit.type} or creating a new HITType by atomically
#' specifying the characteristics of a new HITType.
#' When creating a HIT, some kind of Question data structure must be specified.
#' Either, a QuestionForm, HTMLQuestion, or ExternalQuestion data structure can
#' be specified for the \code{question} parameter or, if a HIT template created
#' in the Requester User Interface (RUI) is being used, the appropriate
#' \code{hitlayoutid} can be specified. If the HIT template contains variable
#' placeholders, then the \code{hitlayoutparameters} should also be specified.
#' When creating a ExternalQuestion HITs, the
#' \code{\link{GenerateHITsFromTemplate}} function can emulate the HIT template
#' functionality by converting a template .html file into a set of individual
#' HIT .html files (that would also have to be uploaded to a web server) and
#' executing \code{CreateHIT} for each of these external files with an
#' appropriate ExternalQuestion data structure specified for the
#' \code{question} parameter.
#' Note that HIT and Assignment Review Policies are not currently supported.
#' \code{createhit()}, \code{create()}, \code{CreateHITWithHITType()},
#' and \code{createhitwithhittype()} are aliases.
#' @aliases CreateHIT createhit create CreateHITWithHITType
#' createhitwithhittype
#' @param hit.type An optional character string specifying the HITTypeId that
#' this HIT should be generated from. If used, the HIT will inherit title,
#' description, keywords, reward, and other properties of the HIT.
#' @param question A mandatory (unless layoutid is specified) character string
#' containing a QuestionForm, HTMLQuestion, or ExternalQuestion data structure.
#' In lieu of a question parameter, a \code{hitlayoutid} and, optionally,
#' \code{hitlayoutparameters} can be specified.
#' @param expiration The time (in seconds) that the HIT should be available to
#' workers. Must be between 30 and 31536000 seconds.
#' @param assignments A character string specifying the number of assignments
#' @param An optional character string containing an
#' Assignment-level ReviewPolicy data structure as returned by \code{\link{GenerateAssignmentReviewPolicy}}.
#' @param An optional character string containing a HIT-level
#' ReviewPolicy data structure as returned by \code{\link{GenerateHITReviewPolicy}}.
#' @param annotation An optional character string annotating the HIT. This is
#' not visible to workers, but can be used as a label by which to identify the
#' HIT from the API.
#' @param unique.request.token An optional character string, included only for
#' advanced users. It can be used to prevent creating a duplicate HIT. A HIT
#' will not be creatd if a HIT was previously granted (within a short time
#' window) using the same \code{unique.request.token}.
#' @param title A character string containing the title for the HITType. All
#' HITs of this HITType will be visibly grouped to workers according to this
#' title. Maximum of 128 characters.
#' @param description A character string containing a description of the
#' HITType. This is visible to workers. Maximum of 2000 characters.
#' @param reward A character string containing the per-assignment reward
#' amount, in U.S. Dollars (e.g., \dQuote{0.15}).
#' @param duration A character string containing the amount of time workers
#' have to complete an assignment for HITs of this HITType, in seconds (for
#' example, as returned by \code{\link{seconds}}). Minimum of 30 seconds and
#' maximum of 365 days.
#' @param keywords An optional character string containing a comma-separated
#' set of keywords by which workers can search for HITs of this HITType.
#' Maximum of 1000 characters.
#' @param auto.approval.delay An optional character string specifying the
#' amount of time, in seconds (for example, as returned by
#' \code{\link{seconds}}), before a submitted assignment is automatically
#' granted. Maximum of 30 days.
#' @param qual.req An optional list containing one or more
#' QualificationRequirements, for example as returned by
#' \code{\link{GenerateQualificationRequirement}}.
#' @param hitlayoutid An optional character string including a HITLayoutId
#' retrieved from a HIT \dQuote{project} template generated in the Requester
#' User Interface at \samp{}. If the
#' HIT template includes variable placeholders, must also specify
#' \code{hitlayoutparameters}.
#' @param hitlayoutparameters Required if using a hitlayoutid with placeholder values.
#' This must be a list of lists containing Name and String values.
#' @param verbose Optionally print the results of the API request to the
#' standard output. Default is taken from \code{getOption('pyMTurkR.verbose',
#' TRUE)}.
#' @return A data frame containing the HITId and other details of the newly
#' created HIT.
#' @author Tyler Burleigh, Thomas J. Leeper
#' @references
#' \href{}{API Reference}
#' @keywords HITs
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' CreateHIT(title = "Survey",
#' description = "5 question survey",
#' reward = "0.10",
#' assignments = 1,
#' expiration = seconds(days = 4),
#' duration = seconds(hours = 1),
#' keywords = "survey, questionnaire",
#' question = GenerateExternalQuestion("","400"))
#' }
#' @export CreateHIT
#' @export createhit
#' @export create
#' @export CreateHITWithHITType
#' @export createhitwithhittype
CreateHIT <-
CreateHITWithHITType <-
create <-
createhit <-
createhitwithhittype <-
function (hit.type = NULL,
question = NULL,
assignments = NULL, = NULL, = NULL,
annotation = NULL,
unique.request.token = NULL,
title = NULL,
description = NULL,
reward = NULL,
duration = NULL,
keywords = NULL,
auto.approval.delay = NULL,
qual.req = NULL,
hitlayoutid = NULL,
hitlayoutparameters = NULL,
verbose = getOption('pyMTurkR.verbose', TRUE)) {
GetClient() # Boto3 client
# List to store arguments
args <- list()
if (!is.null(hit.type)) {
if (is.factor(hit.type)) {
hit.type <- as.character(hit.type)
if ( (!is.null(title) || !is.null(description) ||
!is.null(reward) || !is.null(duration)) & verbose) {
warning("HITType specified, HITType parameters (title, description, reward, duration) ignored")
if(!is.null(hit.type) & !is.null(qual.req)){
stop("Cannot use both hit.type and a qual.req at the same time.")
# Set the function to use later (this one has a hit type)
fun <- pyMTurkR$Client$create_hit_with_hit_type
# Add to args list
args <- c(args, list(HITTypeId = hit.type))
# Assignments, if specified
if(!is.null(assignments)) {
if (as.integer(assignments) < 1 | as.integer(assignments) > 1e+09) {
stop("MaxAssignments must be between 1 and 1000000000")
} else {
args <- c(args, list(MaxAssignments = as.integer(assignments)))
} else { # No hit.type specified, use other params
if (is.null(title) || is.null(description) || is.null(reward) || is.null(duration)) {
stop("Must specify HITType xor HITType parameters (title, description, reward, duration)")
} else { # Use other params
# Set the function to use later (this one doesn't have a hit type)
fun <- pyMTurkR$Client$create_hit
# Title
if (nchar(title) > 128) {
stop("Title too long (128 char max)")
} else {
args <- c(args, list(Title = as.character(title)))
# Description
if (nchar(description) > 2000) {
stop("Description too long (2000 char max)")
} else {
args <- c(args, list(Description = as.character(description)))
# Duration
if (as.numeric(duration) < 30 || as.numeric(duration) > 3153600) {
stop("Duration must be between 30 (30 seconds) and 3153600 (365 days)")
} else {
args <- c(args, list(AssignmentDurationInSeconds = as.integer(duration)))
# Rewards
# If it's a fraction of a dollar, then it must have a leading zero
if(grepl('^\\.', reward)){
reward <- paste0('0', reward)
args <- c(args, list(Reward = as.character(reward)))
# Keywords
if (!is.null(keywords)) {
if (nchar(keywords) > 1000) {
stop("Keywords too long (1000 char max)")
} else {
args <- c(args, list(Keywords = as.character(keywords)))
# Assignments
if (is.null(assignments)) {
stop("Number of Assignments must be specified")
} else if (as.integer(assignments) < 1 | as.integer(assignments) > 1e+09) {
stop("MaxAssignments must be between 1 and 1000000000")
} else {
args <- c(args, list(MaxAssignments = as.integer(assignments)))
if (!is.null(auto.approval.delay)) {
if (!as.integer(auto.approval.delay) > 0 | !as.integer(auto.approval.delay) <= 2592000) {
warning("AutoApprovalDelayInSeconds must be between 0 (0 seconds) and 2592000 (30 days); defaults to 30 days")
auto.approval.delay <- as.integer(2592000)
} else {
auto.approval.delay <- as.integer(auto.approval.delay)
args <- c(args, list(AutoApprovalDelayInSeconds = as.integer(auto.approval.delay)))
# Common to both methods
# Must contain one of: QuestionForm, HTMLQuestion,
# ExternalQuestion for 'question' parameter; or a 'hitlayoutid'
if (is.null(question)) {
if (!is.null(hitlayoutid)) {
args <- c(args, list(HITLayoutId = as.character(hitlayoutid)))
for(i in 1:length(hitlayoutparameters)){
hitlayoutparameters[[i]] <- reticulate::dict(hitlayoutparameters[[i]] )
args <- c(args, list(HITLayoutParameters = hitlayoutparameters))
} else {
stop("Must specify QuestionForm, HTMLQuestion, or ExternalQuestion for 'question' parameter; or a 'hitlayoutid'")
} else {
if (class(question) %in% c('HTMLQuestion','ExternalQuestion')) {
question <- question$string
args <- c(args, list(Question = as.character(question)))
# Expiration
if (is.null(expiration)) {
stop("Must specify HIT LifetimeInSeconds for expiration parameter")
} else if (as.integer(expiration) < 30 | as.integer(expiration) > 31536000) {
stop("HIT LifetimeInSeconds/expiration must be between 30 and 31536000 seconds")
} else {
args <- c(args, list(LifetimeInSeconds = as.integer(expiration)))
# Annotation
if (!is.null(annotation) && nchar(annotation) > 255) {
stop("Annotation must be <= 255 characters")
} else if (!is.null(annotation)) {
args <- c(args, list(RequesterAnnotation = as.character(annotation)))
# Assignment review policy
if (!is.null( {
args <- c(args, list(AssignmentReviewPolicy =
# HIT review policy
if (!is.null( {
args <- c(args, list(HITReviewPolicy =
# Unique request token
if (!is.null(unique.request.token) && nchar(curl::curl_escape(unique.request.token)) > 64) {
stop("UniqueRequestToken must be <= 64 characters")
} else if (!is.null(unique.request.token)) {
args <- c(args, list(UniqueRequestToken = as.character(unique.request.token)))
# Qualification Requirements
if (!is.null(qual.req)){
args <- c(args, list(QualificationRequirements = qual.req))
# Execute the API call
response <- try('fun', args), silent = !verbose
# Validity check
if (inherits(response, "try-error")) {
warning("Invalid Request")
} else {
HITs <- emptydf(1, 3, c("HITTypeId", "HITId", "Valid"))
HITs$HITTypeId <- response$HIT$HITTypeId
HITs$HITId <- response$HIT$HITId
HITs$Valid <- TRUE
message("HIT ", response$HIT$HITId, " created")
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