
Defines functions .calc.par calc.par

Documented in calc.par

#' Calculate NCA Parameters
#' Calculates PK parameters for which half-life is not needed in the calculation for each PK curve defined using \code{by}.
#' @importFrom dplyr arrange mutate summarize filter group_by do select
#' @importFrom tidyr drop_na
#' @importFrom dplyr summarise last
#' @import magrittr
#' @param x contains all data after time/concentration deviation corrections obtained from \code{\link{correct.time}} and \code{\link{correct.conc}}
#' @param by column names in x indicating grouping variables
#' @param tau dosing interval (for multiple dosing); NA (default) for if single dose; x$tau overrides
#' @param tstart start time of partial AUC (start>0); NA (default) if not requested; x$tstart overrides
#' @param tend end time of partial AUC; NA (default) if not requested; x$tend overrides
#' @param teval user selected AUC interval; NA (default) if not requested; x$teval overrides
#' @param route route of drug administration ("EV","IVB","IVI"); x$route overrides
#' @param method method for trapezoidal rule
#' * 1: linear up - linear down
#' * 2: linear up - logarithmic down
#' * 3: linear before first Tmax, logarithmic after first Tmax
#' @return A dataset with estimates for the following parameters,
#' one observation per subject:
#' **Parameter** | **Description**
#' --------- | -----------
#' t0.ok     | flags if t=0 concentration could be corrected/imputes. If not, no AUCs starting at t=0 are calculated
#' tlast.ok  | flags if there is at least one measurable concentration. If not, no AUClast can be calculated
#' tlast     | time of last sample with measurable concentration
#' clast.obs | observed concentration at tlast
#' aucall    | auc calculated over all observations, including values below LOQ (which are set to 0)
#' auclast   | auc calculated using all observations up to and including the last measurable concentration (clast.obs at tlast)
#' aumcall   | aumc calculated over all observations, including values below LOQ (which are set to 0)
#' aumclast  | aumc calculated using all observations up to and including the last measurable concentration (clast.obs at tlast)
#' tau       | the dosing interval (if specified)
#' calc.tau  | flags if AUCtau could be calculated
#' auctau    | auc calculated over the dosing interval, only calculated if tau is specified
#' aumctau   | aumc calculated over the dosing interval, only calculated if tau is specified
#' teval     | user selected AUC interval starting at t=0 (if specified)
#' calc.teval| flags if AUCteval could be calculated
#' aucxx     | auc calculated from t=0 up to/including teval, only calculated if teval is specified (xx is substituted by teval)
#' calc.part | flags if AUCpart could be calculated
#' tstart    | start time of partial AUC (if specified)
#' tend      | end time of partial AUC (if specified)
#' aucx_y    | partial auc from time=x up to/including time=y, where x>0, only calculated if tstart and tend are specified
#' c0        | back-extrapolated concentration at t=0 for IV bolus administration
#' area.back.extr | area back-extrapolated to 0
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' example(correct.conc)
#' par <- x %>% calc.par(by = 'subject')
#' par %>% head
#' }
calc.par <- function(
  by = character(0),
  tau = NA,
  tstart = NA,
  tend = NA,
  teval = NA,
  route = "EV",
  method = 1
  supplied <- character(0)
  if(!missing(tau)) supplied <- c(supplied,'tau')
  if(!missing(tstart)) supplied <- c(supplied,'tstart')
  if(!missing(tend)) supplied <- c(supplied,'tend')
  if(!missing(teval)) supplied <- c(supplied,'teval')
  if(!missing(route)) supplied <- c(supplied,'route')
  if(!missing(method)) supplied <- c(supplied,'method')
  x <- group_by_at(x, vars(by))
  x <- do(
    .data = x,
      tau = tau,
      tstart = tstart,
      tend = tend,
      teval = teval,
      route = route,
      method = method,
      supplied = supplied
  x <- ungroup(x)
.calc.par <- function(x, tau, tstart, tend, teval , route, method, supplied){
    for(arg in c('tau','tstart','tend','teval','route','method')){
    if(arg %in% names(x)){
      if(arg %in% supplied){
        warning(arg,' supplied as column overrides like-named argument')
      x[[arg]] <- NULL
    if(length(get(arg)) > 1) {
      warning(arg, ' has length > 1; only first value will be used')
      assign(arg, get(arg)[[1]])

  # Calculate parameters

  # check for each AUC if start and end time/conc are available

  tlast.ok=0         # internal variable
  t0.ok=0            # internal variable
  tau.ok=0           # internal variable
  teval.ok=0         # internal variable
  part.ok=0          # internal variable

  par = x %>% filter(!is.na(time.lastall))     # if critical time point, it's not NA anymore, so all time=NA are deleted

  if (max(par$conc.lastall,na.rm=T)>0) { tlast.ok=1 }

  if (is.element(0,par$ptime)) { t0.ok=ifelse(par$time.lastall[par$ptime==0]==0
                                              &!is.na(par$conc.lastall[par$ptime==0]),1,t0.ok) }

  if (!is.na(tau)&t0.ok==1&is.element(tau,par$time.tau))       { tau.ok= ifelse(is.na(par$conc.tau[par$time.tau==0]) |
                                                                                  is.na(par$conc.tau[par$time.tau==tau]),0,1)  }
  if (!is.na(teval)&t0.ok==1&is.element(teval,par$time.teval)) { teval.ok=
    ifelse(is.na(par$conc.teval[par$time.teval==0]) |
  if (!is.na(tstart)&!is.na(tend)&is.element(tstart,par$time.part)&is.element(tend,par$time.part))
  {  part.ok=  ifelse(is.na(par$conc.part[par$time.part==tstart]) |
                        is.na(par$conc.part[par$time.part==tend]),0,1) }

  par=par %>% summarise(
    method = method,
    tlast = ifelse(
      tlast.ok == 1,
      last(time.lastall[!is.na(conc.lastall) & conc.lastall > 0 & bloqvar1 == 0]),
    clast.obs = ifelse(tlast.ok == 1, conc.lastall[time.lastall ==
                                                     tlast], NA),
    tlast.ok = tlast.ok,
    t0.ok = t0.ok,

    aucall = ifelse(
      t0.ok == 1,
        x = time.lastall[!is.na(conc.lastall)],
        y = conc.lastall[!is.na(conc.lastall)],
        method = method

    auclast = ifelse(t0.ok == 1 & tlast.ok == 1,
                     trap(x = time.lastall[!is.na(conc.lastall) &
                                             time.lastall <= tlast],
                          y = conc.lastall[!is.na(conc.lastall) &
                                             time.lastall <= tlast], method = method),

    aumcall = ifelse(t0.ok == 1 & tlast.ok == 1,
                     trapm(x = time.lastall[!is.na(conc.lastall)],
                           y = conc.lastall[!is.na(conc.lastall)], method =

    aumclast = ifelse(t0.ok == 1 &
                        tlast.ok == 1,
                      trapm(x = time.lastall[!is.na(conc.lastall) &
                                               time.lastall <= tlast],
                            y = conc.lastall[!is.na(conc.lastall) &
                                               time.lastall <= tlast], method = method),

    mrtall = ifelse(t0.ok == 1 &
                      tlast.ok == 1, aumcall / aucall, NA),
    mrtlast = ifelse(t0.ok == 1 &
                       tlast.ok == 1, aumclast / auclast, NA),

    calc.tau = tau.ok,

    auctau = ifelse(t0.ok == 1 & tau.ok == 1,
                    trap(x = time.tau[!is.na(conc.tau) &
                                        time.tau <= tau],
                         y = conc.tau[!is.na(conc.tau) &
                                        time.tau <= tau], method = method),
    aumctau = ifelse(t0.ok == 1 & tau.ok == 1,
                     trapm(x = time.tau[!is.na(conc.tau) &
                                          time.tau <= tau],
                           y = conc.tau[!is.na(conc.tau) &
                                          time.tau <= tau], method = method),
    tau = ifelse(!is.na(tau), tau, NA),

    calc.teval = teval.ok,
    aucteval = ifelse(t0.ok == 1 &
                        teval.ok == 1,
                      trap(x = time.teval[!is.na(conc.teval) &
                                            time.teval <= teval],
                           y = conc.teval[!is.na(conc.teval) &
                                            time.teval <= teval], method = method),
    teval = ifelse(!is.na(teval), teval, NA),

    calc.part = part.ok,
    aucpart = ifelse(part.ok == 1,
                     trap(x = time.part[!is.na(conc.part) &
                                          time.part >= tstart & time.part <= tend],
                          y = conc.part[!is.na(conc.part) &
                                          time.part >= tstart & time.part <= tend], method = method),
    tstart = ifelse(!is.na(tstart), tstart, NA),
    tend = ifelse(!is.na(tend), tend, NA),
    c0 = ifelse(tolower(route) == "ivb", conc.lastall[ptime ==
                                                        0], NA),

    area.back.extr = ifelse(tolower(route) == "ivb",
                            trap(x = time.lastall[time.lastall <=
                                                    firstmeast & !is.na(conc.lastall)],
                                 y = conc.lastall[time.lastall <=
                                                    firstmeast & !is.na(conc.lastall)],
                                 method = method),


  names(result)[names(result)=="aucteval"]=ifelse(!is.na(teval),paste("auc",teval,sep=""),"aucteval") # rename aucteval to aucXX
  names(result)[names(result)=="aucpart"]=ifelse(!is.na(tend),paste("auc",tstart,"_",tend,sep=""),"aucpart") # rename aucpart to aucXX_XX
  #  if(is.na(tau))   result = subset(result, select = -c(tau,calc.tau,auctau,aumctau) )    # drop au(m)ctau and tau if not requested
  #  if(is.na(teval)) result = subset(result, select = -c(teval,calc.teval,aucteval) )      # drop aucteval and teval if not requested
  #  if(is.na(tend))  result = subset(result, select = -c(tstart,tend,calc.part,aucpart) )  # drop aucpart, tstart and tend if not requested


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qpNCA documentation built on Aug. 16, 2021, 5:08 p.m.